Quick question for folks, in the webm above as part of the 'In The Woods' update where they are showing off the new dualies aiming, is that a new sound for the standard 9mm gun ? Sounds louder with more oomph.
Love the heat stains and finger prints.
I stopped playing/following Killing Floor 2 a month after it came out because of the lack of maps and perks plus, finding out that every Stat was going to be reset once it releases kind of irked me. Any new updates on that actually happening? Is Demo out already?
I stopped playing/following Killing Floor 2 a month after it came out because of the lack of maps and perks plus, finding out that every Stat was going to be reset once it releases kind of irked me. Any new updates on that actually happening? Is Demo out already?
Demo came out in the last update along with the Firebug perk.
Unfortunately Demo sucks unless they reworked it since the initial launch.
Demo sucks at low level
WWAUT - Down The Sights
Since the last time I showed off the Gunslinger weapon set we have been bringing them online. Today I want to show off the 1858 revolvers as well as the Desert Eagle in game! These are to be considered near final in terms of animation and effects (but some work may still be ongoing).
Last week some eagle-eyed members of the community may have noticed that the character who I used had some new arms. Today you have all also heard his voice. I can now confirm the latest addition to the Killing Floor 2 player roster as Oisten Jaegerhorn!
Jaegerhorn's face is modeled off of Jeremiah Scott who is a guitarist for the band Demon Hunter and also co-wrote and recorded several of the songs from the Killing Floor 2 soundtrack. This Swedish Viking brings just the right amount of Heavy and Metal to the fight against the Zed hordes! Hell be available for free to everyone who follows us on the KF2 Steam Community page (http://steamcommunity.com/app/232090/allnews/ and click the Follow button!). Make sure you hit that Follow button - so long as you are Following KF2, you will have Jaegerhorn available to you.
To top things off for today I would like to talk about those new achievements that many of you have been wondering about. As part of the update we are working towards we are doing a first pass at non map achievements. Including the achievements for the new maps, players will be soon be able to work towards:
Perk Rank Achievements unlocked at:
Level 5
Level 10
Level 15
Level 20
Level 25 for each perk
The Hot Shot Achievements
Win a match on every difficulty with each perk
As we move forward we are planning to add more unique, fun and challenging achievements for players to chase.
Right after the Overkill situation, great timing.
Q: Does this mean free updates are over? Are you going to stop releasing free content?
A: No. Our plan is to continue updating Killing Floor 2 for years just as we did for Killing Floor 1. We will continue to add new perks, new maps, new zeds and other content we come up with for free. Just as the DLC in the first game, the money made on these items goes towards creating new (free) content, events and whatever else we can dream up for you!
Q: Do weapon skins adjust stats of a weapon?
A: No, they are purely cosmetic.
Q: Why are you selling content in Early Access?
A: We view the Trading Floor as a feature that needs iteration just like the rest of the features in the game. Early Access is the perfect place to iterate on the Trading Floor feature with the community.
Q: Am I forced to participate in the Trading Floor Zed-conomy?
A: No, this feature is completely optional and you can play Killing Floor 2 and completely ignore it. You will, however, receive free item drops during gameplay that you can use, trade or market. Or completely ignore.
Q: Will Killing Floor 2 become free to play?
A: We dont have any current plans to take Killing Floor 2 free to play. As with KF1 our plan is for the Trading Floor to fund future free content and seasonal events available for all players for years to come.
Q: Will all items in the Zed-Conomy drop for free?
A: No. Some items will be only available from opening crates and Encrypted Weapon Skin USBs. Also some items will only drop for free and not be inside any crate. Finally some items will be available from the in game store that will not drop for free or be in a crate.
Q: Are there consumable items that temporarily boost a stat or perk experience gain?
A: No. There are not currently any items that will boost stats or perk experience gain. We will be listening to player feedback on whether they would like a feature like this.
Q: Will I have to spend money to remain competitive?
