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Kill la Kill |OT|


Kill la Kill Episode 12:

Yea, that was worth the wait.
The portents came true, Nui Harime is indeed the one true killer of Issin Matoi. The revelations cause Ryuko to become the most hot blooded shonen protagonist ever and her hatred engulfs Senketsu as it changes into the monster they warned her it could become. While Nudist Beach aims to destroy the clothing once and for all, and Nui enjoys all of the senseless violence Lady Satsuki shall engage in her duty. I have noticed that Satsuki is rather like Doctor Doom in the sense that in spite of the fact that she is a mostly icy-hearted dictator with ambitions of world domination she genuinely cares, to a point anyway, about the welfare of her school. Her order to the Elite Four was to evacuate the students after all.

Still, that full showdown is delayed as Mako does the run-in of a lifetime to cement her status as the best character of the series and indeed Mako-Rykuo at the One True Pairing. Things that I really liked about that scene was the call back to Makotro, the subtle foreshadowing done last episode when Rykuo casually mentioned that Mako doing Mako things calmed her and soothed her and also some Spanish guitar. I think I can speak for most sane people when I say to Mako and Ryuko. JUST KISS ALREADY!

Satsuki is relived that the roaring rampage of revenge has ceased for the time being. I do wonder what the history between her and Nui as she is most displeased over her machinations and bars her from Honnouji Academy, but the Grand Courtier of the REVOCS Corporation will not be denied in her fun. I will also say thank god that Satsuki and Ryuko are not all chummy with each other, but now this has turned into a three way dance. I find it strange that Satsuki is trying to keep the heat she has with Ryuko on herself, telling her such lies and teasing her with more carrots of information.

Well, this arc has come to an end, and the next direction is one that I thought might come up, I think a lot of people her kind of forgot that before Ruyko became such a thorn in her side, Lady Satsuki was more concerned with battling this far off Kensai Academy for control of the educational system of Japan. Yes indeed our next arc shall introduce the other big players as it turns out Satsuki was playing on big Xanatos Gambit in order to strengthen her Academy and her Elite Four. It is time for the Battlefield Trip. I am puzzled as to where Ryuko stands in this affair. She is no friend of Satsuki but on the other hand Honnouji Academy is now her school and would she align with outsiders?


Pretty awesome episode but I'm not sure if we are going in the direction I was hoping it was. I think we'll eventually get there, but
the current direction seems to be a bit different with Satsuki supposedly conquering Japan to amass a force to take down her own mother.
The build up was nice, but I feel like it'll be too much of a let down when push comes to shove.

Idk, I could be asking for much, but I'm hoping that what we just saw and the hands that are being dealt are just the tip of the ice berg and they aren't blowing their load early.

Mako, btw, was freakin' awesome.
I knew something like that would happen, with her stopping Ryuuko, and I still teared up a little. Really thought at some point she'd bite it during that last attack, but she and her family survived.

Are we still getting another episode next week or is there a break here? I'd like to at see the half-way point
and get past the depressing episode where maybe Ryuuko has some character growth
before we move onto the 2nd half of the series.

Well, this arc has come to an end, and the next direction is one that I thought might come up, I think a lot of people her kind of forgot that before Ruyko became such a thorn in her side, Lady Satsuki was more concerned with battling this far off Kensai Academy for control of the educational system of Japan. Yes indeed our next arc shall introduce the other big players as it turns out Satsuki was playing on big Xanatos Gambit in order to strengthen her Academy and her Elite Four. It is time for the Battlefield Trip. I am puzzled as to where Ryuko stands in this affair. She is no friend of Satsuki but on the other hand Honnouji Academy is now her school and would she align with outsiders?

I was under the impression that Satsuki was leaving Ryuuko there to nurse her wounds while she went gallivanting across Japan defeating all of the opposing schools with her new suits for the students and elite 4. Ryuuko could very well go with them, but that puts some additional strain on her to balance school and her plot to take down Satsuki. As well, Ryuuko going along with this means she's still just Satsuki's pawn in all of this.

As for the carrot out there, I'm not sure if Ryuuko will bite or if she's do something else to uncover her questions about the world.


Episode 12

Can't say I was too into Berserk Ryuko's design, although I suppose it was appropriately grotesque. The rest was pretty good. What the post-credits scene implied was interesting.
So whats the general concessus?
Satsuki is trying to conquer other academies to amass power and dethrone her evil mother?

Thats what I understand from the last scene, but maybe theres something Im forgetting she making the crazy face at the end made me doubt.

Also if I understand well,
Ryuko's kamui has her father's soul? Isnt that right? Also if thats true, could Satsuki's kamui be also her father?


