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Kill la Kill |OT|


Unconfirmed Member
I think he means ep, not OP.
Well that sucks. I guess at least that's confirmation that at least the story will be moving forward in the next few episodes instead of looping into itself again.
Thank god it's not going to be more than four episodes of 'I need to beat the four clan bosses!'
This show started off so lively and fun and got so dull.


Nope, the song changes aren't happening until ep16. The official twitter says there's a story reason for that, probably because the second half doesn't really begin until then? Sounds like Gurren Lagann...

If there's a time-skip, they're going to have to do an awful lot to prevent it feeling like a cheap ploy. They don't feel like they've earnt it thus far, and (to me) it will feel like them going "Look! We have new shiny things!"


These popped up on 4chan, apparently through the official JP Twitter. idk if these are actually preview shots or not or something else (since there is something that feels off with the pictures). Either way click at your own risk.


Source: http://p.twipple.jp/user/kill_la_kill

I see what is going on there.
Good, I like the Track Suits much more then the Goku Uniforms.


mother daughter oppai fondle
, dat
Mako pissing off Gama-chan and then getting off easy
, dat
Nui disguise and Senketsu destruction ;_;

It wasn't the strongest episode but it had more substance than I figured it would. It seems like Ryuko's
role is....weird now though. I guess Senketsu will reform after the trip, but what is she supposed to do in the meantime? She's got the Banshi, but is anyone left to actually weave her a new Kamui?

My favorite part of the episode was Stupid Sexy Sensei's Nudist Beach phone. Fabulous.

I was a little bit afraid that
Nui was going to be a guy...and that the plagiarism claims were going to actually have some substance to them, but I'm glad that it was just momentary


It wasn't the strongest episode but it had more substance than I figured it would. It seems like Ryuko's
role is....weird now though. I guess Senketsu will reform after the trip, but what is she supposed to do in the meantime?

Why is she going to wait until Satsuki is back? This is the point at which Ryuuko's role has been the clearest: she is the ultimate underdog with everything against her. Other than showing off Mako comedy antics or make clear that nobody stands a chance against Satsuki's army, the story is totally on Ryuuko and Nudist Beach's side for now. In the preview for next week, she and Sensei are on a car and obviously on their way to Kobe or Osaka. I honestly expected Ryuuko to lose Senketsu at the end of episode 12, it's definitely what the story needed.


Why is she going to wait until Satsuki is back? This is the point at which Ryuuko's role has been the clearest: she is the ultimate underdog with everything against her. In the preview for next week, she and Sensei are on a car and obviously on their way to Kobe or Osaka.

At which point she'll do...
what? She's not trained at anything and she doesn't have her super suit. I guess Mako needs saving...sort of..


Works on the actual site fine.

also whoooo.

The episode for the most part was pretty boring and then shit got real as shit.

People asking for a switch up kinda got their wish.


Ryoko is a pretty shit protagonist in terms of winning...she has spent most of the series getting curbstomped.


The ending to this episode feels like what Episode 12 should have been, but this was a pretty weak episode with a whole lot of nothing. All the set ups about it feels like massive cop-outs because they didn't find any opportunity to bring the implications in the last episode and it feels so disjointed as a result.

The pacing and structure of this series has easily been it's undoing. So much of it has boiled down to villains failing as part of gambits or just pulling things out of their asses to succeed. It's like a perpetual cycle and at this point Ryuko feels like the butt of a never ending joke, partially because they don't do anything interesting with her. I was actually getting interested with Ryuko showing some actual signs of a dilemma, but it being brushed aside like nothing is so typical.

Oh well. Bring on the next episode.


The pacing and structure of this series has easily been it's undoing. So much of it has boiled down to villains failing as part of gambits or just pulling things out of their asses to succeed. It's like a perpetual cycle and at this point Ryuko feels like the butt of a never ending joke, partially because they don't do anything interesting with her. I was actually getting interested with Ryuko showing some actual signs of a dilemma, but it being brushed aside like nothing is so typical.

But the dilemma is still there, even Nui commented on it. Ryuuko is afraid of using Senketsu's powers. Actually, this is the best place she has ever been: no OP suit, scared of wearing said OP suit even if she ir her and finally confronted with the fact that she doesn't fight for anything. It would be even better if she is forced to fight without Senketsu in order to collect his pieces, which Satsuki is going to spread across the Four Kings.

But yeah, this is how episode 12 should have ended.


They didn't earn having
Nui come back the very next episode and change everything. They just as easily could have done it last episode and saved themselves the episode where nothing really evolves. She'd be just as depressed, and just as without Senketsu, but it'd be one episode earlier.

Everything not involving Ryuko was great this episode.


