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Kill la Kill |OT|


The fight with Sanageyama?

I mean a single fight. Didn't that follow the same structure, but this time the opponent returned and the part of her coming up with a plan was replaced with her fleeing?

It's what I like so much about HxH. The fights are actually tense because outcomes can be unexpected, or at least the fighters are constantly trying to outsmart each other, which makes for some nice struggles.


All the fights seem to follow the trend of
Ryuko initially getting beat the hell up but then a miracle plan happens and the opponent immediately gets wrecked.

A little back and forth wouldn't hurt.

Yeah, pretty much. It's becoming a real bore.

It really doesn't help that she always finishes them in one blow too.


Episode 9



Better than last weeks episode and i really didn't mind the constant reuse of animation in this one. The Inferno Cop legacy lives on. ;~;

Undeniable OTP (next episode preview)
Told y'all so.

Inumuta having little to no characterization so far would be forgiven
if his personality and fighting style are both inspired by internet pick-up artists that think knowing everything about a girl will make them able to hook up with her.
holy shit YES


I mean a single fight. Didn't that follow the same structure, but this time the opponent returned and the part of her coming up with a plan was replaced with her fleeing?

It's what I like so much about HxH. The fights are actually tense because outcomes can be unexpected, or at least the fighters are constantly trying to outsmart each other, which makes for some nice struggles.

This show is less about the actual fights and more the spectacle of it all. In that sense, it really does not matter as much.


Senketsu definitely has no shame.

Inumuta having little to no characterization so far would be forgiven
if his personality and fighting style are both inspired by internet pick-up artists that think knowing everything about a girl will make them able to hook up with her.

that would be hilarious.


Neo Member
So about episode 9

I had mixed feelings on this one. They pretty much dragged their feet throughout the entire episode; even the long awaited fight between gamgoori wasn't too exciting because the pacing was awful. I did like Regalia's new design, but Ryuko's new form seems uninspired. Hopefully her next form is better... :p

On the plus side, we got a confirmation that Mako is TOTALLY IN LESBIANS WITH RYUKO.

That regalia looked like a mix of Ironman and Omega red (badguy with tenticles). If you replaced Gamagori with Robert downy jr. and Satski(is that the right spelling, i forget) with Gwyneth Paltrow, It all still works. I guess that makes Matoi Loki?

And Mako must be


Dat size! Dat resolve! Dat fetish! Dat spanking! Dat ass!
Good episode, the only thing ruining these fights is knowing that that they'll be over by the end of the episode and as someone said earlier, there's no back and forth. I'll be sad if the next 3 episodes will be as predictable, but I'm sure I'll still be entertained as I was here. Inumuta's strategy better involve cyber-bullying and tearing down Ryuko's self-confidence by calling out her sharp knees.

Take about 5 dozen eggs, start puttin 'em in a bowl, MIX THE F**K OUT OF THEM, and whadda ya get?
PENI-er, I mean the ultimate whip of love

On the plus side, we got a confirmation that Mako is TOTALLY IN LESBIANS WITH RYUKO.

Well that doesn't surprise me, knowing her dad


I dug the episode. Gamagoori and his crazy fetish powers got a good chuckle out of me (especially when you see how even inside his suit he has a ballgag on). The whole flashback though, with him being a giant compared to Satsuki was really weird. I really liked both how Senketsu
transformed into chainsaw mode
and how it was his (its?) idea.

Although I'm excited to see the new fight, I really hope it isn't just 4 fight episodes in a row. Need Tsumugu to come back mid fight or something.
That part really freaked me out a little. Especially the one finger handshake


Am I the only one who thought Gamagoori's
looked just like

I think it's supposed to look like
the one star students.

I don't know about that

http://i.imgur.com/PyKhIjR.png - Mild Spoilers

You'd think it was but then if you look closely they're not really the same

There's no 1 star on the mold itself so it's not fully a 1 star uniform, but the mold's dress is a 1 piece dress like the 1 star girl's uniform (and the no star uniform has a separate skirt instead, though it's not pictured here)


Great episode again, I didn't care about the pacing so much. I absolutely LOVE the transformations so far. Gamagoori's regalia seemed so ridiculous at first but once it burst it became so incredibly badass, much like Sanageyama's armored regalia a few eps back. They kind of remind me of the many crazy mecha designs in Gurren Lagann's. Can't wait to see how the inevitable figures of these will turn out.

