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Kill la Kill |OT|


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Kill la Kill Episode 21
You guys disappointed me with the beginning of this episode, I thought it was going to be this super shocking twist thing happened but nah, just simple freaking out
over ragyo getting all touchy feely
again >.>
othewise the rest of the episode was hype

PK Gaming

That was a pretty good episode

Kinda of wish
Ryuko stuck around as a villain, cuz this was just a re-tread but it was enjoyable so whatever.
The beginning of the episode had me hysterical, and then the
doorknob at the 'wedding' knocking over life fiber dude
slayed me.
The beginning of the episode had me hysterical, and then the
doorknob at the 'wedding' knocking over life fiber dude
slayed me.

I loved how Mako kept jumping back on her every time Ryuko throws her aside. There were some really funny moments this ep.


fuck this show sometimes. I have never watched a show where so much was going on that should mean something that actually meant nothing at all. Where are the consequences?!
I really think there's enough happening, and I don't get people's fascination with killing off characters and shit. If you need a direct reference, watch Re: Cutie Honey. Awesome show by the same guys who do Kill la Kill. A lot of shit happens, it's a fun ride, but nothing "deep" is going on. Just a fun roller coaster with over the top bullshit, style over substance and lots of colorful explosions. I like that. And I hope Kill la Kill will be similar when all is said and done. There's really nothing wrong with that. It's supposed to be entertainment, so all it has to do is to entertain - and Kill la Kill is entertaining. Fuck depth, "feels" and all that shit.


I really think there's enough happening, and I don't get people's fascination with killing off characters and shit. If you need a direct reference, watch Re: Cutie Honey. Awesome show by the same guys who do Kill la Kill. A lot of shit happens, it's a fun ride, but nothing "deep" is going on. Just a fun roller coaster with over the top bullshit, style over substance and lots of colorful explosions. I like that. And I hope Kill la Kill will be similar when all is said and done. There's really nothing wrong with that. It's supposed to be entertainment, so all it has to do is to entertain - and Kill la Kill is entertaining. Fuck depth, "feels" and all that shit.

Problem is I can get pure eye candy from a dozen other anime shows this year, like Space Dandy. I loved TTGL because it combined eye candy with raw emotion.

And by consequences, it doesn't have to be murder. Just change, lasting, that you can't come back from, that morphs the landscape and redirects how characters make choices. Sometimes it's for good, sometimes it's for bad. But it sticks, and things will never be the same, no matter how big or small, and the more the better as long as it seems like something that would be a result of a human choice. Game of Thrones knows how to do it, and does it all the time even when people aren't dying. Look at a character like Jaime Lannister. Now that's a super interesting character.

Do I expect Game of Thrones out of Kill la Kill? Absolutely not, it'd be ridiculous. But would I like there to be more times where it's impossible for what has changed to go back to how it was? Yes. Please.


I really think there's enough happening, and I don't get people's fascination with killing off characters and shit. If you need a direct reference, watch Re: Cutie Honey. Awesome show by the same guys who do Kill la Kill. A lot of shit happens, it's a fun ride, but nothing "deep" is going on. Just a fun roller coaster with over the top bullshit, style over substance and lots of colorful explosions. I like that. And I hope Kill la Kill will be similar when all is said and done. There's really nothing wrong with that. It's supposed to be entertainment, so all it has to do is to entertain - and Kill la Kill is entertaining. Fuck depth, "feels" and all that shit.

I don't think you need
"death". It's a silly notion that death is the only way to have consequences. But I think people are just frustrated with Ryuko losing her way, then finding it again soon after. And for a show with a lot of insane violence and action, it just feels like a lot the fights don't actually end resulting in a consequence. The problem with this is, a lack of consequences = no stakes. Fight sequences and what are supposed to be intense moments, kind of lose that weight, because you know the Status Quo will be returned to soon enough.
So far this has been a show, that really hasn't had any major consequences. And that's hard to ignore. Personally, I think the show is so much fun, that I'm enjoying myself. So I can't really complain. But I do understand where some are coming from. But for a show that is very loose/gritty and balls to the wall insane, it sure does wrap up things neatly. Maybe too neat.


This was a fucking awful level in pretty much every category. Jesus Christ, this was the worst episode in the series.

What the fuck?

This is the worst the animation has been, the lack of proper character buildup, Nui twists, no choreography in the action sequences, limpdick action altogether, the OST being flat as fuck the entire episode, bullshit fakeouts for no reason other than to fuck with the viewer(which were obvious as hell), lol Satsuki mastermind garbage, and people jobbing just to job at this point.

