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Kill la Kill |OT|


I got my English Blu-Ray today! Woo! Here’s a review of the dub (episodes 1-4).

Before I begin, let me say that I had watched the Japanese subtitled version of the series probably four times through. So I’m very familiar with the seiyū performances, their inflections and the translations that appeared in the subtitles.

Overall, I think the entire dub has been great so far. There are a couple of questionable choices, a few exact fits and even a couple of improvements! I’ll go over each below:

  • Ryoko - I’m really surprised to say this is my favorite English voice. She brings the most “heart” to the performance and it fits her character well. What I mean is that when she’s yelling or arguing, it feels the most authentic. When she’s being kind or heartfelt, it feels genuine. I like this choice a lot and makes me happy she was chosen.
  • Satsuki - It’s a fairly good performance but lacks some of the commanding tone of the original. However, she still comes across with strength and conviction (especially during her speech in the Episode 3 battle) but her voice sounds more like a teenage girl which, like Giolon said, works in a different way. While it’s not the best choice, it works well and may even improve as the series goes on.
  • Senketsu - “Senkets” is probably the biggest change and it’s probably the biggest concern. He no longer sounds like a wise, older sage and more like a young man with less confidence. In a weird way, the performance seems to be trying to mimic the intonations of the original but with the younger voice it sounds off. I don’t think he sounds as bad as other people have said but it’s clearly a bit “off”. His comedy bits are done well enough and give me hope that this performance will improve with time. He can sound earnest but overall this is a more “unsure” sounding Senketsu than the original. Probably my biggest issue is the way he says (not shouts) “SEN-I-SOSHITSU” which is almost unrecognizable from the original.
  • Mako - A pleasant surprise. It works and is just as fun. This is by far the most “cartoon” sounding voice of the cast but considering this is Mako, that fits. She’s still cute, funny and endearing. She still makes those little “ooooh” sounds and giggles also. I’m very happy with this voice.
  • Aikuro - I’m really surprised Giolon didn’t like this performance but I think it’s one of the best! There is a very clear difference between his “teacher” voice and his “sexy” voice and every time those glasses come off you can hear it. He’s pleasant to listen to. I like this choice a lot.
  • Ira Gamagori - It’s pretty good. Not as great as the original without the extreme bass but it works. Just imagine if Franky from One Piece became a drill instructor. I especially like the line in the fourth episode where he says, “See you up at the academy… maybe.” Heh. I can tell he’ll have fun with this voice in the future.
  • Uzu Sanageyama - This is an actual improvement to me. The English VA sounds like he fits the character perfectly; a suave, self-confident pretty-boy. I look forward to hearing more in episode 5 when that comes out.
  • Nonon Jakuzure - We hear very little of her but so far it’s pretty much spot on great. I have high hopes once we hear her more pissed off voice later, which will be the real test.
  • Hoka Inumuta - Another perfect choice. The voice fits perfectly and the only real change here is that he seems to be a bit more expressive than the original Japanese VA, especially when surprised. Otherwise, his calm collected demeanor is well performed.
  • Shiro Iori - I like it. It’s just Todd Haberkorn doing his normal voice he uses just about everywhere. You might best recognize him as Death the Kidd in Soul Eater, so just imagine that. As a young scientist-type, it’s a good fit.
  • Barazō, Mataro and Sukuyo Mankanshoku - Both Barazo and Mataro are well voiced. Barazo is a bit less goofy sounding than his Japanese counterpart but it still has a charming goof voice to him. Mataro is fun. My only complaint is that Sukuyo doesn’t sound old enough. I was expecting her to sound more like a waifu like Kasumi Tendo from Ranma 1/2 but she sounds more like a high-school girl. I was a bit let down as she isn’t “motherly” sounding enough.
  • Takaharu Fukuroda and Omiko Hakodate - Both of these were well done and the former is a surprising improvement over the original, imo. Fukuroda has a lot of range and is just more fun to listen to. Hakodate wasn’t as good but is still a solid performance. I feel like she lost a little of her snobbishness but there are a few hints of it still there.
  • Maiko Ogure - Really great. Her innocent persona is spot on while her change into a villain is equally funny. I think the Japanese version of her villain voice is probably a little better but this one is great also.
  • Gamagori fangirl - You can actually make out what she’s whispering this time and it’s pretty funny. :)
The dropping of the semi-silent “u” in names (Mankanshoku = Mankanshok, Senketsu = Senkets) is pretty jarring the first few times you hear them but it’s not really an issue. You get used to it pretty quickly. Not really sure why they decided to do this except to make it easier to dub by having one less syllable? The seiyu clearly were pronouncing the “u” originally. Oh well, again, it’s not a big deal.

