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Kill la Kill |OT|


quit hating on Ryuko

I don't get the hate for Ryuko. She's cool in my book.
Great episode. All the Ryuko hate is really uncalled for.
Now, I know we are online, on the internet, discussing anime, but it doesn't hurt to carefully examine the opinions expressed by other participants in the thread as a means of discovering why someone thinks differently than you and why it isn't "hating". For example, it seems that Dresden speaks for a certain number of posters here by means of this post:
Gonna ramble for a bit.

Ryuko as envisioned by her creators is that of a girl overwhelmed by her fate, someone who can't deal with the responsibilities thrust upon her, and who is not dealing well with this revelation that the mother she'd sought all along is a monster. A sympathetic figure, really, at least in concept. And as has been pointed out before, a teen. None of these things are bad, and could have made for a good, compelling character.

But it didn't work out that way because she as a character basically doesn't exist. Like, at this point there's no sense that she has any real motive of her own. Endless manipulation from every source around her has turned her into a puppet, and this manipulation in turn was never used as a motivation to give her purpose. We see it in action this episode when she tells everyone to fuck off, or more revealingly, she tells Aikuro that he misled her from the start, too. But all of this didn't happen because she realized it; it's just backlash after Ragyo provokes her. That it all ends up being another bout of puppeteering from the villain just drives home how pointless Ryuko is as a character. We joke about how she keeps losing her way, but really, she never found a way in the first place.

I dunno, I'm kinda bummed out because that brainwashing/forced robing montage could actually have meant something at one point. It's a sequence that shows the things she craves, and their lack is piercing stuff. It's about as invasive and tragic as anything that's happened in the show, and yet it's failed to invoke any real sort of sympathy, because we - at least in this subset of viewers who don't give a fuck about her character - just can't bring ourselves to care. Instead we cheer for the wannabe fascist dictator girl who burned down an entire city. Fucking KLK.
I know one of these comments was made before Dresden's post, but I feel like people have been saying the same thing, in less eloquent terms than Dresden, for weeks now.

It would be quite interesting to actually see people directly respond to the criticisms contained within this, and other posts, rather than just saying something along the lines of "Why all these haters hating?". Not that I have a problem with people expressing that they like Ryuko, it's just a little odd that people say "I don't get why other people don't like" when I feel people have explained themselves quite clearly.
For me, I feel like Dresden's point drives home Ryuko's plot line to this point, but it's not a negative to me.

She was born and bred for the express purpose of experimentation, not out of love. Once she was thought to be useless, she was tossed aside by Ragyo. Since then, yes, Ryuko has basically been a pawn for everyone, even possibly the father that kept her safe but also distant. And every time she starts to move past, the show does trip her up in ever-growing stakes. (Ever-growing stakes that require a bigger and larger solution to overcome them? Sound familiar? Except in this case, we don't have really big mechs) Ultimately, the final time she does this should be a big event - though if you don't like the character at this point, I don't know if you ever will.

I still enjoy her and want her to succeed, basically because she needs to find a purpose in life that's not motivated by revenge or anger. She got part of the way there with the time she's spent with Mako, but obviously a big part of her is still messed up, now even more so now that she's under the control of not only Junkestu (who right now might be in synch with Ryuko rather than life fiber override) and whatever the hell Ragyo did to her brain.

In short, I guess I understand why people don't like Ryuko, I just happen to disagree with them.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Ryuko's agency being reduced to nothingness, and the new addition of
false-memory implants
is pretty disheartening. I like her, but seeing her get the short of the stick (and the subsequent Shadow the Hedgehog edge) is definitely wearing on me, compared to her bouncing back after Senketsu got shredded, as well as other past defeats.

In the grand scheme of the conflict, being taken for granted instead by the much larger players of Nudist Beach, Satsuki, and now Ragyo/Nui/Life Fibers has turned me off from Ryuko a bit. Still hoping she pulls something out of her hair, but I think it's gonna have to be a much higher ante this time around.

edit: Lost some of my words there, wtf.