On another note, did anyone else catch the FLCL reference?

It made me smile.


Great episode again, I didn't care about the pacing so much. I absolutely LOVE the transformations so far. Gamagoori's regalia seemed so ridiculous at first but once it burst it became so incredibly badass, much like Sanageyama's armored regalia a few eps back. They kind of remind me of the many crazy mecha designs in Gurren Lagann's. Can't wait to see how the inevitable figures of these will turn out.

On another note, did anyone else catch the FLCL reference?

It made me smile.

They kind-of had one in the last episode too, when it showed the boys she beat up at junior school one of them had a big rectangle bruise protruding from his head -might just be their style rather than an intentional nod though.


On another note, did anyone else catch the FLCL reference?

It made me smile.

I think this is actually a Japan-specific pop culture joke.

There's a campaign that runs ahead of movies in Japan to discourage people from filming stuff in theaters and putting it online, heavily featuring figures with cameras for heads. The slogan shown at the end is, "No More 映画泥棒" (No more stealing movies). When Mataro is running around with a TV for a head saying, "No More テレビ泥棒", it's a pretty clear call-back to that campaign.


I think Trigger is seriously warming up to the idea of Mako/Ryuko being a thing
which they should.
Gamagoori's way of treating Ryuko actually leads a bit of insight to how the elite four might think of Ryuko; in that they actually don't hate her/see her as a pest, but rather they're simply doing their job for Satsuki. It's all on a professional/loyalty basis. (It's clear that Gamagoori, after the past few episodes, actually respects Mako to an extent.)

Kind of wish they went on a bit more about the whole Battle Royale idea they had for all of the students. It would've been fun.

Now, let me hop in the shower and start up Episode 9
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I am looking forward to the next few episode because we have little insight into Nonnon and even less on Houka.
All the fights seem to follow the trend of
Ryuko initially getting beat the hell up but then a miracle plan happens and the opponent immediately gets wrecked.

A little back and forth wouldn't hurt.

I think it's pretty obvious that the focus isn't on the verisimilitude of the fights, they're just a vehicle for character and design exposition, so i'd wager that's what people should expect. The whole theme of strength of will and willingness to never back down is very conducive to boring and predictive actions scenes, but i like to think of them as the way Trigger has to keep on hammering the story and the themes they want to tell.

PK Gaming

I think Trigger is seriously warming up to the idea of Mako/Ryuko being a thing
which they should.
Gamagoori's way of treating Ryuko actually leads a bit of insight to how the elite four might think of Ryuko; in that they actually don't hate her/see her as a pest, but rather they're simply doing their job for Satsuki. It's all on a professional/loyalty basis. (It's clear that Gamagoori, after the past few episodes, actually respects Mako to an extent.)

Kind of wish they went on a bit more about the whole Battle Royale idea they had for all of the students. It would've been fun.

Now, let me hop in the shower and start up Episode 9
They'll never do it, but i'd love to resolution to Ryuko X Mako, ala Re: Honey Cutie.

Do it Trigger! Save anime!

Kiss la Kiss pls.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I think it's pretty obvious that the focus isn't on the verisimilitude of the fights, they're just a vehicle for character and design exposition, so i'd wager that's what people should expect. The whole theme of strength of will and willingness to never back down is very conducive to boring and predictive actions scenes, but i like to think of them as the way Trigger has to keep on hammering the story and the themes they want to tell.



I really like Gamagoori, his obsession with Satsuki, his use of his position as disciplinary guy to hide that he is a complete degenerate, his constantly changing size. I died when they showed him with the ballgag.


I really like Gamagoori, his obsession with Satsuki, his use of his position as disciplinary guy to hide that he is a complete degenerate, his constantly changing size. I died when they showed him with the ballgag.

I was really disappointed she didn't appear again.


I really like Gamagoori, his obsession with Satsuki, his use of his position as disciplinary guy to hide that he is a complete degenerate, his constantly changing size. I died when they showed him with the ballgag.

Actually, his S&M kink makes sense since he is head of the disciplinary committee. Yes, I did groan when I found that out.


GAF parliamentarian
Gamagori's constantly changing scale is one of my favourite things. I was sold on the whole show when he first made his appearance, cramming himself into the classroom.


I figured the size exaggeration was just a stylization

Like Satsuki growing gigantic size during the previous episode's flashback
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