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Kill la Kill |OT|

Guys i thought of something. What if Satsuki ISN'T looking to have Ryuko under her power. What if she is training Ryuko....

To Replace her since she has Anime Ultimate Weapon Acquired Cancer?


There's no way that the incredibly old
Isshin is even remotely related to Ryuko, right?

Oh, and according to anime/comic book law,
no body = no death. I want to see the receipttttttttttsssssssss. He's totally Senketsu now.

welp, crunchyroll doesnt let me watch the series in my region. fuck them.
If daisuki doesnt upload it, I can't watch the series anywhere else.

What the fuck has happen to daisuki? Arent they going to put more episodes up ever? its the fault of the guy who downloaded it from that other web before time?

Aniplex has a stake in Daisuki. Considering that they weren't the leak, I doubt that's the reason the episode isn't up.

They were having troubles with their systems on Saturday that delayed their simulcast of Monogatari from going up (it's STILL not up) so it's probably related to that.

Not unexpected. Similar reasoning. I guess they wouldn't be compatible in the first place. :)

She could be a
sadist and the perfect match for him. I doubt it though.
Not unexpected. Similar reasoning. I guess they wouldn't be compatible in the first place. :)

I guess Daisuki is just slow. They're a joint subsidiary of several anime production studios and Japanese TV stations, they won't lose their licenses that easily.

There's no way that the incredibly old
Isshin is even remotely related to Ryuko, right?

Oh, and according to anime/comic book law,
no body = no death. I want to see the receipttttttttttsssssssss. He's totally Senketsu now.

Aniplex has a stake in Daisuki. Considering that they weren't the leak, I doubt that's the reason the episode isn't up.

They were having troubles with their systems on Saturday that delayed their simulcast of Monogatari from going up (it's STILL not up) so it's probably related to that.

She could be a
sadist and the perfect match for him. I doubt it though.

Ahh, that explains it, thanks!

It was strange as the other weeks the episodes got on time. Will wait for when they sort it up then.


She could be a
sadist and the perfect match for him. I doubt it though.
I was just kidding. Simply going by who usually visits domina studios and such. I don't think the show will go into detail about the character's sexual preferences in the first place (and I don't think I'd want it to). Other than Mako telling us that Ryuko is clearly an exhibitionist, of course.


I can see NUDIST BEEEEACH crashing the party after the Gamagori fight. After how she fared against Sanageyama, there's no way she can run the gaunlet against all the elites.

I don't think it's going to be as straightforward as it looks like, but I'm sure they're going to make her beat most of the Kings. I don't think she will even fight the guy with the glasses, tho; he screams "I'm the Mitsuhide to Satsuki's Nobunaga". I mean:


The face of loyalty.


I don't think it's going to be as straightforward as it looks like, but I'm sure they're going to make her beat most of the Kings. I don't think she will even fight the guy with the glasses, tho; he screams "I'm the Mitsuhide to Satsuki's Nobunaga". I mean:

The face of loyalty.

He did mention how he finds improbable that there are only 2 people capable of wearing 100% life fiber clothes.... maybe he's using experimental 100% clothes and will die because of them?


I was just kidding. Simply going by who usually visits domina studios and such. I don't think the show will go into detail about the character's sexual preferences in the first place (and I don't think I'd want it to). Other than Mako telling us that Ryuko is clearly an exhibitionist, of course.

They've just crossed that line with this episode, actually.


Gives all the fucks
Oh man, that set up for the next episode. & got a good laugh after learning Gama's power
is pretty much S&M.
Also, couldn't help but think of the first episode of Panty & Stocking with that whole
car scene.


While I think the music could be better implemented within the context of the show itself, I still NEED the OST to this show yesterday.


I've had a lot of problems in the past in terms of the villain cast because I felt like we got to see too much of Satsuki a bit too soon, making it a lot less ambiguous what kinds of villains we're dealing with and whether there was some side to her we just weren't seeing, like Lordgenome in Gurren Lagann. I didn't feel too invested in Sanageyama's backstory a couple of episodes back because by the time that happened I already knew Satsuki was a cruel bitch of an ice queen and I would never really be able to relate or understand why they hold such a deep bond.

This episode is the first time I honestly feel they did a good job with developing one of the villains though. I doubt I was the only one surprised how they played up Sanageyama a few episodes back as being the enforcer type since it seemed like it was a role more suited for Gamagoori. But the direction they went with Gamagoori was really awesome and unexpected, and I loved how he actually seemed to have decent morals.

The depiction of him kind of reminded me of a recent discussion I had with a friend where we were talking about a "villain groups" and where I'd point out that some of my favorite executions are those where the villains serve one guy, but when alone they can be actual decent human beings who might even have mellow moments with the protagonists (Scott Pilgrim comes to mind as an immediate example). I really liked that about Gamagoori in this episode and the fact that despite being enemies he was willing to protect Ryuko without any objections simply because it's in his job description.

For looking like such a stereotype he really surprised me. I doubt any of the other Elite Four members will be anywhere near as interesting as him (I still can't fucking stand Nonon) but I hope to be wrong. I hope that whatever the second act ends up being the series can keep these guys intact without necessarily being antagonists or "serving" anyone. I hope to see these guys just be themselves.
I don't think it's going to be as straightforward as it looks like, but I'm sure they're going to make her beat most of the Kings. I don't think she will even fight the guy with the glasses, tho; he screams "I'm the Mitsuhide to Satsuki's Nobunaga". I mean:

The face of loyalty.

There's no way he's going down untl that thing about increasing the percentage of Life Fibers in a uniform goes somewhere. I'm calling possible 4 star uniform.


Ok,after episode 7 was a bit of a letdown this one hit just the right notes for me. Really looking forward to next week.
I had to stop watching the Saints game because I couldn't wait to watch this week's episode.

I got what they were doing with Naturals Election immediately - in fact, I thought it was a little too on the nose.

Ryuko and Mako are just perfect together. But I think we get that's she part of the family now, guys.

Gamagoori is still the man, though I felt his backstory didn't really explain his...feelings.

Satsuki almost gleeful at the chaos she's unleashed is just fun to watch.

DON'T LOSE YOUR WAAAAAY returns! I really hope Amazon JP is going to get that OST to me by the Friday / Saturday after Christmas, though it supposedly will ship Christmas Eve, so there's a chance.

Looking forward to the King of the Hill, but I wonder if this is going to go like we expect.


Still getting through the episode. Noticed Gamagoori totally blushing when Mako was going all crazy over his car

And then I remembered that conversation between Gama and Mako back in episode 4...

The shipping

I can feel the shipping happening already (as if it wasn't already happening before lol)


On the subject of music, I think I'll always get hype for the "Don't Lose Your Way" scenes, it just works so well. But on the other hand, the sad piano music they play isn't too great. It feels a bit too generic.


I've found the music to be pretty forgettable to be honest.

Just finished the episode, it was decent. It's kind of a shame the whole week just breezed by quickly, I would have liked to see more shenanigans from the other Three Star characters when they're out of class.

That said, I'm really not getting the correlation between Gama's flashback and his current behavior (his loyalty to Satsuki,
and his masochism fetish
) though I did lol at that
reveal. But I'm guessing that since Gama is up first, they'll probably flesh out his backstory a bit more during the fight.

Also looks like the timeline for Satsuki gathering the 3 Star Generals is something like:

Nonon (first one to meet Satsuki) -> Glasses / Gama (we didn't see Glasses or even Nonon during Gama's flashback) -> Sanageyama (the other three generals were there during their fight)

I personally can't wait to see Nonon in action


I think the point of his flashback was that while he was a big guy, he didn't have the same resolve that he has now. When he met Satsuki, he knew he would do anything and take any beating for her.


Neo Member
Guys i thought of something. What if Satsuki ISN'T looking to have Ryuko under her power. What if she is training Ryuko....

To Replace her since she has Anime Ultimate Weapon Acquired Cancer?

I found it weird when she said
"Come on Matoi, beat the elite 4 and find out about your father". Like as if she expects her to win and it was all apart of the plan.


I think the point of his flashback was that while he was a big guy, he didn't have the same resolve that he has now. When he met Satsuki, he knew he would do anything and take any beating for her.

Okay that makes more sense.

I don't think it's going to be as straightforward as it looks like, but I'm sure they're going to make her beat most of the Kings. I don't think she will even fight the guy with the glasses, tho; he screams "I'm the Mitsuhide to Satsuki's Nobunaga". I mean:

The face of loyalty.

I think I can agree with this

We know Nonon was the first to meet Satsuki and we've already seen Sanageyama and Gama's flashbacks so we know they're loyal. We still don't know much about this guy and to boot he does have a partner he works with unlike the other three.


Kill la Kill Episode 8


Satsuki only gets more incredible as we learn more about her.
That was... uh, quite the revelation about Gamagoori as well.


The weird thing about the Naturals Election translation is that it has nothing to do with the Japanese. The phrase Satsuki uses is 壊惨総選挙 (kaisansousenkyo). "Sousenkyo" refers to a general election, like one for parliament. The phonetic "Kaisan" is often used in the context of dissolving parliament (like before a parliamentary election), but the kanji used here are 壊, as in 壊す (to destroy) and 惨, as in 惨事 (disaster). So, kind of like the structure of Honnouji Academy itself, the election is taking the existing socio-political systems in our society and exaggerating them to the point of absurdity. It's a kind of "election of destruction" where everything is permitted for one who wishes to advance.

So while "Naturals Election" is a neat play on words, it also makes it seem like Satsuki's ideals are based on Social Darwinism or something, when I think the writers are meaning to target something much more contemporary.

"Natural selection" in Japanese would be 自然淘汰 (shizentouta) or 自然選択 (shizensentaku).


The weird thing about the Naturals Election translation is that it has nothing to do with the Japanese. The phrase Satsuki uses is 壊惨総選挙 (kaisansousenkyo). "Sousenkyo" refers to a general election, like one for parliament. The phonetic "Kaisan" is often used in the context of dissolving parliament (like before a parliamentary election), but the kanji used here are 壊, as in 壊す (to destroy) and 惨, as in 惨事 (disaster). So, kind of like the structure of Honnouji Academy itself, the election is taking the existing socio-political systems in our society and exaggerating them to the point of absurdity. It's a kind of "election of destruction" where everything is permitted for one who wishes to advance.

So while "Naturals Election" is a neat play on words, it also makes it seem like Satsuki's ideals are based on Social Darwinism or something, when I think the writers are meaning to target something much more contemporary.

"Natural selection" in Japanese would be 自然淘汰 (shizentouta) or 自然選択 (shizensentaku).

Hm, I wonder if this is another case of the Aniplex subs screwing things up. If I remember, I'll do a comparison tomorrow.


Guys i thought of something. What if Satsuki ISN'T looking to have Ryuko under her power. What if she is training Ryuko....

To Replace her since she has Anime Ultimate Weapon Acquired Cancer?

I'm actually more confident than ever after this episode in my prediction that she plans on using Ryoku to overthrow her mother and gain total control of her organization.

Nonon (first one to meet Satsuki) -> Glasses / Gama (we didn't see Glasses or even Nonon during Gama's flashback) -> Sanageyama (the other three generals were there during their fight)

Gamagori was the second, and by quite some time guessing from Sanageyama's flashback, as Glasses wasn't confident that Satsuki could defeat Sanageyama's gang on her own, unlike the other two.


Episode 8

Meh. Pretty boring episode, felt cheap, and I wasn't really entertained. By now a lot of the recurring jokes feel really stale. It seems like the characters are all one-note and repeating themselves over and over. Every line from Satsuki and Mako sound like the same thing. It's kinda disappointing. The highlight of the episode was definitely the Gamagoori flashback. Not quite as good as the Sanageyama one, but it was still better than anything else in the rest of the episode.

I think the series has reached a point where the academy stuff and the "lol look at these random club scrubs with wacky powers" angle has been completely played out and is just tiresome. It's time to move on to the next phase of whatever story they have planned instead of wasting more time. Or maybe they just don't have the money for it. Lulz.
Episode 8 Every line from Satsuki and Mako sound like the same thing. It's kinda disappointing.

This is the one thing that is bringing me down on the series the most. I've disliked the Mako scenes since around episode 4, hoping they would do something different with her.

I think the series has reached a point where the academy stuff and the "lol look at these random club scrubs with wacky powers" angle has been completely played out and is just tiresome. It's time to move on to the next phase of whatever story they have planned instead of wasting more time. Or maybe they just don't have the money for it. Lulz.

I'm hoping during this fight
with the elite 4
Ryuko gets destroyed, some magical event happens and the show changes up. Because I too, am getting quite bored with how these episodes are playing out.



...Serious question, have they referenced Nonon's gender in universe? Because I've got a bad feeling about this

Gamagori was the second, and by quite some time guessing from Sanageyama's flashback, as Glasses wasn't confident that Satsuki could defeat Sanageyama's gang on her own, unlike the other two.

I didn't notice that during the flashback. So it looks like it's really Nonon > Gama > Glasses > Sanageyama

I'm hoping during this fight
with the elite 4
Ryuko gets destroyed, some magical event happens and the show changes up. Because I too, am getting quite bored with how these episodes are playing out.

Yeah I get the feeling that things are going to change big time in the next few episodes (if not the next episode). I know we're nowhere near close to the end of this series but with the way the show has played out so far (lots of emphasis on Ryuko's fighting with Satsuki/the 3 Star Generals at some point, very few lasting characters besides Tsugumu being introduced, lots of exposition and character focus, very little world building for the Academy itself etc.) it feels like we're reaching the endgame for Honnouji Academy.

I'm expecting Ryuko will get to fight, 2 or maybe 3 3-Star Generals and then something is going to wreck shit up and change things up considerably. Maybe a major character death somewhere (either Mako or Satsuki, maybe the Teacher; no one's going to give a shit if any other named character dies), but I'm definitely expecting things to change a lot.


Wow, Aniplex subs on KLK have been really spotty. They really need an editor to check on these mistakes. Just embarrassing.

Even the most basic stuff like on-screen text are messed up.

Text: Five Years Ago -> Subs: Three Years Ago

Text: Seven Days Later -> Subs: Honnoji Academy

I'm expecting Ryuko will get to fight, 2 or maybe 3 3-Star Generals and then something is going to wreck shit up and change things up considerably. Maybe a major character death somewhere (either Mako or Satsuki, maybe the Teacher; no one's going to give a shit if any other named character dies), but I'm definitely expecting things to change a lot.

I don't think any character will die, at least not anytime soon, I think it will most likely be a
second transformation
as they decided to bring that up in episode 8. Maybe then
Ryuko beats Satsuki
and an enemy from behind the scenes shows themselves.

Wow, Aniplex subs on KLK have been really spotty. They really need an editor to check on these mistakes. Just embarrassing.

Even the most basic stuff like on-screen text are messed up.

Text: Five Years Ago -> Subs: Three Years Ago

Text: Seven Days Later -> Subs: Honnoji Academy


This is just poor.


So while "Naturals Election" is a neat play on words, it also makes it seem like Satsuki's ideals are based on Social Darwinism or something, when I think the writers are meaning to target something much more contemporary.

Going to disagree with this because Lady Satsuki is very much a Social Darwinist, we have seen much of her value system and her plotting is based around the idea that strength and domination are what is considered to be ideal virtues of her world and everything else is to be cast aside into dust.
We know a big reason why Satsuki is letting Ryuko run around defeating club scrubs is that she sees it as a purging of the weak and thus making the overall organization that much stronger.
Wow, Aniplex subs on KLK have been really spotty. They really need an editor to check on these mistakes. Just embarrassing.

Even the most basic stuff like on-screen text are messed up.

Text: Five Years Ago -> Subs: Three Years Ago

Text: Seven Days Later -> Subs: Honnoji Academy


I definitely noticed the second one. I don't speak or read Japanese, but they've flashed the characters for Honnouji Academy enough times that I knew that wasn't right, and I wondered why the seven day gap wasn't referenced.


Going to disagree with this because Lady Satsuki is very much a Social Darwinist, we have seen much of her value system and her plotting is based around the idea that strength and domination are what is considered to be ideal virtues of her world and everything else is to be cast aside into dust.
We know a big reason why Satsuki is letting Ryuko run around defeating club scrubs is that she sees it as a purging of the weak and thus making the overall organization that much stronger.

There are definitely commonalities, but there's nothing "natural" about this election, or any part of this process. Honnouji Academy is Satuski's world, and everything within it revolves around her and furthering her goals. People aren't fighting for survival; they're fighting to advance, to get closer to that shining light of the center, the guarantee of power and strength. Satsuki is encouraging this process to create a stronger organization for herself, and for no other reason.

Nobody has to do anything for natural selection to happen. It's the product of an uncaring and impartial environment, altered by factors outside of anyone's control. In contrast, the competition of modern society, and the competition in Satsuki's academy, are artificial forces harnessed by the powerful to ensure more efficient production or strength. Complacency and peace lead to weakness. If everyone below the highest rung is fighting each other to serve the whims of the leader, they must always be strong enough to defend themselves, and they have no chance to aim at the one on top. To call back to the show's heavy-handed references to the Nazi Party in the first episode, this is how many totalitarian dictators operated.

Essentially, natural selection and Social Darwinism are both passive theories. They justify the world as it is. They're fundamentally conservative ideas. Satsuki is actively sowing chaos for her own ends.


I'm hoping during this fight
with the elite 4
Ryuko gets destroyed, some magical event happens and the show changes up. Because I too, am getting quite bored with how these episodes are playing out.

Ryuuko wins. The big twist is that Sanageyama winning in episode 6 was a fluke and she beats them all in a single episode.


At the rate it is going episode 9,10,11,12 will all be big 4 fights with the finale being Ryuko v. Kiryuin with the twist at the end with the Mom/Dad being the big bad.
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