I've found the music to be pretty forgettable to be honest.
Just finished the episode, it was decent. It's kind of a shame the whole week just breezed by quickly, I would have liked to see more shenanigans from the other Three Star characters when they're out of class.
That said, I'm really not getting the correlation between Gama's flashback and his current behavior (his loyalty to Satsuki,
) though I did lol at that
reveal. But I'm guessing that since Gama is up first, they'll probably flesh out his backstory a bit more during the fight.
Also looks like the timeline for Satsuki gathering the 3 Star Generals is something like:
Nonon (first one to meet Satsuki) -> Glasses / Gama (we didn't see Glasses or even Nonon during Gama's flashback) -> Sanageyama (the other three generals were there during their fight)
I personally can't wait to see Nonon in action