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Kill la Kill |OT|




14 was fun stuff - it was good to finally get out of Hitlerville, and seeing other schools fight back was nice. Mako is Mako. Inferno Cop is Inferno Cop.

All I'm hoping for at this point is that the ugly ass stripper outfit doesn't return.


Lol. Figures that Ryuko practically manages to shrug Senketsu's death off as no biggie and manages to scrape together Senketsu's pieces in one episode.

Save for Mako and Ryuko's interventions this episode, again, felt like too much filler. It was great to see the other schools fighting back and actually managing but the outcome was mostly predictable.

The new OP is happening Episode 16 right? That probably means that finally things will hopefully speed up on a more consistent level next week.


It isn't showing up for me in Crunchyroll. *ugh* every week a new fuckup
When I posted about it earlier, I had just finished watching it on Crunchyroll already. I see you've already gotten to it, but there may be another issue here. Not so say CR doesn't screw up sometimes.
Mako is the crutch the show uses when everyone else's hijinks aren't that interesting. Which is fine, since Mako is awesome, but
the other schools could have put up a little bit more of a fight... I hope Nudist Beach is going to swoop in next episode

You did see them put up some fight, right?
Except for the school with the four deity illusions; they were brought down easily.

In fact, in regards to the rich dude...
Didn't expect him to last this long especially against Sanageyama. But then again...

Neither did I expect Ryuko to
gather almost all of Senketsu so quick
. Then again, better an episode or two than having it drag on.
This has some potential for the story to pick up in the coming weeks.

And as usual, Mako was a riot throughout this episode.


You did see them put up some fight, right?
Except for the school with the four deity illusions; they were brought down easily.

In fact, in regards to the rich dude...
Didn't expect him to last this long especially against Sanageyama. But then again...

Neither did I expect Ryuko to
gather almost all of Senketsu so quick
. Then again, better an episode or two than having it drag on.
This has some potential for the story to pick up in the coming weeks.

And as usual, Mako was a riot throughout this episode.

The four council members don't have their uniforms and still
managed a fairly easy victory. At no point did I think they were in any danger of losing, and this isn't full strength. I know they haven't fully won yet, just saying.


Mako so crazy

Pretty fun episode. I was hoping to see more Aikuro/Nudist Beach, but at least that Mataro moment was hilarious. Also found it funny how Ryuko swooped in right after a school had been taken care of, wrecked shit, and was gone in a flash; the quickness of it and the motorcycle did give those parts a FLCL vibe.

Can't really tell much, but next week looks to be more of the same but with Sanageyama, at least for the first half until Ryuko shows up and shit gets real or something.
Kill la Kill - 14

What a cop out!
I mean ignoring that they totally copped out on the Senketsu front with her essentially holding on to the "brain" of the uniform and collecting next to everything in the span of like 5 on screen minutes but the fact that all the pieces of the uniform were held on to by random grunts and none of the "elite 4" of the series just doesn't make a lick of sense. Especially when the entire episode is essentially serving as a setup for the rematch between Satsuki and Protagonist in which Satsuki IS holding on to a piece of the uniform.

I just felt like this episode totally dragged on for no real reason, the battles between the other schools were wholly uninteresting and Mako's shenanigans are really really really growing stale by this point.

Ah well, Sunglasses Ryuko > Vanilla Ryuko


KLK -14

Awesome episode as always! Loved seeing all the different fighting styles of the clubs and committees and they were always inventive and fun. Money is by far the best fighting tool i've seen yet, haha.


Kill la Kill Episode 14:

At long last the war on Kensai has begun and it was excellent. Much like Tengan Toppa this is a series that works best in motion, although I will grant that the motion here is a fair bit more limited. Also, long live the era of the Track Suit and I really wish Ryuko would keep hers, it looks better then Senketsu. Also thank god the arbitration of previous arcs is now null and void, I think I would have ate my arm if that were the case. I am also surprised at how many cultural references I understood in this episode, I think I need to watch less anime. At any rate, for the first time in a long while I am really looking forward to the next episode.


I keep finding myself wondering (moreso now) if it's going to turn out Mikisugi was a huge badass this whole time.
You thought someone with nipples that radiant wasn't badass?

