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Kill la Kill |OT|


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I just come to expect delays at this point. I was actually more shocked last episode arrived on 'time'.

No need to be sneaky. Daisuki is legal
(at least animeGAF told me so)
and posts all the subs.

Thanks, then. Can't wait for Kill la Kill's episode 20!


Can someone explain the DTR joke to me? He doesn't like it when people use the full name. Because....? Does the full name have some sort of pun that doesn't come across in English?


Can someone explain the DTR joke to me? He doesn't like it when people use the full name. Because....? Does the full name have some sort of pun that doesn't come across in English?

Dotonbori street used to be a red light district. But it might be that he's just anal about it.


Dotonbori street used to be a red light district. But it might be that he's just anal about it.

I want Mikisugi to have a Kamina-esque hero moment after being trashed and have himself and his toolset ridiculed by a major antagonist, only for him to go "I told you, it's D! T! R!" and pull out a super move with it, crippling them in typical-anime fashion and allowing Ryuko to land a killing blow.


I'm weak. Watched it live.

I'm unbelievably happy with this turn of events. Trigger is so based.

Satsuki best secret protagonist confirmed.


Episode 20.




Been actually enjoying this weekly since ep16. Much better pace, fun times, entertaining stuff. Most of this episode was pretty by the books, but still enjoyable. I really dig watching the supporting cast work together in larger roles.
I wasn't expecting the twist at the end though. It's pretty cute. I hope they have the balls to stick with it and make Satsuki the actual lead, because boy, Ryuko is boring and pointless as a character. The "twist" here highlights exactly how pointless she is - she's nothing more than a hollow shell which does whatever the "plot" requires her to do, for "reasons". Lulz.


Ryuko is the
. The sooner she
drops dead
the better.

Viva la real
protagonist: Mako, with her sidekick Satsuki.

I'm still trying to digest it since my Japanese isn't 100% perfect. It all happened so fast. Why did Ragyo want her to wear Junketsu? What is the purpose of that? I got the whole "Nui is life fiber" thing, which isn't really a twist, but couldn't figure out what Ragyo was up to in the moment. Was that hallucination of what life would have been like with a decent Ragyo for a mother some form of brainwashing to make her think she was fighting to save her loving mother?

Poor Satsuki, she's going to have
that dream where she's naked in high school forever now.
The best part of the episode was
Gama-chan hiding her naked body
by far.


The best part of the episode was
Gama-chan hiding her naked body
by far.

I lost it with the scene right afterwards when
Gamagoori's head just casually breaking into ceiling because of how huge he is.

This show has some of the best visual gags.
Man these last few episodes were great. I understood a good deal of what was going on, but I'll be happy when the subs are finally released. My Japanese still needs a lot of improvement.

Can't wait to see how Senketsu will look when Satsuki activates him. Junketsu looks kinda meh when Ryuuko wears him though. Then again, it's pretty damn hard to top Ragyo in that regard. Oh, and watching Nui get run through by the Scissor blade and coughing up blood was so incredibly satisfying, even though she was just screwing with Ryuuko.

Still can't believe how fast this show went from good action comedy to AOTY (in my humble opinion, at least).
I need this episode in my veins to fuel my hate for Ryuko more.

Assuming this episode continues to make her worse.

it does
you can watch the Raw and still grasp the important stuff
i did anyways
edit:Ragyo has went full on Kefka mode after this episode
brainwashing and everything


Good episode
Satsuki + Senketsu!!!

I simply dont get all the hate for Ryuuko. If she wasnt in the show there would be absolutely no EMOTIONAL at all. Yeah, I like Satsuki, but she is a bit smuglife.


I simply dont get all the hate for Ryuuko. If she wasnt in the show there would be absolutely no EMOTIONAL at all.

I feel like the people who hate her the most are the writers for this show. It's like their mindset recently is "Whoa whoa whoa... Ryuuko's about to do something cool. Well, we can't have that happening now can we?" I honestly want to like her and hope she redeems herself in my eyes but there's four episodes left. It's not that I hate her, I just find pretty much every other character in this show more interesting than her.


I feel like the people who hate her the most are the writers for this show. It's like their mindset recently is "Whoa whoa whoa... Ryuuko's about to do something cool. Well, we can't have that happening now can we?"

THIS. Seriously Trigger must have a case of Tall Poppy syndrome or something, Ryuuko can't say anything cool or get cocky without being cut down to size seconds later.

Ryuuko says something cool to any of the Devas during the Naturals Election? BEATDOWN IMMINENT
Ryuuko regains Senketsu, punches Satsuki in the face and fights her to a draw? Satsuki still wins lol
Ryuuko is about to thrash Nui? Lol HEART RIPPER
I mostly feel disappointed in Ryuko because they could have done much more in writing her but it seems that for most of the series they stuck her to the status quo for most of it (especially since the first half of the show had to stick to the school structure). Then when they start adding twists, it feels like it should have happened earlier to make people actually digest it or develop character properly.

Now in contrast Satsuki, I felt she was pretty rote because it's an archetype that all of us have seen before with the keikakus and the resolve. It sort of rubs me the wrong way when they are making her out to be the justified one when she was female Stalin for most of the show and pretty much executing her plans for her personal reasons, when for most of the show Ryuko is the one with the most personal connections.

the orchestra in episode 19 probably messed Ryuko in waking up and acting all cranky, then making her do the stuff she is doing now. Then getting in Junketsu and taking control of her on top of that. But getting mind controlled again after breaking mind control in an episode before just seems rote.


I feel like the people who hate her the most are the writers for this show. It's like their mindset recently is "Whoa whoa whoa... Ryuuko's about to do something cool. Well, we can't have that happening now can we?" I honestly want to like her and hope she redeems herself in my eyes but there's four episodes left. It's not that I hate her, I just find pretty much every other character in this show more interesting than her.

Ryuko is almost a non-character
right now. She's not fighting to avenge her Dad, she's not fighting to save the world or anything. She's just kind of pissed off at Ragyo. So she...you know...runs in there and the stupidly obvious thing happens. Oh and she refuses to put on Senketsu...again...for like the millionth time. It's okay though, because secret true protagonist Satsuki is right there to put on Senketsu-chan and Row Row Fight Da Powa. If Mako or Satsuki somehow die in the process of fixing her latest bout of way losing, I'll be fucking pissed.

Guess Who

Ryuko's written like a tough-girl trope more than an actual character, which is fine if you watch the show on a superficial level but falls apart if you try to take it seriously.
You know Ruyko, you are already becoming more hated by constantly losing your way,
telling Broketsu to sod off and shunning help from your human companions so acting like an idiot and charging head first into enemy territory by yourself isn't making you very good.

On another note good episode even if I have use my gratuitous knowledge of Italian to understand what was going on somewhat. Also Nui is fcuking hax! Seriously can she just die already!? I just want to mute the volume every time she's on.
And her cop out death only serves to piss me off!


I can't wait until they make a game out of this. It might be a worse Metal Gear Rising than Metal Gear Rising, but it'll sure as hell be a better Shadow the Hedgehog than Shadow the Hedgehog!


Yes, Osaka guy got redeemed! Was cool seeing him again.

Next weeks transformation animations will be epic

Takarada's back? Oh shit

Now bring back Maiko

I can't wait until they make a game out of this. It might be a worse Metal Gear Rising than Metal Gear Rising, but it'll sure as hell be a better Shadow the Hedgehog than Shadow the Hedgehog!

It should be a KLK Warriors/Musou game, just because at least that way we'd probably get to play as all of the characters (and I'm not interested in playing as only Ryuuko)
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