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Kill la Kill |OT|


Also, anyone else kinda sad that
Nudist Beach has had such a tiny role in this show? At the beginning, I expected them to have their own culture, and characters we'd never seen before. :(
Just watched, had mi hand on my heart during the whole episode. Seriously Trigger wanted me to have a heart attack.

Nui needs to die NOW for fucks sake. Thats the only bad part of the episode


Just watched, had mi hand on my heart during the whole episode. Seriously Trigger wanted me to have a heart attack.

Nui needs to die NOW for fucks sake. Thats the only bad part of the episode

Nui only lives because they haven't written enough antagonistic characters, so she takes on about a dozen different roles and can never be defeated. I'm guessing she dies in the final episode and nowhere in between.
Nui only lives because they haven't written enough antagonistic characters, so she takes on about a dozen different roles and can never be defeated. I'm guessing she dies in the final episode and nowhere in between.

Yeah, there was a serious need to real evil final villians so they could be killed off.
At least im pretty sure now no good character will probably die after this episode. Maybe Ryuko o Satsuki in the final one, but I don't think any secondary good one will die, and that's somewaht a relief after Gurren Lagann.


Speaking of no consequences, check out the preview.


They're vacuuming up Junketsu's remains so Satsuki can wear him again. LITERALLY NO ONE DIES IN THIS SHOW. I'm thinking Kill la Kill means "kill our habit of killing characters." It's almost at religious censorship levels of murder aversion. Everyone's just going to the Home for Infinite Losers in Another Dimension.
They know we are expecting someone to be killed off, so they are lulling us into a false sense of security then bam, right in the feels.


You tell me what it looks like, because that's what it looks like to me.

No I'm not disagreeing lol, I can't believe they can't even kill off a bundle of clothing with next to no personality.

Seriously what's next, are they going to say that the Spy from episode 1 is actually alive and well and that he was actually play acting with Satsuki the whole time to trick the school?


No I'm not disagreeing lol, I can't believe they can't even kill off a bundle of clothing with next to no personality.

Seriously what's next, are they going to say that the Spy from episode 1 is actually alive and well and that he was actually play acting with Satsuki the whole time to trick the school?

That might actually make me laugh. At least they'd be consistent.


They know we are expecting someone to be killed off, so they are lulling us into a false sense of security then bam, right in the feels.
They're waiting to blow their load in the last episode when Ragyo succeeds and everyone dies.



Speaking of no consequences, check out the preview.


They're vacuuming up Junketsu's remains so Satsuki can wear him again. LITERALLY NO ONE DIES IN THIS SHOW. I'm thinking Kill la Kill means "kill our habit of killing characters." It's almost at religious censorship levels of murder aversion. Everyone's just going to the Home for Infinite Losers in Another Dimension.



They're waiting to blow their load in the last episode when Ragyo succeeds and everyone dies.


More like Nui is somehow redeemed, joins the heroes, and Ragyo isn't killed -- instead she's just stripped by a full scissors senisoshitsu, goes insane and is committed to a mental institution. Where Gamagoori is the warden.



I wish they'd just kill off Mako, these saves of hers D:

They should have a scene where Mako is revealed to be the Daughter of God, and is the avatar of the Deus Ex Machina. Then SHE has an existential breakdown. Then she hallelujahs herself in a Gollum/Smeagol-esque psychotic argument scene.


Oh please it can't be that bad.


Well...that...that happened.

I actually started showing my...family this. I always watch Anime first, then filter it out to them based on the content. Obviously watching Kill La Kill for the first time, my initial reaction was to keep this to myself. However, the show really opened itself up after 8 episodes in. The sexual humor was always there, but it was less..crass and fan servicey then the first handful of episodes.

SO I had to give my family the talk, about fan service. That was awkward to say the least. Maybe I was a bit hasty...but I just loved where the plot went in this story (no matter how bit shit crazy/absurd it is). Lol then this opening. Oh boy. Going to be so awkward when we get to that point. To be fair, the stuff
with Satsuki and her mom had already happened in previous episodes. So I shouldn't have expected anything less. But LOL yeahhhhh.

