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Ilparazzo said:
And if you have boost you can dance around everyone while shooting the hell out of them.

And at the same time you regenreate health. Great combo idea but I still have to get that C4 medal...


Beat the games yesterday and all i have to say it release some episode content.

The multiplayer is amazing but some of the maps are way to small for 32 players. Why is there a tank in radec academy? I would love to ride an intruder and have a sky map and have air battles called bumper cars :D.



Beamber GAF East is up. 24 players w/ Body Count, Assassination and Search and Retrieve. Body Count is up to 100 kills, should be good for increasing XP. We need players if you guys want to join. Send me an FR if you want and you can just 'Join Friend' at the main screen.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
KZ3 should have a
snow or ice
level...that'd be pretty badass. I thought I read that KZ2 would have one actually.
wasnt there a bunch of people complaining about the flamethrower?? that weapon is frickin sweet!!! its more of a liquid flame, so if theres a hg up one level, you can arc it over the cover and still get them.
JB1981 said:

Beamber GAF East is up. 24 players w/ Body Count, Assassination and Search and Retrieve. Body Count is up to 100 kills, should be good for increasing XP. We need players if you guys want to join. Send me an FR if you want and you can just 'Join Friend' at the main screen.

Request sent assuming your PSN name is the same as your gaf name

edit: I guess it's beamber


Just boosted through the whole enemy team with the propaganda speaker and as soon as I dropped it someone shot me, it was the greatest feeling ever XD

Edit: wow, awesome parenting, you could hear the baby crying through the voice chat and he was like "Shut up fag!" and "I have to go feed the stupid kid, I'll be back later."
So I just had my first couple of matches online. And I am reminded why I dont play online much...TOO ADDICTIVE!! I cant wait to play with fellow GAF members later when I get home and my headset's charged.

The only thing I dont understand is I went into the next map with 28 of 30 points for Corporal, which I easily surpassed (much to my surprise, I kicked a bit of ass), but after the match ended I had to quit to go out for awhile. By the end of that match I'd earned about half the points through Corporal, but when I came back my stats from the last match didnt carry over. Its no big deal but is this normal?


subtlesaysigh said:
So I just had my first couple of matches online. And I am reminded why I dont play online much...TOO ADDICTIVE!! I cant wait to play with fellow GAF members later when I get home and my headset's charged.

The only thing I dont understand is I went into the next map with 28 of 30 points for Corporal, which I easily surpassed (much to my surprise, I kicked a bit of ass), but after the match ended I had to quit to go out for awhile. By the end of that match I'd earned about half the points through Corporal, but when I came back my stats from the last match didnt carry over. Its no big deal but is this normal?

You have to finish the match to get the points unfortunately


Very enjoyable game so far. It's a bit linear, and I totally understand the "levels could appear in any order and it wouldn't change anything" complaint EDGE had, but the gunplay is satisfying and the graphics are great, so whatever.

The desert/canyon setting shits all over Resistance 2's, I can tell you that much.


dhelfric said:
Nah, keeps people from quitting mid-game.

But what if I cant finish a game and achived alot in my playtime? You can argument for both sides. It wasn't a problem in COD4.


Xater said:
But what if I cant finish a game and achived alot in my playtime? You can argument for both sides. It wasn't a problem in COD4.

Come on. 1 game is what, 20 minutes?
And if you really need to quit 10 minutes in (because of unforeseen circumstances), well then you will have to suck the loss of 30-50 points up.
JB1981 said:
BTW: anyone up for playing some games. Was going to fire the game up in a few minutes, maybe create a room. GAF Beamber EAST ...... ????

Uhhh, I'd love too! I just need an invite to the GAF clan. Could you PM me you PSN JB1981? I'm dying to play with some Gaffers.


For crap's sake, how do you mute someone in the middle of the game? Why would anyone start listening to music real loud without muting his stupid headset?


dhelfric said:
Nah, keeps people from quitting mid-game.

I wish your points got saved after each mini match in the match "eg. after body count round). Some matches can go on for ages and it's annoying when you quite/get DCed and lose your points.


rexor0717 said:
I would just like a snow/ice level as DLC for multiplayer.

Killzone 1 Multiplayer maps are going to be remade for Killzone 2, so you'll probably get your wish. I'm really looking forward to that as it will add some much wanted scope to the feel of the maps available.


Online is good experienced no lag. I hope the next COD game can rake more players than 16 into a match. The thing that is getting me down is that I have played online for about 6 hours now and I have something like 500xp. I am a big fan of sniping and the scout badge needs 2800xp. Poor show. Also I wish you could change your weapon layout throughout online games!


