Even though a couple of those plot developments were predictable to anyone who was really paying attention... Holy shit. Amazing episode. The second half of this series is more than making up for any pacing issues the first half had.
At the end they'll probably combine the scissors and both of them will attack at the same time
Kill la Kill being an anime original doesn't need another season.
Yeah, but an anime by ex-Gainax animators is still worrying.
I would tell you to fuck off, but that wouldnt be neogaf appropriate... but apparently asking someone if they got a "chubby" because some fucked up show sexualizes rape of a minor is
I'm sorry but what? Rape is sexual by nature. It cannot be 'sexualized' when it is already a sexual act. It sounds like you're just angry that there are rape scenes in general (which I do not think is right, I thought they did a good job of showing how fucked up and inhumane Ragyo is).
And frankly, the attempted murder of an infant ranks higher on disgust level than that.
Okay. That's fine.
Still ain't fanservice, though. Unless they're appealing to the lucrative child raping shitlord demographic.
Okay. That's fine.
Still ain't fanservice, though. Unless they're appealing to the lucrative child raping shitlord demographic.
Lots of popular Gainax animu were only one season.
In other words, this doesn't play to the "Mother Daughter" fans ... it's FS for viewers who want to see her put in sexual positions. Like I said, there are TRULY disgusting and disturbing ways of portraying molestation and sexual abuse ... shows like FG and American dad portray it with humor, Trigger chose to make it erotic fan service like many other things in the show. Something like "Now and Then, Here and There" is a great example of how this can be portrayed in a disturbing manner.
I just hopeSatsuki doesn't become a support character. It would be way too cool for her to fight without a Kamui.
I just hopeSatsuki doesn't become a support character. It would be way too cool for her to fight without a Kamui.
absolutely. Satsuki doesn't need them fancy godrobes.
She's not going to become a support character, she's definitely going to re-get Junketsu at one point and they'll have one episode where at least we'll see both Kamui's working and fighting together, (I'm about 200% certain the later is going to happen).
I'm still pretty confident that Isshin is a separate person from the rest whose fate really is fully known at this point in time.Satsuki's blade being destroyed just sets up the fact that she will wield the other Scissors blade in the future
Also Isshin is sooooooo the same guy as Satsuki's Dad
- Same goals
- Made a Scissors sword to defeat Ragyo
- Was known that he worked for Ragyo before rebelling
Likely the reason for his disguise was so that:
- He was suppose to be dead... Hence he was inhiding
- He did not want Ragyo to know that Ryuuko was her youngest daughter (Also another reason on why he sent her off to bordering school)
The guy still maintained his disguise even when being stabbed by the scissor's blade not to make Ragyo find out and later connect the dots
I think sn00zer used the wrong term ... or at least a better term would be "they portrayed the rape/ molestation of her daughter as an erotic scene". Erotic being the key here.
I couldn't for the love of me figure out wtf you all were talking about ... I mean, those are hentie scenes. There's no ifs, ands or buts ... that is fanservicey and erotic just like many things in the show.
But tonight I was watching American Dad and I saw something that reminded me of this topic. It was a bit where Roger's dancing and he grabs Toshi, makes him dance with him a bit before he bends him over and starts humping him as everyone awkwardly stares. It came across as humorous and as I was laughing I realized what the disconnect here was. That was funny because of the way it was handled and portrayed. Roger's character is "sick and twisted" among other things but the reason they can show his sexual abuse of others as gags is because of the way they handle them and write them and show them.
There ARE ways to show what Rag does to her as being actually disgusting and disturbing and dark without making it erotic. The simple fact of the matter is that, like everything else in this series (Hello, those fucking outfits/ ass-n-tits shots/ portray of nudey and so on), it's fanservice and given an erotic edge/ angle. That's what sn00zer meant I think and if that's the cause I wholeheartedly agree.
absolutely. Satsuki doesn't need them fancy godrobes.
But nothing in this show has been truly disgusting or disturbing.
That isn't what this show is about. Its an action comedy remember and a sexy one at that.
Why should they throw that all away with a truly disgusting graphic rape scene?
Okay. That's fine.
Still ain't fanservice, though. Unless they're appealing to the lucrative child raping shitlord demographic.
The age of consent in Japan is 14. There are tons of examples of anime that very clearly sexualized teenagers. There are also many anime with dudes that want to fuck their sisters, or sisters that want to fuck their brothers.
You really think Japan doesn't have an anime watching demographic that gets off to sexualized teens?
Yeah, other teenagers. I think a lot of people forget that a lot of this shit is aimed at 13~16 year olds.You really think Japan doesn't have an anime watching demographic that gets off to sexualized teens?
Yeah, other teenagers. I think a lot of people forget that a lot of this shit is aimed at 13~16 year olds.
Kill la Kill airs at 2 am, a lot of this stuff is late night, like 10pm-1am. Anyhow I missed this valentines illustration by Tetsuya Wakano: https://twitter.com/startoy1/status/434075187122692096
LOL, this should give some ammo to the ship to ship combat crowd.Kill la Kill airs at 2 am, a lot of this stuff is late night, like 10pm-1am. Anyhow I missed this valentines illustration by Tetsuya Wakano: https://twitter.com/startoy1/status/434075187122692096
LOL, this should give some ammo to the ship to ship combat crowd.
Kill la Kill being an anime original doesn't need another season.
Kill la Kill airs at 2 am, a lot of this stuff is late night, like 10pm-1am. Anyhow I missed this valentines illustration by Tetsuya Wakano: https://twitter.com/startoy1/status/434075187122692096
LOL, this should give some ammo to the ship to ship combat crowd.
Kill la Kill airs at 2 am, a lot of this stuff is late night, like 10pm-1am. Anyhow I missed this valentines illustration by Tetsuya Wakano: https://twitter.com/startoy1/status/434075187122692096
A box of chocolate would be my guess.What is she holding?
What is she holding?
Yeah, other teenagers.
Only two star goku chocolate box?
Step your game up Satsuki-sama
What is it about KLK that inspires a ton of awesome fanart?
Popular anime with crazy visuals and likeable charactersWhat is it about KLK that inspires a ton of awesome fanart?
The age of consent in Japan is 14. There are tons of examples of anime that very clearly have sexualized teenagers as characters. There are also many anime with dudes that want to fuck their sisters, or sisters that want to fuck their brothers.
You really think Japan doesn't have an anime watching demographic that gets off to sexualized teens?
I'd like to think the creators of TTGL are still a little better than that.