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Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Just unlocked the revive badge. Hopefully. by next week, there will be a lot more diversity in player. I've only seen 1 saboteur and 1 snipe. The rest have been grunts or medics.
TEH-CJ said:
What nationality is sev?

Sevchenko....is that russian?

yeah, sounds a bit like that. been wondering. though what matters is that he's from earth. maybe nationalities finaly don't matter anymore when earth is under attack.


just finished the single player campaign....it was good, although once you get past the pretty graphics, it seemed like a stock standard FPS....i was not expecting for them to mix it up with the mech and AA guns which was a nice suprise

the story line was as expected but i cant believe they included so much swearing, not something i have seen in any other games apart from GTA

the Helghan AI was very good....frustrating at certain points but it gave you a sense of accomplishment when you killed them

ISA AI was terrible :lol it seemed like they were doing nothing....i dont know how many times i had to revive Rico in the final level, and then Radec would kill me while i was doing it

the controls were not that bad, it took some adjustment....i noticed it more in close quarters combat when you need to move quickly, i always seemed to be a bit slow

i was not looking forward to only having a pistol and one main weapon after how terrible a screw up it was in Resistance 2 but it worked really well, there were always a variety of weapons at your disposal and you could target a enemy in a variety of ways....the electricity gun was brilliant :D

now, to multi player....if i could only get a clan invite :(


OK, let's try a redux... HG BodyCount is my room that I have up, is Hand Guns only15 min rounds with 50 kill limit. This should be an easy way to unlock the Revolver/ just plain fun, so join away people!!!


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Thrakier said:
I was just kidding because of the massive hyperbole in his statement. ;)
Oh, sorry.

It's broken
Ilparazzo said:
Feels like any other FPS played with a ps controller to me.
well, that's not the case, but our brain easily adapt to this control sceme.. might not become your favourit, but we get used to it.. it's just the way it works..


Thrakier said:
I was just kidding because of the massive hyperbole in his statement. ;)
No exaggeration on my part, I was being 100% honest. I thought it was that bad - does anyone know if there are differences between the promo and retail versions? Because everyone I've shared my promo copy with hate the controls just as much as I do, but on forums it doesn't seem like people have the same issues.
Only real issue I have with the control is pressing the right analog stick to aim from the sights. When I'm in the heat of shooting I'm trying to follow my target around, and if I press a little too hard on the stick, blam I'm zoomed-in and I'll lose the mark. Had a similar problem with COD4's knife being mapped to the 360 LAS, so hopefully I'll get used to this.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
adversesolutions said:
Only real issue I have with the control is pressing the right analog stick to aim from the sights. When I'm in the heat of shooting I'm trying to follow my target around, and if I press a little too hard on the stick, blam I'm zoomed-in and I'll lose the mark. Had a similar problem with COD4's knife being mapped to the 360 LAS, so hopefully I'll get used to this.
I use Alternate 2 and non-toggle zoom. So holding L1 zooms in, I've never really liked clicky-zoom.


PSN Name; Reisadan

Haven't had a real chance to use the handguns, so Seraph-'s room was nice to play around in. They're so accurate.


boyshine said:
No exaggeration on my part, I was being 100% honest. I thought it was that bad - does anyone know if there are differences between the promo and retail versions? Because everyone I've shared my promo copy with hate the controls just as much as I do, but on forums it doesn't seem like people have the same issues.

No real difference. You and your friens just don't like it. :)


lawblob said:
Wow, my 4th online match and I was 3rd place on my team. So many of these people online are TERRIBLE. :lol

Oh yes especially medics. I don't know how many times I wa slying right beside a medic with no enemy around and I still had to respawn.


don't ask me for codes
Xater said:
Oh yes especially medics. I don't know how many times I wa slying right beside a medic with no enemy around and I still had to respawn.

It's possible the medic just revived someone. Needs a bit of time to recharge.
Xater said:
Oh yes especially medics. I don't know how many times I wa slying right beside a medic with no enemy around and I still had to respawn.
The revive could be on cooldown, I felt like a douche each time I couldn't revive because of the CD. :(


Xater said:
Oh yes especially medics. I don't know how many times I wa slying right beside a medic with no enemy around and I still had to respawn.

It takes a while to recharge so maybe he'd just used it? Happens to me. I revive one person and everyone's like "Hey medic!!" "Revive me!" "Where you going??"

And I just have to leave them to die... ;_;

edit: and beaten


Aye, Alternate 2 /zoom toggle for sure. Clicky zoom really sucks as does using R3 for run but oh well.

Question though, has anyone else experienced audio glitches with multiplayer? The last game I just got playing the audio (basically everything including voip) would momentarily start to crackle up...at one point I lost all sound (complete silence) for about 3 minutes then it just suddenly kicked back in.

Is this a bug anyone else has encountered or just server issues?
FFObsessed said:
It takes a while to recharge so maybe he'd just used it? Happens to me. I revive one person and everyone's like "Hey medic!!" "Revive me!" "Where you going??"

And I just have to leave them to die... ;_;
Well on the plus side, you get their ammo when they die...
boyshine said:
Are the analog stick delay, dead zone and lack of aiming precision/pixel accuracy something you learn to live with and ignore? It completely ruined the game for me. I played through once (on normal) of course, but I don't think I ever want to touch the game again because of it. Probably the worst controls I've ever experienced in a console FPS.

Yeah the analog stick delay is really fucking annoying. I don't understand why so few are apparently bothered by it.


Fallout-NL said:
Yeah the analog stick delay is really fucking annoying. I don't understand why so few are apparently bothered by it.

It's not a few, it's a good number of people bitching about it on various forums (and even youtube, for maximum angry nerd laughs). It's just sort of balanced out by people having fun with the game rather than bitching about the controls.

Partly because there may not be anything that can be done about it - if the controls were made this way by GG, it's not like they haven't had months into years to change them.

I still think they suck intensely and ruin an otherwise fun experience, but I only rented it, so I'm not too upset :p


Still Tagged Accordingly
i just got to the bit where you
rush in with rico to save your two buddies and the chick scientist from being executed by radec.
about what % am i through the game?
Victrix said:
It's not a few, it's a good number of people bitching about it on various forums (and even youtube, for maximum angry nerd laughs). It's just sort of balanced out by people having fun with the game rather than bitching about the controls.

Partly because there may not be anything that can be done about it - if the controls were made this way by GG, it's not like they haven't had months into years to change them.

I still think they suck intensely and ruin an otherwise fun experience, but I only rented it, so I'm not too upset :p

Yeah, good call I guess.


Victrix said:
It's not a few, it's a good number of people bitching about it on various forums (and even youtube, for maximum angry nerd laughs). It's just sort of balanced out by people having fun with the game rather than bitching about the controls.

Partly because there may not be anything that can be done about it - if the controls were made this way by GG, it's not like they haven't had months into years to change them.

I still think they suck intensely and ruin an otherwise fun experience, but I only rented it, so I'm not too upset :p

Go cry in a corner and return the game the next day.
Scrow said:
i just got to the bit where you
rush in with rico to save your two buddies and the chick scientist from being executed by radec.
about what % am i through the game?
check statistics in menu when you start the game


Still Tagged Accordingly
Fallout-NL said:
Yeah the analog stick delay is really fucking annoying. I don't understand why so few are apparently bothered by it.
oh don't worry, i'm bothered by it. the controls and cover system are eye gougingly frustrating. the only things the keep me coming back to this game are the graphics, atmosphere, and cinematic experience. the gunplay is simply annoying.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Always-honest said:
check statistics in menu when you start the game
That's not true for mission progress. It takes into account all the emblems and intel. I don't even know if I hit 50% when I completed it.

jax (old)

Scrow said:
i just got to the bit where you
rush in with rico to save your two buddies and the chick scientist from being executed by radec.
about what % am i through the game?

about 4-5 stages away from the finale.
Always-honest said:
check statistics in menu when you start the game
Even after you've finished the game the first time around that number will be well under 100%... so it's not that helpful.

I've unlocked all but 1 SP trophy (Elite) and mine is only at 81% now. I think it wants me to finish the game on Normal and Elite before it's 100% (which is a little retarded really).


Scrow said:
i just got to the bit where you
rush in with rico to save your two buddies and the chick scientist from being executed by radec.
about what % am i through the game?

You've got 3 more levels to go I believe. The final level is fairly long though, took me an hour I think.

Always-honest said:
check statistics in menu when you start the game

That's not accurate at all for judging mission progress, I beat the game with only like 30% or something. It calculates the intel and trophies and stuff into that percentage.


Tempy said:
It's possible the medic just revived someone. Needs a bit of time to recharge.

Well I encountered multiple times they didn't were on cooldown because they just spawned with me.

Still need to know what to do for the boost ribbons.


FFObsessed said:
It takes a while to recharge so maybe he'd just used it? Happens to me. I revive one person and everyone's like "Hey medic!!" "Revive me!" "Where you going??"

And I just have to leave them to die... ;_;

edit: and beaten

What if the person just unlocked medic and doesn't have access to the "revive" option? Unless I'm doing something wrong I couldn't revive people while playing as a medic. It was also grayed out on the character screen.


anddo0 said:
What if the person just unlocked medic and doesn't have access to the "revive" option? Unless I'm doing something wrong I couldn't revive people while playing as a medic. It was also grayed out on the character screen.

You get revive right away with the medic. Wouldn't make much sense otherwise.


anddo0 said:
What if the person just unlocked medic and doesn't have access to the "revive" option? Unless I'm doing something wrong I couldn't revive people while playing as a medic. It was also grayed out on the character screen.

Press left on the d-pad. You get it straight away. What you don't get is the health packs. You have to unlock that.
Sean said:
That's not accurate at all for judging mission progress, I beat the game with only like 30% or something. It calculates the intel and trophies and stuff into that percentage.
ah, okay thanx (and NameGenerated and psychotext). i just checked it once. figured it was game percentage.
anddo0 said:
Ok, then how exactly does it work? I reach players in time but don't have the option to revive.
Press left on the D-pad and you'll equip the revive gun. After that just aim and shoot.

postaboy said:
WTF, the shotgun allows you to auto-aim by holding L1.
That totally works, tried it for a bit in Skirmish (may be different in MP?), 100% accuracy pretty much. :p

So much for skill.
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