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Killzone 2 - Euro GAF Clan Thread of Livin' La Vida Loca


Unless you want Cagen RAGING all over your face, I'd retract that statement viper. :p

And we'd better win this IGN game... or verbal abuse will follow!! :p


I have an idea. I kick Viper out of the clan, and then I take his spot and play tact.
Sounds great.

And except Cagen, none of you brits answered my question about a London meet-up. You jerks.


-viper- said:
We need 2 tacts for C+H.


You really don't need two, having another will just mess up spawn rotation and piss me off when they aren't placed exactly where I want them. As long as I'm not the squad leader so if I die before placing I can get back into the action to place one it's fine.

Facism said:
It's because raist isn't playing. Cagen can't tact with anyone else, it's like cheating on a girlfriend :<


No one else fucking listens or knows where I want them placed.


If there aren't 2 spawns up at all times you gonna feel my RAGE Cagen!!! :lol

1 should be enough, infact it is the best, when there's two you don't know when the other person placed the other one so you don't know when it's going to disappear. Last night me, Lince and Wowbaggr were playing an 8v8 game on Helghan Industries and I was the only Tactician for the most part. During BC my spawns were pretty shit as I didn't really know where to place them but we stayed at the S&D areas and we eventually won BC. But S&D attack was awesome, I was running from one to the other making sure the spawns were up at all times, killing all who got in my way. Felt like I was running the whole game and finished with like 378 points. Was exhausting but amazing.

If you have one dedicated tactician that's all you need really. Have Lince as the squad leader as he generally dies less than me. That worked great for me last night. He knows where to go and stays alive for the most part.


Have it your way then. I expect to see 2 spawns up on C+H at all times then. :p

Raist said:
I have an idea. I kick Viper out of the clan, and then I take his spot and play tact.
Sounds great.

And except Cagen, none of you brits answered my question about a London meet-up. You jerks.
how about no?


Raist said:
I have an idea. I kick Viper out of the clan, and then I take his spot and play tact.
Sounds great.

And except Cagen, none of you brits answered my question about a London meet-up. You jerks.

i'll have to let you know in a few weeks ;p


Cagen said:
:lol You wont but as soon as one does go down it will be right back up again.
Then we need 2 tacts.


One in the courtyard, one on the bridge, during C+H.


god i'm trying to set up a pc and the fucking thing either throws ACPI blue screens at me or autorestarts at boot.


possible i will not make it tonight if this cunt pc problem persists. Has to to be fixed tonight. Fucking thing varely instlals XP, then when you reboot, fails to boot the OS again asking me if i want to try safe mode etc.

fucking windows.


Facism said:
possible i will not make it tonight if this cunt pc problem persists. Has to to be fixed tonight. Fucking thing varely instlals XP, then when you reboot, fails to boot the OS again asking me if i want to try safe mode etc.

fucking windows.

random reboots? make sure your CPU/RAM isn't overclocked and then I would suggest testing the system RAM with this


hope it helps

Rolf NB

-viper- said:
Then we need 2 tacts.


One in the courtyard, one on the bridge, during C+H.
1 tact can do that. Or you can just hop out of the side window and rain down terror on the "courtyard" from there. It's so close together, really, it's no big deal if there's a spawn grenade only inside one of the center buildings.

Plus I totally agree that two tacts will just end up stepping on each other's toes. We tried that a couple times and it just doesn't work out at all. You need one person managing the spawns. That one person will then know how old they are, when it's time to replace them etc. A second tact only makes sense as a contigency for when the tact is down, but why you'd even bother with that, I have no idea.

Rolf NB

Facism said:
possible i will not make it tonight if this cunt pc problem persists. Has to to be fixed tonight. Fucking thing varely instlals XP, then when you reboot, fails to boot the OS again asking me if i want to try safe mode etc.

fucking windows.
I think that's actually normal. The first attempt to boot a freshly installed Windows XP ended in a blue-screen for me every single time. Always.


bcn-ron said:
I think that's actually normal. The first attempt to boot a freshly installed Windows XP ended in a blue-screen for me every single time. Always.

It won't boot up at all after the initial success. It's fucking doing my cock in


Good Games.Much respect for Gafe

Plain and simple


we were short. But you guyz rock


FFObsessed said:
Thanx Beast. :) It was fun playing with you! Sorry you were a man down.

Yeah.. even out back up couldnt get on time.

Your engineers were awesome. They did really set up the match.

You guyz are the class


FFObsessed said:
Last night me, Lince and Wowbaggr were playing an 8v8 game on Helghan Industries and I was the only Tactician for the most part. During BC my spawns were pretty shit as I didn't really know where to place them but we stayed at the S&D areas and we eventually won BC. But S&D attack was awesome, I was running from one to the other making sure the spawns were up at all times, killing all who got in my way. Felt like I was running the whole game and finished with like 378 points. Was exhausting but amazing.

