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Kill la Kill |OT|


I know I might be the only one who might be thinking this but even with the heel face turn of
Satsuki, doesn't anyone still want to see her knocked down a few pegs? I know at times it feels like they focus more on her ambitions than really developing Ryuko but when you think about it (I know we really shouldn't when it comes to Kill La Kill) she has done a lot of really bad stuff that she needs to pay for. The whole fascist regime, the class system leading to permanently impoverished people, attacking other cities, even giving out death penalties to people. I know that they will play it off as for the greater good or something, but let's be honest, no one really gets a free pass for pulling that crap if it would happen.
Well anyways I do enjoy the show for what it is, even though reflecting on some things might make it seem weird.

If she
saves humanity
no one will care.
i'm so dumb.

of course NUI had one of her dolls be ragyu. she told NUi before the ceremony "make sure you dress up in clothing that matches my sense of style". just realized it right now.


i'm so dumb.

of course NUI had one of her dolls be ragyu. she told NUi before the ceremony "make sure you dress up in clothing that matches my sense of style". just realized it right now.

Yeah and she disobeyed big time.

Satsuki should have known that
her mother would never wear that. Maybe she did know and was annoyed at her for having sent a Nui puppet.


I'm VERY excited for the next episode. Crazy shit going down, I was partially expecting what happened at the end, but I wasn't entirely certain. Particularly I wasnt sure that
Satsuki knew what Ragyo was going to do. But there were some signs that Satsuki had a good handle of the plan.

i'm so dumb.

of course NUI had one of her dolls be ragyu. she told NUi before the ceremony "make sure you dress up in clothing that matches my sense of style". just realized it right now.

Oh shit. Did not cross my mind!


i'm so dumb.

of course NUI had one of her dolls be ragyu. she told NUi before the ceremony "make sure you dress up in clothing that matches my sense of style". just realized it right now.

Man, not another ruse. Hope it's just
Ragyo knowing about the plot going in, but giving zero fucks about what Satsuki can do to her. There's all those scars on her body after all - she might bleed like normal humans, but she'll revive right after. Something like that.
Yes. Nui's bullshit was cute once, and she's already pulled it like 3 times. It's not clever anymore.
i hope Ryuko does what Satsuki just did to Ragyo to Nui next episode when she least expects, afterall it would be poetic for a troll character to be trolled themself
only Nui dies for real


Gonna go ahead and say that there's gonna be none of that
puppet master stuff. It's pretty evident that Ragyo is infused with life fibers in some way (probably a big way, really) - ignoring the literal star-shaped scars on her back, the blood that was spewing out of Ragyo's mouth was literally boiling, and there was steam coming off Satsuki's blade when she yanked it out. The show's made a big enough deal connecting boiling blood to the Kamui/Life Fibers that I don't think it's a stretch to say that it's a pretty obvious hint about how deep her connection with the Life Fibers run, and as the show has already established, they self-repair.


I actually like the
puppet theory mainly because it justifies the ridiculous costume by it being Nui making fun of Ragyou.

Only if Senketsu is the
one that went berserk and killed Kinue, and what we saw was actually Dr. Matoi trying to remake Senketsu afterwards. Ryuko's DNA being in Senketsu doesn't really prove anything other than her DNA being in Senketsu until we're sure.

You misunderstood me; it proves that Ryuuko
is related to Tsumugu because Tsumugu was able to hear Senketsu. Ryuuko and Senketsu understand each other because Senketsu has Ryuuko's DNA; if Tsumugu shares part of Ryuuko's DNA as the brother of her mother it makes sense for him to be able to somewhat hear Senketsu.


I actually like the
puppet theory mainly because it justifies the ridiculous costume by it being Nui making fun of Ragyou.

You misunderstood me; it proves that Ryuuko
is related to Tsumugu because Tsumugu was able to hear Senketsu. Ryuuko and Senketsu understand each other because Senketsu has Ryuuko's DNA; if Tsumugu shares part of Ryuuko's DNA as the brother of her mother it makes sense for him to be able to somewhat hear Senketsu.

What if
Ryuko is Kinue. I mean Ryuko doesn't know anything about the school or anything about her father's doings at the start of the show... she's totally oblivious. What if she was some how recently reborn from Kinue.

Hah looks like I'm totally off, went and read the backstory of her.



I'd use this but I like my Barazo one



What a crazy episode. I don't think anyone saw that coming tonight.

I just don't think it's going to be so easy for Satsuki and crew to take over so easily. Ragyo is obviously gonna survive this little incident, and there's gonna be hell to pay. Seems a lot of posters in this thread totally called it.

I mean, I guess it was obvious, but I didn't think it would happen so soon! Love the pacing in this show.


I am loving this show.


it seems like every week the biggest question gets bigger

what is the point of even having Ryuuko? I mean so far she has accomplished nothing and now has no reason for fighting Satsuki. I mean sure Satsuki is going to get owned and Ryuuko will have to save the day and all that but honest;y she is really really pointless at this point...
I am loving this show but fucking hell man
I am loving this show.


it seems like every week the biggest question gets bigger

what is the point of even having Ryuuko? I mean so far she has accomplished nothing and now has no reason for fighting Satsuki. I mean sure Satsuki is going to get owned and Ryuuko will have to save the day and all that but honest;y she is really really pointless at this point...
I am loving this show but fucking hell man

I've been thinking about too. I honestly think
The heel face turn of Satsuki could be seen coming a mile away and it's a safe bet they would work together later. I actually wish they wouldn't have done it. Keep Satsuki as a villian and have Ryuko as her opposite. If written well they could have a 3 sided battle instead of just 2, where it's Revocs vs. everyone else. I did mention how pretty much I think they are just gonna pass over all the stuff Satsuki has done but if they didn't and have Ryuko actually do something about it, it would make her grow as a character. I'm not just talking about beating her in a battle once and giving a speech, but actually break down everything she stood for and ending her regime kind of peg down.