Maybe the subtitles didn’t do it justice but this English version is much more salty. I was caught off guard at first but now I prefer it. Ryuko goes as far as saying “shit” and complains that Senketsu makes her “look like a ‘ho” in episode 3. In general, everything has a more “teen-speak” quality to it that I works considering these are high-school kids we’re dealing with. Even Mataro’s language is much more salty which makes sense considering he’s a street-thug wannabe. As he runs off after Mako beats him up he shouts, “I’m gonna be a baller! A baller!” Ryuko probably has the most of this change and as a tough-girl vagrant it works really well.

Probably the biggest thing I was happy to see is how they changed some of the lines to better fit English. I watch a lot of dubs and I find that when they stick too close to the original script it doesn’t make for as good a dub. Thankfully, they take a lot of liberties here and it works for the better. Every once and a while the change will make you cringe a little because you think the original line was better but more often than not the change is for the better. A good example of this is the scene in episode 3 when Aikuro and Ryuko are at his place talking about Life Fibers. The entire conversation flows much better than the original subtitles. A few times however, they can be too literal. During the fight between Ryuko and Satsuki they say “Kamui” like eight times in the course of three sentences and it starts to sound a bit goofy.

Another surprising thing I noticed, and this may not make sense, is that a lot of English dubs seem to have less “gravitas” than their original Japanese performances mostly because the English performances tend to make the characters sound younger or less refined. However, in the context of Kill la Kill’s high-school theme, this actually BENEFITS the show! The characters sound more like teens than in the Japanese version not just in the words they use but the range of their voices (or lack there of sometimes).

A surprisingly well done dub that makes me exited to hear more.


The dropping of the semi-silent “u” in names (Mankanshoku = Mankanshok, Senketsu = Senkets) is pretty jarring the first few times you hear them but it’s not really an issue. You get used to it pretty quickly. Not really sure why they decided to do this except to make it easier to dub by having one less syllable? The seiyu clearly were pronouncing the “u” originally. Oh well, again, it’s not a big deal.


A surprisingly well done dub that makes me exited to hear more.

I was re-watching one of the Japanese episodes and I actually caught Ryuuko's VA saying "Senkets" (Jin'i Ittai Kamui Senkets!) at the end of a transformation.

Nice thorough review of all the voice performances even where I disagree with you. People are going to like and dislike different aspects of the dub, but it'll be interesting to see what the aggregate opinion is in the end.

One thing I noticed after watching my Blu-ray is how blurry even 720p streams and rips are. It's just so goddamn crisp and clean on my TV from the Blu-ray. I need the rest of them NAO!



Oh you Trigger.


well not really...yet
Finally finished the last batch of episodes after a bit of delay. Best moment of the entire show was in the final episode
Satsuki dashing to catch Ryuko when she falls back to earth
. Just put a huge smile on my face. But overall the show just can't compare to gurren lagann.

On one hand I think its kind of amazing just how brazen the staff is in changing the show to their whims to better achieve the result they want, but on the other it so fundamentally hurts the show in just how disconnected the first half is from the second. Ideally they would go back and do script changes and what not for the bluray retakes but oh well.


