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Kill la Kill |OT|


Contains Sucralose
I don't even get the whole setup. I know she wants to know who killed her father, but the whole story is kinda vague. I still think both girls are related, maybe even sisters, which would explain why their both boring. This show wouldn't be as good without the side characters, mostly Mako. They are largely responsible for the gags.

Like I said before I hope after this arc we get to discover the outside world and that dome structure in the flashback. And like someone predicted, it looks nudist beach will crash the party.


Well, someone is crashing the party before Nudist Beach does. The new girl is most likely related to Satsuki's family, she seems like a fashion models of sorts.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Episode 10

Nonon x Satsuki OTP



A whole lot happened this episode. I'm glad that Senketsu's rapid transformations aren't being overlooked too. Looking forward to some Kinagase next episode hopefully.
Glasses dude disappoint. But his movements need to be gifed.

And the obvious magical girl holding a wand Jakuzure sequence turing into a
musical mobile fortress lol.


Rather obvious that the tower Satsuki has built is as fragile as Nonon's sandcastle. Going by the preview, we'll finally get the destabilizing influence that the show has needed since episode 7.

I'd hoped earlier that Ryuko wouldn't run a gaunlet through the student council, but it's been paced well enough, and fun enough, that I don't mind at all. Not that Sanageyama will get to wrap up the rematch against her before STAGE TWO begins.

Makogori is totally a thing. Not OTP, but a thing.

Hoped that Inumata's fight would involve some Tron-esque shift into another dimension. Oh well.

Final random thought: Ryuko's outfit keeps getting uglier.
The flying skirt is so tacky.


Glasses dude lived up to my expectations by not really being a fighting type. I'm a bit bummed that Big Hat Loli didn't control minions like a conductor, but her uniform is cool enough that I'm not too bothered by it.

I really liked the episode but if they had gone another 1 or 2 episodes of her fighting the student council, I'd have probably gotten annoyed. I'm glad that this new girl is going to show up and hopefully fuck everything up.
Glasses dude lived up to my expectations by not really being a fighting type. I'm a bit bummed that Big Hat Loli didn't control minions like a conductor, but her uniform is cool enough that I'm not too bothered by it.

I really liked the episode but if they had gone another 1 or 2 episodes of her fighting the student council, I'd have probably gotten annoyed. I'm glad that this new girl is going to show up and hopefully fuck everything up.

Seems to be controling minions in the next one.


- So keeping track of all possible ships, I'm now looking at Mako x Gamagoori (with Uzu wild card), Nonon x Satsuki (with Satsuki cheating on her with Ryuko), Mako x Ryuko OTP. That's just this episode. Again, the only way this'll make sense in the end is a main cast orgy. It's happening.
- Probe Regalia
typing on himself like that
oh lawd
- Forfeit for data? Tricky bastard. Shady shit's going down and I wanna know what. (already impatient for next week)
- That Symphony Regalia, damn. And dem Kamina glasses on her shoulder...
- So Satsuki's trying to form the Kids Next Door? :p
- Oh hey, another... ugly... thing. Senketsu pls
- "It's evolving too quickly." AW SHIT. AWWWWW SHIT! My boy's coming back, watch yo ass, Ryuko!
- "...you stinkin' bitch!" I read this out loud as "You stank ass BITCH" and couldn't stop laughing. Haha, ohh man. Nonon was great, I kinda love that she's actually shallow and crazy and Satsuki just looks at her like :|

Man it's gettin hype now, heh heh. Gonna have to rewatch the preview for next week though, because I barely saw a damn thing.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Kill La Kill 10

It's evolving too quickly?! Shit's about to go down.


Glasses dude lived up to my expectations by not really being a fighting type. I'm a bit bummed that Big Hat Loli didn't control minions like a conductor, but her uniform is cool enough that I'm not too bothered by it.

I really liked the episode but if they had gone another 1 or 2 episodes of her fighting the student council, I'd have probably gotten annoyed. I'm glad that this new girl is going to show up and hopefully fuck everything up.

Nonnon does control her minions but like a band leader. The thing is these are one on one fights.


Probably the best episode so far. Hopefully the rest of the show is as good as this.

Nonon definitely didn't disappoint at all. I like that she's not going down without a fight, compared to Ira and Glasses where they both went down as soon as Ryuko figured out a weakness to exploit.

The only bad things about this episode are that
Nonon is confirmed to be a girl (I was starting to warm up to the idea of her being a guy because it'd be too funny)
, and that we have to wait another week for the next episode.

