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Kill la Kill |OT|


So is there any reason why Till I Die [nzk] Ver. didn't play when
Senketsu died, as well as during the entire ending? Instead they just put in the cheery first ED music which feels so jarring.

That part of the episode kind of just... happened. There really wasn't much time dwelling on it, and it wasn't very pronounced, which was a shame. Also, the song in question I think is one of the few KLK tracks that haven't been used this entire running. Kind of a waste.

Im guessing in a rush they used the wrong track.

They didnt use the nzk version of light your heart up either I think.


Man, I'm really gonna miss this show, because those last two episodes were fantastic.
Almost shed a tear with that last scene....


Well, this was a fun end. While this probably won't go down anime's hall of fame it was good for what it is, dumb fun.
Like I expected the whole Senketsu/dad thing was just a red herring, or a plot point that was dropped by trigger as they went along, similar to that spacial bullet.


I'm talking about the "Did you forget? The closer I come to dying, the stronger I bounce back!" line specifically, as if she'd somehow had this ability all along, rather than just the transformation itself

Like when was this mentioned before?

It's such utter bullshit and crap writing at it's worst.

BHZ Mayor

so , what happened to this ?


this is from episode 21

I don't get it.


Like when was this mentioned before?

It's such utter bullshit and crap writing at it's worst.

Mentioned directly? Never. But watch the show again and you'll see that it's actually happening even though it's never expressly stated.
All good things must come to an end ;_;7. I had fun watching the show despite its flaws.

Like when was this mentioned before?

It's such utter bullshit and crap writing at it's worst.

Doesn't Ragyo say in an episode that the closer the subject is to death the more powerful life fibers become, and that that is the reason Souchiro trying to hide Ryuko was pointless?


Setec Astronomer
Doesn't Ragyo say in an episode that the closer the subject is to death the more powerful life fibers become, and that that is the reason Souchiro trying to hide Ryuko was pointless?
And since Ryuuko had both the human and fiber side in her own body, it naturally follows.


I liked the series, but it's really flawed. The show's shift in direction in episode 7 created a lot of problems. It felt like the early episodes (particularly 4-6) were building a varied enemy-of-the-week format sort of focused on character development through silly hijinks, with a lot of crazy club designs and stuff. Nudist Beach was presented as a powerful outside force opposing Ragyo and not necessarily allied with Ryuuko. Satsuki clearly wasn't the endgame, but she was absolutely an antagonist who had to be stopped.

Then, with Ryuuko's power clearly well beyond the clubs, they have to move towards bigger things, and as a result, nearly everything from the early episodes gets discarded and a number of episodes in the Election arc are spent in a kind of limbo, where viewers don't really know what's being built towards. Nui eventually shows up to railroad the plot with all the subtlety of a first-time Dungeon Master. They get there and they find a groove that works through the second half of the series, but it means the first part feels really wasted.

The other thing that consistently disappointed me was the action. Nearly every fight boiled down to either two combatants flailing at each other, or one person unleashing a super attack. The rare exceptions (episode 5, the Osaka fight) were real delights, but DBZ-esque non-choreography was a blight on a lot of the most dramatic moments.

Despite all that, and despite all the clothing metaphors leading nowhere intellectually, I still had a good time watching Kill la Kill each week. It's got a lot of style. The art is brash, and even the shortcuts they take often feel energetic. The plot meandered a lot of the time, but everyone making it was having a lot of fun. It doesn't really look like any other show, even compared to Imaishi's other work. Although the clothing metaphors didn't suit the writing, they were great for the art. Kill la Kill's novelty carries it a very long way.

It didn't live up to my stratospheric hype after Little Witch Academia and Gurren Lagann, but at least it created something fresh.


Great ending, good series. The first 15 episodes are kinda all over the place and not in a particularly great way, but they really finished strongly with this last third.

Hopefully there's some kind of continuation in the future, but if not, I'm satisfied with this ending. Though I am wondering just how in the hell
Satsuki settles into a normal life of shopping and eating ice cream after a decade+ of being treated like a god.
with what senketsu said in the end, the ending felt like it was about coming of age and that as a girl you could wear whatever you wanted.

I'd say overall the show was all right. It really is hard to top TTGL. I appreciated that the fight scenes weren't overly long which required 3 episodes to get over; although, getting a lot done in one episode every time felt quite a bit rushed - but that's okay since trigger probably didn't want to prolong scenes.

also, its ok. you're with chambro now, protecting humanity till the end.


FUUUCCCCKKKK. I totally forgot about Chamber. My bros ;_;


So is there any reason why Till I Die [nzk] Ver. didn't play when
Senketsu died, as well as during the entire ending? Instead they just put in the cheery first ED music which feels so jarring.