Straight out trash.
I really like Mako as a character but
I wish she had died in this episode because it would have made this show insane, just imagine how fucking crazy Ryuko would have went. It could have been truly heart breaking and super intense for the rest of the characters.


I don't get the obsession with killing off characters either. I prefer my favorites characters alive, tyvm. I quit reading Star Wars EU over them killing off
Mara Jade
for no particular good reason. I don't think I'd drop this show over it bc I enjoy it too much, but goddamn some of you all sound like emo kids up in here.

I didn't think they could get more lewd....but they did. Kill La Kill tops itself in everything. I still don't get that Nui
out of left field though.

I really like Mako as a character but
I wish she had died in this episode because it would have made this show insane, just imagine how fucking crazy Ryuko would have went. It could have been truly heart breaking and super intense for the rest of the characters.

Then she'd have lost her way for good.


Killing off a major character would be pretty useless at this point, considering how many episodes we have left. If it was going to be done, it needed to happen last year.

Although someone minor, like Monkey or Tsumugu, wouldn't hurt and might provide a little amusement.


Well you know the fuck what, when you have so many random death fakeouts, you better make one count.

Like Senketsu is bloody indestructible this episode despite being ripped to shreds earlier and later sliced.


What Kill la Kill needed was more big villains than death .
Then again i never found killing characters to be such a good thing .

I can agree with this. I was repeatedly surprised and a little disappointed that they never materialized, especially after that one early episode with glasses girl and I thought "oh sweet we're going to get a parade of bigger and crazier bad guys in this show!" Not so much :(. Just two, but a thoroughly entertaining two!


Well you know the fuck what, when you have so many random death fakeouts, you better make one count.

Like Senketsu is bloody indestructible this episode despite being ripped to shreds earlier and later sliced.

Right, no consequences. And
Junketsu will be back in a week or two since in the preview they're vacuuming him up to put him back together. I used to appreciate the fact that they'd skip boring sounding arcs to get to the plot, but now I'm realizing they're applying that breakneck pace to even the important arcs. That accumulates, and soon you have a plot that looks like those old black and white cartoons where someone would be driving a car, then the shell would fall away and it'd just be someone in a chair rolling along on wheels.


Oh yeah, another episode where Nui doesn't die.

What's sad is that I used to enjoy hating her. Then she survived a bunch of attacks that should've killed her. Even the very attack that took her eye turned out to be some kind of fluke. Now her place in the show has long worn out its welcome and I wish she'd just go away.


Nothing in this show has stuck. Not a single thing.

It's like I'm watching a rabbit in an exercise wheel, only at 12 frames per second.

What's sad is that I used to enjoy hating her. Then she survived a bunch of attacks that should've killed her. Even the very attack that took her eye turned out to be some kind of fluke. Now her place in the show has long worn out its welcome and I wish she'd just go away.

She just randomly shows up wherever the plot needs her. She's a shitty plot device.


Also highly amused that Ryuko finding her way basically consists of her getting owned by a severely outgunned Satsuki. She can never truly win, can she?

I thought it was an okay episode, that porn opening aside.


The idea of spending such a long time with a character and seeing them degrade to that extent would have been pretty jaw dropping to me.

What I think they missed out on was the character conflict of Ryuuko's connections to her real family in the Mankanshokus vs her fake biological Kiryuin family.

If you use Mako to wake Ryuuko back up, have her and her family help lead Ryuuko into deciding which one is meaningful to her. It solidifies relationships, and gives a clearer view on the chemistry of the show. Have them push these relationships to the very edge. Conflict draws out the truth, doesn't it?

Instead... you know, I've watched the episode twice, and I still can't quite remember what it was they used to try and
snap Ryuuko out of it in her dream space. I don't think it was what I just mentioned.


Yeah, I certainly do get what you guys mean. There are definitely things that could have been handled differently and better. That said, Kill la Kill manages to entertain me for half an hour every week, and that's usually really all I'm asking for. What I don't get is the constant "kill X", "kill Y", "I want a Gainax ending" nonsense. Maybe I'm strange, but I personally like happy endings, and I want the good guys to win (and not in a martyr kinda way, because that's dumb and something I consider a cop out). Not that there's any guarantee KLK will have a happy end, but I sure hope it will...


Instead... you know, I've watched the episode twice, and I still can't quite remember what it was they used to try and
snap Ryuuko out of it in her dream space. I don't think it was what I just mentioned.