So whats the general concessus?
Satsuki is trying to conquer other academies to amass power and dethrone her evil mother?

Thats what I understand from the last scene, but maybe theres something Im forgetting she making the crazy face at the end made me doubt.

Also if I understand well,
Ryuko's kamui has her father's soul? Isnt that right? Also if thats true, could Satsuki's kamui be also her father?

Seems to be more impose her will on the entire nation; be a facsit dicatator and all that jazz.

PK Gaming

Ship la Ship



I dunno if I want the story to progress in the obvious route of
Ryuuko travling to each of the three schools Satsuki is planning to conquer in order to unify them on a single front. On one hand, getting outta Honnouji is great; on the other it would probably be another pseudo-enemy of the week arc of Ryuuko having to beat the leader of each school so they listen to her.
Anything of that sort would have to come gradually since Satsuki has been built up as a fascist dictator from the beginning.

I was kind of worried last week when she seemed to be relying on Ryuko. I and others thought that Satsuki was trying to build her up so that they could take on her mother, but now it seems that Satsuki still wants it all to herself.

She wants to overshadow her mother, which would be hard since Ragyo emits a goddamn rainbow.


I liked the episode, but the show drags its heels again at the end, tossing all the tension and sense of escalation it had built up out the window.

But when you toss Satsuki and Mako together in one episode, only good things can happen. So it was fun! But still.


I dunno if I want the story to progress in the obvious route of
Ryuuko travling to each of the three schools Satsuki is planning to conquer in order to unify them on a single front. On one hand, getting outta Honnouji is great; on the other it would probably be another pseudo-enemy of the week arc of Ryuuko having to beat the leader of each school so they listen to her.

I hope this isn't the case and all of that is glossed over in the next episode. I really really hope that what you got there doesn't happen or this show will start to feel pretty meaningless and directionless.

I was kind of worried last week when she seemed to be relying on Ryuko. I and others thought that Satsuki was trying to build her up so that they could take on her mother, but now it seems that Satsuki still wants it all to herself.

She wants to overshadow her mother, which would be hard since Ragyo emits a goddamn rainbow.

It's a good thing they aren't teaming up to take down Ragyo since Satsuki has her own aspirations and goals here. The issue is that Ryuuko needs her own as well beyond defeating Satsuki and Nui for reasons pertaining to her father and his death.

Besides, we all know who is going to take Ragyo down at the end of the series (I really think she's our end game target and that'll be the end of it).


I hope this isn't the case and all of that is glossed over in the next episode. I really really hope that what you got there doesn't happen or this show will start to feel pretty meaningless and directionless.

It's definitely happening, they made too big if a deal out of it in the post-credits scene.
And the kid with the glasses in the preview is most likely an spy from a different school, like the one from episode one. It's also the logical next step for Ryuuko's character now that she realized she was just playing into Satsuki's hand: actually ruining one of her plans.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
^That fight was unsettling as hell.

Kill La Kill 12

Welp, that was worth the wait.

Jesus, Nui is a fucking psychopath. At least now we know that Nui is the true killer and there is some tension between her and Satsuki's organization.

I doubt Satsuki will become an ally so quickly though. Perhaps at the end of the season it could be a possibility but there are still too many unknowns. It's kinda ironic that Ryuuko said she would tear down Satsuki's system and while she literally tore the academy apart, she has only helped to make Satsuki's army even stronger.


Yeah thats what the end face told me, but I prefer if she was not
a fascist dictator like her mother seems to be
It's pretty evident that Satsuki is Hitler, and Satsuki's mom is Bigger Hitler. There's not going to be any teamups.

In a way, I like how things turned out. Ryuko was so consumed by vengeance and so ignorant that instead of getting revenge on her father's death, she greatly helped the person responsible in achieving her goals (instead of ruining them). Next episode will probably be about her getting her learning to give a shit with what is going on, right?


It's definitely happening, they made too big if a deal out of it in the post-credits scene.
And the kid with the glasses in the preview is most likely an spy from a different school, like the one from episode one. It's also the logical next step for Ryuuko's character now that she realized she was just playing into Satsuki's hand: actually ruining one of her plans.

I know they made a big deal about it, but
doing what seems to be the same thing in a different place can't be their goal for the next portion of the series. Having Ryuuko actually dismantle Satsuki's plans is a good idea though and would finally mean growth for her, but the vehicle seems piss poor.

Based on the translation I had, it seemed like it was only going to take a week for Satsuki to get every other school to come under wing, which seems like perfect recoup and reflection time. The guy in the preview, seems to look a bit like Ryuuko, don't you think?

