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Kill la Kill |OT|


So how about that opening guys. Totally justified and not shameless fanservice right?

I have always been on the side of justified fan service. But I think even that was taking it just a bit too far into the realm of pornography to actually be defended. The whole episode was a bit overlooked by the devs. Must've been one they were itching to finish more quickly than others.


As the episode went on, it really made me realize how sort of weak Ryuko's character was developed. I should be super invested in what's going on with her, but I was actually surprised by how little I was "buying" the progression. But I will watch on, for Satsuki.

This seems like an unpopular opinion, but I actually enjoy Nui's character. Don't come across many sadistic antagonists that aren't outwardly self-absorbed narcissists or pathetic in some way. She's a "watch the world burn" type. Hope they do her eventual character death justice. But If she lives, I will enjoy all the salt it produces. Also, Nui's theme so best.


As the episode went on, it really made me realize how sort of weak Ryuko's character was developed. I should be super invested in what's going on with her, but I was actually surprised by how little I was "buying" the progression. But I will watch on, for Satsuki.

This seems like an unpopular opinion, but I actually enjoy Nui's character. Don't come across many sadistic antagonists that aren't outwardly self-absorbed narcissists or pathetic in some way. She's a "watch the world burn" type. Hope they do her eventual character death justice. But If she lives, I will enjoy all the salt it produces. Also, Nui's theme so best.

I used to like Nui. Now I just think she doesn't really have a useful function in the story anymore. My hatred for her is what I believe is called X-Pac Heat.

Her theme is the best, though. Instantly creepy and catchy.


This show is awesome.

I do wish Ryuko actually does something on her own but I guess the point is that "friendship is what makes you human" or some shonen stuff.

But I still have enjoyed this show week to week.

I really think some people are overthinking it a bit.


I used to like Nui. Now I just think she doesn't really have a useful function in the story anymore. My hatred for her is what I believe is called X-Pac Heat.

Her theme is the best, though. Instantly creepy and catchy.

Unfortunately I agree. I wish she was better integrated and established as an outside interloper. Now she just shows up when plot is happening but doing nothing.


Sexy teacher took the time to praise her thrice, she took the time to devise and write a complicated plan on Mako's hands because no one is possibly as competent as her, they showed the other waste of skin character falling in the water because only the four devas trained by her are worthy of this battle but no the organization created by the God Robe maker, even when getting pounded during the episode they felt the need to insert dialog to clarify that she was still winning at some level because no human could have lasted this long. No one likes a Mary Sue, but people actively hate one whose creators probably wank to in the lonely apartments because its so palpable its sad at this point.

It's okay. We all have different coping mechanisms with dealing with the fact that Satsuki's the rightful and justified protagonist. Just give it time to soak in.


Unfortunately I agree. I wish she was better integrated and established as an outside interloper. Now she just shows up when plot is happening but doing nothing.

Even the one thing she keeps threatening to do is a total tease - that is, kill Mako. So until she does something of significance again or reveals something that deepens her character (and I don't mean "I'm a fiber baby" because she's done absolutely nothing with that,) she's kinda... like... a "just so" explanation as for why certain REVOCS suits exist. A background entity. And to be frank, sort of an annoying one that, now and again, takes the place of an obligatory antagonistic character because they haven't written anyone else for our good guys to fight.


I honestly can't tell you why I'm still watching this. I never had terribly high expectations - I just wanted cool fights. But now, we're hardly getting that anymore and I'm not invested in the story at all. I don't care what happens to any of these people really. Well, Ragyo is cool and Mako has grown on me, but that's really it.

I get that the show is supposed to be "flashy fun"...but I'm not having fun. However, we're 21 episodes in so I guess I might as well see how it ends. Because I'm dumb.
Just finished episode 18.


This show. So hype for the rest. I'm so glad I stopped watching for a couple months, got to binge watch like 10 episodes. lol.