They did absolutely fucking nothing. She snaps out of it because the plot demands her to snap out of it.

It's fucking awful character writing for what is probably supposed to be her character arc climax.


I hope no one dies the rest of the show, not even Ragyo, just to make all you silly dudes even more angry.

Honestly, I don't think she will either.

(Nearly) Baseless Prediction: I'm under the suspicion that her actions have been completely controlled by life fibers for a long time. Ryuuko/Satsuki will move on to defeat the original life fiber and as a result Ragyou will return to a "normal" human being.


What I think they missed out on was the character conflict of Ryuuko's connections to her real family in the Mankanshokus vs her fake biological Kiryuin family.

If you use Mako to wake Ryuuko back up, have her and her family help lead Ryuuko into deciding which one is meaningful to her. It solidifies relationships, and gives a clearer view on the chemistry of the show. Have them push these relationships to the very edge. Conflict draws out the truth, doesn't it?

Instead... you know, I've watched the episode twice, and I still can't quite remember what it was they used to try and
snap Ryuuko out of it in her dream space. I don't think it was what I just mentioned.

Great points.
Snapping Ryuuko out of it was poorly handled on every level. Even from a physical plot point the transition from her being connected to Junketsu to breaking free lacked tension. Spot on about the family moment being wasted. I'll be mad too if Ryuuko goes back to being normal next week. Before she bonded with Junketsu she was a person in crisis. She hated that she wasn't human, and had no idea what she was fighting for. But given that she says she wants to wear Senketsu my guess is that they will wash over this. And to be honest, I don't see how tonight's events cleared up how she was after she found out she was not entirely human.
They did absolutely fucking nothing. She snaps out of it because the plot demands her to snap out of it.

It's fucking awful character writing for what is probably supposed to be her character arc climax.

Honestly at the breakneck pacing this story moves at it doesn't really surprise (or bother) me that it happened so quickly. It seems fitting for the show, to me.


Honestly, I don't think she will either.

(Nearly) Baseless Prediction: I'm under the suspicion that her actions have been completely controlled by life fibers for a long time. Ryuuko/Satsuki will move on to defeat the original life fiber and as a result Ragyou will return to a "normal" human being.
But that would mean killing an entire alien species, which is arguably "worse" than killing any single human character in the grander scheme of things. ;)


Honestly at the breakneck pacing this story moves at it doesn't really surprise (or bother) me that it happened so quickly. It seems fitting for the show, to me.

There's a difference between breakneck pacing and nonexistent pacing. The sequence is completely illogical and done for shock values (a shock that is dead obvious to see coming I might add).


hey remember when I was saying this stuff months ago and no one backed me up


anyways, I'm not sure why people are so surprised or disappointed. We're far enough into the series that this shit should have felt routine. Unless you genuinely convinced yourself that Mako was going to die...


Honestly at the breakneck pacing this story moves at it doesn't really surprise (or bother) me that it happened so quickly. It seems fitting for the show, to me.

Breakneck pacing is for when it's relevant, when you need to have it. Like that whole thing about recovering the pieces of Senketsu after ep 13? In any other anime, there would've been 10 pieces of Senketsu, with Ryuuko recovering one piece every episode while defeating minor bad guys who aren't that fun to watch.

But KLK had given itself the room for breakneck pacing, and understood what had to be done, and resolved it in ONE EPISODE. That was also the genius of taking the idea of the recap episode and throwing it all into a hilarious two minute sequence. Breakneck when you need to go fast.

Purposeful and reasonably paced when you need to be. Power, responsibility, etc...

Without that contrast, it's like music that doesn't have any rhythm or silence. It becomes noise.


hey remember when I was saying this stuff months ago and no one backed me up


anyways, I'm not sure why people are so surprised or disappointed. We're far enough into the series that this shit should have felt routine. Unless you genuinely convinced yourself that Mako was going to die...

Is this only going to be one season? If so, why not break the mold leading up to the end game?


Because they'll decide to do that in the very last minutes of the show instead.

Something I was kinda afraid of early in the show based on the pacing, but it was the TTGL group so I wasn't too worried and let it slide, thinking the important things would get proper focus later on.



hey remember when I was saying this stuff months ago and no one backed me up


anyways, I'm not sure why people are so surprised or disappointed. We're far enough into the series that this shit should have felt routine. Unless you genuinely convinced yourself that Mako was going to die...

Dude, I'm not even getting good action sequences at this point. I was expecting at the bare minimum that.
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