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Killzone: Mercenary |OT| No allegiance, no honour, only money

I picked this up at 7:30am this morning at Wal-Mart and after eating breakfast while downloading the 1.2GB patch, I loaded it up by 9:30am.

I played from 9:30am-6:00pm and got up to the 7th mission in SP (of a total of 9 missions) and played about a dozen matches of MP.

Overall I loved the beta so the MP was great. The SP is fantastic as well, great missions, excellent set pieces and everything feels like a full Killzone game, very little makes you feel it isn't.

I have had the same stuttering issues that people have brought up when text comes up like a score or an NPC image as they speak, not sure if this is exclusive to the physical copy?

I find the controls great (I have sensitively cranked to max), and don't use touch for sprinting and weapon switch, and the melee stuff is not a big deal IMO. The touch stuff is not hamfisted or annoying like in Uncharted GA.

Anyone have any pre-order rewards/items/etc codes they want to give away?


Went to download it only to realize my 32gb card only has 1.5gb free. Vita has no games my ass lol. I think i'd rather just delete some games rather than bother unhooking my cable from the dock and installing the manager software. Anyone know if you can just swap memory sticks on the fly? I feel like I remember that being a problem with profiles or something.

No Love

I have had the same stuttering issues that people have brought up when text comes up like a score or an NPC image as they speak, not sure if this is exclusive to the physical copy?

I hope this isn't true or I'll take back my retail copy and use the money on a PSN card to get the digital version. Can anyone confirm please?
Playing on normal and got to my first extra hacking spot for intel. It probably took me a good 20 minutes to get it right. Had three spots and gave you about a minute and twenty five seconds to do it in. Man was that frustrating.


Should get this game either today or tomorrow and can't wait, but I have one question. After playing uncharted I noticed that no matter how fast you pressed the trigger you could only fire once as I guess the RIGHT trigger is digital? So how does that translate to Killzone? Or was it just an Uncharted thing? Can you quick fire?
Just bought this off PSN can't wait!


Oh man, these missions are pretty short. Should started on hard I suppose. Fun times though.

played one match of mp and it was great. Really smooth. My team got the win and then my battery died.


I'm finding the download keeps stopping. Its on the dock (and charger) and the 'stay connected to wifi while sleeping' is checked. any ideas?


Just simply cannot believe this is a Vita game. We need more quality titles like this for the Vita. And I'm not just talking graphics. The gameplay, multiplayer and everything is just solid throughout.
Is it just me or is the download speed on the patch atrocious? My speeds are normally much better than this but it's gone half-way in three hours.


This game is great. Played the first three missions so far on hard. Have yet to take advantage of vanguards in single player (except for at the end of mission three when they give you one), and not sure that I will outside of multiplayer. Stealth in this game is kind of hard- the enemies are super observant, and I have yet to stay stealthy a whole mission. Kinda reminds me of Dishonored.

Also, was finally able to redeem my preorder bonus code.
For those who got the double cash is this a seperate download from the quick cash and gun? I ask because i got the download bug and only see 2 downloads yet when i entered the code there was 3 screens to confirm. The recepit only mentions 2 so im wondering if the breif case includes the double cash along with the initial cash.
This game is absolutely fantastic. Playing through on Veteran for starters. The A.I is really under appreciated. They've been flanking, throwing grenades, suppressing fire and moving quite intelligently from cover to cover. It isn't as snappy as Killzone 2 or 3, but it has been pretty good thus far. I seen some Helghast troopers hop over cover while I'm reloading and quickly move into another piece of cover and then blind fire at me while some other asshole throws a grenade to move out of cover. There are moments of them not quite responding fast enough but that hasn't been as frequent as I was expecting. I'm impressed.

I also haven't been having issues with crouch and sprint on the same button because of the ability to slide. I tend to just press it twice quick when I'm heading toward cover and you'll slide right into it. No issues with standing still and getting into cover either. It works really, really well.

Also, play without the HUD. It is far better than having all the HUD elements take up the screen. I turned everything off and it has been awesome. Really reminds me of playing Killzone 2 and 3 without the HUD. So much better.


Damn, just played a little less than 2 hours. Overall VERY impressed.
I have the retail copy, and only saw one case of stuttering, and that was actually coming back out of a resume. So do not think it is an issue that is isolated to the retail version as I am not really seeing it.
I have to say I am enjoying it a ton as it reminds me of FPS's of old, which is not a bad thing mind you as they are what I grew up with and actually prefer. No frills shooting. It is just fun.