Finally finished the last batch of episodes after a bit of delay. Best moment of the entire show was in the final episode
Satsuki dashing to catch Ryuko when she falls back to earth
. Just put a huge smile on my face. But overall the show just can't compare to gurren lagann.

Satsuki yelling wasn't even in the script, its just something the VA thought she would do trying to save Ryuko.
Man, I was hoping for at least a slipcover, even for the standard edition. I can see the grumbling for $40, it's a bog-standard Blu-Ray case. I'm sure Aniplex will happily sell a box to put the standard editions in that would make up the difference from buying the limited editions.


Here's a shitload of pics I took of my copy of Vol. 1 in a high resolution. Enjoy!


Great photos of the contents. As much as I dislike the price, I am very thrilled with the contents of the LE. It definitely feels like a quality release. I'm ready to buy it 4 more times (but my wallet is not T.T)


Does anyone here have experience purchasing from Animate USA? I decided to order the limited editions from them since you get bonus items once the final volume ships out. It's the day of release and I still haven't received an email for my payment method. Is this unusual or is that just how they roll?

So, are volumes 2-5 going to each have 5 episodes on them instead if just the four this first one has?

That's what I've been hearing. I guess it's possible that volume 5 could include the OVA but there hasn't been any word on that, I believe.
Were that the case though...why not just do a straight 5-5-5-5-5?


That's what I've been hearing. I guess it's possible that volume 5 could include the OVA but there hasn't been any word on that, I believe.
Were that the case though...why not just do a straight 5-5-5-5-5?
Probably so they can bump up the price because it's 5 episodes a disc opposed to 4.

It's how they're handling Monogatari S2. Neko White was 60, while the Mayoi arc is 50 because it has one less episode.
Great photos of the contents. As much as I dislike the price, I am very thrilled with the contents of the LE. It definitely feels like a quality release. I'm ready to buy it 4 more times (but my wallet is not T.T)

I'm also buying all the US releases of Yamato 2199 this year too lol. Only 3 more volumes of that to go!


So this is by far the BEST Kill la Kill fanart I've ever seen:



Source (some NSFW stuff)

I sincerely hope this isn't too risque, I'll take it down if it's too far over the line (or a mod can nix it if I'm asleep or out). I'm hoping people already know not to visit this thread at work though (i.e. the only reason I'm remotely ok posting them in this thread).

I'll just be considerate and link them



A commission for a reddit user done by one of the Skullgirls artists during Anime Expo.

Along with that, he stated that Ahad gave him some info, such as the fact that Eliza (character dressed as Ragyo) actually will get a Ragyo color scheme and that Peacock will get a Nonon skin since Sara Williams voices both characters.


So this is by far the BEST Kill la Kill fanart I've ever seen:

( Y )
( Y )

Source (some NSFW stuff)

I sincerely hope this isn't too risque, I'll take it down if it's too far over the line (or a mod can nix it if I'm asleep or out). I'm hoping people already know not to visit this thread at work though (i.e. the only reason I'm remotely ok posting them in this thread).


Those shots are nice but I wish you'd linked them. Now I can't check this thread at work. :p

If you go to your user control panel on the top right and enter edit options, you can actually uncheck "show images" in the thread display options. Images will now show up as links.
After watching all four episodes, I'm overall happy with the English dub (which means my wallet sheds a tear). I think the biggest weakness comes with the VAs yell, it's just doesn't have the oomph that the Japanese VAs have, especially in Satsuki and Gamagoori's case. But when the characters aren't going over-the-top, everyone sounds fine.

Yes, even Senkets. I don't mind dropping the U off his name because it works as a nickname, but it does make Mako's last name sound all kinds of wrong.

Mako's VA is pitch-perfect though. They nailed that one. I'm looking forward to her performance in the Fight Club episode.


I'll just be considerate and link them

Does anyone have a grasp of how frequent we can expect upcoming volumes of the Blu-ray to be released based on previous Aniplex shows? Is it monthly? I checked around but couldn't find release dates for the future volumes.



