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Kill la Kill |OT|

hey remember when I was saying this stuff months ago and no one backed me up


anyways, I'm not sure why people are so surprised or disappointed. We're far enough into the series that this shit should have felt routine. Unless you genuinely convinced yourself that Mako was going to die...

I was expecting something beyond
the cliche outcome but I guess the idea of Mako dieing would be better than what we got

Also spoilers on that last part.
There's a difference between breakneck pacing and nonexistent pacing. The sequence is completely illogical and done for shock values (a shock that is dead obvious to see coming I might add).

Breakneck pacing is for when it's relevant, when you need to have it. Like that whole thing about recovering the pieces of Senketsu after ep 13? In any other anime, there would've been 10 pieces of Senketsu, with Ryuuko recovering one piece every episode while defeating minor bad guys who aren't that fun to watch.

But KLK had given itself the room for breakneck pacing, and understood what had to be done, and resolved it in ONE EPISODE. That was also the genius of taking the idea of the recap episode and throwing it all into a hilarious two minute sequence. Breakneck when you need to go fast.

Purposeful and reasonably paced when you need to be. Power, responsibility, etc...

Without that contrast, it's like music that doesn't have any rhythm or silence. It becomes noise.

Fair enough


But that would mean killing an entire alien species, which is arguably "worse" than killing any single human character in the grander scheme of things. ;)


That entire species is currently controlling the entire human population at the moment.

So it's either us or them!


Dude, I'm not even getting good action sequences at this point. I was expecting at the bare minimum that.

KLK action sequences are best when there are major character shifts happening. Again, Honnouji. Lots of fun bite sizes of fights there. Ryuuko meshing with Senketsu and testing her new speed and strength, Satsuki confronting dear old mommy, Sanageyama telling Nui he was going to get his revenge for what she did to him (though that never actually panned out...)

It's not the choreography, but the stakes that are important. A single gunshot in the dark can be more devastating or exciting than a skirmish with hundreds of men.


Because they'll decide to do that in the very last minutes of the show instead.
It's Imaishi, anything can happen. Don't be surprised if Mako simply stabs Ryuko in the back at the very end of the last episode, and it turns out she's the original life fiber or something.

God, I hope that doesn't happen...


I guess my perspective is different from you guys, because I marathoned through this show recently. I had a blast watching it. I don't know if I would feel the same way, had I been watching this live. Maybe my patience would have worn thin by now. So while I'm let down by the latest episode, and
it's failure to move the plot in a substantial way, I'm still entertained.
But you guys make very valid points. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less. But hey.



That entire species is currently controlling the entire human population at the moment.

So it's either us or them!

Which was the conflict set up from ep16 when Ryuuko got all pissed that Nudist Beach wanted to kill all life fibers.

"But wait! We can live together! Senketsu's a person! I love him, and screw you!"

That was some nice character motivation. GREAT JOB WITH IT TRIGGER... :(

Hm, now I seem to remember Mako suddenly putting the kebosh on that particular conflict with Ryuuko vs Nudist Beach...


Well lets see whats in store for this new epi-WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?

There was no investment in that fight for me because I simply would be okay with both characters dying, glad to see Trigger took the time to constantly show the other cast thanking Lady Satsuki for existing, I can see how the meeting for the creation of this boring ass character went:

One, Satsuki needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Satsuki 's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Satsuki"? Three--
Ryuko kissing Nui? Nui's gonna die next week.

Speaking of, I might be the only one who didn't want a scene like that to happen, maybe because I was expecting/afraid Psycho Mom Ragyo was gonna do it. I mean, that's her thing since her debut, but still...
I can't explain why. I guess I blame Ragyo and Nui for being bat-shit crazy.

Loved NB Satsuki though.


Well lets see whats in store for this new epi-WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?

There was no investment in that fight for me because I simply would be okay with both characters dying, glad to see Trigger took the time to constantly show the other cast thanking Lady Satsuki for existing, I can see how the meeting for the creation of this boring ass character went:

Well, they (the Four) love her.

There's definitely unseen(/unwritten?!) material in this show where we should be seeing the chemistry of families that aren't fucked up. Like, remember the night before Ragyo was gonna go to Honnouji, and Satsuki was like, "I'm just gonna chill at this mansion?"

I dunno about you guys, but seeing her there with the Hitler guy behind her made me worried for her, and I wanted to see what was going to happen. Would've been great for developing why Satsuki and the Four get along so well together. Establish the love there.
Kill la Kill Episode 21:

You know, I was really digging Heel Ryuko as honestly her personality and cockyness just work so much better as the Knight Templar of Clothing.

This ...
she's a MUCH more entertaining villain than a protag.

Sat and her elite 4 were great this ep ... there's that I guess.


I actually started showing my...family this. I always watch Anime first, then filter it out to them based on the content. Obviously watching Kill La Kill for the first time, my initial reaction was to keep this to myself. However, the show really opened itself up after 8 episodes in. The sexual humor was always there, but it was less..crass and fan servicey then the first handful of episodes.

SO I had to give my family the talk, about fan service. That was awkward to say the least. Maybe I was a bit hasty...but I just loved where the plot went in this story (no matter how bit shit crazy/absurd it is). Lol then this opening. Oh boy. Going to be so awkward when we get to that point. To be fair, the stuff
with Satsuki and her mom had already happened in previous episodes. So I shouldn't have expected anything less. But LOL yeahhhhh.

I know, I was probably foolish/crazy for showing to the family. I think Kill La Kill really rides that line though between being absurd/bad ass and weird. It's not like something like Highschool of the Dead where it's blatant fan service. I think, all the other elements in Kill La Kill kind of made me look past some of that.

GRANTED, I'm talking about this show from the perspective of showing other people not familiar with Anime and all that. I don't mind these elements myself.

my parents would disown me if i showed this to them


I will admit that the opener to this episode was probably the first time I think they went beyond "uncomfortable things that evil awful people do to their family" into "ok this is now becoming porn."


I guess my perspective is different from you guys, because I marathoned through this show recently. I had a blast watching it. I don't know if I would feel the same way, had I been watching this live. Maybe my patience would have worn thin by now. So while I'm let down by the latest episode, and
it's failure to move the plot in a substantial way, I'm still entertained.
But you guys make very valid points. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less. But hey.

Well, I'm just kinda surprised by the heat with which the show is getting slammed now. Are people finally noticing the flaws? Either way, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it. I like the last few episodes more than that interminable middle stretch, at least, and after the awful 'twist' in episode 13 the straightforwardness with which Ryuko lost and found her way feels almost refreshing.

Dude, I'm not even getting good action sequences at this point. I was expecting at the bare minimum that.

I think it's pretty consistent with what the show is usually like. Outside of a few scenes* it's always been poorly animated/not animated. Although we've definitely lost some striking BG art from early in the show, and the storyboarding feels like it's fallen off, too . . .

*and even these are CG half the time, and not very good ones at that


It's just the structural integrity of the story that's getting slammed.

If you want flashy fun, there's still a lot to enjoy.


I never said it was unique :)

I know. It's just there's... Better alternatives to KlK at this point.

Like I've said before, I'm more excited for Trigger's next production than the end of KlK. I'll probably watch the finale for KlK but I'm just bored of it at this point.


I know. It's just there's... Better alternatives to KlK at this point.

Like I've said before, I'm more excited for Trigger's next production than the end of KlK. I'll probably watch the finale for KlK but I'm just bored of it at this point.

Yeah, today was the day my excitement for KLK died.

Kinda sad. I was really super psyched about it all early on. I loved TTGL to bits, and I wanted to see where the characters in KLK would go because they seemed really easy to love. I especially liked Senketsu, and believe it or not, Ryuuko.


Well, I'm just kinda surprised by the heat with which the show is getting slammed now. Are people finally noticing the flaws? Either way, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it. I've enjoyed the last few episodes far more than that interminable middle stretch, at least, and after the awful 'twist' in episode 13 the straightforwardness with which Ryuko lost and found her way feels almost refreshing.

I think it's pretty consistent with what the show is usually like. Outside of a few scenes* it's always been poorly animated/not animated. Although we've definitely lost some striking BG art from early in the show, and the storyboarding feels like it's fallen off, too . . .