Hell, power levels on this show are almost directly proportional to how much you glow and/or sparkle ;P
Glad to see the show's back to it's over-the-top ridiculous self. I wonder how Ryuko
messing up the Battlefield School Trip Attacks will affect the take over


It's episodes like this week's that reinforce the idea that this is less of a successor to Gurren Lagann than it is to Inferno Cop


It's episodes like this week's that reinforce the idea that this is less of a successor to Gurren Lagann than it is to Inferno Cop

The school not getting completely wrecked in her first fight with Satsuki was kind of the point I knew that it wasn't going to be Gurren Lagann, but there have been some great episodes in there so far. The past two have been kind of a letdown for me, but I think the long break had a lot to do with that.

I keep hoping for the thing that will completely shake the show up.


This episode was super entertaining but holy shit did it feel like a cop out for them to hype up the three schools when only one of them put up a marginally decent fight (and even then it's because Yamcha was not fighting at full power).

And it was really dumb how it was a Ryuuko without Senketsu episode, but not really since Senketsu was still talking to her. This whole episode felt rushed as hell, it just reinforces episode 12 really should have ended with Nui cutting up Senketsu and that episode 13 was kind of a big waste of time.

Zeni guy was pretty damn awesome. Clever that the only way a rich guy could oppose Satsuki would be one using his own currency.

Typical of Yamcha to be the only one of the Elite 4 to have any trouble taking a school

Ryuuko's tracksuit uniform was also incredibly awesome, too bad it's not going to last

And for once I was okay with Mako shenanigans, normally I think they're boring as hell but that money catching was too good.

Also not seeing the old 2-Stars in this episode when the Clubs were called by name was wasted potential.

PK Gaming

That was kind of a boring episode

The only upside was this:

Jesus christ, Ryuko was goddamn cool for once.

I hope they never never never never never NEVER EVER go back to her stupid kamui outfit. Her track suit outfit is amazing, i'm seriously disappointed that its not her signature design.


And it was really dumb how it was a Ryuuko without Senketsu episode, but not really since Senketsu was still talking to her. This whole episode felt rushed as hell, it just reinforces episode 12 really should have ended with Nui cutting up Senketsu and that episode 13 was kind of a big waste of time.

After having seen 14, yeah, 13 is the largest waste of time in the series thus far. Not only that, but it cheapened Nui to have her pop up unexpectedly two episodes in a row.


That was kind of a boring episode

The only upside was this:

Jesus christ, Ryuko was goddamn cool for once.

I hope they never never never never never NEVER EVER go back to her stupid kamui outfit. Her track suit outfit is amazing, i'm seriously disappointed that its not her signature design.

Cool was kind of pushing it. I lol'd at Senketsu's compliments, I mean has she ever NOT 1 shot somebody with her Scissor Blade? Not to mention, anybody can do a hit and run.

Also I really doubt that Track Suit is going to be permanent. They've made it a habit to have cool things that don't stay permanent (a la Makotaro)

PK Gaming

Cool was kind of pushing it. I lol'd at Senketsu's compliments, I mean has she ever NOT 1 shot somebody with her Scissor Blade? Not to mention, anybody can do a hit and run.

Also I really doubt that Track Suit is going to be permanent. They've made it a habit to have cool things that don't stay permanent (a la Makotaro)

Yeah its all but confirmed
given the ending of the episode

let a man dream DAMNIT!


Ryuko getting the god uniform back is like Simon lugging around Kamina's head in a jar until he could find a new body for him. Once you remove the crutch, the crutch needs to stay removed.

My hope is that Senketsu will be truly gone before the new opening, but if there's one thing KLK does well, it's to disappoint.


Chie is the worst waifu
After having seen 14, yeah, 13 is the largest waste of time in the series thus far. Not only that, but it cheapened Nui to have her pop up unexpectedly two episodes in a row.

Best part was that Nui was nowhere to be seen this episode.

Now, if they could write out her and Nonon entirely, I will be happy.

PK Gaming

Ryuko getting the god uniform back is like Simon lugging around Kamina's head in a jar until he could find a new body for him. Once you remove the crutch, the crutch needs to stay removed.

My hope is that Senketsu will be truly gone before the new opening, but if there's one thing KLK does well, it's to disappoint.

Even if its a million to one, Ryuko (and subsequently KLK) would be so much better if she stopped wearing Senketsu. Ala Power Stone when Edward Falcon
gave up his own power stone
. It'd be such a retread if she went back to using it again, and honestly, she looks so much better to the point where i'm actually enjoying the show more w/ her superior design.

Next episode should definitely be interesting.


You thought someone with nipples that radiant wasn't badass?

Hell, power levels on this show are almost directly proportional to how much you glow and/or sparkle ;P

You ain't even wrong. Better put, on a scale of uh, say....Nui -> Inumuta where's he fall in? I know he has his needle thing, but whooooo knows?
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