Does anyone have a grasp of how frequent we can expect upcoming volumes of the Blu-ray to be released based on previous Aniplex shows? Is it monthly? I checked around but couldn't find release dates for the future volumes.

From Hayate Kurogane on the Fandom Post forums:

"If you mean any ideas about the release date for the next volume, your guess is as good as anyone's.

Considering that the ongoing Monogatari volumes are getting released every two months thus far, one might assume that Kill la Kill would be on the same sort of schedule, meaning that volume 2 would be arriving in September.

But, part 1 of Valvrave was just announced for September, with no sign of any other releases for that month, so maybe volume 2 of Kill la Kill is coming in October, meaning that it's either on a one-every-three-months schedule, or that there may just be a delay between these first two volumes for any number of reasons, and the remainder of the schedule will have two-month gaps.

However, AoA tends to announce things a bit later and thus a bit closer to street date than other studios, so there's still plenty of time for them to announce volume 2 for September alongside Valvrave, and stick to an overall two-month-gap schedule. For example, the solicitation information for volume 1 was sent out at the end of May, for a July 15 street date. So, if the calendar flips to August and we haven't heard anything, that's when I'd start to lose hope in September for volume 2 and two-month gaps for the series. "

In short, all we can do is speculate at this point.


I think it'll be longer than the time between Monogatari releases, but I do wish it was just two months like Monogatari and Yamato.


Modesty becomes a woman
Does anyone have the write up or the info about how the second half of the series went in a different direction than what they had originally intended with the first half?

I remember reading something about it on reddit, but now I can't find it. Something to do with Nudist Beach, the Starch Bullet, etc.

Some of the evidence was the flashback Satsuki had with her dad was a sleek dude in a business suit, instead of a scientist in a lab coat.


Does anyone have the write up or the info about how the second half of the series went in a different direction than what they had originally intended with the first half?

I remember reading something about it on reddit, but now I can't find it. Something to do with Nudist Beach, the Starch Bullet, etc.

Some of the evidence was the flashback Satsuki had with her dad was a sleek dude in a business suit, instead of a scientist in a lab coat.
Sounds like this post by Jexhius


Does anyone have the write up or the info about how the second half of the series went in a different direction than what they had originally intended with the first half?

I remember reading something about it on reddit, but now I can't find it. Something to do with Nudist Beach, the Starch Bullet, etc.

Some of the evidence was the flashback Satsuki had with her dad was a sleek dude in a business suit, instead of a scientist in a lab coat.
This one?



After watching all four episodes, I'm overall happy with the English dub (which means my wallet sheds a tear). I think the biggest weakness comes with the VAs yell, it's just doesn't have the oomph that the Japanese VAs have, especially in Satsuki and Gamagoori's case. But when the characters aren't going over-the-top, everyone sounds fine.

Yes, even Senkets. I don't mind dropping the U off his name because it works as a nickname, but it does make Mako's last name sound all kinds of wrong.

Mako's VA is pitch-perfect though. They nailed that one. I'm looking forward to her performance in the Fight Club episode.

If Mary McGlynn isn't Ragyo...well that would be a shame.


If Mary McGlynn isn't Ragyo...well that would be a shame.

Yeah, though I think we're likely going to have to settle for someone who's in Aniplex's current stable of VA's. I'm pulling for MEM though!

I'd take Cindy Robinson (voice of Balsa in Moribito, often confused for Mary's voice. She's also Aversa in Fire Emblem Awakening) in a pinch too.
Yeah, though I think we're likely going to have to settle for someone who's in Aniplex's current stable of VA's. I'm pulling for MEM though!

I'd take Cindy Robinson (voice of Balsa in Moribito, often confused for Mary's voice. She's also Aversa in Fire Emblem Awakening) in a pinch too.

Now that would be an interesting choice since I liked Moribito
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