And to be frank, sort of an annoying one that, now and again, takes the place of an obligatory antagonistic character because they haven't written anyone else for our good guys to fight.

Yep, that's all she's been for a long time. I was just really interested in the potential of her character because her introduction was so strong. If she doesn't get anything significant development-wise in the rest of the show, I will be disappoint.


Yep, that's all she's been for a long time. I was just really interested in the potential of her character because her introduction was so strong. If she doesn't get anything significant development-wise in the rest of the show, I will be disappoint.

I imagine she'll spend the rest of the show taunting our characters, until she's suddenly murdered by clothing. "B-b-but I'm the grand courtier!"

Whatever. You shoulda died already. Get over it.
When was the last time Nudist Beach was relevant? The ship, right? That's basically it? They gave our heroes a ship to have stuff happen on.

Otherwise they recently exist to say, "wow, we suck, these guys sure are powerful."
Nudist Beach is Yamcha, Tien and Chaotzu. Mako is Krillin.


This show is still so goddamn hilarious. Plot be damned.

As long as stuff like Ragyou and Nui mental molesting Ryuko happens, followed by Ryuko forcibly plating a kiss on Nui in the first few minutes.

Then I know that the Gods are still in their firmament and all is right with the world.


Junior Member
This was a fucking awful level in pretty much every category. Jesus Christ, this was the worst episode in the series.

What the fuck?

This is the worst the animation has been, the lack of proper character buildup, Nui twists, no choreography in the action sequences, limpdick action altogether, the OST being flat as fuck the entire episode, bullshit fakeouts for no reason other than to fuck with the viewer(which were obvious as hell), lol Satsuki mastermind garbage, and people jobbing just to job at this point.

Straight out trash.

Seriously? You can cut down on the hyperbole now.

This episode was awesome and crazy as hell. First we got the threesome and dat kiss. The episode's already started out strong!

Next, I thought the fight was damn good. Lots of stuff happening, Ryuko shit talking, and Satsuki getting brutally beaten. It's a little too bad she gets up like nothing, but still...it felt brutal.

Good stuff with the Devas, and the Mako antics were good as well.

I even liked Tsumugu's jobbing. It gave me a few laughs. Why is Aikuro just standing there though? Is he too smart and realizes he'll job as well? lol.

Also they even explained the fanservice, ie. why Senketsu looks like a stripper outfit.

This episode was really action packed and very "loud". The episode had very little breaks and kept going. Even if the story didn't really advance a whole lot this episode, and we're back at square one with Ryuko, it was still great.


When's the last time Ryuuko did something that she wasn't forced, manipulated, or begged to do?

I think maybe letting Mako beat her up in episode 7 counts, because otherwise I can't think of anything since she openly challenged Satsuki in episode 1.


Now that episode 21 is out, can I just ask the bunch of folks here...what's your top 3 KLK episodes so far?

Mine would probably be:

18. Brilliant episode from start to end.

03. Satsuki receiving Junketsu, Satsuki vs Ryuuko and THAT implosion. Fangasmed when Ryuuko went "decapitation mode~!

11. Mainly for that twist at the end. Was a real "oh shit" moment when I saw the purple scissors blade being taken out and spun around if nothing else

Theory idea:
Anyone see Senketsu's life fiber absorption thing coming back into play? It's been a while since we saw that. What's the chances that Harime Nui will be finished off by Senketsu since she's composed of life fibers?
I am absolutely baffled at the criticisms this show gets here in this thread.

Its like I am reading posts from people who have never seen an anime before, never been to the movie theater, never read a book, and never watched tv.

If we ever got you people in a room and you had to write a sitcom for children on the disney channel, your show would get cancelled after the pilot because it sucks.

Anyway, I enjoyed the hell out of this episode. Leaves me wanting more.


It's pretty obvious to me that
There's going to be a Season 2 one way or another, or that OVA is going to be important, or there's going to be a movie tie-in or something.

