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Kill la Kill |OT|



An apt comparison, especially considering nui is basically
Solidus. I mean shes got an eyepatch, and was their not-sister sister.


You know Ruyko, you are already becoming more hated by constantly losing your way,
telling Broketsu to sod off and shunning help from your human companions so acting like an idiot and charging head first into enemy territory by yourself isn't making you very good.

On another note good episode even if I have use my gratuitous knowledge of Italian to understand what was going on somewhat. Also Nui is fcuking hax! Seriously can she just die already!? I just want to mute the volume every time she's on.
And her cop out death only serves to piss me off!

Yeah, after today, it's like.. I don't want to see her die anymore. It just has to happen, that's all. Like, it's business. Nui eventually has to die, whatever. I wish she'd just go away because she's just getting annoying at this point. And not in a Joffrey "I love to hate you" way. Just... look, can you die so we can move on please? Thanks.

And I don't hate Ryuuko, btw, but at this point she feels like a pretty useless protagonist. She's a plot device. She used to have an actual cause in the 2nd half, mainly that "fibers and people should live together," but they haven't used that at all after ep 18 and her character's kinda fallen apart. It sucks that she's getting taking advantage of, but Ragyo takes advantage of everyone, and Satsuki endured years of rape with her will only having grown stronger. Ryuuko gets mind-raped once and she's totally off the tracks. I kinda hope she stays there, in a sadly vindictive sort of way, and that her fall from grace becomes another reason for Satsuki to kill Ragyo and company. It sucks I have to root for FemHitler, but she's a better character at this point and Ragyo is a worse person than her, so I'm cool with it.


On Ryuko:

In a sense I agree her character progression is lacking but it kinda makes sense. I mean, when she got into this she had an already pretty huge goal. She's gotten the shit kicked out of her so many times in so many different ways, and has never seen anything all the way through (The fact that she never could beat Satsuki, the fact that she couldn't get to her after she beat 3/4 of the elite 4) and now to find out her worst enemy is indeed her own mother is bad enough. She's had her world shattered now that she knows she isn't human, it makes sense that she's incomprehensibly upset, and as emo and edgy as this sounds, no one really does get her or can get her for that matter.

When you really think about it she is a pretty good personification of the average coming of age teenager. That's why I can't really hate her. She's been dragged across the mud that I think she deserves to be edgy compared to Satsuki


On Ryuko:


It's for that reason alone I hope Ryuuko stays where she is, and ends the story dying as a villain or dying as a hero at the very last second to take out REVOCS. As she's dying, she puts the scissors back together and decapitates Ragyou with Satsuki. Then she dies. It makes sense, and in that way is appropriately tragic. She's too flawed to keep up.


You know what? You know what?

How does someone not notice that their
injuries heal instantly every time for the past 17 years?

I'm calling bullllshit. Ryuko can't be that dim.


You know what? You know what?

How does someone not notice that their
injuries heal instantly every time for the past 17 years?

I'm calling bullllshit. Ryuko can't be that dim.

I always saw it that when she attained perfect sync with Senketsu, that's when that shit went down and she got the life fiber powers. And that's why Satsuki is still "pure", so to speak. She never did fully wear Junketsu, so she's completely human. And bad ass.


You know what? You know what?

How does someone not notice that their
injuries heal instantly every time for the past 17 years?

I'm calling bullllshit. Ryuko can't be that dim.

They could make up something like
her powers weren't awakened until she wore Senketsu or something


Worst part will be when all the side characters go back to being useless and the S.S. Naked Sun is destroyed after one episode.

And we never see the True King again.


I always saw it that when she attained perfect sync with Senketsu, that's when that shit went down and she got the life fiber powers. And that's why Satsuki is still "pure", so to speak. She never did fully wear Junketsu, so she's completely human. And bad ass.

They could make up something like
her powers weren't awakened until she worse Senketsu or something

Yeah I guess that's probably their out for that.

Worst part will be when all the side characters go back to being useless and the S.S. Naked Sun is destroyed after one episode.

And we never see the True King again.

Oh you mean the Dai-Gurren?


Worst part will be when all the side characters go back to being useless and the S.S. Naked Sun is destroyed after one episode.

And we never see the True King again.

They'll go back to being useless when the show's over. It's hard to stow people away at this point unless they zap Satsuki Ryuuko and Ragyo into a pocket universe to duke it out.
I'd act like ryuuko too if I found out I was an alien monster. Loosing her way feel justified but lessen cuz they did it 3 other times. Teenager trying to find her identity


They'll go back to being useless when the show's over. It's hard to stow people away at this point unless they zap Satsuki Ryuuko and Ragyo into a pocket universe to duke it out.

Oh I don't know, Tsumugu has already become completely useless in recent episodes alongside becoming completely irrelevant to the show.


Gama-chan's one remaining function is to jump in front of a sword meant for somebody else. Probably Mako.

Nui: I've had it with your inspirational nonsense, you insect. Time to die.
Gamagoori: No, this is the part where I die.
Mako: Nooo!

Satsuki/Ryuuko: You BITCH!


You know what? You know what?

How does someone not notice that their
injuries heal instantly every time for the past 17 years?

I'm calling bullllshit. Ryuko can't be that dim.

The others seem to have already answered your question but I just wanted to say, Ryuuko isn't exactly the brightest bulb. Her first reaction to Tsumugu was to ask if he was a student even though he neither looks the age nor was he wearing anything that even looked like a uniform.