Ryuko's agency being reduced to nothingness, and the new addition of
false-memory implants
is pretty disheartening. I like her, but seeing her get the short of the stick is definitely wearing on me, compared to her bouncing back after Senketsu got shredded.

In the grand scheme of the conflict, being taken for granted instead by the much larger players of Nudist Beach, Satsuki, and now Ragyo/Nui/Life Fibers has turned me off from Ryuko a bit. Still hoping she pulls something out of her hair, but I think it's gonna have to be a much higher ante this time around.

me too, so much so
Now, I know we are online, on the internet, discussing anime, but it doesn't hurt to carefully examine the opinions expressed by other participants in the thread as a means of discovering why someone thinks differently than you and why it isn't "hating". For example, it seems that Dresden speaks for a certain number of posters here by means of this post:

I know one of these comments was made before Dresden's post, but I feel like people have been saying the same thing, in less eloquent terms than Dresden, for weeks now.

It would be quite interesting to actually see people directly respond to the criticisms contained within this, and other posts, rather than just saying something along the lines of "Why all these haters hating?". Not that I have a problem with people expressing that they like Ryuko, it's just a little odd that people say "I don't get why other people don't like" when I feel people have explained themselves quite clearly.

I completely understand why people hate Ryuko. I just don't want to go that far just yet because I still feel like she's on the path to becoming female Simon, even if it's taking nearly the entire series. It would have been great if she never regressed and kept up the trajectory of development the first 3 episodes exhibited, but of course Trigger has different ideas than I do.

I just don't want Satsuki to be considered the main character because I'm not a huge fan of arrogant protagonists unless they're funny. I'm also not a fan of them starting out with their own posse, even if the Elite Four have become pretty cool as of late.

Mako as the main would be totally fine though.


Junior Member
I disagree. Satsuki has pretty much no personality beyond stoic resolve. Which is a shame because Trigger passed up a real good opportunity to develop her character after her defeat. She spent years acting as a deplorable human being in an attempt build up an army to defeat her mother, and her coup lasted all of five minutes. You would think after beat down like that she would start to reevaluate the person she has become. Of course we can't have that as that would require the acknowledgement of any flaws on the part of the magnificent Satsuki-sama.

Better off just coming up with another hackneyed existential crisis for Ryuko instead.

There's no time to mope around (unless you're Ryuko). That and there's no reason to when she still has a shot at Ragyo. Nudist Beach is around, the Devas are around. Not everything has come crashing down yet.


I disagree. Satsuki has pretty much no personality beyond stoic resolve. Which is a shame because Trigger passed up a real good opportunity to develop her character after her defeat. She spent years acting as a deplorable human being in an attempt build up an army to defeat her mother, and her coup lasted all of five minutes. You would think after beat down like that she would start to reevaluate the person she has become. Of course we can't have that as that would require the acknowledgement of any flaws on the part of the magnificent Satsuki-sama.

Better off just coming up with another hackneyed existential crisis for Ryuko instead.

Pretty much.

Ryuuko is not a very good lead, but when someone criticizes her and praises a boring-ass, depthless, borderline Mary Sue character like Satsuki in the same sentence, it makes no sense to me.

dis fanbase man
I've been disappointed slightly in the development of both ryuko and satsuki; ryuko never gets to be badass while satsuki is perfect despite all the buildup to her losing her way. I hope these next episodes give a better resolution than this.


I think Mako will likely die next episode. :( There was that hidden clue in episode seven and Nui also knows that Mako is able to calm Ryoko's heart. They've spent the entire show showing how innocent and pure Mako is, making us love her. Even the current ED is meant to further endear her to the viewers. I can totally see the creators' plan all along being for her to die in order to have everyone rally against the COVERS upon her death ala Kamina style.



I wouldn't call Satsuki a perfect character but she is far from a Mary Sue.

If I'm to take a guess as to why Satsuki is depicted the way she is it's not because of a character flaw, it's because she is effectively a foil to Ryuko. She is only going to show her flaws when her equal will allow it to happen. The real problem is just that; Ryuko isn't bringing out the more interesting sides to Satsuki's character. Ryuko never manages to condition anything out of her except for the occasional "you're so full of yourself" speech that is only delivered once or so when she manages to fight her to a stalemate. It's kind of funny how Satsuki's infamous pose of conviction is less of a way of saying "I rule over you" and more "impress me already, I'm waiting".

