Ha ha, yes!
is back! Good episode.
Fight Club Mako
I second this sentiment completely. Just watched it now. Episode was pretty crap except for Mako at the very end. Skipped through all the middle talking bits as they aren't very interesting at all. I guess the characterisation changes are supposed to make us more enamoured to them but for me it just does the opposite. Don't think I really care about our flash-step faster than light, DBZ/Bleach flying characters.
errrrrrrrrrrrr...I don't understand this line of thinking.
I don't hate the show, I don't love the show, it's just another cartoon with entertaining elements and good designs which dropped the ball on the story and pacing. Just popcorn entertainment that could have been much better if it were better made in the end.
Revocs is cool, Ragyo is cool, sometimes the action is cool, Mako is very entertaining. I don't care about any of the underlying motivations or development of the characters because the show has completely dropped the ball on them. I would have dropped the show after 15 if the entertainment factor didn't massively pick up from 16 onwards. The directing was smarter, tighter, and the superficial elements made it enjoyable enough to watch.
I don't hate the show, I don't love the show, it's just another cartoon with entertaining elements and good designs which dropped the ball on the story and pacing. Just popcorn entertainment that could have been much better if it were better made in the end.
The best show I'm watching this season is Silver Spoon. It's a perfect marriage of a setting which has a unique personal perspective from the author and characters who are relatable and also likable.
I think I can understand that position. If you don't care about the characters and their plight because you didn't care for the writing (which I certainly didn't) then why would you care when everyone nods and talks to each other? It's not particularly interesting.
Meh, I always expected the show to be popcorn fun, and it delivered in that. Felt the same about most of gurren lagann.
I think I can understand that position. If you don't care about the characters and their plight because you didn't care for the writing (which I certainly didn't) then why would you care when everyone nods and talks to each other? It's not particularly interesting.
Hahahaha, that's so adorable!
I just don't agree that not caring about characters means someone should stop paying attention to what's happening and then criticize what they apparently skipped :U
For me, popcorn fun is rarely worth a full 24-26 episode season. Gurren Lagann had a lot more story to tell with a larger cast so they were able to fill it out pretty nicely. Kill la Kill feels like the first half of TTGL stretched out to 24 episodes.
Treating it as just entertainment it's more than fine for me, but then I haven't seriously watched an anime outside of some movies in quite awhile anyway, though yeah I don't think this can top Gurren Lagann.This pretty much sums up my feelings too. I'm enjoying the show, but I can't say I'm particularly invested in it. A lot of that for me really stems from both its formulaic nature, and how static of a character Ryuko is. Mind you, I do like the cast (even Nui!). They're a lot of fun! The whole show is fun, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just not... special, I guess.
Maybe my expectations were just too high? I liked Gurren Lagann more.
Because as a matter of course unless you're stopping for good or being intentionally disingenuous you should watch a given episode to completion?
You've never used the fast forward button or skipped throw a slow scene in anything ever? Even if you haven't, that's hardly an uncommon action!
Treating it as just entertainment it's more than fine for me, but then I haven't seriously watched an anime outside of some movies in quite awhile anyway, though yeah I don't think this can top Gurren Lagann.
And I think Nui's just one of those characters you can love to hate, though I guess at this point a lot of people just plain hate her. I doubt anyone doesn't want to see her comeuppance at any rate, whether it's to get her out of the way or to see how completely batshit she can get.
I'm kind of curious, but does anyone take this show more seriously than entertainment? I don't mean to be condescending. If someone does, let me know. I really don't mean offense (and I have an open mind). It's just, the show really hasn't ever showed us any intention of having a deep story, with fleshed out characters. It hasn't taken the time to set up long arcs, with thematic pay off. It's all about absurd moments/beats. The life fiber plot I guess is something, but even the idea that it pushes forward is so over the top/funny, that you can't really take it seriously.
To be clear, I see nothing wrong with seeing this as "art" either. I'm not saying the animation isn't awesome. Or that making shlock like this, doesn't take a certain skill or talent. In fact, I think with shows like this, it 100% depends on the way they tell it. I'm happy with the show it is, and enjoy it for what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. It's hard for me to be let down that the show hasn't been anything deeper. Do I think it could have been a better show if it did these things? Absolutely. But I'm not bothered that it didn't.
I think the Ragyou molestation scenes may have had something to them, but even if they were intended to be some kind of subversion of fanservice (which I wrote about here), ultimately, I think the show is just another solid effort in the same vain TTGL was. You know me from my Legend of Korra rants. For the most part, my enjoyment of shows doesn't come from how they affect me emotionally. I go in for the style, the structure, the mythos. I can enjoy shows on an emotional level, obviously, but they rarely ever get more than a shallow entertainment out of me for that and I would never recommend a show just based on how much I personally like it as oppose to how well written it is. TTGL was the sole exception to that. There's just so much passion bursting through the show that, like it's motto 'Do the impossible' says, it somehow manages to shatter my usual standards and just get me caught up in the hotbloodedness so much that I do recommend it as legitimately good. I guess I can recommend it on technical aspects like the animation and visuals and such, but at the end of the day, I love it because it's infectiously passionate, and I say that without being able to recommend anything about it's story. Because TTGL's story was pure nonsense. In fact, many criticisms I see levied here at KLK are things that TTGL went through itself.
