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I've only done one of the Gigolo missions, but that's a legitimately cool moment when you get a thumbs up. The dissenters are just crazy.

Mission 6 is the best of the bunch so far. If that's how things continue to play out, the 2nd half should be a lot of fun.
Suda purists, one last question from me. If you like chainsaw lollipop, how would you rank this against that?

Way above LPC for me, it's on the top with Killer 7. Here is my private GH ranking...

1. Killer 7/ Killer is Dead
2. No More Heroes
3. Shadows of the Damned
4. No more Heroes 2
5. Lollipop Chainsaw

Ah, alrighty -- thanks.
I actually did not realize shooting kept the combo alive.

You're welcome ;) You probably won't be able to do perfect run right away, but after few runs you gonna get the hang of it...

This is what I usually get on normal... you can even go over 2mil from time to time if you do really well.

That's interesting. I remember loving it when I played it, especially the retro minigames and the exclusion of an overworld. Although, I don't remember the story or dialogue or cutscenes in NMH2 at all, which is probably a bad sign. Guess it's about time to replay all four 'Assassin' games, huh? I definitely didn't like the change of art style in NMH2; where NMH1 had pure black cell shading on flat textures, NMH2 had a much less extreme soft shading thing going on.

You absolutely hated it? I definitely favoured the minigames over NMH1's (with the exception of bug collecting). The 8-Bit idea was fucking genius. The removal of the Hub world was pretty lame though. I never beat it yet, but yeah I feel like NMH1 plays better as well.

I can't really recall much of the game's bosses except REAPER REAPER THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL CALL ME and Pizza Butt Jr's window punching.
On top of that, Shinobu's level was pretty bad and the only playable level with Henry had him facing off against moe in a dream sequence. Not cool, man.

My hatred for NMH2 comes from my own personal understanding of the the first game. I've played it and analysed it many times, and I'm also fairly familiar with most of what Suda was referencing or paying homage too. The reason why NMH1 was genius, to me, was that it was essentially Jodorowsky's El Topo and Goddard's A Bout de Souffle combined with modern Japanese gaming culture. There was so much substance in that game, but it was also delivered in a very honest way. It was stupid, clever, funny, but never pretentious. NMH2 was none of this. It had it's moments, but lacks the honesty of the first game. It was trying too hard. The first game enthuses pure charisma and charm, yet the second game desperately struggles (couldn't resist!) to communicate this.

Gameplay wise, it was lesser game. I can't be bothered getting into this deeply, but the level set in the supermarket car park really highlights how mediocre the design of the game is. Remember in the first one, that level in the school where the sprinklers go off? That scene was humorous, as it disempowered the player and made them run all the way to the end of the corridor, past the enemies to switch of the sprinklers. It successfully injects humour into the game design and changed the pace. Obviously humour might not be what Suda wanted for NMH2 since it was a revenge story, but that car park level just had wave after wave of enemies. That was some poor games design, even if it was done to make the player feel bored of fighting like Travis was feeling; I'm sure they could of found a better solution.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, and I just want to say that I'm not attempting to change your minds, just explaining myself.

I love NMH2. It was the perfect companion to the original as far as I'm concerned. I liked that it had a more chill style to the cut-scenes. There is a wonderful dichotomy between them. The combat system was also vastly improved. It's probably the unpopular opinion but I like it more than NMH.

I definitely respect this opinion, as even though I'm not a fan of it, I'm completely ok with its existence.

Regarding KiD, is anyone else playing an episode a day?


My hatred for NMH2 comes from my own personal understanding of the the first game. I've played it and analysed it many times, and I'm also fairly familiar with most of what Suda was referencing or paying homage too. The reason why NMH1 was genius, to me, was that it was essentially Jodorowsky's El Topo and Goddard's A Bout de Souffle combined with modern Japanese gaming culture. There was so much substance in that game, but it was also delivered in a very honest way. It was stupid, clever, funny, but never pretentious. NMH2 was none of this. It had it's moments, but lacks the honesty of the first game. It was trying too hard. The first game enthuses pure charisma and charm, yet the second game desperately struggles (couldn't resist!) to communicate this.
The revenge theme of NMH2 is just a parody of the first game.
NMH2 lacks the soul of the original game.

The 8 bit mini-games are good as a concept but the actual execution is sloppy and the lack of the overworld harmed the overall package IMO.

Also the bosses in NMH1 were in most cases way more charismatic than the ones in NMH2 (Skelter Helter, Kimmy Howell, Valdimir Taktarov, Matt Helmes were the highlight).


Anyone here ever think about how well Killer 7 would be received had it been released now? That control scheme, the strong political/terrorism undertones, the sex scenes...

I say it'd probably be slaughtered by journalists nowadays.