Also, despite being insanely prepared for that matter, she is not perfect or flawless. We've seen the weaker sides of her show when she's being molested by her mom, whom she's visibly intimidated by. We've seen her plan fail. We've seen her be completely demolished and set as an example among the very people she once ruled. But as shown during her break out, when she's left to her own guns she will manage to deal with her problems. She has a back up plan, and that one isn't perfect either. Her escape hinged on not just Ryuko being a distraction, but also that Nudist Beach were still active, that her most loyal crew would still be out there and that they'd be in time to get her out of her prison. She had her nail, but that was still the only chance Satsuki couldn't calculate what was going to happen and had to rely on chance.

And none of that is because of Ryuko's conditioning, meaning the writers have to create situations for Satsuki to be given more depth on her own, which is a huge misfortune. If anything, Ryuko's the closest thing the cast has to a "Mary Sue". Her backstory of being life fibers literally builds her as one since she has insurmountable power. She has the physical capability to completely kill everyone without much effort as well as regenerate and the only thing holding her back is her brooding angst and gullibility, which goes up and down like a heart-rate monitor. Ryuko literally hasn't dealt any situation any differently between then and now, while Satsuki actually has, and just like Episode 12 she's now going to step in as the actual "good guy". Reminder, this isn't the second time Ryuko's technically an antagonist of an episode.

It's kind of a shame cause I sort of hoped that Ryuko could have managed to bring Satsuki to ground level on her own. Have her lose herself to Junketsu much like Ryuko lost it to Senketsu. Or even have her dragged down to the lower class with some awkward tension between Ryuko and Satsuki as both are at the Mankanshoku's for dinner or something.
I think Mako will likely die next episode. :( There was that hidden clue in episode seven and Nui also knows that Mako is able to calm Ryoko's heart. They've spent the entire show showing how innocent and pure Mako is, making us love her. Even the current ED is meant to further endear her to the viewers. I can totally see the creators' plan all along being for her to die in order to have everyone rally against the COVERS upon her death ala Kamina style.


That would be disappointing in that would be them pulling basically the same trick twice, and also Mako is way too fucking cool to be wasted on plot nonsense like that.


Man if they kill off Mako I'll be the saaaaaddest.

Maybe it was ep21 all along . . .



I wouldn't call Satsuki a perfect character but she is far from a Mary Sue.

If I'm to take a guess as to why Satsuki is depicted the way she is it's not because of a character flaw, it's because she is effectively a foil to Ryuko. She is only going to show her flaws when her equal will allow it to happen. The real problem is just that; Ryuko isn't bringing out the more interesting sides to Satsuki's character. Ryuko never manages to condition anything out of her except for the occasional "you're so full of yourself" speech that is only delivered once or so when she manages to fight her to a stalemate. It's kind of funny how Satsuki's infamous pose of conviction is less of a way of saying "I rule over you" and more "impress me already, I'm waiting".

Also, despite being insanely prepared for that matter, she is not perfect or flawless. We've seen the weaker sides of her show when she's being molested. We've seen her plan fail. We've seen her be completely demolished and set as an example among the very people she once ruled. But as shown during her break out, when she's left to her own guns she will manage to deal with her problems. She has a back up plan, and that one isn't perfect either. Her escape hinged on not just Ryuko being a distraction, but also that Nudist Beach were still active, that her most loyal crew would still be out there and that they'd be in time to get her out of her prison. She had her nail, but that was still the only chance Satsuki couldn't calculate what was going to happen and had to rely on chance.

And none of that is because of Ryuko's conditioning, meaning the writers have to create situations for Satsuki to be given more depth on her own, which is a huge misfortune. If anything, Ryuko's the closest thing the cast has to a "Mary Sue". Her backstory of being life fibers literally builds her as one since she has insurmountable power. She has the physical capability to completely kill everyone without much effort as well as regenerate and the only thing holding her back is her brooding angst and gullibility, which goes up and down like a heart-rate monitor. Ryuko literally hasn't dealt any situation any differently between then and now, while Satsuki actually has, and just like Episode 12 she's now going to step in as the actual "good guy". Reminder, this isn't the second time Ryuko's technically an antagonist of an episode.

