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Kill la Kill |OT|


The final fight
was a little lackluster, but overall was the finale pretty enjoyable. Trigger is simply great at delivering those "everyone working together" moments

Those silly Westerners never understand the intricacies of my glorious adopted homeland
lol, thought the same, their attitude is a little too condescending.

"Baka gaijins thinking date means date, hah!"


I sincerely hope Trigger decides to capitalize on this kerfuffle somehow. Use it to demonstrate interest in a spinoff or something :p

Those silly Westerners never understand the intricacies of my glorious adopted homeland
Plot twist: 2nd generation Japanese American

Ryuko and
kissed. How in the world could you conclude that?
Well it's not like there was
a guy
around to kiss, and most of
the dudes
on the show ain't shit
The last episode was pretty decent. Overall I thought the show was decent. First half of the show got old quick and progressed very little, but the 2nd half I felt had the exact opposite problem. It felt so rushed, thought it needed more episodes. If I am being honest I can't ever see myself watching this show again because of the first half. I am however interested in finally watching TTGL since a lot of fans think that's a better show


Sorry if posted already.

About the "date" thing:



Delicious denial.

Not sure why people think Mako would ask Ryouko to hang out, since she's literally always by her side anyway.
Delicious denial.

Not sure why people think Mako would ask Ryouko to hang out, since she's literally always by her side anyway.

Yes, because it's a crazy thought that if someone is going off to fight a life fiber'd overlord, her (best?) friend would want her to survive so they could go out and enjoy an afternoon just hanging out.

Especially when the whole thing with Maiko showed how much Mako just wanted a group of girls to hang out with.

Nope, it has to be lesbians. No other answer.

PK Gaming

Yes, because it's a crazy thought that if someone is going off to fight a life fiber'd overlord, her (best?) friend would want her to survive so they could go out and enjoy an afternoon just hanging out.

Especially when the whole thing with Maiko showed how much Mako just wanted a group of girls to hang out with.

Nope, it has to be lesbians. No other answer.

Jokes aside, their argument is off base.

Re: Deito

According to a friend (who's not a native speaker, just to be clear!), its specifically used for dating romantically. For example, if you were to say “Watashi wa dresden-kun to deito shimasu” it would roughly translate to “I date dresden-kun.” There's no ambiguity here, Mako is outright asking Ryuko out on a date. Even the german translation corroborates this.

Their second argument doesn't make any sense either. This image set makes it very clear that Mako's idea of a date is not platonic. Gamagoori attempting to ask Mako out does not suddenly invalidate Mako's prior confession. (It's just conjecture to assume that he would NEVER consider asking her out if she was on a date with Mako. And besides, i'm positive that the E4 pushed him into doing it (though that's also conjecture).


Brainwashing is a hell of a drug.

That's not the point. Your statement implied Trigger, the studio, was too afraid to make a canon yuri pairing because Kill la Kill is a shonen show. Yet, Trigger created a scene where two female characters kiss. It's just that your original statement doesn't hold much water given the studio already showed they don't mind yuri in KLK.


lmao do any one of you have female friends on facebook that plan to go on dates together?

"like omg i havent seen you in ages, coffee date!"

Guess Who

That's not the point. Your statement implied Trigger, the studio, was too afraid to make a canon yuri pairing because Kill la Kill is a shonen show. Yet, Trigger created a scene where two female characters kiss. It's just that your original statement doesn't hold much water given the studio already showed they don't mind yuri in KLK.

I think there is a difference between girl-on-girl as fanservice for a male audience (which is what I think the scene you're describing was) and depicting a straight-faced, genuine lesbian relationship.


lmao do any one of you have female friends on facebook that plan to go on dates together?

"like omg i havent seen you in ages, coffee date!"
I was thinking something along those same lines, I'm pretty confident that "date" thing isn't even a Japanese quirk so much as gender socialization quirk. Look at how often girlfriend is used for platonic friends.

PK Gaming

lmao do any one of you have female friends on facebook that plan to go on dates together?

"like omg i havent seen you in ages, coffee date!"

(kisses female friend on lips, twice, intimately sits on bench while holding hands)

"like omg, let's go on a date!"

"but no homo though! and by date i mean " totally-platonic-coffee-date"

Let's be honest here, if Ryuko was a guy, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

That's not the point. Your statement implied Trigger, the studio, was too afraid to make a canon yuri pairing because Kill la Kill is a shonen show. Yet, Trigger created a scene where two female characters kiss. It's just that your original statement doesn't hold much water given the studio already showed they don't mind yuri in KLK.

Didn't Imaishi also direct a couple of the Re: Honey Cutie episodes? That also had a canon yuri relationship, iirc.


You guys remind me of why I can't get into shipping.

I would have no problem with Mako la Ryuuko or Mako la Ira, first of all. It seems too obvious that Trigger purposely left it ambiguous. While it might have been a platonic date, the kissing and hand holding bench scene was intimate and is what it is. Gamagori's saving Mako and holding flowers is what it is. There's no confirmation and that's the purpose. There's the best of both worlds. Its up to the viewer to decide. Make your fanfiction, make you fanart or enjoy that of others or whatever, but unless we get a season 2, there's nothing more than what they gave you and there was always indication toward both relationships. Surprised this discussion is still going on.