Kill la Kill Episode 13:

Yea, we are hitting those mono-myth plot points pretty hard this episode.
Indeed, the standard hero mopes about an worries about their powers going out of control and needing to learn what it is to be a hero. I am glad that got subverted in the end by Nui, but dear god, I think I am going to start calling Ryuko Serge at this point point because I have not seen a hero so seamlessly manipulated by various enemy forces since Chrono Cross. The high point of this episode was Satsuki's visit to the REVOCS Arena and we finally get some insight into Ragyo and yea the fascist apple has not fallen far from the tree, but Ragyo has a differing philosophy and we learn her stake in this upcoming battle. Also, yes, the none to subtle foreshadowing is indicating that Satsuki and Ragyo are going to start feuding with one another. At this point I really want to get this conquest started becuase I want to see what two arcs of planning were for, I want to see how strong The Big 3 really are.
anyone get the feeling Senketsu will reform into that outfit in the ending
also this is probably our chance to find out what the hell is up with Nudist Beach and Senketsus memories
also i had a wierd dream last night where Mako became Ryokos new kamui


Huh? Has she really?

Whenever she's not curbstomped she's just being played like a violin. Which isn't really much better.

But the dilemma is still there, even Nui commented on it. Ryuuko is afraid of using Senketsu's powers. Actually, this is the best place she has ever been: no OP suit, scared of wearing said OP suit even if she ir her and finally confronted with the fact that she doesn't fight for anything. It would be even better if she is forced to fight without Senketsu in order to collect his pieces, which Satsuki is going to spread across the Four Kings.

But yeah, this is how episode 12 should have ended.

My problem is mainly with the way the show orchestrates the dilemma. At first it seems like there's a big deal to be had, but then they bring a random, suspicious nobody who snaps her out of it in about 5 minutes of allotted screen time. Everything seems alright again until Nui comes back and somehow undoes that short return to grace and Ryuko ends up re-enacting Other M. It goes by so fast that what feels like a big deal made me go "wait, that's it?"

Even so I thought Ryuko was already passed her whole roaring rampage of revenge phase of wanting to dispense justice, and the end-credits stinger in the last episode made it seem like Ryuko actually wanted to find and fight Nui again, so while PTSD might be understandable it's not really well conveyed.


Whenever she's not curbstomped she's just being played like a violin. Which isn't really much better.

I guess I was thinking about how she usually wins most of the fights she's been involved in, though I suppose she also gets beaten to hell before she attains those victories.

Well there goes the status quo.

Yeah. I feel that it won't last long, but I liked the ending of episode 13 because of that.


My problem is mainly with the way the show orchestrates the dilemma. At first it seems like there's a big deal to be had, but then they bring a random, suspicious nobody who snaps her out of it in about 5 minutes of allotted screen time. Everything seems alright again until Nui comes back and somehow undoes that short return to grace and Ryuko ends up re-enacting Other M. It goes by so fast that what feels like a big deal made me go "wait, that's it?"

she is only afraid of becoming to angry or passionate, beating up 3 mooks probably seemed like a no-risk situation at the moment. And it really wasn't for Namida, she was doing it for Mako's dad.

However, they should have taken Senketsu away in episode 12. I think it's the best thing that could happen to both Ryuuko and the show, but there was no reason it couldn't happen after she went berserk.


she is only afraid of becoming to angry or passionate, beating up 3 mooks probably seemed like a no-risk situation at the moment. And it really wasn't for Namida, she was doing it for Mako's dad.

However, they should have taken Senketsu away in episode 12. I think it's the best thing that could happen to both Ryuuko and the show, but there was no reason it couldn't happen after she went berserk.

Fair enough, I can get behind that.

If there is one takeaway from this episode I do like it's
the minor implication that Ragyo might be wanting to screw Satsuki over some way.



First off this episode really solidified for me that the King of the Hill stuff should have been completely cut. This episode was a long time coming but it was also amazingly anticlimatic. From the people who did TTGL, this was such a whimper.

The worst part is that I'm not even sure how much Ryuuko has grown and her
being played out like that by the villains
, makes it even worse.


Still loving this show. Really, whenever Satsuki shows up, I get a bit too excited. Also, did anyone notice Aikuro's cell phone cover? Lol.
I thought the paperboy was going to be that trap girl, but it turned out to be Nui.

I was shocked that Senketsu was obliterated just like that, but then again, she had the other scissor blade half, and Ryuuko was still "recovering" from her previous disaster that she didn't want it to happen again.


Oh boy I was late on the pickup and didn't even realize that Ryuko is probably
going to have to fight Satsuki's army + the Elite Four again in order to regain all Senketsu pieces.

I may already think little of all the set up but I'm starting to believe that this would have been so much better as a video game.


Neo Member
The scene where
Nagita shows up in the girls bathroom
makes more sense now...

Well I don't see why some people complain about the "lack of action" in this episode.
I liked the fact that they continue to develop the relationship between Kiryuin and Ragyo. It seems like the daughter is acting like an obidient child while following her own plans and the mother really isn't that concerned with her daughter's safety as Nui mentions.

The only logical step from here seems to be that Ryuko will have to fight for the scraps of Senketsu and eventally rebuild it. After all she is part of a great tailor family.



If this isn't Ryuuko's costume in the next arc Trigger blew it.

Oh boy I was late on the pickup and didn't even realize that Ryuko is probably
going to have to fight Satsuki's army + the Elite Four again in order to regain all Senketsu pieces.

It's the best thing that could happen to her and the show in terms of excitement.
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