On a side note, the included soundtrack is becoming more disappointing to me the more I play the game and hear certain tracks that simply weren't included. The Clapton-esque Lethal Weapon guitar tune at the beginning of Episode 3 (and most of the cutscene music following), basically the entirety of the music in Episode 10, the end credits song, the list goes on.

Probably the only negative aspect of the entire experience for me, and it isnt even really game related so to speak. Hopefully the soundtrack in its entirety will be released eventually.


Anyone here ever think about how well Killer 7 would be received had it been released now? That control scheme, the strong political/terrorism undertones, the sex scenes...

I say it'd probably be slaughtered by journalists nowadays.

It's not that mechanically sound of a game. So it'd be hard to defend all the narrative stuff without some gameplay legs to stand on.


It's not that mechanically sound of a game. So it'd be hard to defend all the narrative stuff without some gameplay legs to stand on.

What do you mean by mechanically sound? There isnt much to the mechanics whatsoever and it plays well for what it does. I think its beauty is in its overt simplicty in the mechanics.
I would love to see a game with Killer 7 mechanics made for the Wii U. Use that IR Sensor in the Wii Remote and I think any complaints about gameplay would go down. The PS4 looks like it has good motion tracking too.

But Grasshopper games will forever be reviewed poorly it seems. I still haven't beaten Killer 7 because I always get stuck at some point, but I think it's a great game.


What do you mean by mechanically sound? There isnt much to the mechanics whatsoever and it plays well for what it does. I think its beauty is in its overt simplicty in the mechanics.

The following is my opinion:

I think the character switching is under-utilized for a game about a schizophrenic that has multiple personalities and I think that under utilization creates some narrative gameplay dissonance. Now if you has to flip characters on the fly during gun fights I think it would feel more frantic.

Also I think navigation and the shooting controls are terrible in Killer 7. The navigation stuff was a solution to a problem with the graphic style making every room look same.


Killer 7 had a pretty negative reception originally if I recall. If anything, today the game would be better received I think, outside of obvious technical shortcomings.

/edit: It's at 76%. Better than I thought it was and has some very high scores in there too. In my mind it was at 60%.


The following is my opinion:

I think the character switching is under-utilized for a game about a schizophrenic that has multiple personalities and I think that under utilization creates some narrative gameplay dissonance. Now if you have to flip characters on the fly during gun fights I think it would feel more frantic.

Well to be fair, you can really switch characters as much as you like (as long as you have gotten enough kills to unlock them per level). After you do that, you're on your own volition on whether or not you'd like character variety during playtime. And while not on the fly per say, you are able to switch characters during combat. The game itself isnt supposed to be some frantic shootfest. The substance is its story and its atmosphere.

The term "narrative gameplay dissonance" needs to be banned from this forum. First its starts with Uncharted and resonably so, but now everyone and their mother is using it for what seems like every game and Im sure half the time its just to look like you're head of the class. Not talking about you specifically Coconut, but that term is like the newest trend around here that people love to throw around and for bullshit reasons.

Narrative dissonance and Suda51 are two things that should never be in the same sentence, same topic, etc.

Also I think navigation and the shooting controls are terrible in Killer 7. The navigation stuff was a solution to a problem with the graphic style making every room look same.

What about them was really "terrible" though? And thats a pretty strong word. You use one button (one. button.) to move and then you flick the analog stick in the room/place you wish to go. It's actually wayyy over simplified so maybe that constitutes as "terrible" controls? It's not like they arent responsive. The shooting mechanics get much better the more you upgrade your characters. For instance, maxing out all of Cons stats gives him the "Critical Lock-On" power which allows him to auto lock onto the one hit kill potion of enemies as soon as he scans them. It makes the rest of the game a real breeze and this can be accomplished before the end of Sunset, which is the first chapter!

I never had a problem getting lost or confused navigationally in regards to every room looking the same either. To each their own though.


Well to be fair, you can really switch characters as much as you like (as long as you have gotten enough kills to unlock them per level). After you do that, you're on your own volition on whether or not you'd like character variety during playtime. And while not on the fly per say, you are able to switch characters during combat. The game itself isnt supposed to be some frantic shootfest. The substance is its story and its atmosphere.

The term "narrative gameplay dissonance" needs to be banned from this forum. First its starts with Uncharted and resonably so, but now everyone and their mother is using it for what seems like every game and Im sure half the time its just to look like you're trying to know what youre talking about. Not talking about you specifically Coconut, but that term is like the newest trend around here that people love to throw around and for bullshit reasons.

Narrative dissonance and Suda51 are two things that should never be in the same sentence, same topic, etc.

What about them was really "terrible" though? And thats a pretty strong word. You use one button (one. button.) to move and then you flick the analog stick in the room/place you wish to go. It's actually wayyy over simplified so maybe that constitutes as "terrible" controls? It's not like they arent responsive. The shooting mechanics get much better the more you upgrade your characters. For instance, maxing out all of Cons stats gives him the "Critical Lock-On" power which allows him to auto lock onto the one hit kill potion of enemies as soon as he scans them. It makes the rest of the game a real breeze and this can be accomplished before the end of Sunset.

I never had a problem getting lost or confused navigationally in regards to every room looking the same either. To each their own though.

Well I think if you needed to mix and match the characters strengths during combat it would be much more interesting as a gameplay working with the story. Grasshopper games have a lot of metaphors and I think that that would help to serve the ideas of insanity that are going on in Killer7.

I'm saying that you if you weren't 'on-rails' people would be getting lost.


Well I think if you needed to mix and match the characters strengths during combat it would be much more interesting as a gameplay working with the story. Grasshopper games have a lot of metaphors and I think that that would help to serve the ideas of insanity that are going on in Killer7.

I'm saying that you if you weren't 'on-rails' people would be getting lost.

I see what youre sayin.

I find the levels pretty small myself. Then again Ive played it about a dozen times or more =P


Anyone here ever think about how well Killer 7 would be received had it been released now? That control scheme, the strong political/terrorism undertones, the sex scenes...

I say it'd probably be slaughtered by journalists nowadays.

Today, that game is a perfect blend for either building it up as something outrageously distasteful, or tearing it down as less than mediocre, nonsensical crap. So yeah, I don't think it'd do well either. Though I guess at least it'd get some attention. I remember buying Killer 7 opening week online for $20. Instant bomb, no coverage whatsoever.
Today, that game is a perfect blend for either building it up as something outrageously distasteful, or tearing it down as less than mediocre, nonsensical crap. So yeah, I don't think it'd do well either. Though I guess at least it'd get some attention. I remember buying Killer 7 opening week online for $20. Instant bomb, no coverage whatsoever.

Right out of my mouth. Similarly, after I played it upon release and after the price drop, I bought several copies for friends. Half loved it, other half loathed "press A to walk". Had one friend who said it would be the best game ever, if it had light gun support.


Right out of my mouth. Similarly, after I played it upon release and after the price drop, I bought several copies for friends. Half loved it, other half loathed "press A to walk". Had one friend who said it would be the best game ever, if it had light gun support.

Someone earlir mentioned that it would work really well for the Wii U. I guess the tablet could be used as the character switch/blood/item screen? The Wiimote would be pretty solid for aiming too.

In my dreams we get an HD edition in 2015 for the 10th anniversary.

Some of the screenshots Ive seen of it running on Dolphin look excellent.
Someone earlir mentioned that it would work really well for the Wii U. I guess the tablet could be used as the character switch/blood/item screen? The Wiimote would be pretty solid for aiming too.

In my dreams we get an HD edition in 2015 for the 10th anniversary.

Some of the screenshots Ive seen of it running on Dolphin look excellent.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love for the game to get a second chance. And yeah, it's a jaw dropper in Dolphin. :)


Someone earlir mentioned that it would work really well for the Wii U. I guess the tablet could be used as the character switch/blood/item screen? The Wiimote would be pretty solid for aiming too.

In my dreams we get an HD edition in 2015 for the 10th anniversary.

Some of the screenshots Ive seen of it running on Dolphin look excellent.

...and a Killer Is Dead PC version while they're at it. This game is begging for high res screenshots.


Is anyone else a Mika fan?

I mean at first everytime she spoke I was like:


But she grew on me so much by the end of the game, really cracking me up most of the time. The way she acts in Episode 51 had me rolling
the way she spots the "treasure" and points at it, only to run towards it looking like a complete idiot and then falls into the pit
. It was just so random. Also, the tub of popcorn shes holding at the beginning of Ep. 9.

Still trying to figure out her whole deal when it came to the end of the game. When is the discussion thread going up?


"Roggggggg-errrrrrrr! Roger Roger!Roger!Roger!Roger!Roger!"


does it affect the combat?

No. I only notice the hitching in noncombat parts. I'm guessing it happens because of some backend loading unrelated to checkpoints.

I like Mika, which I probably wouldn't if I didn't just session a bunch of Absolutely Fabulous. Mika, she reminds me of Bubbles in the first two seasons of the show.


As someone who has loved many of Suda's games (FSR, Killer7, NMH) but didn't enjoy certain others (NMH2, Shadows of the Damned), how would I enjoy this game? Is it a blend of old and new Suda, or does it lean to one side more than the other?
Just got this in the mail today finally, i got through the Alice mission, then had to go to work, will play more tonight, it's so good so far, super glad i got it!


