KLK for sure. This episode was pretty hilarious, while TTGL's wasn't really the hottest to begin with regardless of its animation. At least we got Kittan from it.
I can't say I'm liking this show a whole lot. Episode 4 was a lot of fun I'll admit and I love the visual style of Kill la Kill.
But I'm still not really sold on the show.
I'm starting to get really tired of the fanservice (and I wasn't even irked about in episode 1, in fact it got really obnoxious in episode 4) and I don't really like how the plot really hasn't moved anywhere since episode 1.
There's been a lot of exposition but the whole show has been pretty static (just Ryuko and weird/mysterious allies vs. the school, with student villain of the week).
Also I'm really disappointed Ogure was just booted off like that. She's been the only character so far that I've liked, she's so ridiculously pragmatic and genre savvy without having had to use any of those uniforms and I was kind of hoping she'd be coming back for another episode but nope. Seems like a wasted opportunity to me having an enemy of Ryuko that's also secretly trying to go after Kiryuin, meh
TTGL 4th episode was not only horribly animated, it was even badly designed, with an aesthetic that didn't feel like even the same series at all.
4th episode of Kill la Kill was an amazing episode, where they used the low budget animation for the own benefit and creting an hilarious parody of itself.
I can't say I'm liking this show a whole lot. Episode 4 was a lot of fun I'll admit and I love the visual style of Kill la Kill.
But I'm still not really sold on the show.
I'm starting to get really tired of the fanservice (and I wasn't even irked about in episode 1, in fact it got really obnoxious in episode 4) and I don't really like how the plot really hasn't moved anywhere since episode 1.
There's been a lot of exposition but the whole show has been pretty static (just Ryuko and weird/mysterious allies vs. the school, with student villain of the week).
Also I'm really disappointed Ogure was just booted off like that. She's been the only character so far that I've liked, she's so ridiculously pragmatic and genre savvy without having had to use any of those uniforms and I was kind of hoping she'd be coming back for another episode but nope. Seems like a wasted opportunity to me having an enemy of Ryuko that's also secretly trying to go after Kiryuin, meh
Yeah Satsuki has a uniform too, and Ryuko is now fighting at full power. Lots and lots of exposition.
But all that was established was that Ryuko is still a long ways from offing Satsuki and that she's probably going to have to fight most of the school before she'll get another chance. Pretty much just restating everything that was hinted at in episode 1.
And actually, since she didn't beat any of the club captains in episode 3, she didn't really progress anywhere at all in episode 3 (she's stronger but she's still no closer to her goal than before the episode, she may even be further now since Satsuki has the uniform now). Episode 4 is filler even (it's fun but not even remotely important to the plot).
Now that I think about it the pacing in this show is also really starting bug me too.
Do you guys really consider that episode 3 advanced the plot enough? It was a "hey yeah let's have this big fight!" ... "no, wait, OMOSHIROI! Now let's get back exactly were we started! Fight the little bad guys!".
It had no repercussion. That's another thing I don't like from this show. The pace is fast as hell, but... nothing really happens.