*and even these are CG half the time, and not very good ones at that

I think you are right. It's not like the show has ever strayed from its style/formula before. So there shouldn't have been expectations of a departure. I still hoped they would take a risk for the end game and commit. But it was foolish to expect that.


my parents would disown me if i showed this to them

We only watched the first couple of episodes. So there wasn't anything too bad here. You guys made me realize the mistake, and I won't show them the rest lol

Was already awkward trying to explain things.


I think you are right. It's not like the show has ever strayed from its style/formula before. So there shouldn't have been expectations of a departure. I still hoped they would take a risk for the end game and commit. But it was foolish to expect that.

If only Nui didn't exist and Maiko returned in episode 13. That's when the show Lost Its Way™.



Sweeping up the innards of a recently departed Nui AND Junketsu?

c'est possible, la vie est drole an' all that

Not a chance. Nui's not biting the dust (if she does at all) until later on. All you're seeing there are the status quo janitors :)))


Absurd expectations are clearly ruining this show for a lot of people.

Whatever, man. It's fun. I enjoy myself every week, without fail.


Well, they (the Four) love her.

Sexy teacher took the time to praise her thrice, she took the time to devise and write a complicated plan on Mako's hands because no one is possibly as competent as her, they showed the other waste of skin character falling in the water because only the four devas trained by her are worthy of this battle but no the organization created by the God Robe maker, even when getting pounded during the episode they felt the need to insert dialog to clarify that she was still winning at some level because no human could have lasted this long. No one likes a Mary Sue, but people actively hate one whose creators probably wank to in the lonely apartments because its so palpable its sad at this point.


The intro...I don't....what....WHAT?! The creepiest fan fiction is crossing into reality.

Good episode overall. A little upset that Mako didn't life fiber synchronize with Senketsu


Sexy teacher took the time to praise her thrice, went toe to toe with Nui with no Junketsu, she took the time to devise and write a complicated plan on Mako's hands because no one is possibly as competent as her, they showed the other waste of skin character falling in the water because only the four devas trained by her are worthy of this battle but no the organization created by the God Robe maker, even when getting pounded during the episode they felt the need to insert dialog to clarify that she was still winning at some level because no human could have lasted this long. No one likes a Mary Sue, but people actively hate one whose creators probably wank to in the lonely apartmenst because its so palpable its sad at this point.

No one ever said it was fair that Tsumugu has become such a relentless jobber. They gave him the "two facts" quirk just to make up for his lameness later on, and that makes me sad.
I guess my perspective is different from you guys, because I marathoned through this show recently. I had a blast watching it. I don't know if I would feel the same way, had I been watching this live. Maybe my patience would have worn thin by now. So while I'm let down by the latest episode, and
it's failure to move the plot in a substantial way, I'm still entertained.
But you guys make very valid points. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less. But hey.

I'm in a similar position as you, I suppose, though I'm still greatly enjoying the series. Thought this episode was wonderfully entertaining (as always), and despite having read through the complaints, the way the show went about it seemed to make sense considering what Trigger has been doing since Episode 1.


Absurd expectations are clearly ruining this show for a lot of people.

Whatever, man. It's fun. I enjoy myself every week, without fail.

I didn't have any expectations going in and yet I'm not too into it. I also didn't have many expectation going into Space Dandy, speaking of shows that are about insanity and fun, but I like that.


I too had a blast watching it, but I did so in a very short period of time - didn't have to wait week after week for a new episode.

I also came into the show with absolutely no expectations, and just enjoyed the ride.

Still need to catch the new episode though.



Daily reminder that they completely forgot about this plot point



Daily reminder that they completely forgot about this plot point

They probably haven't forgotten about it. I seem to remember them talking about it... some episodes back, didn't they? They're gonna use it at some point, I'm sure. Who cares when, or why, because Nudist Beach seems totally out of its depth at this point, but they'll fire the thing eventually.


hey remember when I was saying this stuff months ago and no one backed me up


anyways, I'm not sure why people are so surprised or disappointed. We're far enough into the series that this shit should have felt routine. Unless you genuinely convinced yourself that Mako was going to die...

I've always known that Status Quo is God in this show but I foolishly expected that they'd break from that formula now that the show is so close to finishing. I was so ridiculously wrong about that though.

(I had my share of whining about episode 3 and 4 not progressing the plot though, if anyone remembers that)

Absurd expectations are clearly ruining this show for a lot of people.

