Cagen said:
I am probably about today to play some matches Lince, even if its just some 2v2s if no one else wants to.
As for picking the teams for the GAFe tournament I would suggest seeding players, not that anyone is a bad player but the amount some of us play there are some better then others. I am not trying to brag or put anyone down here but for example I believe myself, Raist, Ilp, Live and Lince should be split up as to not weight the teams too much, though obviously two of these people will be together with only having 4 teams.
Also, no instant knock out bullshit, we should play each team twice (once as ISA and once as HGH) and have it point based (2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a lose). Maps could be picked at random or something.
Do you read my mind or something?
Anyway, yeah, teams should be as balanced as possible. There are a couple of regular players, so I'm not saying they're better, but at the very least they're used to play together so it wouldn't be really "fair"
And no, Cagen + Live + ChryZ isn't fine
So yeah, the usual suspects should be split up, now there's one group who'll have two of them. Except if we do 2vs2 matches. But yeah, Lince, Live, Cagen and I should be split up at least.
As for the ladder, yup, it wouldn't be a regular tourney, each team would play each other one at least, and yes I thought of doing 2 rounds, one as ISA, one as HGH, since maps are often a bit unbalanced. The team with the more points over the 2 matches wins (when I say points, it's points per mission won). In case of draw at the end of the 2 rounds we'd just play a sudden death match, because I'm not going to write down individual points or something
Speaking of maps, I think we should to the first "eliminatory" rounds on the same map for everyone. The most fair thing to do is to have a vote IMO.
As for the rules, I think allowing all classes and all weapons would be OK. I don't think we have too much rocket launcher spammers here. Oh, and of course, FF would be ON

We should allow spectating as well, even if we password protect it too (I don't see why we should, but whatever)
So yeah, overall it's going to take a bit of time to organize and stuff, but I'm sure we'll have some great fun
Also, I'm working on a nice banner as well as a ladder

Will probably not be as good as Cagen's work, but whatever
Lince, claro que si, te quiero todavia mi amigo