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Kill la Kill |OT|


I wonder who
Gamagoori was going to ask out in the end. I thought Mako x Gama was 100% go until Mako asked Ryuko out on a date.

Still Mako.

Mako and Ryuuko's "date" was obviously just girls hanging out, considering that they invited Satsuki along. Nothing romantic there.


I enjoyed the ending. It's flawed in some ways but it was still satisfying. The end credits were fun. I'll probably like it more when it I can read the subs and know what was said. Gama is the greatest and Nonon
with her hair down is more adorable
than ever.

PK Gaming

Still Mako.

Mako and Ryuuko's "date" was obviously just girls hanging out, considering that they invited Satsuki along. Nothing romantic there.

Mako's totally kissed Ryuko on the lips. While asking her out. I don't know how they can make that any less explicit.

It's a done deal at this point. They could have gone the "friendship" route, but they didn't; Ryuko even says she's got a date on the line during her fight too. Heck, they even indulge in the time honored cliche of having a Ryuko check on her watch before having her date with Mako. That shit is so canon, it was canonized by the vatican.

Gama just ain't quitting. HE'S LYING IN WAIT (for naught, lol).
Kill la Kill Episode 24:

For as much flak as this show gets, and don't get me wrong, it deserves it, unlike Tengan Toppa Gurran Lagan, they didn't fuck up the ending. Yea, it is a very safe ending and if this was done under Gainax I would expect some curve-ball. Sometimes it is best to send the audience home happy. Well, unless your a Gama-Mako shipper. Oh wow, that was such a tease, but yea, Mako-Ryuko wins the day thankfully. Also, god damn it Nui doesn't even get a satisfying death as she kills herself to make the Lavos Fiber into Ryago's ultimate form. Anyway, the final battle has me stunned that this series qualifies as a seinen show because well Space Ryago Vs. Sapce Ryuko was so shonen it hurt me. Seriously, I felt like I was watching and being bored by a Dragon Ball Z battle.
Hmmm, I think I will do my Full Series review tomorrow, give some time to reflect on things.

I don't think you watch \read enough seinen if you don't think they don't have there share of crazy power fights .


And now Senketsu can be heard by Satsuki, somehow...
Something something
DNA, blood transfusions, knockoffs

In that same vein it may be worth noting that Ryuko's, Satsuki's, and Mako's blood are all intermingled now. They're blood sisters now. Or something.


And the
ship returns.

That felt like a reference to every final battle that I've ever seen.

We made it to space, everybody!


That finale. what a hot mess. glad this is over. promising premise, cute characters but the pacing was all over the place and execution failed on multiple levels. e.g. those 'fights' were atrocious. It had some good moments, and i'll remember the mako shippers fondly, but overall it's just another bad show


Nothing was saved, if the main topic of discussion after a show like this is shipping.

Shippers just be crazy, yo.

The last two seasons really did save anime for me - between Attack in Titan and Kill La Kill I have been majorly spoiled. I wonder how long it'll take to get me this hyped again. Something as entertaining as KLK or as grippingly bleak as Attack on Titan doesn't come around very often. AOT's big flaw for me is that it isn't complete.

I guess it's time I give Gurren Lagann another chance. I tried 1 ep and quit bc I was bored out of my mind. If KLK and LWA is what these guys are capable of, it deserves another shot.

Man, still trying to process the end of KLK. I was a little disappointed that
we didn't get more of an epic 3-way battle with Ragyo, Satsuki, and Ryuuko the more I think on it.
. Still loved it though.
Ep 24

A fantastic display of escalation that echoes back to the energetic presentation of Gurren Lagann while having its own distinct theme. Based on the buildup we've had so far, this is really the best ending we could ask for, and yet it still surpasses expectations. Even if the rapidly increasing heights of scale is somewhat standard in this way, it doesn't stop being exhilarating for even a moment. No, people were not throwing around galaxies, but that doesn't undermine the actions of the characters or their handling of the situation, which is perfectly alright.

As a series, I really can't say I'm disappointed in the slightest. No, it wasn't as good as Gurren Lagann, but hoping for something to surpass my favorite anime of all time is a tall order that even the creators of the show may have trouble filling. Instead, I'll just look at this as probably the best spiritual successor we could have received without following in the footsteps of a level of escalation that will never be surpassed in fiction.

It is not without issues. There was a small chunk of uneventful episodes in the middle that were frankly underwhelming, but I'm not afraid to say the same about TTGL. The payoff is most definitely worth the comparatively small batch of disappointment, and while I might have done things differently, this is still a 10/10 in my book. This will not enter my top 5 like I was hoping, and I'd have to seriously consider it for my top 10 when it isn't as fresh in my mind, but this is every bit worthy of the Imaishi seal and something I could easily recommend to people that can tolerate the fanservice.
If the show had the budget to do Naruto sakuga-level fights, then it would be a 9/10 hands down. Right now is 7.8/10 because of choppiness when there should be a climax.

The best looking thing of this episode was Gamagori, and by a long shot. It just shouldn't be like that in a finale.


TTGL's ending was amazing, even the last part and the fight didn't suck ass, best part of the entire show. Movie 2 is even moreso. This was basically trying to recapture that glory and failing.

"Hey, let's go through the OPs because it'll sound more epic"

There was no serious consideration to the placement of the music. It's like they ran out of OST to use and just said fuck it.

Nonsense Tengan Toppa ending was trash .

I would take hobo Simon all day everyday over what we got here.
"Hey, let's go through the OPs because it'll sound more epic"

There was no serious consideration to the placement of the music. It's like they ran out of OST to use and just said fuck it.

I would take hobo Simon all day everyday over what we got here.

Well. Sorairo Days is way better then the KlK OP's thats not fair.


The show had a lot of flaws like weak pacing, plot points built up then forgotten, and inconsistent animation but I had fun with it and I don't regret watching it at all. I've said this before but I would absolutely support a movie treatment for the show like how Gurren Lagann did it. With the weak pacing, it would definitely benefit from condensing events and having a movie-sized budget. It'll probably never happen but it'd be nice.

Satsuki still my favorite character. She was just one of those characters that I latched onto for arbitrary reasons before the show aired and managed to surpass my expectations with lots of good moments from her. Would've liked her to have had more involvement in the last fight but (for better or worse) Ryuuko is the star of the show so it's natural that she would be the focus. But yeah I liked it. You won't see me proclaiming it as some savior of anime but it was entertaining as hell.


No, this ending, while yes, incredibly standard leaves me feeling fine unlike that punch to the balls that was TTGL ending.

At least the TTGL ending was a proper climax and had the characters actually accomplishing something, compared to here where it feels like Ryuuko winning through plot armor and bad writing.
No, this ending, while yes, incredibly standard leaves me feeling fine unlike that punch to the balls that was TTGL ending.

Yep. I dont think something has to be bittersweet or sad to be "good". I'll take a feel good happy fist pumping ending any day. KLK had me cheesing
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