It isn't showing up for me in Crunchyroll. *ugh* every week a new fuckup
It isn't showing up for me in Crunchyroll. *ugh* every week a new fuckup
When I posted about it earlier, I had just finished watching it on Crunchyroll already. I see you've already gotten to it, but there may be another issue here. Not so say CR doesn't screw up sometimes.It isn't showing up for me in Crunchyroll. *ugh* every week a new fuckup
Mako is the crutch the show uses when everyone else's hijinks aren't that interesting. Which is fine, since Mako is awesome, butthe other schools could have put up a little bit more of a fight... I hope Nudist Beach is going to swoop in next episode
LOL there is more of this crossover. I'm glad that Ed, Edd, and Eddy has not been forgotten.
You did see them put up some fight, right?Except for the school with the four deity illusions; they were brought down easily.
In fact, in regards to the rich dude...
Didn't expect him to last this long especially against Sanageyama. But then again...
Neither did I expect Ryuko to. Then again, better an episode or two than having it drag on.gather almost all of Senketsu so quick
This has some potential for the story to pick up in the coming weeks.
And as usual, Mako was a riot throughout this episode.
Today's episode is fan frikkin tastic.
You thought someone with nipples that radiant wasn't badass?I keep finding myself wondering (moreso now) if it's going to turn out Mikisugi was a huge badass this whole time.
I can't help but think of FRANKY NIPPLE LIGHTS.
Worse episode of the series thus far. Good gif fodder though.
It's episodes like this week's that reinforce the idea that this is less of a successor to Gurren Lagann than it is to Inferno Cop
And it was really dumb how it was a Ryuuko without Senketsu episode, but not really since Senketsu was still talking to her. This whole episode felt rushed as hell, it just reinforces episode 12 really should have ended with Nui cutting up Senketsu and that episode 13 was kind of a big waste of time.
That was kind of a boring episode
The only upside was this:
Jesus christ, Ryuko was goddamn cool for once.
I hope they never never never never never NEVER EVER go back to her stupid kamui outfit. Her track suit outfit is amazing, i'm seriously disappointed that its not her signature design.
Cool was kind of pushing it. I lol'd at Senketsu's compliments, I mean has she ever NOT 1 shot somebody with her Scissor Blade? Not to mention, anybody can do a hit and run.
Also I really doubt that Track Suit is going to be permanent. They've made it a habit to have cool things that don't stay permanent (a la Makotaro)
After having seen 14, yeah, 13 is the largest waste of time in the series thus far. Not only that, but it cheapened Nui to have her pop up unexpectedly two episodes in a row.
WordRyuko getting the god uniform back is like Simon lugging around Kamina's head in a jar until he could find a new body for him. Once you remove the crutch, the crutch needs to stay removed.
My hope is that Senketsu will be truly gone before the new opening, but if there's one thing KLK does well, it's to disappoint.
You thought someone with nipples that radiant wasn't badass?
Hell, power levels on this show are almost directly proportional to how much you glow and/or sparkle ;P