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Kill la Kill |OT|


Both key staff scorned by a major studio leaving to form their own damn studio and make what they want to make.

also they both use really similar sparkles...

Mako was A+ fantastic this episode.

Where were you guys when I made this remark on the first page? And yes, the sparkles in the show does look like the logo for PG.


It's definitely there in the earlier episodes, but never so obviously bad. As for budget, you can spot the shortcuts and reused frames every episode. Feels like experienced staff dealing competently with tight funds.

Yeah, there's a lot of that going on, and it takes different forms.

For example, the show pans across this frame in the middle of a conversation for 15 seconds. There's one bit of animation where Senketsu looks at the pajamas for a moment. I'm surprised it didn't jump out at me that much when I was watching it.


They're also experimenting with some kind of animation software (Flash? I dunno), because I'm not sure why you'd intentionally have ghosting like this on the teacher's shirt if you were hand-animating it.

But they're generally being pretty smart about where they're using it. It's rarely stuff I notice in the moment, and it's almost never distracting. If shortcuts like these allow them to create something this dynamic and fast-paced across 26 episodes, then I don't have any complaints. The effect is more important than the process.


Finished catching up, kinda happy to see the show going in the direction it's going.

Now people will stop bitching about fanservice since it seems to be the whole point of the show. Women in anime spandex beating each other up, Reagan would've approved.
They're also experimenting with some kind of animation software (Flash? I dunno), because I'm not sure why you'd intentionally have ghosting like this on the teacher's shirt if you were hand-animating it.
That's not flash, I think it's just basic after effects.

I was sure it's 100% a stylistic choice for the sake of comedy.


Setec Astronomer
That's not flash, I think it's just basic after effects.

I was sure it's 100% a stylistic choice for the sake of comedy.
I would never say it's 100%. Managing meager animation budgets is simply a fact of life for the vast majority of anime shows made. Just look back at Evangelion's ubiquitous use of still shots to balance out the more fluid mech fighting. They often got away with hiding character mouths so even those didn't have to move. Stock footage for transformation sequences may be stylish too but their core purpose is to eat up episode time and save money.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The shirt thing is both a cost saving device and a stylistic choice.

They're going to great lengths to work the cost cutting measures into the overall aesthetic of the show.


Episode 3 was FUCKING awesome. The show is like a awesome mix of all my favorite animus at this point ranging from FLCL to Utena to GURREN LAGANN!

Dat sword fight.. oh my god.


Setec Astronomer
The shirt thing is both a cost saving device and a stylistic choice.

They're going to great lengths to work the cost cutting measures into the overall aesthetic of the show.
Which the best thing you can realistically do. Make the most of what you have.


The shirt thing is both a cost saving device and a stylistic choice.

They're going to great lengths to work the cost cutting measures into the overall aesthetic of the show.

Yeah, I'm not pointing it out to say that it's bad. I'm just trying to call attention to the various techniques Trigger is using.

If they make it work, they can be as lazy as they want. I wouldn't be an Inferno Cop fan if I felt otherwise.
I am getting disappointed by watching two more episodes. The fan service aspect is just continuing to be cringe worthy. I don't think I will last a few more episodes if things don't get any more interesting.
The show tries to tell us all the time how the lead character looks great naked but it is starting to get really old now. Not to forget those still shots here and there when the lead character is stuck or wounded. It really just becomes stupid.


Hopefully their budget will increase based on the show doing well. Either that, or they could go to kickstarter again (why not?). I'd plop down money to ensure the final product doesn't require any (glaring) cut corners.
storafötter;86627020 said:
I am getting disappointed by watching two more episodes. The fan service aspect is just continuing to be cringe worthy. I don't think I will last a few more episodes if things don't get any more interesting.
The show tries to tell us all the time how the lead character looks great naked but it is starting to get really old now. Not to forget those still shots here and there when the lead character is stuck or wounded. It really just becomes stupid.

you might as well bail out now

looking back on it, the scenes where the kamui suits drew blood and turned bright red were hella cool.

i was kinda hoping they would do some sort of motif based on that, bright red blood suits.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Yeah, there's a lot of that going on, and it takes different forms.

