I really hate the whole not in manga = filler stuff.
but if its an animated show based on a manga, anything not directly from source IS FILLER. often times the anime catches up with the manga and has to do "original anime only content" to let the manga pad up some more source material.
SOMETIMES the filler becomes a 2nd telling or original anime like Full Metal Alchemist.
In this case the 4th ep has a rather "episodic" feel to it and can be considered filler. Don't confuse filler with bad quality tho, even though a LOT of filler is not exactly pulitzer winning stuff since its often stories thought on the fly and not well developed (think of the horrible naruto filler episodes, or inuyasha).
Sometimes the filler is good, like the Bleach humanized zanpaktou arc (that was fun!) but those are rare.
in any case, ep 4 was still an enjoyable tromp.