It's happppennnnnnnningggggggggggggg (starting to anyway; Japan doesn't quite know what we want yet.)
This show needs more pompadours.
It's happppennnnnnnningggggggggggggg (starting to anyway; Japan doesn't quite know what we want yet.)
They're serviceable, and when it's the only way of legally supporting it I don't think we can really complain. Definitely going to buy the blu-rays of this when it comes out over here, no matter how expensive they might be. Still hoping we're going to get an official US release of that ridiculous Gurren Lagann Collector's edition. :lolThis is a thing? Okay that is hilarious
As for the official ones not being good enough; So far I didn't notice anything really weird, but I guess that might be different for the real aficionados
Really hoping this show doesn't go back to MOW format. It would be ridiculously contrived in order to extend this arc more than a few more episodes.
Apparently there's a new opening in episode 5 so I guess the next episode could mark the end of the current arc. I read it was said in one of the official twitter account, can anyone confirm it?
I could believe that there is a new OP song, but an entirely new animated OP? Considering their budget? Ehhhhhh...
I believe the current OP uses some placeholder stuff, so the new one won't be totally new, it'll just have some new elements to it.
Wasn't the "new" OP supposed to start airing on EP4?
This is a thing? Okay that is hilarious
As for the official ones not being good enough; So far I didn't notice anything really weird, but I guess that might be different for the real aficionados
Ep 1 definitely had incoherent exchanges, and a lot of terms are left untranslated for no reason.As for the official ones not being good enough; So far I didn't notice anything really weird, but I guess that might be different for the real aficionados
Ep 1 definitely had incoherent exchanges, and a lot of terms are left untranslated for no reason.
Anyone else feel like they're losing steam with the show already?
That's the same feeling I got. They're working against themselves. Usually you keep watching because things ramp up, not ramp down?In a way, yeah. If they just have a new fight with some underling every week, I don't see how it could turn out well. As far as 2013 anime goes, it has not grabbed me the way that Attack on Titan did, but I'll still be watching KLK to see how it continues.
That's the same feeling I got. They're working against themselves. Usually you keep watching because things ramp up, not ramp down?
I'm sure most of the goku uniform people will be out of the picture within the next few episodes, and then the final battle with Satsuki will happen before 10. Then we'll be onto bigger things the same way TTGL was after Lordgenome.
Do we know if this is a 13 or 26 episode show yet? I haven't been able to find out.
I feel like I'm unable to enjoy this show because I am not in the target demographic (straight male). In that sense I think it is a lesser Gurren Laagan.
Actually I found someone making an argument that there's more to the show than fanservice.I feel like I'm unable to enjoy this show because I am not in the target demographic (straight male). In that sense I think it is a lesser Gurren Laagan.
Anyone else feel like they're losing steam with the show already?
I feel like I'm unable to enjoy this show because I am not in the target demographic (straight male). In that sense I think it is a lesser Gurren Laagan.
I feel like I'm unable to enjoy this show because I am not in the target demographic (straight male). In that sense I think it is a lesser Gurren Laagan.
I feel like I'm unable to enjoy this show because I am not in the target demographic (straight male). In that sense I think it is a lesser Gurren Laagan.
I'm bisexual(in a gay relationship) and I find the show fantastic.
I'm usually REALLY bothered and annoyed by pointless fan-service, in this show? It's amazing and I need more.
Actually I found someone making an argument that there's more to the show than fanservice. (NSFW due to uh, screenshots of KLK.)
I don't know if I completely agree about it, but there's parts of it that are interesting. If this is a long con that results in it weirdly being a feminine version of Gurren Laagan, then it's AOTD.
If it's not, then well... This is still cool.
Have you seen stupid sexy sensei?Perhaps I should alter my statement. The target demographic is people that can be sexually aroused by women.
I'm sorry, but I don't buy the female empowerment thing at all. The argument made by that link seems to be "girls, men will ogle the shit out of you so flaunt what you got because that is so empowering."
Or even if the show is about empowerment, I found it a really boring show. I can see how ogling the women (which the show wants according to the link) could make it enjoyable. But as I said, I'm not in that demographic. So I'm pretty much left with a boring coming of age story. Revolutionary Girl Utena did the whole coming of age/feminism thing better.
Have you seen stupid sexy sensei?
It's the first episode.I've seen episode 1. Does the show ever move past expository dialogue? That shit was so bad the first episode.
straight female here, wat doPerhaps I should alter my statement. The target demographic is people that can be sexually aroused by women.
It's the first episode.
straight female here, wat do
straight female here, wat do
Meant in response to this.Kill la Kill is every American stereotype about anime condensed into one anime.
straight female here, wat do
You are outside their target demographic. Congrats!
Putting everything in terms of simple demographics isn't really correct. I'm sure if you showed the average Japanese person those scenes in KLK they would be as much shocked as the average Westerner. This show plays to more stereotypical otaku tastes rather than general sexuality and seems to be doing well by it. Personally, I'm not so much a fan.
The story is practically non-existent, the fighting is meaningless, and it seems to use every plot contrivance and trope under the sun. It has style, for sure, something that would normally be a great bullet point, but that can only carry an otherwise mediocre show for so long. Then we have the fanservice which tries it's very hardest to pretty much devastate any good will I can summon towards it. I'll give it it's deserved 4 episodes, but so far I see this in the same realm as Sword Art Online - shiny well polished shit. (NSFW due to uh, screenshots of KLK.)
Actually, going back to this link I really do have to wonder how you (or the author) thought that this exchange was a sign of female empowerment. The main character basically gets told "lol you dislike when men turn you into a sexual object? That makes you weak you should just let them ogle." And somehow that is empowering because then the main character learns that she (and I suppose all other women) just have to deal with it.
That said, I don't care about the blatant over the top fanservice. But let's not pretend it is actually some deep statement about society.
Womanly as fuck, yo.