HAHA, the Ragyo doll theory is totally legit and horrible. Ugh, fuck this awesome show. Love this awful show.
Kill la Kill 16-17

The purple lights man. that's all I got to say. also Mako was amazing in this ep again.

Ragyo looked like Juri from SSF4 at one point. I kinda wanted a color like that for her when i saw it.

Ragyo totally
deserved what she got.
Why didn't she die? and I totally wasn't expecting it even though I felt it needed to happen.

The life fiber thing was a twist i didn't expect. Also the way Mako saw it was damned hillarious and amazing
This show is getting..stranger and better every ep.
Seeing everyone getting sucked up by their clothing was kinda nice animation...


I was bored and decided to watch the first three episodes so far, and I am liking it.

Now you can safely skip to episode 11. ;P

Last 3 episodes were good. Given that we have 9 episodes left there is enough space for Ryuko and Satsuki
to tag team Ragyo, Nui, Life Fibers Overlord and then turn on each other for the last DMC'esque standoff.


For once, just once, I wish Satsuki wouldn't predict EVERYTHING. "Lol, I knew the cameras were there the entire time." I like Satsuki as a villain, but predicting everything and everything going according to plan is starting to get annoying.


For once, just once, I wish Satsuki wouldn't predict EVERYTHING. "Lol, I knew the cameras were there the entire time." I like Satsuki as a villain, but predicting everything and everything going according to plan is starting to get annoying.

It's going to be glorious when her plans are thwarted by Ryuko.


For once, just once, I wish Satsuki wouldn't predict EVERYTHING. "Lol, I knew the cameras were there the entire time." I like Satsuki as a villain, but predicting everything and everything going according to plan is starting to get annoying.

I felt the same for the majority of the episode and was ready to write this episode off again for being just more keikaku bullshit. Even the predictable ending twist is setting itself up for more thirty xanatos pileup. Thankfully Satsuki's goals is making me warm up to her a lot more even though it could have been set up so much better.

At this point though, Ryuko deserves the complete truth from Satsuki. No more do-overs or hidden agendas. If she's to not have her protagonist position robbed there needs to be a full disclosure. Everyone needs to be on the same page.

Kind of funny; another way of looking at the OP is less two factions at battle against one another and more two fundamentally opposed ones setting aside their issues and banding together for a common goal.


For once, just once, I wish Satsuki wouldn't predict EVERYTHING. "Lol, I knew the cameras were there the entire time." I like Satsuki as a villain, but predicting everything and everything going according to plan is starting to get annoying.

Normally I'd agree but considering that the guy who set the cameras up also has his organization's name on his phone, I'd say this one was justified.


Oh man the last episode of Kill la Kill was great. What everyone was thinking was going to happen did and I'm sure the only people shocked by it were Nudist Beach and Ryuuko. I do wish it didn't end up being so obvious, but I think the payoff with be good.
Ragyo not dying after being run through and then crucified plus the glowing red eyes at the end make me think that she's nothing more than a ball of life fibers at this point.

Even with the power bump, I'm expecting the elite 4 and Satsuki to lose. That preview also seems to make it look like Ryuuko is gonna struggle here against the big boys.

Next week can't come soon enough.


I actually like the
puppet theory mainly because it justifies the ridiculous costume by it being Nui making fun of Ragyou.

You misunderstood me; it proves that Ryuuko
is related to Tsumugu because Tsumugu was able to hear Senketsu. Ryuuko and Senketsu understand each other because Senketsu has Ryuuko's DNA; if Tsumugu shares part of Ryuuko's DNA as the brother of her mother it makes sense for him to be able to somewhat hear Senketsu.

We don't know that he heard him. All he says is "playing at being friends with clothing again?" which doesn't specifically imply that he heard anything other than Ryuko talking to him.


We don't know that he heard him. All he says is "playing at being friends with clothing again?" which doesn't specifically imply that he heard anything other than Ryuko talking to him.

He is still of the opinion that Life Fibers and humans cannot coexist. This is why he continues to deny that Ryuuko can talk to Senketsu and would put both her and Senketsu down at the drop of a hat.

I think the only person who can and will be able to hear Senketsu will be Ryuuko, and possibly
Ragyo if she is indeed made of life fibers. I suppose the puppet theory works because she looks so much like a demented puppet, but I'm not sure how she'd be able to replicate the rainbow effect.


Reupped the MV for the 2nd ED song, who knows how long it'll last before it gets deleted: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1bgbxw

They also teased a nendo on the English GSC blog (Kahotan I think)


And the figma blog has a pixelated tease for the figma (they don't mention it specifically). Should be known in 2 days when it's WonFes time.


Unconfirmed Member
They also teased a nendo on the English GSC blog (Kahotan I think)


And the figma blog has a pixelated tease for the figma (they don't mention it specifically). Should be known in 2 days when it's WonFes time.
Oh lawd. Give it to me. I hope a Mako follows quickly.


We don't know that he heard him. All he says is "playing at being friends with clothing again?" which doesn't specifically imply that he heard anything other than Ryuko talking to him.

Nah, he said "did that uniform just talk" or something, looking all surprised.


Nah, he said "did that uniform just talk" or something, looking all surprised.

In a previous episode? I watched the scene from 17 again and he just says "playing at being friends with clothes, now I don't feel like shooting them anymore" or something like that.
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