MANGOD said:
Online is good experienced no lag. I hope the next COD game can rake more players than 16 into a match. The thing that is getting me down is that I have played online for about 6 hours now and I have something like 500xp. I am a big fan of sniping and the scout badge needs 2800xp. Poor show. Also I wish you could change your weapon layout throughout online games!

Select-> R1


Finished the game yesterday, what a ride! :D Took me about seven and a half hours. Graphics are pretty insane. Is it me or do the controls feel "slightly" different from the demo? In the demo, I turned the x-sensitivity up two spaces. But in the final game I actually just left it at default. The story was pretty cool too....
I never expected Visari to bite the bullet at the end! I really thought he would end up getting arrested and then the Helghast would try to stage a rescue. And Garza and Templar. :( From the ending as you see Sev sit down on those stairs with those giant Helghast ships coming in that there's this sort of hopelessness where they are pretty much destined to do this forever. Kinda bleak ending.
. I've also been playing Bodycount pretty much. I think I'm at Master Sargeant? A lot of fun though. :D I haven't run into anyone from GAF yet. I should check the online section....


fps fanatic said:
Finished the game yesterday, what a ride! :D Took me about seven and a half hours. Graphics are pretty insane. Is it me or do the controls feel "slightly" different from the demo? In the demo, I turned the x-sensitivity up two spaces. But in the final game I actually just left it at default. The story was pretty cool too....
I never expected Visari to bite the bullet at the end! I really thought he would end up getting arrested and then the Helghast would try to stage a rescue. And Garza and Templar. :( From the ending as you see Sev sit down on those stairs with those giant Helghast ships coming in that there's this sort of hopelessness where they are pretty much destined to do this forever. Kinda bleak ending.
. I've also been playing Bodycount pretty much. I think I'm at Master Sargeant? A lot of fun though. :D I haven't run into anyone from GAF yet. I should check the online section....

Rico is
a dumb arse for getting rid of their only real bargaining chip.


dhelfric said:
Come on. 1 game is what, 20 minutes?
And if you really need to quit 10 minutes in (because of unforeseen circumstances), well then you will have to suck the loss of 30-50 points up.

The games can be way longer than that.
fps fanatic said:
From the ending as you see Sev sit down on those stairs with those giant Helghast ships coming in that there's this sort of hopelessness where they are pretty much destined to do this forever.

My favorite part. :D Very well handled and got the point across well.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Today at work (Circuit City) one of the other guys brought in their copy of KZ. During my break I played the first two levels on our big display system. I literally had people coming up to me every minute asking what game I was playing. And about half a dozen little kids sat down in front of the tv and watched me play for an hour. The game clearly has an audience it can find. Sony just needs to keep marketing it.

Joke post? Why the fuck are you playing an M-Rated game in front of kids you don't know? Are Circuit City's still open?


So I take it no one's had any audio issues - second time the voice chat has become borked which then goes on to affect the actual game audio (everything becomes a crackly mess). I've never had another game do this so must be something up with KZ.
xerxesiani said:
Do you guys also have that your'e medals and ribbons don't update immediately in the stats page after you quit a game?
Yeah happened to me last night. I freaked out cause I did really good in the match. I shut off the system, went upstairs, logged on to Killzone.com and everything was updated.


Facism said:
Case in point: Pyhrus Rise and the capture point :lol I had 2 turrets up and they got you 3 times :D
God that pissed me off, I'd rush to kill you and dave and after you were gone the stupid turrets would kick my ass. then I realized I could go around :p


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
I tested out the shotgun auto aim online. I don't think it's "broken", but it definitely is good. The thing is, if you miss a shot, you're fucked. And usually there are quite a bit of enemies around you so you are lucky to get more than a couple of kills before you get smoked. I don't really see it becoming a big problem.

Funny enough, if you hold L1 while using the medic revive gun, it locks on to enemies too. :lol
God I can't stress how much a party system is needed for this game. Its really weird and awkward to get into full games with friends

NameGenerated said:
I tested out the shotgun auto aim online. I don't think it's "broken", but it definitely is good. The thing is, if you miss a shot, you're fucked. And usually there are quite a bit of enemies around you so you are lucky to get more than a couple of kills before you get smoked. I don't really see it becoming a big problem.

Funny enough, if you hold L1 while using the medic revive gun, it locks on to enemies too. :lol

What's that for, alt 2? Does R3 still lock on with the default control scheme?
dhelfric said:
Come on. 1 game is what, 20 minutes?
And if you really need to quit 10 minutes in (because of unforeseen circumstances), well then you will have to suck the loss of 30-50 points up.
When I lose 40 points because I get disconnected right before a game ends, yeah it's something they should address. Seriously I've had two games where I got disconnected right before the game ended. We just won the last round and it was only a few more second until they declared our team the winner of the game and I get disconnected. Why the fuck should I lose all my points?
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