Here is the full second OP song. It's called "ambiguous" by GARNiDELiA.
What is with that annoying beep just after the 10 second mark. That can't be part of a song, and It's in all the recordings I've heard of it, including the final episode. That can't have been part of the song. Was it a recording glitch they never bothered with?
Guitars can make a short "screech" sound when the player quickly slides their finger along a string. Maybe that's what you're hearing.
There's a guitar at the beginning of that song? I'm talking the extended version. The opening part before any of the lyrics kick in.
Actually, listening again it sounds like an orchestra is playing in the beginning. Lots of string instruments, not guitars. Violins can make that sound.
If only..Started and finished Kill la Kill just now in a couple days...
This show is exhaustingly fun! Now where's mah game Platinum?!?!
I love hoch much fun she has.
First person to reply to this post with their favorite character in KLK and send me a PM with their address on it,(gotta do both) gets a free copy of the US blu-ray standard edition.
First person to reply to this post with their favorite character in KLK and send me a PM with their address on it,(gotta do both) gets a free copy of the US blu-ray standard edition.
BTW, they recently made the second OP of Mahouka.Here is the full second OP song. It's called "ambiguous" by GARNiDELiA.
Yep on both accounts. Ambiguous is god-tier imo.OP2 is the best OP, ED1 is the best ED.
Are there any official photos yet of what the standard edition looks like?
Are there any official photos yet of what the standard edition looks like?
Episode 25 (OVA) poster:
Found on Reddit.
That poster is so awesome. I didn't see or hear anything about that at Anime Expo, so I don't think it's from there. I need it though.
RIP jacket design.Episode 25 (OVA) poster:
Found on Reddit.
My bluray shipped today, I just went with the standard. This is already gonna be expensive enough.
Satsuki-sama is above being embarrassed by extensions.WhySatsuki on the OVA poster? Does it take place before the anime ending then?long hair