Buzz KillingtonI thought we were done with the monster of the week nonsense? I guess not. The little plot it had took a rest for more voyeurism (albeit more tame) and a series of gags that didn't really work for me.
To me, "Filler" means an episode in a manga-based series that makes up a story not in the manga in order to keep from reaching the manga too soon. Episode 04 of KLK wasn't filler for me. It was a world building episode if anything, and as an episode 04 it worked great. Not every episode can be some big step toward the end goal of the series.
Think it'll get censored that much?
To me, "Filler" means an episode in a manga-based series that makes up a story not in the manga in order to keep from reaching the manga too soon. Episode 04 of KLK wasn't filler for me. It was a world building episode if anything, and as an episode 04 it worked great. Not every episode can be some big step toward the end goal of the series.
To me, "Filler" means an episode in a manga-based series that makes up a story not in the manga in order to keep from reaching the manga too soon. Episode 04 of KLK wasn't filler for me. It was a world building episode if anything, and as an episode 04 it worked great. Not every episode can be some big step toward the end goal of the series.
I thought we were done with the monster of the week nonsense? I guess not. The little plot it had took a rest for more voyeurism (albeit more tame) and a series of gags that didn't really work for me.
Agreed, this is how I saw it. I was a bit puzzled with people using the term 'filler'.
How in the hell was it world building? We learned absolutely nothing new about the characters or the universe that they inhibit. As far as narrative, characterization and world building were concerned, this episode was the very definition of a side step in that regard.
Red now? You're so fickle when it comes to pantsu![]()
Well we did learn that expulsion means being exiled from the city, due the entire area being the Kiryuin's domain, but I think that's all.
I'm hoping there will be a similar scene in every episode so I can change it accordingly! so far 3 and 4 have been successful![]()
Didn't we learn that in the first episode?
Why did you think we were done with monster of the week nonsense when episode 3 ended with Satsuki literally saying outright that Ryuko was going to have to run a gauntlet of monsters of the week?I thought we were done with the monster of the week nonsense? I guess not. The little plot it had took a rest for more voyeurism (albeit more tame) and a series of gags that didn't really work for me.
How in the hell was it world building? We learned absolutely nothing new about the characters or the universe that they inhibit. As far as narrative, characterization and world building were concerned, this episode was the very definition of a side step in that regard.
DBZ is filled with filler.
We learned what it means to be a one star, two star, etc when it comes to perks and social status, as well as how difficult it is to be a no-star. This was also our first hint that people in the student council hierarchy might not all be completely devoted to Satsuki/her family either.
I don't know man but all that stuff was made toWe learned what it means to be a one star, two star, etc when it comes to perks and social status, as well as how difficult it is to be a no-star. This was also our first hint that people in the student council hierarchy might not all be completely devoted to Satsuki/her family either.
The Garlic JR saga wasn't in the manga at all, right? I've never read the manga, but I'd always heard there was plenty of filler in there.
Bleach is probably the worst example. There are so many terrible Bleach filler arcs at this point. They kept running up against the manga, so it's not like they had any choice, but it was still a shitshow.
We knew this since the first episode...
It was mentioned before, but not fleshed out until now.We knew they lived in their own distinct districts with different perks? I don't remember being given that information in the detail that we were this episode (for instance, one stars are in apartments, two stars are in their own villas it looks like, etc).
We knew being a no-star meant you lived in the slums, but we didn't know that the student council was abusing them to the degree that they are.
Yeah, that was a bit random. I guess there's not much reason behind it, just that they didn't want Ryuko and Mako to be the only students left at the schoolAlso, major question: how did the students in the class make it before them?
I want this shirt, but I don't think I'd ever wear it unfortunately:
Cosplay does nothing for me, but I'd like that large posterboard thing behind them.
Mako is the best
people need to get the idea that this is filler out of their head, this isnt some original thing added that isnt in the manga, this anime has no manga, every episode that happens is part of the story, whether it forwards the plot or notsorry guys, can't stand filler![]()
people need to get the idea that this is filler out of their head, this isnt some original thing added that isnt in the manga, this anime has no manga, every episode that happens is part of the story, whether it forwards the plot or not
Yes.I really hate the whole not in manga = filler stuff.
No.Just as the adaptation staff add stuff for pacing purposes, writers of the source material probably do the same. This was definitely a filler episode.
I honestly don't understand the fetishisation with plot-development storytelling. Plot is often the least interesting thing about a show.