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Kill la Kill |OT|


Oh you.

What if her name is actually "

That would be funny

Just rewatched, her name is "Nui Harime"

Since the Three Stars all have animal based names IIRC, I wonder if there's some meaning behind her name? I know Nue (not too different from Nui) is some sort of japanese folklore creature or something


Junior Member
I have a question:
Who was that lady with the flower eye patch?

I was a little disappointed about the hacker's fight, but Nonon's fight more than makes up for it.
Loved the interaction between Ira and Mako.

And definitely curious about the "eyepatch girl" in the preview.


Neo Member
Not sure why some are saying the show is dragging, I mean maybe I want just pure action for a while or development of non-mc characters. And give them a break, considering how crazy this show is anyway, who cares about a couple recycled sequences. I am not saying you shouldn't criticize, just that it seems to be a little harsh.

Not really a fan of the jetpack Costume, I knew she had to fly but I was hoping for a cool glider set up, like bat wings and a devil tail? Or maybe something that makes no sense, like she is a helicopter and her scissor blade is the propeller. Also, did Nonon's ship look like a whale for a bit there?


My main issue regarding Kill la Kill is the same I had with Gurren Lagann, and that is how one-note the characters were which frankly I'm starting to get tired of because outside of the usual jokes there isn't much gripping me to the cast, with the exception of Satsuki. I really hope Nakashima actually does something with the cast and doesn't leave them to dry like he did in GL.


Not really a fan of the jetpack Costume, I knew she had to fly but I was hoping for a cool glider set up, like bat wings and a devil tail? Or maybe something that makes no sense, like she is a helicopter and her scissor blade is the propeller. Also, did Nonon's ship look like a whale for a bit there?

Yeah jetpack costume was veering into "awesome" fan art territory.


I personally thought Nonon's ship looked like a giantic love heart-cylinder. The front is definitely love heart shaped.

Also I just realized that Nonon's skull probably comes from the pet monkey she had when she was younger. Can't believe I didn't piece that together sooner.


This song hasn't been used yet, right? If not, I await the moment it will make its first appearance.

I know it was stated before by some that the fights themselves aren't what's important in the series, but I would have preferred it if hacker boy wasn't a pushover. Then again, guess it makes sense for someone who's abilities obviously aren't suited for direct combat.


The fight with Nonon made up for the shortcomings of the past few eps and Inumuta being such a scrub. I still can't shake the feeling that
Inumuta's been working with Satsuki's family n some way to try and undermine her goals. I guess I'll find out next week with Nui.

also MakoGama lives on stronger than ever


I rather liked this episode. I was really curious about Nonon's outfit, being the sole female member of the elite four. Tun out she was the most armored member of them all.

Not a gif but oh well


I just noticed, how are his eyebrows in front of his glasses?!
does anyone have a gif of ryuko making fun of the hacker and making light of typical shounen tropes "i bet you are one of those guys who analyze my every move, so i'll attack without thought"

*she still ironically uses another shonen trope to defeat him*


Im guessing that Stupid Sexy Teacher wasnt concerned about the four devas being the danger but instead is something with Matoi's suit, right? I mean, she sees her getting pounded by Ira and doesnt bat an eye, starts to get concerned when she defeats hacker guy and decided to call Nudist dude because her flying transformation.

I liked Mako's cheering herself and the transformation name being reflected in the teacher's glasses.
This show strives off it's style but the last two episodes have been really lacking in flair. I'm tired of this shounen powerup nonsense already. Getting beat for half the ep and then pulling out bullshit from your back pocket does not entertaining action make.
Well this new episode wan't too bad. The first fight was a pretty big let down since I thought Inumuta would do crazy shit. The second fight was good and it looks lke is going to get even more interesting on the next ep...I hope.




This show strives off it's style but the last two episodes have been really lacking in flair. I'm tired of this shounen powerup nonsense already. Getting beat for half the ep and then pulling out bullshit from your back pocket does not entertaining action make.

I almost feel like they keep playing that card now because they're building up to something very different.
They even mention in the episode that she's changing forms too much and getting too reckless so she could hit berserk mode soon, whatever that is for this anime.


Setec Astronomer
Not having any of Ryuuko's opponents move much is certainly a way to save money on animation and save time actually choreographing a fight!


Kill la Kill Episode 10


Nonon is fucking incredible.


