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Kill la Kill |OT|


Kill la Kill 05

Ok, I think that's the first episode of the show I really enjoyed all the way through. All the stuff I personally like about the series finally coalesced into a single whole, and it was pretty amazing. They downplayed the fan service and hit-or-miss humor and really honed in on the characters and interesting world. I love the new guy and what he brings to the table. I also think this is the first episode where the fight fully utilized the sheer style of the show. The sort of nifty, kind of underhanded way the new character fights is really fun to watch and brings a great dynamic to the fights that I think the first few episodes were missing. There was also the excellent use of music. The orchestral version of "Don't Lose your Way" I think is the closest Sawano has come to his masterpiece that is the Gundam Unicorn OST and gives me some hope that that greatness still lies within him.

I don't think I'm ever going be as hyped as most seemed to be on this show. Given my lukewarm reaction to this and Gurren Lagann and my kind of distain of P&S, aside from his great visual sense, I just don't think I really click with the way Imaishi does things. His ADHD pacing and sense of humor just doesn't jive with the stories I want from my series. I still will watch and enjoy KlK for the sheer style and interesting world, but I don't think I'll ever love it as much as most.

One other thing, I'm loving the way they're developing the relationship between Ryuko and Senketsu. It's quite different from the norm. It's a dynamic I'm interesting to see develop as we go on. Their continued interactions are something I'm really looking forward to seeing as the show goes forward.


Kill la Kill Episode 6:

Ah yes, yes indeed, the tone is shifting and the pace is slowing to rather calm levels, the real game begins. After a spirited interrogation of Sexy Sensei that shows Ryuko does indeed have a brain we get the real focus of this episode, a showcase of Four Deva's member Uzu "K-Pop" Sanageyama. Yes, this was a nice change of focus as we see what it truly means to be one of the elite minions of Lady Satsuki as we find out the price of failure is not always expulsion or death but it does require horrific sacrifice. Indeed Sanageyama has basically become The Daredevil and proceeds to wipe the floor with Ryuko, which is one again a huge giant flag signaling a power upgrade is going to be needed soon. Also, I do hope this means we are done with the mook hunt because now more then ever it established that they are out of Ryuko's league. Also, hope you were paying attention because we have now been sort-of introduced to Final Boos Ragyo, the mother of Lady Satsuki.


Kill La Kill 06

Woah, this episode was awesome. Hints at a larger scale with
Satsuki's mom,
good battle, and Sanegayama proved himself to be surprisingly interesting
I'm talking about his transformation sequence obviously

And some more fabulous times with Stupid Sexy Sensei.
Them glowing purple nipples!
I think this episode actually had more MANservice than fanservice.

Next episode is supposed to be relatively dark too even though it's a Makanshoku episode, right?



And earlier than usual!


Is this a show I could watch with my GF? She hasn't seen nearly as much anime as I have but she has been wanting to watch a new anime recently. I've been very interested in watching this one but I'm not sure if I should watch it solo or if she might appreciate it also. She's not really a fan of fan service stuff and as I haven't seen a full episode yet I'm wondering just how much there is or if the story/action is awesome enough to ignore the fan service.

It lays the fanservice and perverted stuff really thick at the start. You might as well watch the first episode solo.


Episode 6, non spoiler observation

I think I'm going to hear Men Dou Kote in my sleep tonight. Sick episode.

The preview for next week gives us even less than usual!


Going by last episode I think it's pretty clear Mako is not who we think she is.. it would be nice if she just stayed this super cute innocent sidekick throughout everything but they are going to attempt mind fucks, methinks.


Setec Astronomer
Going by last episode I think it's pretty clear Mako is not who we think she is.. it would be nice if she just stayed this super cute innocent sidekick throughout everything but they are going to attempt mind fucks, methinks.
Or maybe she's ULTRA cute and innocent, enough to stop the world itself!



Dat fanservice. Dat MANservice! Dat transformation! Dem beatdowns! DEM NIPS!
Ooohhhh, things are really starting to heat up now. That glimpse of Satsuki's mom was very interesting, as was that flashback (POKEMON CONFIRMED!). Opening was pretty funny (glowing tits), Senketsu really has warmed up to ironing (sorry), and Mataro got dem nudes lol. But this was more of a teaser epsiode, lots of glimpses and half-looks--and in Uzu's case, eventually none! His powerup was pretty badass. Kinda figured it out just before he went to see Iori, but it was still interesting to see that he got them sewn into the Goku uniform star. Glad he covered that up at the end though, it kinda creeped me out. And he looks cooler now. :p
Can't wait for next week. It's clear why next week is a Mako episode--this week had barely any Mako! Thankfully someone knew beforehand that that needed to be fixed. Looks like Mako's got some real nigga shit to speak. And when Mako speaks, you listen.

I liked it, and I like how every episode makes me like the characters more. This one was a double wammy for likeability though, as I immediately noticed Sanageyama's voice was familiar, and sure enough, his CV (Nobuyuki Hiyama) is indeed the voice of Batsu Ichimonji from Capcom's Rival Schools series (and even Link in Smash Bros and Soul Calibur II!).


