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Kill la Kill |OT|


So here's my bad prediction for the next couple episodes:

Ryuko goes insane, smashes up the school, leading to Satsuki or Nudist Beach having to destroy Senketsu. Nui really did kill Ryuko's father, but it was by Satsuki's mother's orders to prevent Satsuki from getting information on the suits. Nui accuses that Satsuki was planning to overthrow her Mother with Ryuko and Senketsu, or using information from researching Ryuko and Senketsu, and confiscates Satsuki's Lifefiber technology and gear as punishment.

The second half of the series leaves Ryuko, Mako, the Elite four, and Satsuki without suits or a highschool. Where they have to combine forces (along with Nudist Beach) to take down the mother.


So here's my bad prediction for the next couple episodes:

Ryuko goes insane, smashes up the school, leading to Satsuki or Nudist Beach having to destroy Senketsu. Nui really did kill Ryuko's father, but it was by Satsuki's mother's orders to prevent Satsuki from getting information on the suits. Nui accuses that Satsuki was planning to overthrow her Mother with Ryuko and Senketsu, or using information from researching Ryuko and Senketsu, and confiscates Satsuki's Lifefiber technology and gear as punishment.

The second half of the series leaves Ryuko, Mako, the Elite four, and Satsuki without suits or a highschool. Where they have to combine forces (along with Nudist Beach) to take down the mother.

That would be interesting, if the show really is moving towards having Ryuko, Mako, the Three Stars and Satsuki as all the main characters, this would work. I'm personally expecting something to happen to Mako's family as well though. Nothing good can come from them wanting to go to the Academy.


Finally, like damn I've been waiting for this show to move on from the whole Ryuko vs the school for too long. I've really enjoyed this show but it's been boring for a while now. The first half was okay, second half had me shaking, and the ending had me going crazy.

We really need more on Nudist Beach, the Revocs, and stuff like that. This show looks to have a really interesting plot, and I'm glad they're finally getting to it. Hopefully now that Ryuko destroys the school they can leave that place.

Btw, I really love that song that plays for Satsuki's Mom. And was her whole damn closet full of kamui's?


Jarmel is actually right about Utena, and that was the whole point:
Utena was just playing along Akio's game without bothering to consider Anthy's feelings, she is projecting her own idea of chivalry on her plight.

It took quite a number episodes for Utena to realize her own unwillingness to try to understand Anthy; who is to say KLK isn't building-up to Ryuuko telling Satsuki just she doesn't care any more? I honestly doubt the show is moving towards some kind of straightforward Ryuuko/Satsuki team-up.
It didn't happen on Otokogumi, after all.


Some things worth noting:
1 - Ragyo's hair is similar enough to Ryuuko's when wearing Senketsu that I'd be willing to say they're related. Specifically the fact that the underside is colored and, aside from the bangs, they're a similar shape. We've heard nothing of Satsuki's father and nothing of Ryuuko's mother, and this has already been supposed.
2 - The device on Ragyo's neck is similar to the activation device on Junketsu, which would lead me to believe that Ragyo's skin being her Kamui isn't entirely out of the question. In fact, it's probably constantly activated. It being a six star suit is what makes her hair so many colors.


Houka Inumuta not having ANY information on Nui (while Nudist Beach does, and Satsuki knows her all too well) really hammers home the point on how small fry they really are.

Also the "ALL CASTLES CRUMBLE, SO BUILD ONE IN YOUR MIND" kinda foreshadows the Highschool not being long for this world.

Yeah, everyone's going to lose everything. Satsuki is going to get fuckin' HUMBLED. Hopefully this'll be like GL and she'll actually turn into a cool character.
I'm personally expecting something to happen to Mako's family as well though. Nothing good can come from them wanting to go to the Academy.
Uh oh. Yeah. I don't think they're going to die though, probably will be put in some peril when the Berzeker-Ryuko chaos ensues.


She's been pretty cool for a while already.
I mean like, super cool. With character development and shit that's not just hinted at.

Like I want to see the friendship dynamic between her and Nonon when she loses everything. Maybe Nonon is like her version of Mako.


So driven that she sits down and fills out paperwork before tossing that to Mako. So subversive that she follows the rules, and whims, of both Gamagori and Mako. Even the conclusion of the fight is with her receiving Mako's beating. I don't even remember where she got the idea to start this. But it quickly becomes about her fulfilling the wishes of others, and the episode as a whole is about how this act twists upon itself.