That part of the episode kind of just... happened. There really wasn't much time dwelling on it, and it wasn't very pronounced, which was a shame. Also, the song in question I think is one of the few KLK tracks that haven't been used this entire running. Kind of a waste.
Yeah, that bummed me out even more than I already was by that scene. They probably didn't know how to transition from that to ED 1 smoothly or there wasn't enough time to use a sufficient amount of the song or something, but I felt they started it too early and could've at least got the chorus of Till I Die in there.



I'm gonna miss this show and
RIP Senkutsu, I got sad as fuck when he did what he did, he's the homie :(

I like Short hair Satsuki :p


I almost got a little teary eyed at the end. It's sad to know its all over now.

First Space Dandy, now this? What am I gonna watch now?


Never posted in this thread before but I must say that the ending was as over-the-top and hilarious as I expected. I loved it.

What? No she's not, geez people think that date thing was romantic?

Mako frikking kissed her and put her on a boy's uniform. Thinking otherwise would be denial.


Never posted in this thread before but I must say that the ending was as over-the-top and hilarious as I expected. I loved it.

Mako frikking kissed her and put her on a boy's uniform. Thinking otherwise would be denial.

She also turned into a xenomorph and did other crazy shit in those talks, they aren't suppose to be taken seriously.


Mako frikking kissed her and put her on a boy's uniform. Thinking otherwise would be denial.

I tend to agree, but I can understand the interpretation that it's just another expression of Mako's over-the-top personality.


Never posted in this thread before but I must say that the ending was as over-the-top and hilarious as I expected. I loved it.

Mako frikking kissed her and put her on a boy's uniform. Thinking otherwise would be denial.
Mako turned into a xenomorph at one point in the show. They were never supposed to be taken literally.


Can I take a moment to point out this is Kill la Kill and MAYBE the whole Mako/Ryuko/Gamagoori thing is being taken a little too seriously?


Anyways, enjoyed the last episode..pretty much what I wanted. Only thing I didn't like was
Senketsu getting shafted. It wraps everything up that way, but man he deserved better


Can I take a moment to point out this is Kill la Kill and MAYBE the whole Mako/Ryuko/Gamagoori thing is being taken a little too seriously?

People taking shipping seriously in a non-romance show is always humorous. Especially anime. Nothing will come out of either parings anyway.


She turned into a Xenomorph to get the point across that life fibers were aliens.

Much like how kissing and and holding hands with Ryuko gets the point across that Mako wants to romance her.



From my understanding of it, in Japan, Mako's way of saying she wanted to take Ryuko on a date is a play on words, as it can be interchangeable to mean "spend time" or some such. Mako's comical slideshows is just what Trigger is always doing with her - puns, wordplays and exaggerated references.

Also, the trio are seen walking towards a corner with Sanageyama, Nonon and Houka being on lookout and Gama wearing a fancy suit and holding a bucket of flowers. Seems to me that they're trying to muster up courage in him to ask someone out, such as, I don't know - Mako?

The ships live - the doors are wide open!


From my understanding of it, in Japan, Mako's way of saying she wanted to take Ryuko on a date is a play on words, as it can be interchangeable to mean "spend time" or some such. Mako's comical slideshows is just what Trigger is always doing with her - puns, wordplays and exaggerated references.

Also, the trio are seen walking towards a corner with Sanageyama, Nonon and Houka being on lookout and Gama wearing a fancy suit and holding a bucket of flowers. Seems to me that they're trying to muster up courage in him to ask someone out, such as, I don't know - Mako?

The ships live - the doors are wide open!

Imaishi's final troll wasn't some shocking ending or incomprehensible stinger.

It was riling up the shipping factions in earnest.


She turned into a Xenomorph to get the point across that life fibers were aliens.

Much like how kissing and and holding hands with Ryuko gets the point across that Mako wants to romance her.


Pretty much.

Because backing Ryumako obviously makes you a deranged yuri shipper.

We outright saw Mako ask Ryuko out on a date, while kissing her and intimately holding her hand. NO HOMO THO.

Exactly, I don't know how pointing out the Goddamn obvious makes you a yuri-shipper.

From my understanding of it, in Japan, Mako's way of saying she wanted to take Ryuko on a date is a play on words, as it can be interchangeable to mean "spend time" or some such. Mako's comical slideshows is just what Trigger is always doing with her - puns, wordplays and exaggerated references.

Also, the trio are seen walking towards a corner with Sanageyama, Nonon and Houka being on lookout and Gama wearing a fancy suit and holding a bucket of flowers. Seems to me that they're trying to muster up courage in him to ask someone out, such as, I don't know - Mako?