There's just not enough time to resolve all the plot points and stuff. Unless we're going Valvrave route. I mean, it's clear that there's going to be a space showdown - yet we still don't know much about anything really.

Enjoyed the episode - was shocked at the
scene - since she did
cut Senketsu (Mako) down
does it mean that
Someone's about to die through delayed injury like


Enjoyed the episode - was shocked at the
scene - since she did
cut Senketsu (Mako) down
does it mean that
Someone's about to die through delayed injury like

Nah, it's just that, as
killing Mako, even if it was only in her mind, ended up hurting Ryuuko more than anything. That's how she snapped out of it


Now that episode 21 is out, can I just ask the bunch of folks here...what's your top 3 KLK episodes so far?

Mine would probably be:

18. Brilliant episode from start to end.

03. Satsuki receiving Junketsu, Satsuki vs Ryuuko and THAT implosion. Fangasmed when Ryuuko went "decapitation mode~!

11. Mainly for that twist at the end. Was a real "oh shit" moment when I saw the purple scissors blade being taken out and spun around if nothing else
Top 3 Episodes:
1. Episode 5. It's still the best episode by far, and I really hope that I don't have to explain why that's the case.

2. Episode 10. People will probably chalk this up to my Nonon bias but I don't care, I absolutely loved this episode. The Nonon battle is still one of the best action segments in this show (the syncing with the music as well as the battle being more back and forth rather than being a dumb 1 sided beatdown was extremely refreshing to watch), we also had some decent world building for a change (something that this show honestly lacks a lot of), we got to see a different side to the Elite 4 for once and there was that Holy Shit Factor when Tsumugu was called in as well as Nui being teased in the preview.

3. I don't have any episodes I really enjoy like after this. There are just those that I'm indifferent to and those that I just straight up don't like. Honorable Mention to episode 4, I can't decide whether I love or hate that episode (it's probably both).

Bottom 3 Episodes

3. Episode 3. This was just straight up boring. The CG scene and destroying the school, but not really destroying the school, didn't do anything for me at all.

2. Episode 13. Besides the cheap as hell twist that soured me on to Nui's character, the episode's resolution also felt exactly like it should have happened an episode ago too.

1. Episode 12. It brought a lot of stakes to the table... and did absolutely nothing with them. It's not a necessarily bad episode by itself, it's more the disappointment as well as being the episode that preceeds my interest dipping in the series is why it gets to be Bottom Episode no. 1.

I am absolutely baffled at the criticisms this show gets here in this thread.

Its like I am reading posts from people who have never seen an anime before, never been to the movie theater, never read a book, and never watched tv.

If we ever got you people in a room and you had to write a sitcom for children on the disney channel, your show would get cancelled after the pilot because it sucks.

Anyway, I enjoyed the hell out of this episode. Leaves me wanting more.

I'm kind of confused as to what criticism you have a problem with.


kill la kill 21

Running in circles... again. This story didn't warrant 24 episodes, that much has been clear for a while now. I'm kinda apathetic to what's happening anymore, it's just so repetitive and too random even for this series. when
Satsuki took off senketsu
? for example, it just seemingly happened like that or maybe I just missed it considering what a mess all the fights are, it's not fun to follow anymore, good thing it's almost over because I don't care for any of it anymore but too late to quit now, lol.

Andrew J.

Episode 21

I'm a sucker for the subversion of established visual conventions, like seeing Mako's "Hallelujah" bits from a different angle, or the way the blood ran over the life fiber background.

Fighting was pretty hype this episode. Mako was also great. ("She wrote it on my hands!")

Glad Nui won't die for a while. I want her existential suffering long and drawn out.


The writing on the hands bit makes me want to ship these two.

Thankfully someone else saw this too, and decided to make fanart of it.


Huge Nickleback Fan
So how about that opening guys. Totally justified and not shameless fanservice right?