A: No. All of the content added in Trading Floor at launch will be cosmetic only and not affect gameplay in any way. In the future we may be adding weapons with new gameplay for sale, but this will appear in the Shared Content area on the server. This means that, if any player on the server has a weapon (like the Chivalry Zweihander now), then every player on the server will be able to use it. No-one gets any advantage. Co-op game - everyone starts out equal! Our goal is for any such weapons to be side grades anyway, so they wont provide an edge over the current tier of weapon power.
When the Patriarch finally lands at the end of a game, hes a towering pile of flesh and circuitry. He absorbs a lot of damage, sure, but thats par for the course with Killing Floor bosses. Patriarch is in many ways the same character from KF1, but hes learned some new tricks. When he spots players hiding from his rocket launcher attacks, for example, he turns the launcher into a mortar and lobs rockets up and over players cover.
His invisibility power is back, too, but he uses it in more interesting ways. Rather than simply a tool for retreat, the Patriarch uses his invisibility to attack unpredictably. Now when players lose sight of Patriarch they cant be completely sure: did he run away to heal, or is he about to pounce on them from behind?
More importantly, however players beat Patriarch will be a very different approach from how they attack Hans, the current final boss in Killing Floor 2. Any map will have a 50/50 chance of spawning Hans or the Patriarch, and that uncertainty is part of Tripwires strategy for giving players an ongoing tactical puzzle.
Can someone dumb this down for me, how can I join the KF2 Steam group? I cannot figure out where it is or how to join.
How do I get there in the Steam client?
New Perk:
- Gunslinger
New Weapons
- Remington Army Model 1858 revolver (single/dual)
- M1911 pistol (single/dual)
- Desert Eagle (single/dual)
- .500 Magnum Zed Collector revolver (single/dual)
- Nailbomb Grenade
New Maps
- Black Forest
- Farmhouse
New Character
- Oisten Jaegerhorn - obtained by being part of the KF 2 Steam Community
New Features
- New Boss - Patriarch - What have you done to his children?
- Full Steam Mod Workshop Support
- Upload or subscribe to your favorite mods and maps as a client!
- Servers can subscribe to and stay up to date when the maps and mods change!
- Clients will automatically download maps directly from Steam workshop for servers that are subscribed to workshop maps
- New dual pistol aiming style (centered), toggle by alt fire
- Body flashlights
- Zed-Conomy and Trading Floor Store
- Server Welcome Screen - brand your server with an image, website link, and message of the day
Improvements and Additions
- Updated controller scheme
- Reduced the amount of map collectables needed to unlock achievements
- Physics is now more prominent on dead players
- When players are killed they take into account the velocity of the attack that killed them. Player ragdolls fly through the air, splat against walls, make crunching sounds when they impact, and leave behind bloodstains.
- Added many new achievements
- Perk Rank Up Achievement set - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
- Perk Hot Shot Achievement set - Beat each difficulty as a particular perk
Perk Changes and Additions
- Fortitude skill changed to 75% health increase (previously 100%)
- Vampire skill increased by 1 health per kill (now 4 instead of 3)
- Smash does 25% extra damage (down from 100%)
- Nuke radius reduced
- Armament 25% less effective heal and will heal 1% armor (down from 10% less effective and 2% armor)
- Vaccination Now grants 2% armor (down from 4%)
- Lvl 5
- Scoot ‘n’ Shoot - Move 50% faster in iron sights with reduced weapon bob
- Quick Draw - 50% faster weapon switch, automatic weapon switch if you run out of ammo
- Lvl 10
- Rack ‘em Up - Consecutive headshots increase damage by 5% up to 75% (missing head shots drops 5%)
- Bone Breaker - 20% more damage with gunslinger weapons
- Lvl 15
- Advanced Techniques - 20% faster reload
- Penetration - Increased zed penetration by 1 extra zed
- Lvl 20
- Center Mass - Chest shots have 30% more stumble power
- Leg Shots - SHots to the legs have 30% more knockdown power when zeds are sprinting
- Lvl 25
- Fanfire - Shoot 3x faster in Zed time
- Uber Ammo - Never run out of ammo in Zed time
Zed Changes
- Added cinematic camera and new boss intro and victory animations for both bosses.