It's kind of a shame cause I sort of hoped that Ryuko could have managed to bring Satsuki to ground level on her own. Have her lose herself to Junketsu much like Ryuko lost it to Senketsu. Or even have her dragged down to the lower class with some awkward tension between Ryuko and Satsuki as both are at the Mankanshoku's for dinner or something.

If Ryuuko is a Mary Sue, why does everything go wrong for her? That's not what a Mary Sue is. Ironically, you proved my point about Satsuki: circumstances seem to bend in order to favor the character. Her first "defeat" came in episode 19 and in the end she STILL escaped (omg so badass) and has been last seen sipping on tea sitting on a chair looking down on the rest of cast who all address her as a superior. That's fucking BORING.

Ryuuko is the polar opposite, she loses too much and that sucks, too. The problem is not a single character, stop turning this into a character war, it's embarassing.

Edit: why am i fucking arguging about anime on the internet ugh


If Ryuuko is a Mary Sue, why does everything go wrong for her? That's not what a Mary Sue is. Ironically, you proved my point about Satsuki: circumstances seem to bend in order to favor the character. Her first "defeat" came in episode 19 and in the end she STILL escaped (omg so badass) and has been last seen sipping on tea sitting on a chair looking down on the rest of cast who all address her as a superior. That's fucking BORING.

Ryuuko is the polar opposite, she loses too much and that sucks, too. The problem is not a single character, stop turning this into a character war, it's embarassing.

Edit: why am i fucking arguging about anime on the internet ugh

The point being, Satsuki isn't what you're referring her to, or else her plan wouldn't have been as brash as it was. She failed in doing what she set out to do, got screwed over and took a very risky opportunity to wing it, which accomplished nothing but her own freedom. She's still caught up in the crossfires and is still going to be up against something she can't handle by herself.

This is hardly character war, you're the one here who's being antagonistic about this. The only reason I hold Ryuko against her or anyone is because of her inability to handle her issues with anything but reckless abandon. She's a character I want to be interested in but which Trigger hasn't really convinced me I should like, and because of this she fails to influence anyone in this series in any meaningful way.

Hell, I already explained why I felt Satsuki wasn't the best character ever either, and the way I see it the solution to that problem would have effectively been killing two birds with one stone since giving purpose to one character would have added depth to two characters. But no I'm clearly just blaming characters for no reason.


The point being, Satsuki isn't what you're referring her to, or else her plan wouldn't have been as brash as it was. She failed in doing what she set out to do, got screwed over and took a very risky opportunity to wing it, which accomplished nothing but her own freedom. She's still caught up in the crossfires and is still going to be up against something she can't handle by herself.

This is hardly character war, you're the one here who's being antagonistic about this. The only reason I hold Ryuko against her or anyone is because of her inability to handle her issues with anything but reckless abandon. She's a character I want to be interested in but which Trigger hasn't really convinced me I should like. Hell, I already explained why I felt Satsuki wasn't the best character ever either, and the way I see it the solution to that problem would have effectively been hitting two birds with one stone.

But no I'm clearly just blaming characters for no reason.

A brash plan that works, especially from a character that never fails, is a sign of a boring perfect character. And it didn't seem that brash considering how the Devas acted. That's not the point, anyway, the point is everything seems to go her way (because the writers allow it to, not "Ryuko").

My point is really simple, you can't defend one character and condemn the other. They both have a lot of problems, but in the end I'll still rank Ryuko higher because a heroine who's constantly losing is still more interesting to me than a one-note character who always triumphs.


A brash plan that works, especially from a character that never fails, is a sign of a boring perfect character. And it didn't seem that brash considering how the Devas acted. That's not the point, anyway, the point is everything seems to go her way (because the writers allow it to, not "Ryuko").

So why then is her +15 year conquest to take on her mother clearly not working since she still can't put a dent on them? I can't say I'd call that a triumph.

