Mako is great. Fuck the haters.
I'm with you, brother. One of the best parts of the show imo. I always look forward to her antics.
Mako is great. Fuck the haters.
For better or worse, Kazuki Nakashima confirmed on Twitter that the next arc is indeed the 襲学旅行 chapter so it's definitely going to involveRyuuko traveling to the west to clean up her mess and stop Satsuki's war of conquest.
He didn't tell her his plan, he told her his organization was called Nudist Beach. He was lying by saying that Tsumugu going after her was perfectly calculated so she was right to call him on his bullshit.
Mako is great. Fuck the haters.
I for one am looking forward to the Battlefield Trip arc because that is the next logical step in the proceedings and I am glad that was not ditched in favor of some wild twist.
I think it will be good, but I hope its not 12 episodes long.
I have a hard time believing that this arc is going to be the second half of the series.
This is exactly how I felt about the show as well. I didn't like the first episode at all but from EP2 on I've loved every minute it. EP6 is probably my favorite becauseMy opinion on this show did a complete 180. The first episode was absolute garbage, and so I decided not to give the rest of the series a chance and deemed it utter crap.
But having given it a chance (now on episode 11), holy fucking shit this show is good. I'm completely over how ridiculously fanservicy Ryuko's outfit is. Also glad that the male characters get some fanservice moments too.
There was a run of episodes from 4 to 6 where I thought it was turning into something special, but . . . that hasn't panned out.
There was a run of episodes from 4 to 6 where I thought it was turning into something special, but . . . that hasn't panned out.
A great show.
But it is?
I thought the show has been great fun all the way through so far. It's nice to have a show that isn't super serious all the time.
One of the big ones is sub rather sub-par pacing. It isn't One Piece or Attack on Titan levels of bad but we really did tarry too long with things like the Club Fights and the Kill of the Hill battle here.Can anyone point out any major stumbles the show had made?
I think the show has been very good. Maybe it's because I only watch a lot of dramatic shows that I find the goofy energy from KLK so damn refreshing.
It's no Samurai Flamenco in the weekly surprise department, but I like the consistency of KLK. I'm reserving any real judgement until I see the whole thing though. I don't like criticizing individual episodes.
One of the big ones is sub rather sub-par pacing. It isn't One Piece or Attack on Titan levels of bad but we really did tarry too long with things like the Club Fights and the Kill of the Hill battle here.
Can anyone point out any major stumbles the show had made?
Nah, I mean, Mako is one dimensional as fuck and it's glorious. Ryuko needed more, though.
Might just be my inner TTGL fanboy popping up again, but we needed a game changer in episode 7 or 8.
I thought the show has been great fun all the way through so far. It's nice to have a show that isn't super serious all the time.
Mako showed a lot of character growth in episode 7 and it was payed off in episode 12, I really do think that the Mako-Ryuko bond has been one of the high points of the series.
Really? I'm not seeing it man, I think you could use episode four (or whatever the episode was where she talks about how lonely she was/had no friends) as something to work off of, but it's not touched upon again. Both 7 and 12 display consistent characterization of what she is, but they're not instances of growth, and such.
Really? I'm not seeing it man, I think you could use episode four (or whatever the episode was where she talks about how lonely she was/had no friends) as something to work off of, but it's not touched upon again. Both 7 and 12 display consistent characterization of what she is, but they're not instances of growth, and such.
Episode 7 showed that Mako was more complicated than meets the eye. She went through some pretty significant changes that deepened her character and strengthened her normal personality traits as well as her friendship with Ryuko.
Satsuki is such a boring character. She's way too "cool". There's no personality or character flaws in her and she's not really fun to watch.
Ryuko is ok, if really predictable. The show isn't bad, but the two main characters aren't very interesting, everything really falls on the secondary characters. I just finished the latest episode. I'll definitely continue to watch, but there's a of weak stuff in the show that they are hopefully able to rectify by the end of the series.
I actually agree with this. She started off as a fairly interesting character, and some of the background stuff was interesting, but all I got from the flashbacks is that she has always been exactly the same forever and has never developed or changed as a person. If that's a plot point at some point, cool, but right now she comes off as a little static.
I would almost agree to this if not for the fact that we have actually seen many times that Satsuki has many more rounded edges then at first glance.Doing things like having tea with Sangayama, preventing Gamagouri from committing suicide and a really big one order the Elite Four to evacuate the student body while she deals with Nui and Monaster Ryuko. Yea, her core has been rock solid since Kindergarten but then again she has had no reason to adjust her outlook in life. If she really is Vegeta, she needs a good ass kicking to defrost the ice.
Kill la Kill hasn't quite amazed me like I thought it would. It certainly exudes style and energy, but I'm not feeling the depth that would elevate it from enjoyable to memorable.
By depth, I mean more like the episodes featuring characters such as Tsumugu or blind-Sanageyama. As much as the series revels in slap-stick humour and plays up its whimsical tone, I feel it needs to be equally counter-posed a sense of urgency and gravitas (such as that provided by the aforementioned episodes). I find it hard to put into words, but it's like when you eat too much much sugar, something bitter becomes unbearable. I couldn't take the whole drama surrounding Ryuko throwing a hissy-fit (episode 12) seriously given that my dominant impression of the series is that it's a comedy. The two extremes in tone didn't mesh well in this case for me.
Moreover, I feel the pace is somewhat plodding. It's been 12 episodes, and we're still stuck at Honnouji. While we know a little bit more about the big players involved (such as Revocs and Nudist Beach), we don't know all that much. I was also going to say that the stakes haven't been raised enough given the 12 episodes (that's one season!), but I'll have to renege given the appearance of Nui.
Maybe I'm just viewing this series as something it isn't trying to be. I had hoped it would be more episodes 5 and 6 with comedy interspersed when, in fact, it's more the opposite. That's absolutely fine, I'm certainly enjoying watching this series, and I'll take this over absolute drek like harem-light-novel-adaptation-#1453.
If it makes you feel better, producer Masahiko Otsuka textually said that "the second half is much more serious and the real meat of Kill la Kill".
Handling Satsuki as an Oda Nobunaga is literally the only thing they can do with her; someone that can be seen as both a hero and a villain. She most definitely isn't supposed to be a saint; hell, according to the extended previewepisode 13 is about Ryuuko learning the full extent of the atrocities committed in Satsuki's name and how terrible her totalitarian regime actually is. The new character is called Namida Shinjirou, he is a reporter and an obvious analogy to real life reporters under dictatorial governments.
Heads up, the OST has leaked early. Watch out for spoilers if you care about that kind of thing.
How does one spoil an OST
In the first half of the series much ado has been made about the shallowness of Ryuko's current quest, so shallow has it beenIndeed the problem with the until recent Satsuki-Ryuko dynamic is there has been little reason for them to be feuding. Satsuki has presented herself as little more then an obstacle, somebody to be overcome in order to get information on her true goal.that even Mako and Satsuki have called her out on the vapidity of it all.Indeed, Ryuko at the end of episode 12 was ready to move on to continue her feud with Nui until Satsuki tipped her hand about her role in Issin's execution. I am hoping that the combination of all of these factors generates some actual resentment not just Satsuki but all that she stands for; I have not been feeling the hatred, and I need to feel the hatred between these two.