You did an awesome job! Spawn points near S&D during BC seemed like a good idea to me. Did you notice we were just five versus eight for a while during BC? Still pulled it off, though. Luckily teams were even again before S&D. We probably wouldn't have won that mode if outnumbered.


beast786 said:
Yeah.. even out back up couldnt get on time.

Your engineers were awesome. They did really set up the match.

You guyz are the class

Thank you, I was an engineer so I'll accept this compliment graciously! :p


Wowbagger said:
You did an awesome job! Spawn points near S&D during BC seemed like a good idea to me. Did you notice we were just five versus eight for a while during BC? Still pulled it off, though. Luckily teams were even again before S&D. We probably wouldn't have won that mode if outnumbered.

Thank you! Yeah the bodycount was intense, I was thinking how are we gonna win this? But then I noticed you were killing loads so I was able to just concentrate on keeping the spawns up to counter the placement of their spawns and we eventually won it. Intense game, shame it was so late, exhausted me! Good game tho, you and Lince did great.


beast786 said:
For the record who was singing on your team

" treeeey for life"

that cracked me up :lol

That was Lince :lol :lol

"ahh ahh ahh ahh trey for life, trey for life"

"trey for liiiiiiiiiiiiiii-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII-iiiiiiiiiiiife"



beast786 said:
Yeah.. even out back up couldnt get on time.

Your engineers were awesome. They did really set up the match.

You guyz are the class

Ah beast, ever courteous. It is always a pleasure. That being said I have to quote some things being said about us in your thread after the game.

IPwnFools said:
Let me tell you about that f'ing game. That joke of a game was completely retarded. I lost my mind playing that game. While I apologize to my teammates for yelling on the top of my lungs and scaring my daughter, I swear to god that team did not deserve to win. Just because they can lag, use the noob cannons and jump on their 1873572498172 turrents, does NOT mean they win. Our team completely f'ed every single one of them right up the ass.

IPwnFools said:
Beast, may i please get the contact of their team? I want to message him asking for a polite 4vs4 and ram his ass. That Cagen guy was an f****ing lagger. He teleported past me and Agent, we turned around, and he shotgunned our asses. I respected every opponent we ever played...but this....is unexcusable. Now I know why they have so much valor points...they lag the whole f'ing time.

Though this is only one person and other members that played also congratulated us and tried to reason with him. I have no idea what he means by newb cannons, I assume he means shotguns? In my opinion they aren't as bad as the LMG which I believe some of your members were using, not that I am complaining as they were in the rule set we accepted so all is fair.

Also, if he wishes to have a 4v4 rematch we will more then likely be happy to give him one, however I will be in it, despite his rude conduct and immature messages to me during the match, though we did all get a laugh out of them. However Killzone 2 time will be limited as we will be playing the Uncharted 2 beta and Infamous.

Concerning the lag though, I do feel that I was lagging at times during the match which I apologise for, nothing I could have foreseen or helped as I usually have a perfectly fine connection and it was frustrating for me also as on occasion I would pump people full of bullets for nothing to happen, though I was never an engineer so I feel his recollection of the accounts are some what skewed.


Cagen, abusing shotgun is bad, bad, bad. I'm afraid I have to ban you from the clan for 1 week. Especially since you hacked the game to get a shotgun with your tact on the get go.

That's not cool, mate.


Heh, I read the "Joke of a match" part all I could think of was this Red Dwarf quote.

Kryten: "Who would allow this man, this joke of a man, this man who could not outwit a used tea bag, to be in a position where he might endanger the entire crew? Who? Only a yoghurt. This man is not guilty of manslaughter, he is only guilty of being Arnold J. Rimmer. That is his crime; it is also his punishment. The defence rests."


On a side note, that was the first and most likely the last time I ever visit the IGN message boards. Has anyone, bar Beast obviously, been on them? They are god awful to navigate.


Also, the recollection of Cagen shotgunning whilst not carrying a shotgun, must be a side-effect of the orgasmic pleasure of fucking GAFe players up their asses. Makes your vision blurry :lol


The valor points part is also excellent. If he knew anything about the game he would know we are actually down 30k points from what you get for free :lol.

Anyway we shouldn't mock him, we have all vented our frustration about this game multiple times ourselves. Myself and Lince maybe a few more times than you guys lol.


He is a great player just got emotional at the end.

Like i said it was complete teamwork from you guyz and at the end we all respect that.

Again i loved how your engineers played. It was a pleasure watching them at work.

Good luck on your future matches.


Congratz to Lince for being the first gaffer to reach the 100k Commander in Chief rank!