Totally justified. Didn't you see
Ragyo put her chin in Ryuko butt? That's like some meta commentary on how fan service is just joke, to not be taken seriously... oh who am i kidding, i think this one is a bit too much


So how about that opening guys. Totally justified and not shameless fanservice right?

It's funny to me that the opening didn't bother me that much when stuff like it has irritated me to no end throughout the series. I guess I just no longer care or am surprised by what the show will show.


Episode 21

For as much of a build up we had last episode, this one felt ok at best. A lot of what felt like pointless banter early on during the fight leading into the send half with Nui and the rest of the shenanigans that ended with
Ryuuko breaking free from Junketsu

I feel like the show is trying to take the approach of 'show don't tell', but it's not doing a good job of getting across the 'show' portion.
The symbolic killing of Senketsu and Mako inside of Ryuuko's head, the inability of Ryuuko being able to actually destroy Senketsu during the fight, the whole Ragyo and Nui scene using emotion and desire to make Ryuuko more willing and susceptible to the will of the life fibers would work better with a bit more explanation or through some additional character development.
The breakneck pace this show keeps doesn't allow for that and we get an undercooked Ryuuko who works better as the villain who has some major heel turns (outside of the whole "Fuck I'm a life fiber monster" bit that was actually handled well).

The show is still a blast to watch and I'll enjoy it though to the end, but this show could have been so much more and you can see it at points through the run, it just doesn't remain at that or even near that level for a good chunk of the series.

Edit: I hope the reason for the turn is explained in the next episode
in that the loss of Senketsu and Mako, Ryuuko saw what had and always will matter and that the fake feeling of being one with the life fibers was empty, because both of true friends have a place there. I know it's corny, but that's the direction their relationship has gone in.


Now that episode 21 is out, can I just ask the bunch of folks here...what's your top 3 KLK episodes so far?

Kind of hard to order these.

1. Episode 5 - This introduced a lot of stuff. It was the first episode to really hint at all the bigger stuff going on behind the scenes. The action was great, and Tsumugu's debut made him seem both interesting and really relevant to what was to come. I was dazzled by all the potential progression that could come from that episode, so it's kind of a shame that all of his plotlines have fizzled out. It really hurt seeing him suck constantly in 21.

2. Episode 18 - This is the best episode of all the crazy stuff happening recently in the show. It didn't just make Ragyo into a real threat, it was also stuffed with some of the best action in the entire show, character appearances and saves that made me want to cheer, and totally ridiculous revelations. I love how the brief fight between Ryuuko and Satsuki went here, and that break felt a lot more meaningful than this more elaborate recent one.

3. Episode 4 - Maybe I'm just crazy, but I loved the slapstick in this episode, even the silly "panty shot = nosebleed wipeout" gag. At times it looked cheap as hell, but that made it even more charming. I had a smile glued to my face from the bus hijacking until the credits rolled. That Maiko has yet to reappear seems like yet another loose end from the beginning of the series that they lost track of in the crescendo of 11-13.

I'm having fun every episode, but it hurts that the writing doesn't hang together better. Maybe it's unfair, but Gurren Lagann felt so much stronger in terms of how the plot hung together and built on itself, and in how all the characters contributed. Kill la Kill is still good, but it could have been really great.
KLK 21

Not really sure what I expect from this show to be honest. I think something like Bleach is actually better in every way, and this episode just reinforced it. I'm not really sure what the point of the softcore porn at the begging is, but apparently I'm not allowed to call it fanservice otherwise I'm a fascist organising book burnings. Then we come to the meat of the episode in which I spent most of it hoping that someone would die (Mako tbh), just so the show would actually do something. Instead we get the exact same thing we had before, Ryuuko goes crazy, Mako intervenes and stops her. The actual fights are barely interesting, with them following the standard, I beat on you for a bit then we talk about what I just did, and then you pull out something, and you beat on me. Rinse and repeat. The power levels have been through the roof for a while, but us going to the trite "No mere human can face me" rhetoric, I fear we may have reached a new low. Taking face shots from battleship cannons is no problem, no sir. Nudist beach guy seem to have been shoved to a gag character, he is useless.


Let's not forget that in this episode, Trigger totally justified the fanservice by saying that "Override mode" provides less body contact between the body and the clothing, so that it's harder for the godrobe wearer to fall under its control.


Let's not forget that in this episode, Trigger totally justified the fanservice by saying that "Override mode" provides less body contact between the body and the clothing, so that it's harder for the godrobe wearer to fall under its control.

No, that's "Synchronize", which is what Senketsu does. Junketsu's "Override", on the other hand, has the clothes covering most of the body.

So of course,
when Ryuuko is being taken by Junketsu, she's completely naked, along with Ragyo and Nui. That makes sense.


hey look, shameless and useless fanservice.
hey look, Mako saving Ryuko again.
hey look, shitty fights. etc.

I liked Nui when she entered the series (iirc ep 13) but she has been developed poorly, so yeah, she was just awful in this episode too.

I kind of liked that ending though.


Episode 21 is a step down from the last bunch of episodes for several reasons. Ryuko is a boring character so any conflict centered around her is going to lose my interest. The fight was pretty crappy in general, without much choreography or style. Lots of lazy looping animations with typical shounen fight babble. The stuff at the start of the episode was total pandering for sick otakus too. Gross. Not feeling much of anything this week really. Even the Mako stuff is getting old because Ryuko is such an awful character she drags everyone down. Satsuki's tactical plan with the council members was cool though. Wish the entire episode was more of that instead of lame Ryuko angst crap that no one cares about.


I don't get how people are saying the fights were good in this episode. In what way? There was pretty much no animation, weak story boarding, and the OST was flat.
My enjoyment of this episode likely hinged on the fight, and it didn't really deliver, so that was that. I don't take issue with Ryuuko as much some people here, because although she's boring, I don't find Satsuki particularly interesting either, so it's a wash. Ryuuko at least comes with Mako.

I will say this, I've always appreciated abandonment of literalism and exploration of the subconscious in entertainment, so I got some satisfaction out of Mako's venture inside Ryuuko. I found the scene funny as well. The visual gags and Mako have delivered with surprising consistency in my opinion.
The fight was definitely a letdown. I thought there would be more but otherwise it was a solid episode. I dont particularly give a shit about character development or whatever in an anime where tits and dicks are constantly waved around. Ryuko would have been a good villain but you cant stop Ryuko x Senketsu.

This episode also gave us a hilarious shot of Ragyo's chin in someones buttcrack. So theres that.

Absurd expectations are clearly ruining this show for a lot of people.

Whatever, man. It's fun. I enjoy myself every week, without fail.



I don't get how people are saying the fights were good in this episode. In what way? There was pretty much no animation, weak story boarding, and the OST was flat.

I think it was more about the intensity of the moment (or the idea of it). But I kind of agree that the actual fight sequence was just whatever. Nothing special, and certainly not better than past fights. It also relied on the typical
Satsuki fake out, which undercut the fight as we've seen it too many times. And Mako saving the day (fuck this shit at this point). Doesn't help that Ryuuko is also OP as hell, so the fight was mostly one sided.

Meh. The more I think about it, the more this episode has definitely soured on me. I'm still not as mad I think, because I haven't been invested in this show the entire time it was airing live. I pretty much watched this in a couple days. So I'm basically viewing this show as really stupid/absurd shlock. It's a lot of fun. But I do get the criticisms, and I think you guys are right.


Let's not forget that in this episode, Trigger totally justified the fanservice by saying that "Override mode" provides less body contact between the body and the clothing, so that it's harder for the godrobe wearer to fall under its control.
I was laughing my ass off when they explain this for some reason.


This episode was fun, had some cool moments,but it feels like somewhat of a step down from the last few episodes. The opening was...a bit much.
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