The ships live - the doors are wide open!

Again, she kisses her and puts her into a boy's uniform.

The GamagoriXMako thing is extremely one-sided, he might be into her but she barely pays attention to him.

Except when he apparently died but she would have cried for anyone that way.


Never posted in this thread before but I must say that the ending was as over-the-top and hilarious as I expected. I loved it.

Mako frikking kissed her and put her on a boy's uniform. Thinking otherwise would be denial.

The same level of logic applied to the Colbert racism scandal. "IT HAPPENED IN FRONT OF MY EYES SO IT MUST BE!"


Can I take a moment to point out this is Kill la Kill and MAYBE the whole Mako/Ryuko/Gamagoori thing is being taken a little too seriously?

I just expected it, given how campy/fan service(y) the show has always been.
Although tbh, I didn't need anyone to get together by the end. I sort of just wanted more from the characters beyond the final fight (just because I wasn't that invested in the life fiber plot, and they already set up Ryuko + Senketsu to be the ultimate solution.)
. But I also find it funny how much its gotten people riled up, and going back and forth over what is canon. As I said a couple back, IMO they set it up on purpose to make everyone happy (so anyone can see what they want to see).
Just finished up, loved it! Had a real coming-of-age vibe throughout the whole thing, and Senketsu's speech during the
oribital re-entry
part confirmed it for me.

I really loved the initial episodes up to the
destruction of Osaka
, those had an over-the-top but somehow still grounded, everyday sort of feel to them (like a glimpse into living in KLK's universe).

Personally, among my favourite shows I rank it as:
1. Gurren Lagann
2. Space Dandy
3. Samurai Champloo
4. Kill la Kill
5. Planetes

Honestly, my only critique is that the entire plot felt waaaaaaay too rushed, but that's to do with episode length and amount more than anything. I wish Trigger could redo all of KLK, but with all these 24 episodes' story spread over 2 seasons instead: season 1 about Ryuuko dealing with Satsuki and Honnouji Academy, and season 2 being the whole takedown of Ragyo, REVOCS and the Life Fibres. Go into more detail with Hououmaru, Tsumugu and Nudist Beach.

Maybe call it Rekill la Kill. :eek:


Just finished up, loved it! Had a real coming-of-age vibe throughout the whole thing, and Senketsu's speech during the
oribital re-entry
part confirmed it for me.

I really loved the initial episodes up to the
destruction of Osaka
, those had an over-the-top but somehow still grounded, everyday sort of feel to them (like a glimpse into living in KLK's universe).

Personally, among my favourite shows I rank it as:
1. Gurren Lagann
2. Space Dandy
3. Samurai Champloo
4. Kill la Kill
5. Planetes

Honestly, my only critique is that the entire plot felt waaaaaaay too rushed, but that's to do with episode length and amount more than anything. I wish Trigger could redo all of KLK, but with all these 24 episodes' story spread over 2 seasons instead: season 1 about Ryuuko dealing with Satsuki and Honnouji Academy, and season 2 being the whole takedown of Ragyo, REVOCS and the Life Fibres. Go into more detail with Hououmaru, Tsumugu and Nudist Beach.

Maybe call it Rekill la Kill. :eek:

None of those others are better than Planetes. None.

I'm outta here.


Personally, among my favourite shows I rank it as:
1. Gurren Lagann
2. Space Dandy
3. Samurai Champloo
4. Kill la Kill
5. Planetes

what a weird list.

anyways, I thought the ending was pretty good. very Go Nagai, as stated earlier. I thought that
Senketsu's death
happened way too fast and the pacing really made it hard for it to have as much impact as it potentially could have. While the animation was mostly good, the black and white/pencil test looking scenes came across more along the lines as unfinished rather than a stylistic decision.

all in all, pretty good show... worth watching.
None of those others are better than Planetes. None.

I'm outta here.

Just my own ranking XD I really like Planetes, it's one of the big reasons I'm taking engineering. I'm a huge fan of random strangers/friends going on crazy adventure-type shows, and the ending of Planetes
kind of depressed me :(

Come to think of it, Gurren Lagann's ending
also depressed me... :/
Them two might be switchable then...


Again, she kisses her and puts her into a boy's uniform.

She also thinks Life Fibers are Xenomorphs. The slideshows are exaggerations based on word plays and definitions. What kind of date is rushing along to hang out and bringing your friend's sister along for that matter?

Ironically, the first time any sort of fuel was added to the Gama and Mako shipping was on Mako's own accord - Mako was the one who got upset at Gama for not taking care of his own well being and sleeping habits in Episode 4.
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