:bow King Lince.

edit: Saw this comment on IGN

funny fact about the game: When you die you can hear the enemies that are around you, right? Well once when I died some dude from other team came around and he was singing "Trey forrr life... Treyyyy forrrrr life"
it was hilarious and random

:lol :lol :lol

That's our Lince!! :lol

Rolf NB

Cagen said:
Ah beast, ever courteous. It is always a pleasure. That being said I have to quote some things being said about us in your thread after the game.

Though this is only one person and other members that played also congratulated us and tried to reason with him. I have no idea what he means by newb cannons, I assume he means shotguns? In my opinion they aren't as bad as the LMG which I believe some of your members were using, not that I am complaining as they were in the rule set we accepted so all is fair.

Also, if he wishes to have a 4v4 rematch we will more then likely be happy to give him one, however I will be in it, despite his rude conduct and immature messages to me during the match, though we did all get a laugh out of them. However Killzone 2 time will be limited as we will be playing the Uncharted 2 beta and Infamous.

Concerning the lag though, I do feel that I was lagging at times during the match which I apologise for, nothing I could have foreseen or helped as I usually have a perfectly fine connection and it was frustrating for me also as on occasion I would pump people full of bullets for nothing to happen, though I was never an engineer so I feel his recollection of the accounts are some what skewed.
That one engineer that kept shooting at people with the M4 while navigating the terrain with outstanding swiftness and grace was me.
I came in last on the scoreboard.
I only use the shotgun to destroy turrets, basically.

The M4 is a powerful weapon. There's an issue with recoil that makes it less effective on consecutive shots, especially on the run, so I'd challenge everyone calling it a noob cannon to use it and show the world how easy it is to dominate with, heh. Everyone who unlocked it could have done just that, I wasn't the only one who had that choice available. I don't think it's unfair at all if I pick it. I missed a lot of times, too. My accuracy with the M4 is pretty terrible overall I'd wager, I'll look it up whenever killzone.com starts working again.

There was some lag with some people, but nothing out of the norm. It always happens to some extent. I'd like to remind everyone that the person at the other end of your lag issue shares the exact same frustration. It's not "I've already pumped him full of bullets" only for you, the other person has the same delayed response from the game if their connection to the host is bad.

I said it yesterday after the match in our text chat, but if you don't like turret encampments, which is fair enough, you should avoid Salamun Market. As far as I understand, it was the IGN clan that picked the map and settings. Visari Hammer and Helghan Industries are excellent maps for clan challenges with much fewer "annoying" turret encampments.

One interesting thing I've noticed is how your players often move close together in clumps. E.g. four of five of you would come through the side door on the ground floor of one of the buildings together, and a minute later there was another cluster just like that moving up the stairs. It gives you good combined firepower but also opens yourself up to friendly fire accidents and grenades. We tend to be more like a bee swarm, all in a general area but everyone moving individually with more breathing room. That way we can often naturally flank enemies that move in from different corners of even the same room.

Also, lots of basic soldiers. Weird. I only do that in random matches where I basically don't care about who wins. It's quite selfish really. Any primary class ability (which the soldier doesn't have) is useful and helps you win. The LMG only helps you kill slightly better, but when the room is cleared there's nothing you can contribute to solidifying that position you just gained.


last posts are full of win :lol

beast786 said:
Good Games.Much respect for Gafe

good game but I think you guys can do better, you just lost it a bit when things didn't come your way, and yes we played well our engineer role, but medics and tacticians (I don't think we resorted to Saboteur?) also did an awesome job. Honestly, playing engineer on Salmon is second nature to most of us, I was placing turrets and repairing MGs like I pet my cat everyday.

FFObsessed said:
"ahh ahh ahh ahh trey for life, trey for life"

"trey for liiiiiiiiiiiiiii-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII-iiiiiiiiiiiife"


this works wonders combined with t-bagging, last game on Helghan Industries this dude was "omg not again, not again... trey for life right?" he lost focus and I got him every time, mind games are awesome.


Lince said:
lthis works wonders combined with t-bagging, last game on Helghan Industries this dude was "omg not again, not again... trey for life right?" he lost focus and I got him every time, mind games are awesome.

:lol awesome.

Rolf NB

FFObsessed said:
edit: Saw this comment on IGN
funny fact about the game: When you die you can hear the enemies that are around you, right? Well once when I died some dude from other team came around and he was singing "Trey forrr life... Treyyyy forrrrr life"
it was hilarious and random
It's proximity chat. It doesn't distinguish between allies and enemies, you simply hear everything anyone around you says. It's always on, not just when you're down.


Lince said:
whispering is the universal language of love <3

It's like being serenaded by two sex chat phone operators when you and Josh are whispering, especially as I always wear headphones so it's piped right into my ears. Oddly erotic,disconcerting and hilarious all at the same time.
Hope you two still play with us mere mortals occasionally now that you have ascended to KZ2 Godstatus.

Dr Raist, I'm the same as when you asked me before, should be able to make London, though later in the week is better for me but sure i can swing it if it has to be earlier.
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