My point is really simple, you can't defend one character and condemn the other. They both have a lot of problems, but in the end I'll still rank Ryuko higher because a heroine who's constantly losing is still more interesting to me than a one-note character who always triumphs.

See I find Ryuko to be really one-note as well, so I can't say I necessarily find her any better in that regard. As an audience POV I like to hope that the vehicle of the plot actually accomplishes things so it's kind of disheartening when she never does. Personally I find Satsuki more engaging since she at least manages to accomplish things and has shown more sides of handling issues than calculations, even if her master plan failed.

But really, I'm willing to agree to disagree on this and I respect your stance on the matter. I'm not trying to convince anyone otherwise, I'm just a guy who likes to dissect stories.


That was one of the best episodes yet. Almost everyone in the cast had a badass moment.

Tsumusgu pls

No, Aikuro will die
right after they learn he's their dad.
I feel like if anyone's gonna die, it'll be more than one person, then end off with
Mako being seriously wounded. Or the other way around, where others get fucked up and Mako dies. From there a few things could happen: Ryuko could snap out of it and [damn near] sacrifice herself to save Mako; Ryuko could go full on Anakin Skywalker heel turn; or, it ends up being a troll and Mako has a random badass moment (hopefully leading to the death of Nui).

What will happen:
Satsuki and Ryuko both get worked a bit, a bystander will be in danger for a moment, then another plot twist, then the episode ends awkwardly with not much resolved but moving onwards toward Ragyo
I'm still hoping Satsuki gets really knocked down a couple pegs in the next few episodes. Because you would think a dictator like her would eventually get some karmic backlash at some point, especially with her plan failing. Like imagine if they beat Ragyo in the end, then people step in and say, "Hey you have a couple war crimes to pay for." No one would see that coming and would be kind of hilarious.

Ryuko could be redeemed in one way.
Since she was basically lead around and used like a puppet from basically everyone except Mako and Senketsu. She beats Ragyo with or without Satsuki and curbs stomps everyone else. Just thinking about it, no other character really gave her a reason to truly trust them except Mako's family. This basically is giving the rebellious persona an ambition and the girl who had nothing throughout most of the show TAKING everything by merging her villainous persona with her one from before. I mostly want to see this happen because it will be flipping the table on top of everything. Though it's not gonna happen.


The real question is why Ryuko's hair didn't save her again.

I think this is a pretty different kind of brainwashing. The threads around the brain was a sort of mindless puppet control where as now it seems that Junketsu has fully convinced Ryuko that her life would be better and less painful by her mother's side. I don't see her snapping out of it so easily -- there is no longer a core to her that wants to snap out of it, unlike the earlier episode.
I'm still hoping Satsuki gets really knocked down a couple pegs in the next few episodes.

... Wut now?

Shhheeeeee got on screen molested by her mother more than once, got curb stumped by her mother when she rebelled, got snatched up-chained-up-stripped-nuded and held in a cage so that her mother could humiliate and molest her anytime she wanted for the past month ... and she got spanked on screen.

What, you want her to look like trash to make lil-ms-CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIN look good or something?

And wuts with this Mary Sue BS? Just cause her character has a strong resolve, cool head and great timing doesn't mean she's a Mary Sue.


I hope Ryuko beats this shit via not losing her way.

Would be a major Bummer for her to go
full Anakin... Never go full Anakin
What I mean is that actually show the actions done to her actually have some effect on her. Satsuki has been acting the same way since forever with the same resolve, even when she was in kindergarten. Characters don't need to be one note but could display more sides to them. Even leaders should have some regret or personal hang up, especially since we have been shown Satsuki is far from a benevolent person in her actions. Like for example, even though people view Superman as the ultimate boy scout of morality, great Superman stories have him doubt himself, take time to reflect if what he has been doing is right. He doesn't act on a high note 24/7 and the stories where he does come out mightier-than-thou all the time, he is often loathed.