I know, I was probably foolish/crazy for showing to the family. I think Kill La Kill really rides that line though between being absurd/bad ass and weird. It's not like something like Highschool of the Dead where it's blatant fan service. I think, all the other elements in Kill La Kill kind of made me look past some of that.

GRANTED, I'm talking about this show from the perspective of showing other people not familiar with Anime and all that. I don't mind these elements myself.


I actually started showing my...family this. I always watch Anime first, then filter it out to them based on the content. Obviously watching Kill La Kill for the first time, my initial reaction was to keep this to myself. However, the show really opened itself up after 8 episodes in. The sexual humor was always there, but it was less..crass and fan servicey then the first handful of episodes.

SO I had to give my family the talk, about fan service. That was awkward to say the least. Maybe I was a bit hasty...but I just loved where the plot went in this story (no matter how bit shit crazy/absurd it is). Lol then this opening. Oh boy. Going to be so awkward when we get to that point. To be fair, the stuff
with Satsuki and her mom had already happened in previous episodes. So I shouldn't have expected anything less. But LOL yeahhhhh.

I know, I was probably foolish/crazy for showing to the family. I think Kill La Kill really rides that line though between being absurd/bad ass and weird. It's not like something like Highschool of the Dead where it's blatant fan service. I think, all the other elements in Kill La Kill kind of made me look past some of that.

GRANTED, I'm talking about this show from the perspective of showing other people not familiar with Anime and all that. I don't mind these elements myself.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I actually started showing my...family this. I always watch Anime first, then filter it out to them based on the content. Obviously watching Kill La Kill for the first time, my initial reaction was to keep this to myself. However, the show really opened itself up after 8 episodes in. The sexual humor was always there, but it was less..crass and fan servicey then the first handful of episodes.

SO I had to give my family the talk, about fan service. That was awkward to say the least. Maybe I was a bit hasty...but I just loved where the plot went in this story (no matter how bit shit crazy/absurd it is). Lol then this opening. Oh boy. Going to be so awkward when we get to that point. To be fair, the stuff
with Satsuki and her mom had already happened in previous episodes. So I shouldn't have expected anything less. But LOL yeahhhhh.

I know, I was probably foolish/crazy for showing to the family. I think Kill La Kill really rides that line though between being absurd/bad ass and weird. It's not like something like Highschool of the Dead where it's blatant fan service. I think, all the other elements in Kill La Kill kind of made me look past some of that.

GRANTED, I'm talking about this show from the perspective of showing other people not familiar with Anime and all that. I don't mind these elements myself.

Was you having a off day?


I know I know. Should have known better. I've been good at this so far, but slipped on this...

lol of all the things to slip on. Pretty dumb considering how blatantly over the top the show is. I knew what I was getting into.
Even Valverave had episode 10, never trust an anime.


It's a good thing I understand Spanish. So at the end of the episode
did Ryuko mean that she literally couldn't wear Senketsu anymore or that she can't bring herself to do so?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
She means she can't wear Senketsu if she's wearing Junketsu. She's willing to die in order to wear Senketsu again.


Was you having a off day?

Bad judgment I guess. Like I said, I really ended up liking this anime in the second half. Oh well. To be clear, everyone in my family is of adult age. More so, just the awkwardness of explaining dat fan service.

BTW fan subs are up.






so guys....

did anyone catch the vagina design door that was the entrance to the life fiber womb?

get it? the building is a manequin in a dress. you go under her dress.


Y'know what? After watching this episode again with subtitles, I actually enjoyed it.

The plot moved in a really predictable way but it had some legit good moments that made me enjoy it as a whole. More than anything I'm glad that
Ryuuko is FINALLY back to her senses. I don't see her going through that kind of thing again with only three episodes left so hopefully she'll stay that way til the end. Though I've been wrong before...
Mako really shined in this episode and had quite possibly her best motivational speech yet. I even got
Nudist Beach Satsuki
out of this episode too so win-win for me.

I still kinda wish Trigger had thrown us a curve-ball to have the story progress in a different way but I'm happy with what we've got so far. Things are shaping up to lead to an exciting finale.


I actually really liked this episode.