I see somebody else has good taste


Showing she has both culture and swag

Dodging and rejecting that hentai (like a boss)

Calling out Sanageyama for being a hypocrite (one of the best bits of the episode)

Also has the most stylish and least lewd transformation sequence so far

So damn stupid that she's going to have to lose to Ryuko and her awful jet plane outfit next episode though

I see somebody else has good taste


Showing she has both culture and swag

Dodging and rejecting that hentai (like a boss)

Calling out Sanageyama for being a hypocrite (one of the best bits of the episode)

Also has the most stylish and least lewd transformation sequence so far

So damn stupid that she's going to have to lose to Ryuko and her awful jet plane outfit next episode though

After the episode im a NoNon believer. Dat William Tell Overture ending.
She is best rival without a doubt.
Also I love the monkey on her head when she was a kid. Has the same reactions as her lol


dat flashback.
I didn't like those fights, meh. at least it seems that we're going to get more from Nonon on the next episode.


Perhaps this is why hacker boy forfeited? To prevent Ryuko from gaining all of his data?

I think that's why Lady Satsuki allowed it, but I think he legitimately didn't care if he had won or lost. He's only ever been after knowledge, so it's more important to him that his data remains intact.

Satsuki is likely making a huge mistake by allowing Ryuko to defeat all of these people. They were about on par with each other prior to the fight club episode, and she's defeated pretty much every two-star since then, and three of the three-stars. By the time Satsuki and Ryuko fight again, Satsuki's going to be at a major disadvantage because Ryuko will have absorbed the life fibers of pretty much everyone.


I think that's why Lady Satsuki allowed it, but I think he legitimately didn't care if he had won or lost. He's only ever been after knowledge, so it's more important to him that his data remains intact.

Satsuki is likely making a huge mistake by allowing Ryuko to defeat all of these people. They were about on par with each other prior to the fight club episode, and she's defeated pretty much every two-star since then, and three of the three-stars. By the time Satsuki and Ryuko fight again, Satsuki's going to be at a major disadvantage because Ryuko will have absorbed the life fibers of pretty much everyone.
I feel like Satsuki wants Ryuko to get stronger, but I don't think she realizes exactly what she has done. I think she needs Ryuko's help to take down her parents regime.


I think that's why Lady Satsuki allowed it, but I think he legitimately didn't care if he had won or lost. He's only ever been after knowledge, so it's more important to him that his data remains intact.

Satsuki is likely making a huge mistake by allowing Ryuko to defeat all of these people. They were about on par with each other prior to the fight club episode, and she's defeated pretty much every two-star since then, and three of the three-stars. By the time Satsuki and Ryuko fight again, Satsuki's going to be at a major disadvantage because Ryuko will have absorbed the life fibers of pretty much everyone.

I'm going to assume that Satsuki's plan was to overexert Ryuko to the point where she'd have no more control over the uniform. She always claims that Ryuko lacks true conviction and is why she'll never attain full power over the kamui, but Satsuki seems to believe that expressing domination over it is the only way to attain it's full potential, which has me believe that she isn't able to communicate with her uniform.

Furthermore, Junketsu seems to be more powerful than Senketsu but the former takes up too much blood and the latter seems to have a stronger endurance/stamina due to the way Ryuko and Senketsu bond. I don't know whether Satsuki realizes this or not as Ryuko is still managing to pull out transformations left and right without any repercussions. I assume this is why Satsuki seems notably phased after Ryuko survives Nonon's onslaught.

But clearly the Nudist Beach knows something neither two do, and Satsuki's mother didn't want her to obtain Junketsu either, so I'm expecting a run-in after the next super power uniform showdown.


I'm going to assume that Satsuki's plan was to overexert Ryuko to the point where she'd have no more control over the uniform. She always claims that Ryuko lacks true conviction and is why she'll never attain full power over the kamui, but Satsuki seems to believe that expressing domination over it is the only way to attain it's full potential, which has me believe that she isn't able to communicate with her uniform.

Furthermore, Junketsu seems to be more powerful than Senketsu but the former takes up too much blood and the latter seems to have a stronger endurance/stamina due to the way Ryuko and Senketsu bond. I don't know whether Satsuki realizes this or not as Ryuko is still managing to pull out transformations left and right without any repercussions. I assume this is why Satsuki seems notably phased after Ryuko survives Nonon's onslaught.

But clearly the Nudist Beach knows something neither two do, and Satsuki's mother didn't want her to obtain Junketsu either, so I'm expecting a run-in after the next super power uniform showdown.

I think that Satsuki is going to try and match Ryuko's transformation technique, but since Junketsu doesn't really give a damn about what happens to Satsuki, she's going to go out of control, and Nudist Beach were afraid of that happening to Ryuko because they underestimate the bond between her and Senketsu.
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