Oh she is definitely endgame.

I know it shouldn't because Ragyo is awesome, but I'm still a little sad.
It was sad to see that the story really is as simple as it showed to be. I was hoping for an intensive thinking session...

Well. I guess it's still a fun show.


Neo Member
OHHHHHH SHIT, A-MAZING!!!! I started legit sweating cause the action was so hot.
I love the interplay that occurred in the middle there, everyone got involved. I am glad to see she isn't losing all her powers, all that stuff when Mako jumps in her father's car was great.
I do wish animation would get "easier", so episodes like this were not as expensive to make ( I am assuming because if all the fighting was animated like this, hot damn. then again, maybe too much of a good thing?...).


So Satskui's more of a protagonist/antihero rival now. Yeah okay, I can see that working. I really want to know what Satsuki's mom has planned for them though.

When does Bayonetta make a cameo? She'd be perfect in this series.


I liked the episode, but the show drags its heels again at the end, tossing all the tension and sense of escalation it had built up out the window.

But when you toss Satsuki and Mako together in one episode, only good things can happen. So it was fun! But still.

Pretty much how I felt

Shit felt like it was getting real, and then nothing was really done with that build up.

That said, the potential for the next few episodes is ridiculously high.
I think at the least that means Maiko Ogure has a fairly good chance of returning :O


I know they made a big deal about it, but
doing what seems to be the same thing in a different place can't be their goal for the next portion of the series. Having Ryuuko actually dismantle Satsuki's plans is a good idea though and would finally mean growth for her, but the vehicle seems piss poor.

Well, if it derives into an actual war similar to the ones they had in Gurren-Lagann from episodes 13 to 15 it would be an obvious progression rather than just a repeat of the same. It would also be a perfect chance to give Ryuuko a stronger reason to bring Satsuki down; which something they're going to begin to deal with next week.

Based on the translation I had, it seemed like it was only going to take a week for Satsuki to get every other school to come under wing, which seems like perfect recoup and reflection time. The guy in the preview, seems to look a bit like Ryuuko, don't you think?

I guess that's another choice, but the outcome wouldn't be particularly different; it would still end up with Ryuuko will traveling to the schools to release them from Satsuki's grasp. And I doubt the kid with the glasses is related to Ryuuko, unless he is her childhood friend or something like that.


Well, if it derives into an actual war similar to the ones they had in Gurren-Lagann from episodes 13 to 15 it would be an obvious progression rather than just a repeat of the same.

Based on previous episodes, it seems like to take these schools, some sort of challenge is offered. Whether this is different concerning the school(s) has yet to be seen. An all-out war could work towards this progression, but everything thus far has been as part of a challenge to overcome.

I guess that's another choice, but the outcome wouldn't be particularly different; it would still end up with Ryuuko will traveling to the schools to release them from Satsuki's grasp. And I doubt the kid with the glasses is related to Ryuuko, unless he is her childhood friend or something like that.

I'm not sure if that necessarily needs to happen for Ryuuko to grow though. Learning she has been used is one aspect, but taking her down personally instead up putting up with the challenge bullshit she's fallen for the entire time would be another logical progression.

I'm thinking Ryuuko drops Satsuki when she's at her peak and is in control of Japan's Educational system and then takes a war to Revocs with the help of Nudist Beach.

Pardon if some of that is just wishful thinking on my end.


Based on previous episodes, it seems like to take these schools, some sort of challenge is offered. Whether this is different concerning the school(s) has yet to be seen. An all-out war could work towards this progression, but everything thus far has been as part of a challenge to overcome.

Well, maybe the schoosl just accept (maybe even ask for) Ryuuko's help because she is their only chance they have and Ryuuko needs to come up with a way to use their relatively powerless assets to defeat Satsuki's improved army; it would definitely be challenge.

I'm not sure if that necessarily needs to happen for Ryuuko to grow though. Learning she has been used is one aspect, but taking her down personally instead up putting up with the challenge bullshit she's fallen for the entire time would be another logical progression.

I'm thinking Ryuuko drops Satsuki when she's at her peak and is in control of Japan's Educational system and then takes a war to Revocs with the help of Nudist Beach.

While I'm sure Ryuuko wants to just get to Satsuki herself, she alone can't take on all the Four Kings and Satsuki's improved army. Searching for allies would be a good idea. I do agree that making Nudist Beach just finally tell her everything and properly join her would probably be better than creating new and unrelated characters. Hell, maybe the kid with the glasses is just another member of Nudist Beach.
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