Satsuki was at the "date" and that does make it seem like the intentions of the date weren't romantic ones, but there's such a thing as a crashed date you know. Its not clear whether either girl invited Satsuki from the beginning. I mean, they both seemed pretty surprised to see her so I don't believe she was expected. And Mako's a loose cannon. She would be the one to invite her, honestly.

Not arguing that its a real relationship still, but I think assuming that it's not a date because of Satsuki while having a scene where they kiss and hold hands isn't a good argument. No argument to either relationship is really needed though?
I haven't been paying much attention to the OST but "Before my Body is dry" makes me feel like I can do anything



It's better without the rapper :S

Listening to it now and I agree on both counts. Hate when the rap comes on but the first part of the song..damn.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You're missing the point of shipping.

It's not about what's canonical/confirmed.

It's a feeling that begins and ends in your heart.

If you have a heart that believes, any ship is possible.


We're still discussing this date thing? Who knew after 24 episodes and the
death of a major character
the main thing being discussed is if Ryuuko and Mako are dating romantically or not? Just seems silly to me.


And you could ship Nonon and Mako leaving room for Kiss la Sis and SanageGama if you want Boy it's been 2 days and already this OVA can't come soon enough
Some thoughts.

I've been reading around forums, Reddit, blogs, etc. and some fans are really pissed for all the wrong reasons. Some are valid but other just make me laugh / scratch my head.

Things like Aikuro not being Dr. Matoi, Honnouji not turning into a giant robot, Tsumugu not being related to Ryuko, some dark mood shift halfway in, people not dying, NOT BEING GURREN LAGAAN, Maiko not making another appearance. The last one especially confuses me because I gave zero shits about that character and I didnt think she did anything to really stand out. I have no idea why she has such a huge following. I had to Google to remember who this person was.

Its like people overanalyzed every goddamn detail and came up with their own wild theories, which they somehow convinced themselves were 100% bound to happen. And when it didnt, its somehow the shows fault.

The show has a ton of flaws. There are some plot points that were totally ignored (the magic bullet for one) and the pacing is just all over the place. The animation was nonexistent for half the season as well. The middle of the series was especially painful to get through. Unlike many, I didnt enjoy the raiding schools arc. I remember that episode with Takarada giving me a headache because of all the random shit going on. I felt the show started off strong, then it got boring.

However the last third got really epic and totally saved this show. Despite all the plot and pacing problems, the overall package was a wild, energetic, and hilarious ride. I loved the humor and the running gags, the awesome soundtrack, the over the top action, and most importantly the characters. Shit was just so hype and it hit all the right buttons in my brain, allowing me to look past the flaws. I remember clapping and fist pumping during some of the scenes in the last few episodes and I rarely do that with any shows.

Overall, I’d say this was a great show and if the animation and pacing problems were limited, it would truly be something legendary. I marathoned parts of the show with a friend of mine and he absolutely loved it. I think if I was able to get through all 24 eps in 2 days as my first viewing and not really have to think about some of these problems, I probably would have an even higher opinion of it. Cant wait for the OAV and I hope they either make a movie or another season.

But seriously, the soundtrack is so hype.


Oh dear. This thread...

I feel like the series could easily be left as is, but it was definitely left with an opportunity to have a second series or season. Life fibers aren't gone, that much is clear. What happened to Rei is ambiguous. There's room for a sequel definitely,
in which my boy broketsu makes a comeback. Believe.

Hey, what ever happened to Ryuuko's mind-reading powers or was that somehow a joke. I thought that was going to come in real handy later.


The only thing I really wish happened was
someone killing Nui in the most satisfying way imaginable... For all the horrible things Nui did and tried to do during the series she got off pretty damn easy.

Also, I think if a human hero died then the emotional payoff would have been a lot more meaningful. Not to say I didn't care about Senketsu, but I can't really relate to him.

The other thing I've been thinking about is how much of a tragic character Junketsu is, I almost felt worse for him/her/it than Senketsu by the end of the series...
-Enslaved throughout most of the series and being used by a girl who both hates its guts and suppresses its will
-As far as we know it didn't have a connection with any of the humans using it as a means to an end, it couldn't talk with any of them..
-The first time it does get a little bit of control and real power it is in the next episode ripped to absolute shreds -- and it is here that we first hear it scream in pain
-Brought back to life by the humans who continuously use it against its will
-Finally, in a single thoughtless act(seriously, nobody even mentioned Junketsu "dying" when it did) it gets absorbed into what is probably its most despised rival and then its energy spent and it ceasing to exist.. and nobody ever thought about it again


They just threw the endings of every anime into a blender. It was a wild ride certainly. And if felt like it was on fast forward.
Previous page of this thread along with the tumblr that was linked has effectively de-hyped me on this show and made me ashamed that I even watch anime at all.


died so fast that I didn't even have time to feel bad. It was like lol I'm about to die for some reason. And gone.


I must say I really enjoyed the show in its entirety; one of the few animes I've been hyped about in a long time. While there were a number of missed opportunities and some disappointments regarding pacing, it was always a fun ride and it's probably in my personal top 5.


Setec Astronomer


Yeah, for once this really doesn't seem like something that's a legitimate cultural quirk and IS more universal, or at least it's more a cultural quirk of modern society rather than of a specific country.
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