Bob Coffee
Crunchy dooooont loooooseee yourrrr waaaaay. Stupid delays =(
I just come to expect delays at this point. I was actually more shocked last episode arrived on 'time'.
No need to be sneaky. Daisuki is legaland posts all the subs.(at least animeGAF told me so)
Can someone explain the DTR joke to me? He doesn't like it when people use the full name. Because....? Does the full name have some sort of pun that doesn't come across in English?
Dotonbori street used to be a red light district. But it might be that he's just anal about it.
I'm weak. Watched it live.
I'm unbelievably happy with this turn of events. Trigger is so based.
Satsuki best secret protagonist confirmed.
Roflmao. Another delay? Lol.
All the good episodes get delayed, fuck Crunchyroll. >:[
Goddamnit, having to wait while others have watched the new episode already sucks. =(
The best part of the episode wasby far.Gama-chan hiding her naked body
I need this episode in my veins to fuel my hate for Ryuko more.
Assuming this episode continues to make her worse.
I simply dont get all the hate for Ryuuko. If she wasnt in the show there would be absolutely no EMOTIONAL at all.
I feel like the people who hate her the most are the writers for this show. It's like their mindset recently is "Whoa whoa whoa... Ryuuko's about to do something cool. Well, we can't have that happening now can we?"
I feel like the people who hate her the most are the writers for this show. It's like their mindset recently is "Whoa whoa whoa... Ryuuko's about to do something cool. Well, we can't have that happening now can we?" I honestly want to like her and hope she redeems herself in my eyes but there's four episodes left. It's not that I hate her, I just find pretty much every other character in this show more interesting than her.
so glad people are seeing her for what she is
her losing the original outfit was a clear warning
Imaishi was warning us all along ;_;
don't lose your outfit.
butt the whole point of the show is to lose your clothes and become naked D:
Yes, Osaka guy got redeemed! Was cool seeing him again.
Next weeks transformation animations will be epic
I can't wait until they make a game out of this. It might be a worse Metal Gear Rising than Metal Gear Rising, but it'll sure as hell be a better Shadow the Hedgehog than Shadow the Hedgehog!