Also we need that Teacher gif of him on the phone with Tsumugu with the captions "shit just got real"
so is Gamagoori and Mako like the new ship or

Shippers would probably have been shipping them from episode 1 (maybe even before that lol), though they probably only got hard material for that ship in episode 4 (Ira and Mako have that argument and Ira has respect for her for standing up to him) and episode 8 (Mako swooning over his car, Ira blushing).


Kill la Kill - 10

I had the biggest-shit eating during the
Nonon fight. Also I really liked loli Satsuki and Nonon. So good, and i'm really excited to see how it ends!

Also seems like shit is finally going to get real this next episode!


Episode 10

A bit better than last week's episode I guess. When the show feels padded, it really feels padded. Lots of time wasting. At least the Mako stuff was funny. It's clear that some of the core ideas are pretty cool, like the transformation stuff at the end of the episode, but for a few weeks now there has been this feeling of stuffing episodes with mundane padding or repeated animation cycles just to fill up enough time so they can break less material down into more episodes. It's so obvious that some 'big twist' is coming, I just wish they'll get on with it instead of wasting time with crap like a multi-episode boss rush.


Gives all the fucks
Man, really liked this episode. Had a good amount of "Hahaha, holy crap did that just happen" moments. BUT THAT CLIFFHANGER.

Also hoping hacker guy comes back, that battle was a bit short & it seems he's gonna have a rematch with the "data" he collected.

PK Gaming

This episode was great, much better than last week's borefest. The action was great, and it was really funny (moreso than most of the episodes imo). The expressions on each of the characters faces (Nonon, Inumuta, Gamagoori, Ryuko) were especially funny in this one.

I liked how inumuta gave up; he got bodied, but he made the smart choice by forfeiting in order to keep his dignity data. This episode definitely made nonon more palatable. Did anyone else get the impression that Inumuta & Gamogoori are going to switch sides after being defeated? I can see those 2 joining Ryuko's crew, but that remains to be seen (Gamogoori might join them until he works his way back into the top).

Hopefully next week's episode doesn't disappoint!


The worst episode so far to me, there wasn't any tension and the fights were boring. The "infinite" transformations Senketsu can do now also makes any kind of deus ex machina possible now (not like it wasn't before, just not as apparent). They could have executed Inumata's fight better even with the same idea in mind than have him prance around doing nothing. Can't wait for the week after the next.
Nonon's backstory is my favorite so far, the whole scene was very short but there was a lot of good stuff in it, particularly the notion that Nonon is beside Satsuki for nothing else but her own love and appreciation for the great Satsuki sama. It lends Nonon a very different relationship (that i fear has its measure of naivety and unreciprocated appreciation) with her highness.

The best thing is that you can almost feel how much fun everyone is having working on this show. The VA is top notch across the board.
Mako cheering for herself is a great moment.

Real great episode. Even if there isn't some big TTGL next level stuff that happens, I think this is still one of the best series in a while.


Did anyone else get the impression that Inumuta & Gamogoori are going to switch sides after being defeated? I can see those 2 joining Ryuko's crew, but that remains to be seen (Gamogoori might join them until he works his way back into the top).

Hopefully next week's episode doesn't disappoint!

Gama is too loyal to her, Inu doesn't seem nearly as loyal but I could see him staying with her since he's probably not going to be allowed to keep the uniform if he doesn't.

The only scenario I see them joining is if Satsuki disowns them big time (and even then Gama might probably try to kill himself) or Satsuki gets killed by somebody that's not Ryuko.


Gama is too loyal to her, Inu doesn't seem nearly as loyal but I could see him staying with her since he's probably not going to be allowed to keep the uniform if he doesn't.

The only scenario I see them joining is if Satsuki disowns them big time (and even then Gama might probably try to kill himself) or Satsuki gets killed by somebody that's not Ryuko.
I could see Satsuki getting shredded by junketsu.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
felt this was quite a bit better than the last few. Good balance of humor from the inumuta fight ( I love that typing gif) and over-the-top epicness of nanon.

Also it keeps getting funnier seeing satsuki younger and younger but still the same level of command and athority. Eventualy we'll see her as a new born inspiring other babies to aspire to greatness.

Interesting to see Senketsu start to take the role of Gurren Lagann as in it's physically capable of anything if you have the will power. I also like how they are incorporating that as a plot mechanic.


I have a question:
Who was that lady with the flower eye patch?

We don't really know, she's getting properly introduced in the next episode, her name I think was mentioned in the preview though, it was even noted her eye patch is actually her name in japanese
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