So I view KLK in the same vein I view TTGL. It's fucking stupid, but it's hard for me not to get caught up in Mako's bizarre rants and Ryuko's passion and Satsuki's badassery through the series. In 99% of works, I would usually say that if a show isn't intelligent, then it's bad. Which, I stress, has no bearing on how much a person should enjoy it. I enjoy some stuff that I would call wretched, and I'm not ashamed of it. But Trigger produces the 1% that is dumb, but doesn't give a shit and is good anyway. Because they like to do the impossible and be incomprehensible.
If I haven't seen that episode/movie before, no, never.
I think the Ragyou molestation scenes may have had something to them, but even if they were intended to be some kind of subversion of fanservice (which I wrote about here), ultimately, I think the show is just another solid effort in the same vain TTGL was. You know me from my Legend of Korra rants. For the most part, my enjoyment of shows doesn't come from how they affect me emotionally. I go in for the style, the structure, the mythos. I can enjoy shows on an emotional level, obviously, but they rarely ever get more than a shallow entertainment out of me for that and I would never recommend a show just based on how much I personally like it as oppose to how well written it is. TTGL was the sole exception to that. There's just so much passion bursting through the show that, like it's motto 'Do the impossible' says, it somehow manages to shatter my usual standards and just get me caught up in the hotbloodedness so much that I do recommend it as legitimately good. I guess I can recommend it on technical aspects like the animation and visuals and such, but at the end of the day, I love it because it's infectiously passionate, and I say that without being able to recommend anything about it's story. Because TTGL's story was pure nonsense. In fact, many criticisms I see levied here at KLK are things that TTGL went through itself.
So I view KLK in the same vein I view TTGL. It's fucking stupid, but it's hard for me not to get caught up in Mako's bizarre rants and Ryuko's passion and Satsuki's badassery through the series. In 99% of works, I would usually say that if a show isn't intelligent, then it's bad. Which, I stress, has no bearing on how much a person should enjoy it. I enjoy some stuff that I would call wretched, and I'm not ashamed of it. But Trigger produces the 1% that is dumb, but doesn't give a shit and is good anyway. Because they like to do the impossible and be incomprehensible.
You've never used the fast forward button or skipped throw a slow scene in anything ever? Even if you haven't, that's hardly an uncommon action!
The best show I'm watching this season is Silver Spoon. It's a perfect marriage of a setting which has a unique personal perspective from the author and characters who are relatable and also likable.
Yes, of course. And my bias is showing.Regardless of how we feel about KLK, at least we can almost all agree that TTGL was an amaizing series.
The pay off in this Anime is so sweet. I don't think I've seen another anime (or piece of media) that does it better to be quite honest.
Gurren Lagann?
The pay off in this Anime is so sweet. I don't think I've seen another anime (or piece of media) that does it better to be quite honest.
Nah, not even.
What pay off are you referring to?
Tell me more about this, in what KLK delivered and TTGL not? What were your expectations on TTGL that it didn't pay off in the end?
The good feels in this episodeAll the various character arcs pulling together as the show poises for the final thrust.
The good feels in this episodeAll the various character arcs pulling together as the show poises for the final thrust.
Is this a joke? TTGL was completely all about the "good feels". It gets the viewer pumped as fuck. Kill la Kill can't hold a candle.
The good feels in this episodeAll the various character arcs pulling together as the show poises for the final thrust.
i dunno. this episode was comparable. but the thing about ttgl was that it was doing this from like episode 7 onwards, constantly.
And while the KLK payoff was pretty transparent, it didn't stop the feels from been so good.
I see. I understand that and it was cool to see some of that in this episode, but just the scene in Gurren Lagann whereblows anything that Kill la Kill has provided out of the water. It's not even close, at least to me.Kitan sacrifices himself
...I wasn't even that into Gurren Lagann.
Haven't watched Silver Spoon at all, but this is totally how I feel about Kill la Kill.Kill-la-kill, on the other hand, I get super hyped for, and I'm always turning over the latest episode in my mind for days.
Nee-sama pillows are the best pillows.
Treating it as just entertainment it's more than fine for me, but then I haven't seriously watched an anime outside of some movies in quite awhile anyway, though yeah I don't think this can top Gurren Lagann.
And I think Nui's just one of those characters you can love to hate, though I guess at this point a lot of people just plain hate her. I doubt anyone doesn't want to see her comeuppance at any rate, whether it's to get her out of the way or to see how completely batshit she can get.
The good feels in this episodeAll the various character arcs pulling together as the show poises for the final thrust.
*shrug*. I haven't watched TTGL in a while. Just don't remember grinning quite as hard then as now.
and that's all I'll answer for an off the cuff comment that I make while riding the high of a feel good eps. Don't need the downer deconstruction and justification of everything I say. I could of course fall into the trap of providing post-hoc justification for my current state, but hey I'll be more honest - you're just going to have to accept that I think more highly of KLK right now than Gurren Lagan.
I believe so, yes.