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FFObsessed said:
Press left on the d-pad. You get it straight away. What you don't get is the health packs. You have to unlock that.

Danne-Danger said:
Press left on the D-pad and you'll equip the revive gun. After that just aim and shoot.

Thanks.. I knew I was doing something wrong.. I thought it would work like SP mode.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Danne-Danger said:
PThat totally works, tried it for a bit in Skirmish (may be different in MP?), 100% accuracy pretty much. :p

So much for skill.
What control scheme is that for? L1 on alternate 2 is flashlight.


anddo0 said:
Thanks.. I knew I was doing something wrong.. I thought it would work like SP mode.
Check the bottom-left area of your HUD in mp. It tells you how many grenades do you have (center) and what skills do you have (with the medic, you have revive piston on the left and health packs on the right)


Big-E said:
THIS! I can't fucking stand those assholes. You manage to actually get the speedy fucker in your sights and hit him but it doesn't matter because he will run away before you can drop his health down or he will kill you. Fuck this class.
It really is fucking terrible
Victrix said:
It's not a few, it's a good number of people bitching about it on various forums (and even youtube, for maximum angry nerd laughs). It's just sort of balanced out by people having fun with the game rather than bitching about the controls.

Partly because there may not be anything that can be done about it - if the controls were made this way by GG, it's not like they haven't had months into years to change them.

I still think they suck intensely and ruin an otherwise fun experience, but I only rented it, so I'm not too upset :p
Yeah. Input lag is a bitch. I wish Guerrilla would do something about it, but what can you do?


Manp said:
you can do that?! fuuuuck, i must be dumb :lol


well, ok you can have zoom on L1 but that doesn't work either for me. using L1 to zoom and L2 to cover at the same time is a pain.
i really don't mind the lag on controls or wathever people are calling it but i can't get used on the button scheme and none of the provided alternatives seems to work :(



On my second playthrough now. I didn't notice it before but my squad mates are dumbshits. There have this urge to always be in my way. Im literally yelling at my tv telling them to get the fuck out of my way :lol . There has been times where they have saved my ass, but for the most part there more of a nuisance.


Man the more I play the more I am starting to hate the controls. It just feels really off to me. I really like the set pieces though


The autoaim's pretty intrusive in campaign. I'm in cover behind a short wall, holding L1 so that when I pop out my scope's up, and suddenly my view starts moving on its own. I lightly press and hold the right stick to sort of pre-adjust my aim for when I pop out of cover, but it stops as if it's tied to a rubber band. I let go of the stick, and it snaps back to the target.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
jjasper said:
Man the more I play the more I am starting to hate the controls. It just feels really off to me. I really like the set pieces though
I have to agree. The aiming is just sluggish and I feel like I am fighting the controls. Which is a shame because I really like the game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Danne-Danger said:
Yeah, it's the flashlight/zoom button. Hold it in and you'll snap to enemies.
The the ISA rifle zoom does that as well. Actually, all weapons do. It doesn't lock on, it snaps to the target if it's very close to the crosshairs.

You don't have to hold it. Just press to toggle zoom.


Ok apparently the boost ribbon stuff is buggy? Because I definately boosted more than 5 times in a match and did not get it. I even did it multiple times. Anyone else have this problem?


.nimrod said:
finished the campain today, and so far i liked it but i can't seem to have any fun in multiplayer. :(

Are you playing 32 player maps? If you are try doing one with a smaller number. The game really doesn't work well with 32. Things are too hectic try like 16-24.


bish gets all the credit :)
Has GG said anything regarding fixing killzone.com? It seems to be up only 25% of the time I check it.


Xater said:
Ok apparently the boost ribbon stuff is buggy? Because I definately boosted more than 5 times in a match and did not get it. I even did it multiple times. Anyone else have this problem?
According to what it says in-game the ribbons come after 10 uses in a match, but I counted mine and I used it like 20 times and still no ribbon so my guess is that its buggy, yes.
Good god Helghan industries is an amazing map. This game seriously is the best FPS in terms of ... well everything, this gen, or of any gen. Thats my opinion of course, bar a few little gripes, its damn near perfect. Nothing a patch or two wont fix.


jjasper said:
Are you playing 32 player maps? If you are try doing one with a smaller number. The game really doesn't work well with 32. Things are too hectic try like 16-24.
Well, some maps are good with 32 players. I am still learning the map names, but the one the market one, Phyruss Rise, and the one with the Two big buildings with the bride going across them are good for large games.


Good at being the bigger man
Ilparazzo said:
According to what it says in-game the ribbons come after 10 uses in a match, but I counted mine and I used it like 20 times and still no ribbon so my guess is that its buggy, yes.
What's boosting?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Xater said:
Ok apparently the boost ribbon stuff is buggy? Because I definately boosted more than 5 times in a match and did not get it. I even did it multiple times. Anyone else have this problem?

10 times in a round/mission. Not during multiple missions.
Really starting to love the MP. Smaller maps + Squads is very fun.

I also have a much better understanding of the controls I think. I gave up on Alternate 2 and went back to Standard 1 and I feel I have done much better.

Also went back to full sensitivity and I like it better. I think I tried to many controller combos, I liked Standard1 and full sensitivity before and it was best to stick with it. Still a long ways to go though, don't even have Engineer yet. :lol

Matches are long so I find myself wanting to take a break after each one.


jjasper said:
Are you playing 32 player maps? If you are try doing one with a smaller number. The game really doesn't work well with 32. Things are too hectic try like 16-24.

yeah, i've been playing 16 player matches recently.
it's better but i don't know whats missing


I'm shocked that no one has made a thread for user screenshots of this game. If Crysis got one, I don't see why KZ2 shouldn't get one also.
Finished campaign last night. Will be playing specific missions (that I enjoyed the most) today.


Man, those Saboteurs really get me. Is there an easy way to find them out (other than getting your reticule on them)?

Full Recovery: The games were great, but at some points the teams were like, 16 vs. 4, and the 16 wouldn't let the 4 complete an objective where they had I think 15-20 minutes to do. So the match lasted FOREVER and you couldn't get too many points of out it because there were too few targets (and the other side was overwhelmed).

Maybe next time just make the objective times and limits similar to what we see on a Tournament (I'm guessing default settings), that way we are effectively training ourselves for tourny play. And most importantly, the matches aren't that insanely long. I think for the GAF team to do well early on, we need all the ribbons we can get. If I play a match that lasts 1.5 hours I get one ribbon (well, one of each type). I could get 3 ribbons in the same amount of time if I play 3 half hour matches. So it would also benefit the clan too, because I'm sure all the top Clans are all pimped out in terms of XP and ribbons and most of their members could play any role.


FightyF said:
Man, those Saboteurs really get me. Is there an easy way to find them out (other than getting your reticule on them)?

I usually look at the map to check if there is a green blip where the guy is, though most of the time there's no time for that :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Xater said:
So 10 times for example during one assassination?

yes. I'll cut and paste here what I posted on the official website:

I finally realized how to get those **bleep** ribbons.

You have to boost 10 times during a MISSION. If you are playing a game with multiple missions, you have to boost 10 times during just one of those, not across them.

Once you activate the boost (right on D-pad), you have 10 secs of super speed. Sprint a bit (L3) and wait for the boost to recharge (it takes 30 secs to recharge). Now, boost again. Repeat this 10 times and you’ll be awarded the ribbon at the end of the match (not sure if exiting it before it ends works as well).

Now, since most missions last 5 minutes (300 seconds), you don’t gave time to perform 10 boost during one of them.
10 secs of boost + 30 secs of recharge = 40 secs per boost. 40 x 10 (times you need to perform boost) = 400 seconds.

There are two ways to overcome this problem:

1 - Instead of waiting for the boost to recharge, just die. You’ll respawn after just 8 secs with the ability to perform a new boost rightaway. Basically you can recharge boost in 8 seconds instead of 30 by dieing.

2 - Create or enter a room with at least one mission time limit set to 10 minutes or above. This will give you plenty of time to perform 10 full boosts. Of course, avoid missions with objectives that might end the match before the time expires. I suggest creating a Bodycount only room with time limit set to 10 and kills limit to max ( this is how I got my ribbons).