For example, the show pans across this frame in the middle of a conversation for 15 seconds. There's one bit of animation where Senketsu looks at the pajamas for a moment. I'm surprised it didn't jump out at me that much when I was watching it.


They're also experimenting with some kind of animation software (Flash? I dunno), because I'm not sure why you'd intentionally have ghosting like this on the teacher's shirt if you were hand-animating it.

But they're generally being pretty smart about where they're using it. It's rarely stuff I notice in the moment, and it's almost never distracting. If shortcuts like these allow them to create something this dynamic and fast-paced across 26 episodes, then I don't have any complaints. The effect is more important than the process.
Yeah the ghosting ended up being aesthetically funny in teacher Aikuro's scene because it somewhat added to his overall creepiness. On the other hand, I thought it just looked poor during Mako's family sleep. I do agree though, all in all they've been very good about dealing with budgetary constraints in a smart way.

It's definitely there in the earlier episodes, but never so obviously bad. As for budget, you can spot the shortcuts and reused frames every episode. Feels like experienced staff dealing competently with tight funds.

Are there any resources that detail things like budgets for different shows? I remember reading something about specific episodes in Gurren Lagann having a budget larger than some animes get for whole seasons (or something like that).

It would be interesting to know how much Trigger are working with now for KlK in comparison.


Unconfirmed Member
I was actually surprised at how stupid episode 3 was.
Nudity is a key part of the plot of this show. Ryuko has to get over her embarassment and strip more.
Whoever designed Satsuki's kamui forgot to cover her ass.
And now she has to fight a bunch of 2 star chumps even though she can match the big boss.
Whatever, it's well directed and funny as always.
Ok. Episode 3 was mixed. In the end only one or two things "happened" that affect the long term, but that's not a decent amount. The in-the-moment viewing was solidly entertaining, with solid moments and I'm still hyped for more, now I just gotta endure the wait.
Episode 3: enjoyed it. I dunno what to say about this show, it's just entertaining.

The scenes with Mako's family are by far the best parts. The son and dad going to bed was just hilarious, I'd watch a whole show just about them. Luckily next week's show kind of looks just like that!


I was actually surprised at how stupid episode 3 was.
Nudity is a key part of the plot of this show. Ryuko has to get over her embarassment and strip more.
Whoever designed Satsuki's kamui forgot to cover her ass.
And now she has to fight a bunch of 2 star chumps even though she can match the big boss.
Whatever, it's well directed and funny as always.

I think (hope) the jump between the stars will be surprisingly significant especially when they get the level 5 uniform out of alpha. Either way I'm in for the epic action which after this episode they've shown they can deliver in tonnes right to your face.

People need to stop being embarrassed and accept the naked!


Ha, the creators are unapologetic as hell regarding the fan-service, even made it one of the show's main themes.

And now she has to fight a bunch of 2 star chumps even though she can match the big boss.

They did show in this episode that the number of Stars in your uniform alone don't decide the winner. Still that was in a match where a person with a lot of experience and knowledge with a 30% suit took on a mindless brute with a 50% suit. The jump between 20% and 100% is huge.
Like some of the members theorized Ryuko will probably be forced to play in the club's rules where she will be handicapped.


Ha, the creators are unapologetic as hell regarding the fan-service, even made it one of the show's main themes.
I think it's great when they're having fun with it. Yoko having a rather modest swimsuit in episode 12 of Gurren Lagann was hilarious.


Wow, the sexual overtones are way too... liberal, to say the least. I thought the uniform was a satirical design at first, and it was hilarious on how stupid and dumb it looked like, but everything after that had one or two obvious Sexual innuendos that is quite hard to miss.