Whatever, man. It's fun. I enjoy myself every week, without fail.

I don't think it's absurd to expect the actions in this show to hold some actual weight.

If only Nui didn't exist and Maiko returned in episode 13. That's when the show Lost Its Way™.

I think I agree with this. My interest in this show peaked with episode 13 and has only really been dropping, with a few scarce moments of greatness (well greatness may be too strong of a word).


They probably haven't forgotten about it. I seem to remember them talking about it... some episodes back, didn't they? They're gonna use it at some point, I'm sure. Who cares when, or why, because Nudist Beach seems totally out of its depth at this point, but they'll fire the thing eventually.

They'll miss or they'll hit and it won't have any effect


They'll miss or they'll hit and it won't have any effect

When was the last time Nudist Beach was relevant? The ship, right? That's basically it? They gave our heroes a ship to have stuff happen on.

Otherwise they recently exist to say, "wow, we suck, these guys sure are powerful."


When was the last time Nudist Beach was relevant? The ship, right? That's basically it? They gave our heroes a ship to have stuff happen on.

Otherwise they recently exist to say, "wow, we suck, these guys sure are powerful."

Aikuro hasn't even gotten a fight. Seriously what the hell happened to his Acupuncture Fu?


Aikuro hasn't even gotten a fight. Seriously what the hell happened to his Acupuncture Fu?

Improvisational plot. Come up with some cool Chekov's Gun, but because it was spur of the moment creativity, you totally forgot you did it and it disappears soon after.

Just like Tsumugu's sister. Ha, remember when we thought she was Ryuuko's mom and Tsumugu was her uncle because we thought he could hear Senketsu?

Good times. Good times.

from December, ouch

This has been my main issue with the show as a whole. They keep bringing in all these elements that threaten to shake things up, and the episode escalates, and then... it goes back to the status-quo and the pacing is slaughtered. Hopefully it'll actually stick this time.


k, sorry for double post, but evilsk.. oh man, this was your quote from December. It's like we're all having the exact same discussions. Is this groundhog day or something? (No, that was last month!)

After a lot of thinking, what bugs me the most about this episode is that it really doesn't seem like there have been any lasting consequences for Ryuuko after all of the buildup from the last two episodes. Ryuuko went berserk, sure, but now she knows all she needs is Mako to calm down again.

I was expecting at least Ryuuko or Senketsu to be gimped because of this, or for somebody to die as a consequence for her going Berserk. But nothing like that happened, besides the heavy blood loss there's nothing there to reinforce that going berserk is particularly bad (not unless Mako is around anyway).

Honestly though I think it's more possible the schools will get supplied by Nudist Beach as opposed to Nudist Beach taking full reign of the opposing schools. I can't see Nudist Beach using all of their resources just to oppose Satsuki only especially since she seems to be acting independently of Revocs as a whole.


Improvisational plot. Come up with some cool Chekov's Gun, but because it was spur of the moment creativity, you totally forgot you did it and it disappears soon after.

Just like Tsumugu's sister. Ha, remember when we thought she was Ryuuko's mom and Tsumugu was her uncle because we thought he could hear Senketsu?

Good times. Good times.

from December, ouch

I'm starting to realize how obvious this all was. Like I said, marathoning the show made it easier to swallow and overlook. But yeah, you guys were right. I guess at this point, they should probably just double down and make the ending as absurd as possible. Unless they plan to completely break from the formula all in the final episode. Not even sure that work at this point.


I'm starting to realize how obvious this all was. Like I said, marathoning the show made it easier to swallow and overlook. But yeah, you guys were right. I guess at this point, they should probably just double down and make the ending as absurd as possible. Unless they plan to completely break from the formula all in the final episode. Not even sure that work at this point.

It would be totally insane and ridiculous. Enough to be entertaining, but probably not well-developed enough to affect us emotionally like it should.

It'll just be, "oh, they finally used that forgotten thing. It had no effect anyway, ah well. Oh, turns out they retconned Tsumugu's sister into being Ragyo. Oh. Oh. Ok. Whatever."


So how about that opening guys. Totally justified and not shameless fanservice right?

Well, at least we know what happened to Ryuuko directly following Junketsu being attached to her and before she showed up at Nudist Beach's ship...
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