- Hans taunts will now shoot guns in the air with fx and sounds.
- Stalker now fades in and out of cloak
- Addressed surrounding Hans exploit - when surrounded Hans gas will now do more damage and has some explosive power
Weapon Changes
- Players will now default to centered aiming with dual pistols (based on community voting) and can now switch to the offset aiming with the alt fire key (default middle mouse).
- Increased ammo pickup amounts on certain weapons (boomstick, flamethrower, microwave gun, RPG-7) to get them more consistent across the board
- Zweihander Damage Reduced
- Heavy attacked reduced to 195(previously 290)
- Standard attack reduced to 85 (previously 90)
- Bash damage reduced to 63 (previously 120)
- New audio sliders
- Master Volume
- SFX Volume
- Dialog Volume
New controller options
- Aimed sensitivity
- Aim Assist lock-on
- Aim Assist Rotation
- Aim Assist Slowdown
- Vibration
New mouse options
- Aimed Sensitivity
- Mouse Smoothing
New Keyboard options
- Last Used Weapon
Trader Menu
- Off Perk weapons now show at the bottom of each specific perk list
- Added icons to MAG and FILL buttons to better clarify what they do for new players
Improved using the Trader menu with controllers
- Bumpers now swap between PERKS, TYPE, FAVORITES, and ALL
- Triggers now swap between perk/weapon type subcategory
- Pressing left/right on l-stick will swap between the TRADER's inventory and yours, respectively
Improved the overall look and functionality of the main menu
- Removed the 3d transform on main menus to make better use of the space
- Moved the menu bar to the very top for easier navigation
- Added an orange highlight state for better highlighting
- Moved the player character to center of screen
- Darkened the black background of all UI assets to better stand out
- General spacing tweaks to keep all UI assets on a grid
- Remade and resized controller icons for better visibility
- Supplier-type perk talents (Support: Supplier, Demolitionist: Grenade Supplier) now show an icon over the squadmate who has an active supplier skill available to the player
- New 9mm sounds
- Added Hans Entry and Victory sounds
- Modifications to reverb system to increase clarity
- Continued improvements to game mix
- Added a Voice volume slider
- Performance improvements
- Improved player impact sounds for better feedback
- Added random sound position emitter functionality
- Added functionality to attach sounds to particle FX
Map Exploit Fix
- Burning Paris catwalk exploit
- Added default material for custom terrain materials
Bug Fixes
- Fixed AI not attacking players blocking them from their original target
- Fixed AI attack and pathing near corners
- Fixed clots clipping into walls when stumbled
- Fixed tracers not colliding with walls
- Fixed fleshpound sound loop at the point of its death
- Fixed player battle chatter echo still being audible with battle chatter set to 0
- Fixed several battle chatter lines that were cut short
- Fixed weapon recoil being different offline vs online
- Several other minor bug fixes
Known Issue
- The first time a server subscribes to workshop content it will shut down and need to be restarted. When maps are updated the server will also need to be restarted. We recommend a Server Guardian script for auto restarts.
WIP Patchnotes. The update is not live, but this gives the community a heads up on incoming changes.
Zerker, Demo and Medic nerfs, UI and audio tweaks, and more!
Demo and Medic are the last classes that needed nerfing. What the fuck is TWI doing
What's up with the new 9mm sound? Had no problems with what it was before. Now it just sounds weak, a bit like the medic weapons actually. The 1911 sounds weird as well.
The aiming in KF2 has always felt sluggish to me. I've mucked around with the sens but I'll just have to get used to it. Maybe too much CS for me.
One of the devs mentioned that Firebug's splash damage being so high is considered an exploit by Tripwire, which caused many to wonder why it's still in the game at this point if that's the case. This again begs the question - why is Tripwire not using the community to do constant iteration on classes before they become "official"?
Looks like they're adding crates to the game. And people are bitching already.
that never drop