I don't understand why they need a beta branch. It's an EA game, just update it.
Seems a little silly to me as well, putting a demo in a beta.
I don't understand why they need a beta branch. It's an EA game, just update it.
To a point where it could get nerfed?New Berserker is practically a god compared to the old one.
Those Nvidia PhysX Flex Gore effects:
Mother of god ...
Makes me want to go out and buy a 980ti
Hmm, the Demo weapons feel really weak, especially the starting pistol.
Those Nvidia PhysX Flex Gore effects:
Mother of god ...
Makes me want to go out and buy a 980ti
Yea, it basically only kills one clot per shot, lame. Everything about the demo sucks, I ended up needing to use the med pistol most of the time because the ammo across all weapons is so limited and they don't do enough damage/splash to make up for it.
So how big is the hit with nvidia gameworks on?
I'm running it on a 960 with gibs and fluids both on, and it never drops to an unplayable frame rate.I asked this last night (in a different thread) in regards to running it on a 970. I was told with just the gibs on it stayed around 60 but to expect a drop with fluids on as well. Plenty of time for optimisation.
Rpg suuuuuucks.
The whole Demo class needs to be looked at again. All the weapons are starved for ammo and don't do enough damage to justify the limited ammo.Rpg suuuuuucks.
What. I am on a 980ti. And everything plays like butter for me. Are using 4 K?Definitely a change from KF.
Anyway I'm liking it a lot.
Only issue is getting slight fps drops when aiming down sight or using the command wheel when pressing Q. The latter I don't care about but the former makes aiming more difficult. I'm on a 980Ti and everything is on max except real time reflections. I feel like this game should play like butter.
RPG with the Nuke attribute melts Scrakes even at 6-man Hell on Earth games. Demo in general is a bit of a late bloomer though, level-wise.Rpg suuuuuucks.
What. I am on a 980ti. And everything plays like butter for me. Are using 4 K?
I doubt tripwire will optimize anything at least anytime soon.Nah, 3440x1440 (native res for my screen). On a 2600k @ 4ghz.
Actually when I first started the game I figured I could DSR it up to 4, 5k easily. Nope. Runs like absolute shit. Definitely seems to have some optimization issues.
Duals feels soo nice. It just feels right.Finally starting to dip back into this with the new update, I like the new perks a lot though the demo seems fairly weak at low levels. I'm hoping that they add gunslinger next as I've enjoyed using the dual 9mm.
Duals feels soo nice. It just feels right.
Yeah, dual pistols used to be super unpopular because the ADS was garbage. The one in this game looks kinda goofy aesthetically, but it serves a purpose.Yup, I love the look of the new ADS. The gunslinger has quickly become to class that I'm anticipating the most, I'm also looking forward to seeing some dual revolvers.
I have 2 keys for Mr Fosters Dosh jacket if anyone wants them. First 2 people to post some funny Killing Floor related pictures get em
I have 2 keys for Mr Fosters Dosh jacket if anyone wants them. First 2 people to post some funny Killing Floor related pictures get em
Hmm, the Demo weapons feel really weak, especially the starting pistol.
Unless they buffed it over the past month: You're crazy man. Throw a shot at a group and it'll detonate all of them pretty easy outside of the larger specimens.
In fact, I feel Demo is hilariously overpowered. Firebug is pretty overpowered when you feather the throttle on the flamethrower and Caulk N' Burn as well.
Maybe on Suicidal and Hell on Earth they get useless. But man... the trash clearing properties for those make them a good class to use until you reach Hans.
Those Nvidia PhysX Flex Gore effects:
Mother of god ...
Makes me want to go out and buy a 980ti
WWAUT - Into The Woods
With the last update we released updated mapping tools which included landscape tool support for better outdoor maps. We here at Tripwire have also been working on a new map that brings you to the outdoors.
Welcome to the Black Forest. You have been sent deep into these murky woods to find something (and it doesn’t look like it involves cake). With luck you will also be able to find your way out.
Speaking of modding tools we are also getting our Steam Modding Workshop ready (as opposed to the item submission workshop that already exists). The modding workshop will allows users to upload their maps and mutators which will allow players (and servers) to subscribe to them and always stay up to date with the latest build! We would like to give a shoutout to our friends over at Tom... I mean Torn Banner who helped us bring this system online quicker using some of their work as a foundation.
9mm Dualies were added with the last update so we could gather player feedback and we have been paying attention. As such as we move forward on the Gunslinger perk we now have two different aiming modes available.
We would also like the community to help us pick the default mode when going into iron sights with dualies. Answer the linked survey to be heard! As always stay tuned for more news over the coming weeks.
WWAUT - What To Bring To A Gunfight
Gunslinger. The perk name brings certain classic imagery to mind. Wisps of smoke lifting from the barrel of a 6-shooter as the eye of the gunslinger becomes visible through the clearing smoke. So what better to talk about than the weapons of such a Perk?
Tier 1: Model 1858 Revolver. An iconic weapon that saw use during the American Civil War, the Wild West frontier and further action around the world. This 6-shooter was prized by some over the competing revolvers of its time due to the fact that it could be reloaded quickly by replacing the entire cylinder with one pre-loaded instead of reloading the cylinder by hand. Just as lethal today as it was 150 years ago when that posse of zeds is beating down on your town.
Tier 2: M1911. Borne out of a search for a replacement for revolvers, this turn of the century pistol quickly found fans due to its stopping power and semi-automatic nature. Used by militaries around the world to this day, this pistol is a true friend to the gunman in need of some additional zed stopping power.
Tier 3: Desert Eagle. A hand cannon by any other name. This .50 caliber pistol is many a zed killer’s favorite weapon when it comes time to deliver zed killing force down range with its distinctive barrel and muzzle flash being the last thing a zed will ever see.
Tier 4: .500 Magnum Revolver. Some call it too large, others call it excessive. Horzine contractors consider it to be the last word when it comes to in-the-field zed disposal. Designed for “big game” hunting, many zed hunters have found it truly stands up to the task, even when it comes to the most dangerous of zeds.
With a bit of luck I’ve also managed to sneak a render off the desktop of our weapons artist to share with you and hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.
One more item I would like to touch on in this post is our continuing audio work. With the last update we started what has become a general overhaul of almost all the audio in the game (be it tweaking, balance, or a re-recording) and that work continues. We are of course recording audio for all the weapons listed above (and think they are sounding great!) but that isn’t all. The Fleshpound is our first zed getting a full pass with all new sounds (and lines....) to bring him up to optimal “EarPound” levels. In the coming weeks we hope to be able to share some of that work with you!
it'll make Hans Volter go 'damn'That engraving... Gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
I can't get 60fps with that crap turned on using my GTX 780.
WWAUT - Rounding Out The Collection
Last week, with great peril to myself, I managed to show the community a render of one of the upcoming Gunslinger weapons. This week the rest showed up in my inbox with instructions that I was not allowed into that side of the office anymore (something about my ninja outfit being not fit for work, but I digress. Below you can check out the renders for the M1911, Desert Eagle and the .500 Zed Collector!
I also have a few player feedback focused items to talk about as well! Let us start with flashlights. Flashlights, they illuminate the dark, and they are never on the bloody gun you want to use! We have heard the cries and are testing out a system where the flashlight is now a body component and not a weapon attachment. This means that all players will be able to toggle their flashlights on at any time with their weapon or equipment of choice out.
The next item involves audio and options. We are increasing the audio slider options to now include Master, SFX, Music and Voice Chat Receive so players can better dictate their own audio experience within the game.
And for any fans (and those interested in the PS4 version in particular) around San Fransisco, we will once again be at the PlayStation Experience this year: