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TTP said:
The the ISA rifle zoom does that as well. Actually, all weapons do. It doesn't lock on, it snaps to the target if it's very close to the crosshairs.
It's much more apparent with the shotty though, since the reticle is so huge and you don't go into the narrow zoomed FOV. If you're running down a hallway with a bunch of enemies lined up it'll snap from side to side as you take them down.


Ilparazzo said:

241 points in a match :p

Saboteur/assault Ftw

And I just realized that you are the guys who sniped me all the time yesterday while I was trying to get the scout ribbons. :lol

DFinally unlocked the M4.


Just chiming in to say this is easily the best console FPS I've ever played, and perhaps the best FPS period. For so many reasons I will not repeat here.

Except to say that MP... oh my. This game will sell millions just for the MP.


Well, I finally finished my first PS3 game (I bought it as a bluray player).

I don't know if there is a time counter in the game but I've found it short, more or less like gears of war but unlike in gears, in Killzone I've died a lot of times and that makes me think that it is indeed quite short. Does anybody have the same impression?

And after you leave the graphics behind, it's nothing more than a good corridor shoter, full of FPS cliches and with almost no history. That's what I found more disappointing. That and the controls, maybe its because its my FPS on the PS3 but I found them much worse (in my opinion) than something like gears or call of duty. I thought that i would get them after some time but in the end i still found impossible to do a precision shot without trial and error.

Well, at least it's a big improvement over the first killzone, so maybe on the third one they will get everything right!


onesvenus said:
And after you leave the graphics behind, it's nothing more than a good corridor shoter, full of FPS cliches and with almost no history. That's what I found more disappointing.

So Gears and CoD4 satisfyed you in this department?


onesvenus said:
Well, I finally finished my first PS3 game (I bought it as a bluray player).

I don't know if there is a time counter in the game but I've found it short, more or less like gears of war but unlike in gears, in Killzone I've died a lot of times and that makes me think that it is indeed quite short. Does anybody have the same impression?

And after you leave the graphics behind, it's nothing more than a good corridor shoter, full of FPS cliches and with almost no history. That's what I found more disappointing. That and the controls, maybe its because its my FPS on the PS3 but I found them much worse (in my opinion) than something like gears or call of duty. I thought that i would get them after some time but in the end i still found impossible to do a precision shot without trial and error.

Well, at least it's a big improvement over the first killzone, so maybe on the third one they will get everything right!

no trolling here :).


Xater said:
And I just realized that you are the guys who sniped me all the time yesterday while I was trying to get the scout ribbons. :lol

DFinally unlocked the M4.

Indeed that was I, that was a good scout face-off, though I had an unfair advantage with spot and mark and 5x scope :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ilparazzo said:
Also, those stupid turrets screw our disguises every time

No. Only those in enemy HQ. Turrets deployed elsewhere by opposing Engineer do ignore disguised enemies.

It was different in the beta. Every turret ignored disguised enemies, even those in the HQ, allowing the saboteur to be a pain in the ass in your home base, especially in Redec map since there is an underground tunnel connecting the two bases.


TTP said:
No. Only those in enemy HQ. Turrets deployed elsewhere by opposing Engineer do ignore disguised enemies.
Are you sure, I could swear that they can still see me...

I'll just have to make sure right now.

Edit: Yep, they can see me


thuway said:
no trolling here :).

So far from what I've played of SP, I'd agree.

I just went through Resistance 2 SP in one sitting though (just the night before I traded it in for KZ2), so maybe I'm being biased by that.

To call any other opinion a troll is bullshit this forum doesn't need.


Ilparazzo said:
Indeed that was I, that was a good scout face-off, though I had an unfair advantage with spot and mark and 5x scope :D

Dude you had me swearing like a sailor. I was wondering how you knew where I was although I was cloaked and then it dawned on me that you were using the spoting tool. :lol


Tempy said:
Frankly I think everything should be unlocked from the start, so go ahead.

And I suppose I still have to kill to earn XP.

It's not like I'm setting a match to instagib, so it still takes skills to get the kills.


Xater said:
Dude you had me swearing like a sailor. I was wondering how you knew where I was although I was cloaked and then it dawned on me that you were using the spoting tool. :lol

Yeah, most of my points that game was from shooting you :p
Ugh I have this fear GG will change the controls for the next game due to all the complainers.

Don't pull a Resistance and change too much GG :(

Still for every person who dislikes the controls I think there are many who enjoy them, so hopefully GG knows that just because it seems like a lot of complaints its not much in the big scope of things.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ilparazzo said:
Are you sure, I could swear that they can still see me...

I'll just have to make sure right now.

Edit: Yep, they can see me

Damn yeah, I just checked. You are right. It wasn't the case in the review code so I assumed it was the same in retail.

Oh well, though times for the Saboteur.


TTP said:
Damn yeah, I just checked. You are right. It wasn't the case in the review code so I assumed it was the same in retail.

Oh well, though times for the Saboteur.

Wait I got around turrets with the saboteur. I think it's the same as with palyers it depends on the distance to them.


TTP said:
Damn yeah, I just checked. You are right. It wasn't the case in the review code so I assumed it was the same in retail.

Oh well, though times for the Saboteur.

Meh, if you're good enough you know how to go around stuff like that :p


I'm just going to spend some time playing through the first few levels on easy to get used to the controls and try adjusting them to my tastes. I had very little difficulty playing through Resistance, but that was really the first console FPS I had no trouble playing. I also had little trouble playing through COD4, but I will admit I'm having some frustrating difficulty aiming in this game.

I play so few FPS games though - particularly on consoles, that I'm less willing to blame the game and more willing to just learn through it.


I'm getting my ass handed to me KZ2 (granted it has been several months since I played any games) and I've died quite a few times in SP...I went online and got destroyed even more. I played several matches and didn't even get any points until my 5th match or so online. At that rate it's going to take me forever to unlock anything.


SnakeXs said:
Fuuuuuuuck, 151 points, and a lamer cost us the win and the bonus by really being horrible as a VIP. >=[

SnakeXs said:
I really hope Guerilla gets to the issues. Namely playing with friends. We've been resorting to organizing them via messengers. It's pretty fucking shitty. :\
Double lolers.

..and yeah, obligatory "Fix this shit Guerilla".
cakefoo said:
Man, it's SO fun leaving someone alive to listen to them whine about how you just owned them.
I'm not sure if they can hear me too but I like to give them a few parting words, just in case. :D


Revolutionary said:
I'm not sure if they can hear me too but I like to give them a few parting words, just in case. :D
Proximity chat, so yeah they can. Nothing like taking out the Propaganda carrier near to the drop zone, or spraying/shotgunning a bunch of guys when they least expect it and hearing the reactions. "Fuck!". "Holy shit". "Are you fucking kidding me?!" etc.

I hated hearing the enemy team at first, but now, Oh I love it so...



For those still struggling with the controls in MP, are you:

a.) shooting from the hip
b.) crouching
c.) using burst fire
d.) aiming for the head
e.) using both sticks to 'guide' your aim and make it more precise?

*I will admit that I don't find the controls perfect, but I am finding that the longer I play, the less I think about them and start to 'adapt' to them.

I did pop in Halo 3 last night just to get a feel for how that game aims and I was so goddamn accurate it was ridiculous - night and day approach to aiming for both games.

BTW: anyone up for playing some games. Was going to fire the game up in a few minutes, maybe create a room. GAF Beamber EAST ...... ????
ThirstyFly said:
So what do all of the icons on the score screen mean? The only ones I know are deaths/kills :(
Kills, Objective Points (defending objectives, placing bombs, etc.), Demerits (Suicides, Team Kills), and Deaths

Not sure if those are the official names for them but that's what they represent.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ilparazzo said:
Meh, if you're good enough you know how to go around stuff like that :p

I'm so good indeed I had to purposely go looking for turrets to check this out :p

I'm sneaky biatch.
Revolutionary said:
Kills, Objective Points (defending objectives, placing bombs, etc.), Demerits (Suicides, Team Kills), and Deaths

Not sure if those are the official names for them but that's what they represent.

Ah, good thanks for the answer (and you too Felix Lighter). I wish they'd put that kind of stuff in the manual. I always get turned off when I'm playing a game and I see tons of icons that have no indication of what they mean.


Ilparazzo said:
Not really, I would like the assault better if it had a M82 actually.

I do enjoy the rush that the boost provides though.

I'd love it so muuch more if it came with a shottie, its a class that just begs for it, rockets are nice but eh


finished the game yesterday on Veteran. Took me 7Hrs +. I pretty much just ran through it though...I found only a few intel and like 3 symbols...I really didnt go looking for them.

Awesome game!!

And I loved the
the end fight with Radek, took me 16 minutes to off that bitch
So satisfied when I finally killed him. That whole level was so fucking intense...I died a lot but it wasnt COD 4 frustrating....it was the fucking AI that would pull some crazy shit, fucking best AI in a FPS ever!!!


JB1981 said:
For those still struggling with the controls in MP, are you:

a.) shooting from the hip
b.) crouching
c.) using burst fire
d.) aiming for the head
e.) using both sticks to 'guide' your aim and make it more precise?

*I will admit that I don't find the controls perfect, but I am finding that the longer I play, the less I think about them and start to 'adapt' to them.

I did pop in Halo 3 last night just to get a feel for how that game aims and I was so goddamn accurate it was ridiculous - night and day approach to aiming for both games.

BTW: anyone up for playing some games. Was going to fire the game up in a few minutes, maybe create a room. GAF Beamber EAST ...... ????

Thanks for the advice. I will indeed try everything you suggested. I was playing in the Beamber room yesterday. Really struggling with the aiming. Fun game, though.
I love the sniper rifle in this game.
I've found myself purposely using the motion controls ("keep the controller still to steady your aim") to help w/ my aiming - it really helps in leading shots. :D


Sabetour is awesome! I got a kick vote on my first play even, haha.

The the weapons of choice for the Sabetour class are not so hot though. One is very weak and the other is slow and has shit for ammo. I guess it's to balance out the disguise ability.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ilparazzo said:
Not really, I would like the assault better if it had a M82 actually.

I do enjoy the rush that the boost provides though.

Well, once you get it from the battlefield, you are pretty much invincible.
Armour + Boost + M82 = Angel of Death.

Anyways, I'm loving the Tactician with the Spot & Mark ability borrowed from the Scout. You can see how the whole team improves once you have cleverly deployed spawn grenades and marked enemies.


John_B said:
Sabetour is awesome! I got a kick vote on my first play even, haha.

The the weapons of choice for the Sabetour class are not so hot though. One is very weak and the other is slow and has shit for ammo. I guess it's to balance out the disguise ability.
The smg is weak but you get a lot of chances for headshots, about half my kills are headshots :p


John_B said:
Sabetour is awesome! I got a kick vote on my first play even, haha.

The the weapons of choice for the Sabetour class are not so hot though. One is very weak and the other is slow and has shit for ammo. I guess it's to balance out the disguise ability.

You have to infiltrate a group and then headshot everyone with the SMG. It's fucking awesome. :D

Edit: Kinda beaten by Ilprazzo :lol


Xater said:
You have to infiltrate a group and then headshot everyone with the SMG. It's fucking awesome. :D

Edit: Kinda beaten by Ilprazzo :lol
And if you have boost you can dance around everyone while shooting the hell out of them.


Wow, the tactician's bots are fucking weak.
I deployed them everytime when they are available somewhere where the action goes on (objectives, mid of the map) but I still ended up with only 1 kill from the bots.
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