Of course, but the problem is that it's late.

So what you're saying is that Ryuuko is an unmotivated teenager with little ambition? That's bot actually both a legit character flaw that adds dimension to the characterization and a plot point that has been brought up more than once. Hell, you could even consider Ryuuko's original rejection of Senketsu a direct effect of Ryuuko's own nature.

And we aren't even halfway through the show... episode 8 and 9 not being just one was probably a bit redundant,
specially since we are getting an extended flashback of Ryuuko's childhood soon.


I find Ryuuko's entire character boringly predictable. Her actions, her dialogue, her motivations, even her character arcs throughout the show so far have all been by the numbers and with little to spice it up. I trust in the writer, so I do expect something interesting to happen, but it won't retroactively improve my impression of her for the first 11 eps.
The execution of the show doesn't do her any favours either. Using the TTGL comparison, Simon's arc (1-11) was predictable too, but consistently engaging thanks to the structure of the show, the wittier dialogue (arguable, but I think TTGL wins out in this area too), having more prominent characters playing off him and taking the spotlight, and the visual direction/animation being better.


Junior Member
Oh shit. Was not expecting that ending. Next ep gonna be good.

Also I need that Revocs theme. And I hope Nudist Beach does something very soon. They haven't done anything thus far.

Episode 12 prediction:

I'm betting that the scissor that Nui pulled out are a fake meant to rile Ryuuko up. She looks nothing like the woman in the flashback.

I thought she might've just straightened her hair at the time but maybe you're right. Though the blade itself might be real but she's not the real killer. We'll see.


Oh myyy gooooooddddd taiiilloorrrrr

The whole point of this first half just seems to be that Ryuuko is nothing more than a pawn being used for grander schemes. What those are? We're about to find out pretty soon. But I think ever considering her as anything else from the start is a little misguided, since the intent of the others has been pretty obvious. The show seems ridiculously self-aware of this fact too.


Worst character is Yamcha. All the rest are great in different degrees.

For me

Nonon >>> Tsumugu > Mako/Inu/Gamagoori/Maiko >> Satsuki/Ryuko/Nui >> Yamcha/Mako Family >>>>> Sensei

Yamcha will be good for more jobbing shenanigans in the future at least and I did laugh at the Jobber Regalia MK2 losing to the pinky so there's that. Sensei however doesn't even seem to have much personality besides being mysterious, withholding information and wanting to strip. He'd be soo much lower if he wasn't the only way for Tsumugu to be involved in the plot.

Doesn't need to be said, but Nonon is the best. Best fight entrance, best transformation sequence, most even fight in the show so far, best VA, even has the best Engrish (dat Finale, dat No Probrem, dat Grave-i). Also the best episodes of the show for me have coincidentally had her active in all of them (episode 5 and episode 10)
Episode 12 prediction:

I'm betting that the scissor that Nui pulled out are a fake meant to rile Ryuuko up. She looks nothing like the woman in the flashback.

Fairly sure that is the case.
The whole thing is so weird. Her half of the scissors has a different handle and a different shape? She says she took it from her dad's body, and then says that she killed him, when Ryuko asks her. And how did she take it form his body, when it was Ryuko that did so? The purple sword's shape is completely different from what Ryuko saw. The show still hasn't been clear on what happened. Can we even trust Ryuko's own telling of the story? She was looking for a blue sword at the beginning of the show, but the sword on the recent retelling of her dad's death wasn't blue at all. And the shot that goes back to present time Ryuko not so subtly paints her sword in with a blue light. And what is up with this frame even showing up in the show? Was it just an intern that didn't know what he was doing, or does it imply yet another layer of meta narrative? Who the fuck even knows!
Looks like Ragyo's hair and cloth has a rainbow-ish sheen to it.

Could it be that there's other different colored strings for other schools? We might get them trying to subjugate schools one after another, culminating against a battle with Ragyo's company.
For me

Nonon >>> Tsumugu > Mako/Inu/Gamagoori/Maiko >> Satsuki/Ryuko/Nui >> Yamcha/Mako Family >>>>> Sensei


Doesn't need to be said, but Nonon is the best. Best fight entrance, best transformation sequence, most even fight in the show so far, best VA, even has the best Engrish (dat Finale, dat No Probrem, dat Grave-i). Also the best episodes of the show for me have coincidentally had her active in all of them (episode 5 and episode 10)

Agreed. She's been the most entertaining character so far in my opinion. Good mix of cool fighting sequences and humor. She's a fun character to watch.

