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Kill la Kill |OT|


Fuck it I'm going watch it with Spanish subtitles, High School Spanish don't let me down!

edit: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


And that's one way to end an episode. Damn. Daaaaaaaaamn. Mmm. Still a pretty good episode all in all. Just as I expected, no matter what way they go with it, it's almost always spectacular and entertaining.

(actual minor spoiler)
Goddammit Tsumugu stop jobbing


Watched it with Spanish subs at Daisuki.

Lots of skin and blood here.
Always love the support of the Elite Four.
It seems like Harime is finally getting killed.
And Mako interrupting Ryuko's fictional wedding confirms they're the true couple of the show <3

PK Gaming

This episode certainly confirms Ryuuko
is a lesbian
, if anything :p



And that's one way to end an episode. Damn. Daaaaaaaaamn. Mmm. Still a pretty good episode all in all. Just as I expected, no matter what way they go with it, it's almost always spectacular and entertaining.

(actual minor spoiler)
Goddammit Tsumugu stop jobbing
I love how they introduced him as a badass. They knew exactly what they were doing.


I don't know how much of this spoiler anxiety I can take

Do I watch it raw or wait for English subs

Will my worst fears come to pass

I'm in despair


V < |||

Will she lose her way again next week? Place your bets now.

I guess I was right about Yarnball alien wanting to go mobile, though I'm still unclear on what the hell they are building (turning Honnouji into a giant life fiber mech maybe). Ragyo, Nui, and Ryuko getting in some family bonding time was nice, though I am going to need an adult now. Mako saves the day again, as always. Honestly I'd rather Ryuko hadn't lost her damn way again in the first place, but that seems to be inevitable with this show. We're back to where we started, except Junketsu is now (one would assume) completely destroyed. Maybe Ryuko will get the scissor off of Nui finally next episode....one can hope.


Can someone explain to me how
other people besides Ryuko can wear Senkestu? Sorry if this is a dumb question. But I thought only she could wear it, because it was tailored to her DNA. I would be willing to accept that Senkestu can allow other to wear him. BUT, the fact that it's 100% life fiber, kind of makes me think that only someone who is genetically made to wear that kind of thing, could withstand it.


Well that episode was... something. Will have to watch it with subs to get the gist of it but I think I got the most important notes.

Spoiler about Episode 22 Preview:
Rei saves Nui, supposedly.

Can someone explain to me how
other people besides Ryuko can wear Senkestu? Sorry if this is a dumb question. But I thought only she could wear it, because it was tailored to her DNA. I would be willing to accept that Senkestu can allow other to wear him. BUT, the fact that it's 100% life fiber, kind of makes me think that only someone who is genetically made to wear that kind of thing, could withstand it.

Other people can wear Senketsu just fine. He can choose not to be worn by them though. Maiko activated Senketsu in Episode 4, but Senketsu resisted her. Ryuko just has a higher compatibility because of her DNA, and it's why she's the only one who can hear him.


would bleed most people dry in minutes I think. There was a line about Mako not getting anemic in the episode, wasn't there? Basically normal people have a time limit inside of him.


Well that episode was... something. Will have to watch it with subs to get the gist of it but I think I got the most important notes.

Spoiler about Episode 22 Preview:
Rei saves Nui, supposedly.

Other people can wear Senketsu just fine. He can choose not to be worn by them though. Maiko activated Senketsu in Episode 4, but Senketsu resisted her. Ryuko just has a higher compatibility because of her DNA, and it's why she's the only one who can hear him.

Yeah I suppose that makes sense. Not the first time it's been shown.
I guess it should be clarified "being worn" vs "being activated". I guess I just thought that Ryuko's DNA bond with him made it so only she could handle the 100% fiber. But obviously that's not true, given some other plot elements.

DAMN that intro lol. Just watched the first 5 min, but going to wait for the English translation first. But that + what some of you said about
Ryuko's wedding sequence...


I knew it.
Trigger, grow some spines and fucking KILL A CHARACTER OFF ALREADY! GOOD OR BAD, I DON'T CARE! Rei saving Nui in 22? What a fucking cop out! We're nearly at the end of the series and the only person who's been killed is the fucking first Goku uniform thief!


I keep reading and rereading and rereading this thread and trying my best to not click on any spoilers :mad: You guys make it so hard. I'm so excited for this episode.

Honestly, just watch the raw on Daisuki. There's not much outside of small dialogue that you won't be able to pick up on. Episode is very straight forward.


Other people can wear Senketsu just fine. He can choose not to be worn by them though. Maiko activated Senketsu in Episode 4, but Senketsu resisted her. Ryuko just has a higher compatibility because of her DNA, and it's why she's the only one who can hear him.

I figured Ryuuko was the only one who could hear him because
she is made of the same stuff (life fibers)
, not just because of the DNA.
Satsuki has some of that DNA and can't hear him (though that DNA probably helps with her ability to 'wear' Senketsu). Ragyo and Nui could probably hear him, but I don't think we've really had an opportunity to see that.


Now that Mako has avoided the worst in terms of death flags and fake-outs this entire series there's no chance in hell that they're going to off her.

Now all I care about is Gama's survival.



Dammit I really wanted to use this gif properly, but nope Trigger doesn't have the guts to kill a character even when we're down to the last few episodes. Only other things I can say are DAMMIT TSUMUGU, RIP Junketsu and Ryuuko has found her gay way

At least this will make a good fakeout gif for everybody that hasn't watched :p


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
This is, what, the 7th consecutive episode featuring some sexual scenes in it? XD



Dammit I really wanted to use this gif properly, but nope Trigger doesn't have the guts to kill a character even when we're down to the last few episodes. Only other things I can say are DAMMIT TSUMUGU, RIP Junketsu and Ryuuko has found her gay way

At least this will make a good fakeout gif for everybody that hasn't watched :p

Honestly, this episode was such a fucking disappointment. Every good series has at least a villain death by this far in... Trigger is too cold footed to kill off anyone relevant to the plot. Even Mako was "pretend dead" and Nui gets saved next episode.


Well that episode was... something. Will have to watch it with subs to get the gist of it but I think I got the most important notes.

Spoiler about Episode 22 Preview:
Rei saves Nui, supposedly.

fuck this show sometimes. I have never watched a show where so much was going on that should mean something that actually meant nothing at all. Where are the consequences?!
im just gonna catch up on seitokai yanduimo s2/witchcraft works/nourin, suffer through chuunibyou s2, and worst case scenario Nisekoi


fuck this show sometimes. I have never watched a show where so much was going on that should mean something that actually meant nothing at all. Where are the consequences?!

We're basically in the same spot as when Raygo and Nui first started appearing. There's just no citizens around or any school time.


We're basically in the same spot as when Raygo and Nui first started appearing. There's just no citizens around or any school time.

Mm, delicious improvised story arcs.

I mean, Satsuki's been defeated and now she and the Four are with Nudist Beach, but...
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