As someone who has loved many of Suda's games (FSR, Killer7, NMH) but didn't enjoy certain others (NMH2, Shadows of the Damned), how would I enjoy this game? Is it a blend of old and new Suda, or does it lean to one side more than the other?

Its a mix of everything he's done up until now, but the action itself is more of a hybrid of NMH and LC.

Just got this in the mail today finally, i got through the Alice mission, then had to go to work, will play more tonight, it's so good so far, super glad i got it!

Nice dude!


Its a mix of everything he's done up until now, but the action itself is more of a hybrid of NMH and LC.

Nice dude!

Yeah I'd say the combat is more LC, which to me is a good thing. Though I think the shooting in Lollipop Chainsaw feels better than Killer is Dead's shooting.
Are there any interviews or examples of people asking Suda exactly what his role of Executive Director entails?

Most people are under the impression he is less involved with his games, but I'd really like to see Suda explain it. He wrote Killer is Dead right?


Is anyone else a Mika fan?

I mean at first everytime she spoke I was like:


But she grew on me so much by the end of the game, really cracking me up most of the time. The way she acts in Episode 51 had me rolling
the way she spots the "treasure" and points at it, only to run towards it looking like a complete idiot and then falls into the pit
. It was just so random. Also, the tub of popcorn shes holding at the beginning of Ep. 9.

Still trying to figure out her whole deal when it came to the end of the game. When is the discussion thread going up?


"Roggggggg-errrrrrrr! Roger Roger!Roger!Roger!Roger!Roger!"

The first time she says roger itsplits your ear drums but the voice isn't bad after that and I almost never get bothered by extremely high pitched voicing.


Are there any interviews or examples of people asking Suda exactly what his role of Executive Director entails?

Most people are under the impression he is less involved with his games, but I'd really like to see Suda explain it. He wrote Killer is Dead right?

According to wikipedia he wrote it, yeah. I'm just going to assume Executive Director is how it sounds. The guy thats even above the guy that you assume has total control 100% of the time.

I always just go with the assumption whatever Suda is "executively directing" that its basically all him: combat design, story, writing, characters, everything. I mean I dont think its a coincidence that all his games have very similar and connecting traits to them.


Have you played Shadows? The shooting is like a direct take on it =D

Not a big fan of the shooting in Shadows. Felt really floaty same as in KiD. LC gun felt meaty and the sparkle hunting relied heavily on head shots so I think the put a little thought into the controls.


Not a big fan of the shooting in Shadows. Felt really floaty same as in KiD. LC gun felt meaty and the sparkle hunting relied heavily on head shots so I think the put a little thought into the controls.

Oh man I love that floaty feel. Felt exactly the same to me as in LC.
After 39 hours I have pretty much everything in the game, costumes, items in the gift shop, lingerie, all challenges done, all missions with AAA, all achievements and I beat the game like 5 times and yet I have a hard time to put the game aside just for a little while lol

Killer is Dead is really awesome game! I'm so gad that I had the chance to play it. We want more stuff like that Suda, you hear me? ;D


After 39 hours I have pretty much everything in the game, costumes, items in the gift shop, lingerie, all challenges done, all missions with AAA, all achievements and I beat the game like 5 times and yet I have a hard time to put the game aside just for a little while lol

Killer is Dead is really awesome game! I'm so gad that I had the chance to play it. We want more stuff like that Suda, you hear me? ;D

Are there multiple costumes for each girl like there is for Mondo, or does each girl only have one?
From the girls only Mika has three costumes. Basic costume, one to buy from the gift shop and the one from the DLC. Vivienne has basic costume and the one from the DLC. The rest of the girls have one basic and one from the gift shop.
I'll admit something. I went through the first 6 missions without upgrading anything. Then I was confused/getting my ass kicked in mission 7 and decided to look at the upgrade menu. Holy crap at the options you've got health and move wise, many of which turned about to very helpful in that boss and everything I've gotten up to at the completion of mission 10.

Mission 10 in particular is making me a real fan of this Suda 51 guy.
"Tommy" the tank engine
as the entire levels boss. Pure craziness in the best way possible.


Two Best Friends Play: KILLER IS DEAD

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5oy-KidkI0

Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr7yxEnJBj4

Their videos are really good and those are no different, I love how hype they are about the game.

I'll probably postpone my second playthrough once I finish it on hard in order to beat Amnesia and Outlast, but I don't really want to, I guess that tells how much I like the game.

Not sure I'll be able to AAA every mission though, the side missions are getting really boring. Challenges are still nice though.

And I got my first pair of Gigolo Glasses yesterday. The sweet smell of victory.

And they broke.
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