Overall the whole show is fun to watch. I was a little put off by the fan service (not to return to that discussion) but I like the way that the show is self aware about it. I don't watch much anime but I'm glad I picked this one.


That ending. Goddamn.

Love me some badass Ryuko


Thinking about this scene (and when Nonon blows her away afterwards) Nonon really shouldn't have lost in her Regalia outfit. There are so many things she could have done to avoid the missile; fly away, fire those cymbals at it before it got too close, use the bass to deflect. And all she does is stand around like an idiot :/

Hum, maybe Nonon's skeleton monkey hat has something to do with her skeleton themed suit? It kinda fits her theme.

Since the Goku Uniforms look like they can be customized, it's probably the other way around (the skeleton theme was fashioned to fit her pet monkey skeleton). She does have a pet monkey in her flashbacks that is absent in the present, also when her uniform gets destroyed, the monkey skeleton parts are left behind.
Since the Goku Uniforms look like they can be customized, it's probably the other way around (the skeleton theme was fashioned to fit her pet monkey skeleton). She does have a pet monkey in her flashbacks that is absent in the present, also when her uniform gets destroyed, the monkey skeleton parts are left behind.

Oh god, yes, that, i don't know how i switched it :/

And i'm sort of assuming that the monkey skeleton and the pet monkey are the same. I bet Nonon will be the
of the show.


Oh myyy gooooooddddd taiiilloorrrrr

The whole point of this first half just seems to be that Ryuuko is nothing more than a pawn being used for grander schemes. What those are? We're about to find out pretty soon. But I think ever considering her as anything else from the start is a little misguided, since the intent of the others has been pretty obvious. The show seems ridiculously self-aware of this fact too.

Was, that's the whole point of the Nudist Beach scenes. They want her gone now that she won't play their game.


Was, that's the whole point of the Nudist Beach scenes. They want her gone now that she won't play their game.

They also want to avoid Senketsu going berserk like the suit in the flashback. It remains to be seen if they're the good guys or not (or the lesser of two evils perhaps).


I know it's been said already, but yeah AHHHH it's really going down now. I did not see that entire ending coming. It felt like the lead up to a season finale, which is awesome because I'm guessing next week's is the big climax of the first arc.


They also want to avoid Senketsu going berserk like the suit in the flashback. It remains to be seen if they're the good guys or not (or the lesser of two evils perhaps).

The Anti-Spiral just wanted to avoid Spiral Power from destroying the Universe...


For me

Nonon >>> Tsumugu > Mako/Inu/Gamagoori/Maiko >> Satsuki/Ryuko/Nui >> Yamcha/Mako Family >>>>> Sensei

Yamcha will be good for more jobbing shenanigans in the future at least and I did laugh at the Jobber Regalia MK2 losing to the pinky so there's that. Sensei however doesn't even seem to have much personality besides being mysterious, withholding information and wanting to strip. He'd be soo much lower if he wasn't the only way for Tsumugu to be involved in the plot.

Doesn't need to be said, but Nonon is the best. Best fight entrance, best transformation sequence, most even fight in the show so far, best VA, even has the best Engrish (dat Finale, dat No Probrem, dat Grave-i). Also the best episodes of the show for me have coincidentally had her active in all of them (episode 5 and episode 10)

Have you considered that maybe you consider these episodes the best because your favorite characters are on them?


Wow, goku uniforms look morbid on the inside when activated. Guess it's not surprising seeing the Evangelion-esque transformation with Senketsu.

I'm glad more people than just me love Ragyo's theme. Best track in series imo.
Same for me, dude's way too cocky for being the only Elite 4 member to get a second (third?) chance.

I hope he never gets a chance. He blew his first one, just turn good directly. Sincerely, I find him the least charismatic of the elite 4, just a not fun shonen trope. The information guy would have been on that level, if it was not for the amazing funny episode he had for the fight, his young flashback was great, and him doing poses with the suit just hilarious, and he doesnt overstay his welcome.

Nonon and Gamoori are best.


It would be boring if everyone in the Elite Four stays on the same side; they should make Sanageyama follow Nui and join Ragyuou in his search for more power.
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