Ep 6


We got a lot of first looks in this episode. Her mother controls some sort of gilded metropolis, or else her father does (we don't know yet). Life fibers aren't made at the academy, which suggests some sort of offsite manufacturing facility. Goku uniforms at three stars can transform, and they heighten the abilities of the wearer (does Ryuko have any to heighten?). Oh and Junketsu is just barely able to be controlled, even by Satsuki



Edit: Not sure how, but one sentence got unspoiler tagged for about a minute. I think I accidentally put it beneath the tag somehow with this terrible media center keyboard. Anyway, if you read it and now know a very vague thing about what happens, I apologize.

Guess Who

I liked it, and I like how every episode makes me like the characters more. This one was a double wammy for likeability though, as I immediately noticed Sanageyama's voice was familiar, and sure enough, his CV (Nobuyuki Hiyama) is indeed the voice of Batsu Ichimonji from Capcom's Rival Schools series (and even Link in Smash Bros and Soul Calibur II!).

And Viral.


[Kill la Kill ep. 06]

Dat resolve of a man.

Next ep preview:
The preview had a serious tone so the next episode is probably gonna be totally full of Mako slapstick. Bring it on! :p


Episode 6

I expected him to
gain a higher star Goku uniform and go berserk
, but not THAT. What a twist.
And very creepy. The eye-like bandage makes it a little less creepy, but not by much.

Looks like Junketsu has to be held down, meaning that he might not be on cordial terms with Satsuki. The fact that Satsuki uses "Life Fiber Override" instead of "Life Fiber Synchronize" already suggested that, but this adds more fuel.

lol gamagoori with long hair

Interesting that 3-stars can also transform. Additionally, this episode shows that 3-stars can be a match for Kamui, making things more interesting. Ryuko escaping because the uniform overheated was a bit deus ex, though -- but I suppose it's better than her pulling out a last-minute power up. The eventual actual power up and beat down should be fun.

Edit: Oh, and how could I forget:


I know he said beach but it sounded like he said "Nudist, bitch" lol. That Aikuro sure is silly. "But that really is our name..."

I think Link in Smash Bros used the voice samples from his Ocarina of Time voice work.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're right. I didn't notice that til after I posted :p


And here I thought GAF had a stronger view on piracy lol.

wait where are you guys watching it already? it doesn't air for a few more hours according to anichart o_O

It's a leaked episode. Australian simulcaster Madman apparently has shit security and someone managed to coax the episode out of the side ahead of time.


And here I thought GAF had a stronger view on piracy lol.

It's a leaked episode. Australian simulcaster Madman apparently has shit security and someone managed to coax the episode out of the side ahead of time.

I'm actually from the future. My name is John Titor and I travel back in time to discuss anime ten or so hours before it airs.

One hopes they just guessed a file name or something, but you never know.


The Daredevil and proceeds to wipe the floor with Ryuko, which is one again a huge giant flag signaling a power upgrade is going to be needed soon. Also, I do hope this means we are done with the mook hunt because now more then ever it established that they are out of Ryuko's league.

Actually, I feel it's the other way around.
Hell, they're probably the source of the power-up. In the preview you can see Ryuuko fighting at least 3 clubs; not to mention that Mako is holding a poster that reads "CLUB HUNTING", implying that Ryuuko herself is starting fights with them rather than the other way around. She is probably trying to get as much Life Fiber as possible to become stronger. I bet they will make her beat all of them in a single episode, tho.


Fuck, this episode had it all.
One thing to note is that Satsuki had "chi" attacks even without the aid of a uniform. So I guess we've got some magic going on.
The return of sexy sensei did not disappoint. He made his nipples glow purple just for the occasion, which made part of my brain go "chest Kamui?!". Those abs would make perfect blood gutters. Ew.

Also, yeah, this episode was the calm before the Mako storm, which overshadows it a bit, as good as it was.



Noodist. Beeech.

Man, what an episode. Probably one of my favorites so far. We're six episodes in and still not a lousy one yet.

Something about the presentation of everything and the repetition of certain scenes made the dramaticness of this episode so palpable. The music, the camera angles and the art direction were on point from beginning to end.

That resolve from Sanageyama was intense. They're really making the Four Devas a much more compelling cast of characters than I anticipated. And Satsuki as always is such a fuckin boss.


This episode didn't make sense.
How was Sanageyama more powerful when he had armor on.

I think the thematic implications regarding the armor and
him sewing his eyes shut
are pretty obvious - they stand in opposition to NUDIST BEACH after all. And the whole 'shutting out the world and ignoring the truth' thing.
I think the thematic implications regarding the armor and
him sewing his eyes shut
are pretty obvious - they stand in opposition to NUDIST BEACH after all. And the whole 'shutting out the world and ignoring the truth' thing.

by the ep's end he's fully embraced that way of life(now wears a mask) by leaving them that way.


Just watched episode 5 and 6 after almost giving up the series due to the amount of fanservice upsetting me. It seems that both of these episodes have toned down on that, leaving place for much more interesting character interaction/backstory and action, which is far more appealing to me.
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