The Chef

I need to start staying more focused in MP. I find myself walking around alone marveling at how the level looks and continually saying to my team "My god do you guys see this level? Did you see how that fire from the exploded turret is blowing in the wind?? Did you see that lightning!!!" Then a bullet rips through my head.


You know what I like? Hot Wings. You know what I also like? The little pic that registers when you get a headshot. Halo 3 keeps track of headshots, but you don't really know which kills were headshots until the end of game. I love how KZ2 takes a note from CS; when you get a slick headshot, you know right then - satisfaction.

Also, I'm taking down some names, so I'm going to send out a few FR when I get home from work tonight. PM me with your ID if you're looking for another KZ2 player (cuz' I know I need a few on my list.)


pseudocaesar said:
Good god Helghan industries is an amazing map. This game seriously is the best FPS in terms of ... well everything, this gen, or of any gen. Thats my opinion of course, bar a few little gripes, its damn near perfect. Nothing a patch or two wont fix.

Yeah it's amazing to see all the effects come together and look damn near like CG in a MP game... I have been killed several times just looking at the environment outside, because it looks so amazing.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
FightyF said:
Man, those Saboteurs really get me. Is there an easy way to find them out (other than getting your reticule on them)?

- They don't show up as green dots on the radar
- They usually come from "odd" directions
- If you have a scout in your team, and he uses the Spot & Mark ability, a S&M'ed Saboteur shows up as red on the radar. Just like every other S&M'ed enemy.

Basically, keep an eye on the radar.
Pallaris said:
Aye, Alternate 2 /zoom toggle for sure. Clicky zoom really sucks as does using R3 for run but oh well.

Question though, has anyone else experienced audio glitches with multiplayer? The last game I just got playing the audio (basically everything including voip) would momentarily start to crackle up...at one point I lost all sound (complete silence) for about 3 minutes then it just suddenly kicked back in.

Is this a bug anyone else has encountered or just server issues?
Your BD drive could be going out. The level loads into memory but the sounds stream from the disc so if the drive has issues while you are playing the sound is what goes out.


Mik2121 said:
Also, sometimes the saboteur's nicknames blink in red. That means they are an enemy.

I think that's when your crosshairs just sweep over them and it flashes like that. If you keep your crosshairs on him it will show his true name.

I remember putting nearly half a clip into Click because he was firing past me (at first I thought at me), and then realized as his name didn't change that it was the real Click.

It's an interesting dynamic, but I do with it was a bit easier to spot. If the radar doesn't show them as green though, that should help...I assumed it would cloak that as well.

From TTP's post where he quotes another player said:
2 - Create or enter a room with at least one mission time limit set to 10 minutes or above. This will give you plenty of time to perform 10 full boosts. Of course, avoid missions with objectives that might end the match before the time expires. I suggest creating a Bodycount only room with time limit set to 10 and kills limit to max ( this is how I got my ribbons).

Y'know, I'd be down for something like this with the GAF clan as a way to build up score (XP) and get ribbons. If we just had team deathmatch for 10 minutes in a smaller sized map :p You'd get 6 ribbons per hour for the ones you don't got, and you'd get a lot of pointage.

Is that considered cheating? :p


TTP said:
- They don't show up as green dots on the radar
- They usually come from "odd" directions
- If you have a scout in your team, and he uses the Spot & Mark ability, a S&M'ed Saboteur shows up as red on the radar. Just like every other S&M'ed enemy.

Basically, keep an eye on the radar.
Also, those stupid turrets screw our disguises every time


TTP said:
yes. I'll cut and paste here what I posted on the official website:

Wow that's stupid. Almost as ridiculous as the melee ribbons. Right now I am playing assault and just boosting into melee to get them...


angry @ Blu-Ray's success
alr1ghtstart said:
Has GG said anything regarding fixing killzone.com? It seems to be up only 25% of the time I check it.

Yeah. They said that that traffic has been high the last couple days and the IT team is working on the as we speak but it will take time.
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