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Kill la Kill |OT|


I really appreciated Mama Nia trying to sneak a peek.

No more TV previews after this week! Making more time for actual episode content??


Well Ryuuko
lost her way. Again.

It's almost hilarious how much the writers are making her into a really unlikeable protagonist.


Well Ryuuko
lost her way. Again.

It's almost hilarious how much the writers are making her into a really unlikeable protagonist.

To be honest the way they're having to handle her is almost like how a lot of comic writers have to deal with Superman. They've made her almost like a god, so they have to throw psychological/emotional drama in order to create conflict that throws her off course. Annoying, but it is what it is. Plus it's also about that slow burn to total victory, which won't happen for a few more episodes.


thanks to Ragyo's spanks i finished to watch this series... over the top fanservice sure is the best way to ruin a fun anime
thanks to Ragyo's spanks i finished to watch this series... over the top fanservice sure is the best way to ruin a fun anime

I don't think that was fan service. Stuff earlier in the series certainly was, but Ragyo doing that to Satsuki certainly is not fanservice unless someone is into child molestation. It was really uncomfortable, just like all of the other times Ragyo did something creepy.


I really appreciate how this week's episode addressed the problem I've been having with a lot of the supporting characters. They are interesting in concept, but haven't been really used much nor do they really feel like they were really characters of their own accord instead of just Satsuki's support crew. Here we get to see them operate without direct orders and have more ownership over their actions. I think it was something the show really needed before it moves firmly into the final stretch. The direction was fairly good too, consider how this was a super cheap episode. Some nice layouts and visuals even without a lot of animation.

Mako x Gamagori OTP for real. Lol. So sweet. <3


I don't think that was fan service. Stuff earlier in the series certainly was, but Ragyo doing that to Satsuki certainly is not fanservice unless someone is into child molestation. It was really uncomfortable, just like all of the other times Ragyo did something creepy.
At the end of the day, its still an adult woman groping and fingering another adult woman. I don't see how thats not fanservice.


At the end of the day, its still an adult woman groping and fingering another adult woman. I don't see how thats not fanservice.

It wasn't presented in an arousing way, it was presented in a very uncomfortable way. How is that fanservice? Fanservice is supposed to arouse the viewer.


It wasn't presented in an arousing way, it was presented in a very uncomfortable way. How is that fanservice? Fanservice is supposed to arouse the viewer.

It was definitely presented in a sensual route. As to whether you found that uncomfortable, that's mostly on you as the viewer.


It seemed more like something out of Django Unchained to me. I'm sure that sort of stuff would turn -someone- on, but erm... yeah.


At the end of the day, its still an adult woman groping and fingering another adult woman. I don't see how thats not fanservice.

That's what I find kind of interesting, you have what is presented on screen and the tone that it takes and the obvious dissonance of these two elements walking the line between sensual and disturbing.

Nudist Nonon
on the other hand is just straight candy. I was not ready for that.
People are always quick to shout fanservice when it comes to anime but I guess the medium hasn't exactly done its best to shake off this image.


See I can't complain about the Ragyo business when it actually succeeds in doing its job of being creepy, unarousing, and making me hate the villain. As opposed to, say, the way Sword Art Online tried to do the same thing but failed in it miserably.


Kill la Kill Episode 19:

Really glad this series has righted itself in these latter stages.
Wasn't expecting the time skip, but hey it was used to advance the story, which puts it over Sword Art Online's abuse of storytelling. At any rate, Satsuki's rebellion has failed, her empire absorbed by COVERS, her forces scattered and now she is an abused prisoner. Also, yea, the groping and spanking is not fanservice. It is rather apparent that this is a very warped take on motherly affection and is designed to make us feel squiky. Also, Ragyo is the villain, trashing the morality of the villain of a work kind of misses the point of this situation. Anyway, Ryuko spends most of the episode in traction until she wakes up pissed at all the racket. You know what, for fuck sakes we are going to do this Ryuko won't wear Senkestu bullshit again??? Also, everybody this episode seemed to be talking in the language of exposition and that needs to stop now. Also, I see the shipping wars are getting stronger. Glad Nonnon called Ira out on that, I like her deadpan snarking. I suppose this also clears the way for Nonon-Satsuki now as well.


It wasn't presented in an arousing way, it was presented in a very uncomfortable way. How is that fanservice? Fanservice is supposed to arouse the viewer.

You think that wasn't supposed to arouse the viewers? This isn't a seinen... it's aimed at horny teenagers and people in the early twenties. That is 100% fanservice.


See I can't complain about the Ragyo business when it actually succeeds in doing its job of being creepy, unarousing, and making me hate the villain. As opposed to, say, the way Sword Art Online tried to do the same thing but failed in it miserably.

Having the villain not be over the top crack piped insane at that particular moment helps.


Great episode despite not being as jaw dropping as the last two. Some highlights:
- Mako being eaten by a Cover and Gama's attempt to rescue her ;_;
- Elite 4 Nudist Beach outfits. Especially dat Nonon.
- Sanageyama evacuating his old home. Definitely a good character moment for him.
- Mako's mom taking a peek at Aikuro whenever she could.
- Senketsu being comforted by Mako's mom. Just a whole lot of best mom moments.
- Gamagoori promising Mataro that he would rescue her sister ;_;
- The reforging of Satsuki's sword into two weapons was very cool. Nice to see it wasn't just forgotten.
- The rescue of Mako and Gama's reaction to her nudity were hilarious. OTP is officially confirmed now.
- Gamagoori being slightly disappointed when Ryuuko kills all the covers and rescues people at the same time, due to his new weapon being defunct. It's ok Gama, you rescued Mako and that's all that counts!
And the story just keeps moving forward at a consistent pace! Really enjoying it.


Meanwhile Satsuki is about
to break out of the cage with a metal toenail.
Fucking Ryuko.

Doesn't she hear the woman who keeps telling her not to?

If they actually start hearing the bgm, I'll be all like


I'll note OTP status still depends on which direction Mako goes.

Gamagori is the only true pairing, breh.


I gotta take a shower.

Is there a Satsuki/Ragyo scene that doesn't result in Satsuki getting felt up by Ragyo? That may have outdone the bath scene in terms of creep factor.


Her reasoning at the end of the episode doesn't even make sense. It's like some nonsensical rant in order to justify her angsting more.

Oh and that's all on top of her being in a coma for no reason for a month.
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