I am a bit appalled by that fact, but again, this is from the guys that brought you Panty and Stocking.

Otherwise I am enjoying it. Its a bit over the top and the ''genki'' nature is sort of annoying, but otherwise, an entertaining show.
you might as well bail out now

looking back on it, the scenes where the kamui suits drew blood and turned bright red were hella cool.

i was kinda hoping they would do some sort of motif based on that, bright red blood suits.

Well the problem is that everything else about it is cool and pretty interesting. I don't mind the concept with the suit being part of your body or skin, but they sure like to rub it in your face all the time how sexy it is.


Episode 3

This just keeps getting more ridiculous and awesome with each episode. Satsuki's kamui is as skimpy, or if possible even more so than Ryuuko's, but inside the shows context it actually kind of makes sense. The fight scene was awesome and both swag teacher and Mako's family continue to be hilarious. The show is just really energetic and a joy to watch, easily one of the highlights of the season!


Kill la Kill 3

I think it's time to accept I don't like Imaishi's direction and I never will. Dumb show with dumb characters; complete waste of Trigger's talent; horrific CGI abominations.


The third episode of this show just further cemented Imaishi has the only director worth paying attention to in anime.

This is clearly a man who loves animation and everything you can do with it. The characters and storyline exist to serve the animation more then the other way around and I wouldn't have it any other way.


He's right though, even if you don't like IMAISHI. You'd have to admit he's one of the few that's pushing the limits of what the medium is capable of!

He's not right about "Imaishi has the only director worth paying attention to in anime." That's exceptionally misinformed.

And I don't really see how Imaishi is particularly pushing the limits of the medium. Everything in Kill la Kill has been done before.
He's not right about "Imaishi has the only director worth paying attention to in anime." That's exceptionally misinformed.

He's the only consistently awesome one. All the other guys have had one or two fuck ups, but his record is at 100%!

I would expect no less of the Kamiya of anime.

Y'all bros want to see someone trying to make something new and different in anime, go watch Aku No Hana.

I won't be able to see anything after that because I'll be blind.
And this kind of thinking is exactly why so few people are doing anything new and interesting!

Eh, they could have at least done it with a new property. Shuzo's art was perfectly fine and it would have been nice to see it in anime form. Oh well, maybe we'll get a Boku wa Mari adaptation one of these days.


A Good Citizen
And this kind of thinking is exactly why so few people are doing anything new and interesting!
Well, yeah. People who say they are interested in new and interesting things in anime are actually lying. There is a reason they are busy complaining instead of watching.

He's the only consistently awesome one. All the other guys have had one or two fuck ups, but his record is at 100%!

I would expect no less of the Kamiya of anime.
Sounds about right. Kamiya has only made two good games (DMC, RE2) and Imaishi has only made 2 good things, one being incomplete (GL, KLK)

Eh, they could have at least done it with a new property. Shuzo's art was perfectly fine and it would have been nice to see it in anime form. Oh well, maybe we'll get a Boku wa Mari adaptation one of these days.
Judging art on what you wanted it to be is horrendously immature. Judge it on what it is.

Guess Who

Eh, they could have at least done it with a new property. Shuzo's art was perfectly fine and it would have been nice to see it in anime form. Oh well, maybe we'll get a Boku wa Mari adaptation one of these days.

Shuzo's art at the beginning was... okay (it improved a lot as the series went on), but I really liked that the anime did something different, and I thought it fit the tone of the show really well and often looked pretty great in motion! The
classroom destruction scene and Kasuga's nightmare
were particularly incredible. But people posted a few unflattering stills, then it spread memetically until everyone was all LOL AKU NO HANA LOOKS LIKE SHIT and hardly anybody gave it a chance even though it was easily one of the best shows of the year.

But I digress. The point is - Kill la Kill is really well done, but it's certainly not anything new or different or risky. It takes heavy inspiration from a great many anime that have come before it, including its own direct predecessor TTGL.
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