Might sound contradictory to what I'm saying but if she pulls a sisterly act the next episode, it also just doesn't seem right in a way. Since even though they have a blood connection and a common enemy, that's pretty much it. Especially if they grew up their whole lives apart, even if they are blood related, they would still basically be strangers. It mostly would sit wrong with me if she tries to pull Ryuko out of it that way because she never acted compassionate toward anyone (except maybe her butler), then when she finds out the blood relation she does a 180 turn on her attitude toward a person she didn't give a shit about.


Might sound contradictory to what I'm saying but if she pulls a sisterly act the next episode, it also just doesn't seem right in a way. Since even though they have a blood connection and a common enemy, that's pretty much it. Especially if they grew up their whole lives apart, even if they are blood related, they would still basically be strangers. It mostly would sit wrong with me if she tries to pull Ryuko out of it that way because she never acted compassionate toward anyone (except maybe her butler), then when she finds out the blood relation she does a 180 turn on her attitude toward a person she didn't give a shit about.
But you see,
that will be when Satsuki stabs the shit out of Ryuko, cuts out AND detaches her heart, and possibly devours it.
Good episode that keeps the ball rolling. I've thoroughly enjoyed the second half wayyyyy more than the first when it was following the "monster-of-the-week" trope.

Will I be expecting Shakespeare-type drama out of the developments after the end of episode 20? No, but that's not what Kill la Kill is trying to accomplish anyways. In a lot of ways, it has the same inherit flaws as GL, which was another solid series. Should be fun as always to follow next week....


Junior Member
Why do people think Aikuro is Souchiro? All the flashbacks thus far have been consistent with what's happening, and in one flashback we see Aikuro and Souchiro (as Ishin) as separate people.


Almost every element of Ryuuko's character arc follows well enough if they had, at any point, emotionally established for us what Ryuuko was missing when her father died. We know that she spent her childhood bouncing between boarding schools being a delinquent, and we know that she felt like she never really knew her father. But through the entire first act of the show, I never emotionally understood why her father's death was such a strong motivation.

Logically, all the pieces are in place. She loved her father and appreciates all he did for her, but she never had the chance to know him, and now she'll never get it. He was the only family she had, and now she has no one. But these are things that we're only told, and what we're shown as a substitute (the situation with Mako's family) doesn't really cut it.

Literally every action that Ryuuko takes after she levels her first challenge at Honnouji Academy is the result of manipulation by either Satsuki, Nui, or Ragyo. Wanting revenge against the forces that killed her father has always been the only thing she had, and yet she still seems to lack the conviction of her adversaries (as shown in how she gets wrecked by Sanageyama in their second encounter).

The moment in episode 1 where she returns home, before she falls in a random trapdoor and finds Senketsu, seems like the obvious point for a single short sequence where we can feel her father's absence in her life, or the joy that his presence used to be, but obviously there was no time to spare even the mere equivalent of the three-second flashback slideshow they use to show his death for something showing her life before that event. Better to use that time for things like a fanservice-focused shot of Mataro ogling Ryuuko's outfit.


Why do people think Aikuro is Souchiro? All the flashbacks thus far have been consistent with what's happening, and in one flashback we see Aikuro and Souchiro (as Ishin) as separate people.
They kinda look alike. Being reasonable, the most I could at this point is Aikuro being Soichiro's brother, but you never know with this show.

Also I didn't these tabs were still open in another tab group so




Ryuko noooo

I can understand why someone would criticize her for not enough character development and that's essentially a puppet in the grand scheme of things... but man, I thought it was pretty sad that Ragyo fucked her up badly while forcing Junketsu on her. All those brainwashing memories of Ryuko having a great childhood and a great mom are just pure evil. Fuck Ragyo hard.

Satsuki in her new outfit will be mighty interesting. I wonder if those two communicate.

But we need Mako snapping Ryuko out of her current state. She's the hero we need but don't deserve.


Why do people think Aikuro is Souchiro? All the flashbacks thus far have been consistent with what's happening, and in one flashback we see Aikuro and Souchiro (as Ishin) as separate people.

When Souchiro was revealed he did look mighty similar to Aikuro and it wasn't until the next episode after that it was properly revealed that Souchiro really actually was Isshin.

I don't know why people still think they're the same person though.
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