It doesn't help that she might have spent most of her schooling life beating up people either.


Man...how much is Ryuko going to lose her way when she realizes that
Stupid Sexy Sensei is her dad. Oh and he's totally life fiber fused, because, you know, he survived the huge scissor wound. He's still playing coy and saying shit like "If only I had noticed the truth about Ryuko blah blah blah" but come the fuck on.

The others seem to have already answered your question but I just wanted to say, Ryuuko isn't exactly the brightest bulb. Her first reaction to Tsumugu was to ask if he was a student even though he neither looks the age nor was he wearing anything that even looked like a uniform.

It doesn't help that she might have spent most of her schooling life beating up people either.

As we saw in the Fight Club episode....Mako is somehow the brains of that operation. That says a lot.


I think all of these Ls will make Ryuko do some sick shit that will justify her character

Like what? How do you transform Ryuuko into a real hero at this point? She's already done a bunch of heroic things on the surface, but none of them ultimately meant anything. Basically the only thing left in the playbook is virtuous suicide. They could not do it and have her pull through, but it'd be TOTALLY dependent on the execution of said return-to-form being out of this world, and Trigger could risk so much unbelievable character development all in one go that they might cheapen everyone else.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
One thing you guys havent pointed out yet
that ryuuko is wearing more clothes when she put junketsu on, this is probably because they arent as synced as ryuko and senketsu are, this is probably going to happen with satsuki aswell
you guys are so desensitized to it(probably the show's objective funnily enough) that you dont pay attention to the outfits anymore lol


One thing you guys havent pointed out yet
that ryuuko is wearing more clothes when she put junketsu on, this is probably because they arent as synced as ryuko and senketsu are, this is probably going to happen with satsuki aswell
you guys are so desensitized to it(probably the show's objective funnily enough) that you dont pay attention to the outfits anymore lol

I noticed that
Evil Ryuukolooks more like a Delinquent with that excessively long skirt than she ever did with Senketsu

Seriously though, that is kind of interesting. Yeah I didn't notice that it might be because
they're not actually well synchronised.
Man...how much is Ryuko going to lose her way when she realizes that
Stupid Sexy Sensei is her dad.

I don't really like that idea to be honest. The main reason I can sort of give Ryuko some slack is that most of the playmakers or people in the know are dicks, like Satsuki and Aikuro. They had the resources all this time and could have acclimated her into the situation. Even in episode 20, they barely do shit when she is leaving, when she is one of their greatest assets at that point. Sure they are powerless to stop her but it's actually their fault for building such crappy rapport with in the first place. If Sexy Sensei was the dad, that would just make it seem all the previous interactions pretty dumb in hindsight since he pretty much knew it all.


Junior Member
Music was godly as always. :D

One thing you guys havent pointed out yet
that ryuuko is wearing more clothes when she put junketsu on, this is probably because they arent as synced as ryuko and senketsu are, this is probably going to happen with satsuki aswell
you guys are so desensitized to it(probably the show's objective funnily enough) that you dont pay attention to the outfits anymore lol

Ah ha. I thought this too. They're going to destroy the SS Naked Sun. ;_;
guys, i want to bring up an important mishap that happened in this series:

Mako said ryuko has bigger breasts than Satsuki. But clearly these past 6 episodes have shown that to be a complete and total farce.


guys, i want to bring up an important mishap that happened in this series:

Mako said ryuko has bigger breasts than Satsuki. But clearly these past 6 episodes have shown that to be a complete and total farce.

I think Mako was just being nice. Satsuki has, like, superhero boobs.


On Ryuko:

In a sense I agree her character progression is lacking but it kinda makes sense. I mean, when she got into this she had an already pretty huge goal. She's gotten the shit kicked out of her so many times in so many different ways, and has never seen anything all the way through (The fact that she never could beat Satsuki, the fact that she couldn't get to her after she beat 3/4 of the elite 4) and now to find out her worst enemy is indeed her own mother is bad enough. She's had her world shattered now that she knows she isn't human, it makes sense that she's incomprehensibly upset, and as emo and edgy as this sounds, no one really does get her or can get her for that matter.

When you really think about it she is a pretty good personification of the average coming of age teenager. That's why I can't really hate her. She's been dragged across the mud that I think she deserves to be edgy compared to Satsuki
The lesson here is that anime fans hate teenagers


Especially when their mood swings are about to destroy the world, and we have replacement heroes who are better at being heroes than they are.

Hey, did this show just turn into EVA?


Junior Member
Good episode and awesome ending. Is Ryuko even the protagonist anymore? lol. Would be funny if she just died next episode. All hail Satsuki and my bro Senketsu.


Good episode and awesome ending. Is Ryuko even the protagonist anymore?

At this point, they can still bring her back into the role, but what does it accomplish anymore? Does killing Ragyo really require someone fully in sync with life fibers anyway? Far as I can tell, you just need the scissors, so that means taking it from Nui. Just disable her, you don't need to find a way to kill her. Then you have the scissors.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Satsuki is how Vegeta should of been written.

Imagine DBZ is Goku became evil in the Buu Saga and Vegeta had to fight him and change him back to good prior to facing Buu.........


I really hope they keep Ryuuko as the villain. No more shit about trying to make her a protagonist. Just kill her off and be fucking done with it. Her being a villain would do loads of good for the narrative and make it a lot more interesting than it's been.


Damn this show is so good. I can't wait to see Ryuko and Satsuki go at it next week.

I can't believe Ryuko is so disliked. She's great.
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