But I wish hindsight wasn't always 20/20,
because the episode 22 preview really reinforces how consequence-free this entire series has been. Not very much has changed since the beginning of the series. It's an endless cycle of one faction one-upping the other with bigger guns after tactical retreats, and no one really ends up taking any significant blows. It's all been so safe, probably because this is Trigger's first major series.

Overall this felt like the the best kind of episode we'd get considering where this series decided to go for (jarring kisses aside), and the ending finally felt like the most definitive "Ryuko is done losing her way" ending. But it all feels unsatisfactory since the reason we got that isn't because of good progression and character development, but because of endless repeating of status quos and Deus Ex Makos (god bless her poor, precious soul).


Kill la Kill Episode 21:

You know, I was really digging Heel Ryuko as honestly her personality and cockyness just work so much better as the Knight Templar of Clothing. Indeed, I really wish we still had that Ryuko because at the end of the day and the episode she comes back to her senses, such as they are, and is right back to her boring speeches of hot bloodiness. Anyway, it seems the day of reckoning is at hand as Lavos and Queen Zeal have moved to the endgame of their plot for world domination. Also, not sure exactly how Mako snapped Shadow out of her brood of ultimate angst but call this another win for the Mako X Ryuko OTP.


I actually really liked this episode.

But I wish hindsight wasn't always 20/20,
because the episode 22 preview really reinforces how consequence-free this entire series has been. Not very much has changed since the beginning of the series. It's an endless cycle of one faction one-upping the other with bigger guns after tactical retreats, and no one really ends up taking any significant blows. It's all been so safe, probably because this is Trigger's first major series.

Overall this felt like the the best kind of episode we'd get considering where this series decided to go for (jarring kisses aside), and the ending finally felt like the most definitive "Ryuko is done losing her way" ending. But it all feels unsatisfactory since the reason we got that isn't because of good progression and character development, but because of endless repeating of status quos and Deus Ex Makos (god bless her poor, precious soul).

Exactly. She broke free, but she's broken back into something that isn't terribly exciting. It's not like she has a new development that's changed her as a person. She's just Ryuuko again. And what does that mean? Back to being really moody and having no real goals of her own except for ones forced on her by the plot. And this is the part where she'll have a new one -- to kill Ragyo. Cause she's gotta. So let's just get it over with already, have giant things ramming each other until it doesn't make sense anymore, and give shippers their Mako/Gamagoori wedding sequence so we can roll the credits and see what Trigger's next series is like.


Finally watched the episode. I really liked it. I mean, yeah I kind of wanted
Ryuko being bad to be a more fleshed out plot point. And yeah, it feels like things have returned to the status quo without there being any major consequences or stakes.
But all this aside, it was a really intense episode and I enjoyed the fighting sequences.

SO, as an episode I was fine with it. As a plot point in the grand scheme of things, meh.
Great, great episode.
Seeing Nui getting stabbed and her "NANI!?!" was so satisfying but if the spoilers are accurate from next weeks preview then I guess she survives. Boo.

Senketsu is Ryukos OTL after all!

And dat Nudist Beach Satsuki. Awww yyeeeeeeeeee.


Things We Learned in Episode 21:

- We went from "We're like sisters!" in one episode to 'orgy with mom' in the next. This family is fucked by Ragyo
- Nui can't use Life Fibers
- How the fuck you got whole chin in someone's ass, lady you a nasty muthafucka
- Vaginas everywhere
- Ryuko makes Nui sticky sticky Alright I'm getting sidetracked, but this fucking opening. Come on
- Ryuko is Miley Cyrus (to Nui's Katy Perry)
- "Life Fibers are most active when their host's life is in danger." Sounds like future shenanigans/power-up
- Even Ryuko thinks Senketsu is ugly fanservice
- All hail Satsuki, the Keikaku Queen
- Tsumugu had like 2 lines and got his ass whooped. Again.
- I swear to god this is Shadow the Hedgehog turned into an anime
- The only way to get through to sombody on this show is to force yourself on or in them.
- Mako wore it best. Mako da goddess
- Ryuko has the worst periods


Senketsu looks so lame transformed, even Ryuuko in Junketsu's new form looks more interesting, though I do wish they went all the way and made her completely covered up. That ending shot of Satsuki rising from the platform at the end of episode 20 was much better than any scene with her in Life Fiber Override mode.
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