So my one and only question to people who have beaten it already, is there anything at all hidden or anything along those lines? Or is it just really straight forward? So far I have taken my time to go off the beaten path so to speak to see if I could find any collectibles or anything along those lines, and have really not found much of anything. So if I am wasting my time doing this, I can probably get through the missions much faster. TIA

I did order the game from Amazon and swore there was some sort of preorder bonus, but I have not received an email yet. I am wondering if I should hold off on playing for that preorder bonus. If it would be worth it.

I personally plan on playing the SP all the way through before I even touch MP. Hopefully I get it done within the next week (unfortunately I do not have much time to play these days).
How do you access the DLC? I think my Vita downloaded it automatically when I got the game, but I'm not exactly sure what it included. I know there is double XP for 48 hours, but when does it start? How do you get the gun that was included?
How do you access the DLC? I think my Vita downloaded it automatically when I got the game, but I'm not exactly sure what it included. I know there is double XP for 48 hours, but when does it start? How do you get the gun that was included?

as long as you went to the psn store and entered your preorder code, it should have downloaded. It would say in the activity bubble on the top right of your main screen that "download complete" or "ready to install".
is there anything at all hidden or anything along those lines? Or is it just really straight forward? So far I have taken my time to go off the beaten path so to speak to see if I could find any collectibles or anything along those lines, and have really not found much of anything.

All I found off the beaten path were hackable terminals that yielded more intel, mang. That being said, I wasn't super thorough, so there could be more.


This is great. Looks and plays 100% like a console shooter. Even the controls are surprisingly good.

I may attach my third party grips to my Vita, though. Hand is beginning to cramp.


All I found off the beaten path were hackable terminals that yielded more intel, mang. That being said, I wasn't super thorough, so there could be more.
Cool thanks. I also found a hackable console, but thought perhaps I was supposed to, but it was a bitch to hack and I did wind up getting the bronze hacking award when I did it (was mission #2), so perhaps I will keep looking for stuff, but not as thoroughly as I have been. At least not on the first playthrough probably.
For those who got the double cash is this a seperate download from the quick cash and gun? I ask because i got the download bug and only see 2 downloads yet when i entered the code there was 3 screens to confirm. The recepit only mentions 2 so im wondering if the breif case includes the double cash along with the initial cash.

I'm going assume that you meant "Double XP" and not "double cash". But, yeah, I had the same issues as you. Then I thought to check the "Services List" in the Vita PSN store. Sure enough, there is a listing for KZ:M with start & expire times for the Double XP.
Managed to fit in the first mission before heading to bed. Like what I've played so far, and it's definitely leagues ahead of CoD and Resistance on the Vita.
Finished the first mission and played one mp match (i did play closed/open beta). The final product is exactly what i expected. This is the portable FPS we've(I've) been waiting for. i was not expecting it to be this intense. playing with Wireless headphones on, I totally forgott this was going on in my hands. dual analog's FTW. absolutely amazing. k im done. play time.

Add me and let's play!

PSN ID: MaximusPrimus



Got it earlier today. I've played the first mission only so far.

Graphics: imo the graphics are a mixed bag. The environments all look very good no doubt about that, but the actual characters don't seem to be so impressive. Uncharted: Golden Abyss has it beat in that department I'd say, but in terms of everything else, Killzone tops GA graphically. Which is saying a lot since Uncharted looks very good...

Gameplay: Well I'm an FPS noob... The last full fledged FPS title I played was COD Modern Warfare 2 and before that was probably one of the PS2 CODs...... and comparing it to MW2, I'd say it controls just as well as that game. It runs smoothly, and I've noticed no stuttering or drops in framerate yet. I have the physical copy.

Difficulty: Maybe its me, but the AI seems very smart. They're always taking cover and its hard to get a shot sometimes. I died several times already in just the first mission alone on Normal difficulty.

Length? Hard to say but the first mission took me 49 minutes, and according to other Gaffers who've played it, the game clock doesn't record deaths... So it probably took me over an hour to finish the first mission, and I didn't even do any of the extra objectives.

Voice acting: So far so good.

This game is fucking awesome. I'll probably replay the first mission again tonight before going on to the 2nd.

Also, I hope GC patches in Botzone... I'ev got very limited to access to wifi so something like Botzone would be incredible for me.


Really like the game. Went through the first 2 missions in 53 minutes on the second difficulty, died twice (suicide). My only complaint is like all killzone games, your character seems so much shorter than everyone else. It doesn't affect the gameplay, just looks really weird like you're always crouching when near someone.

Oh well. Digging the game. Can't wait to finish the SP then jump on the MP and destroy some people.
Played about an hour of multiplayer, warzone, to be exact, and it is simply glorious. The maps are very well designed, the gunplay is tight, and brother, when you've got a full room of 4v4, it felt as good or better than Killzone 2 multiplayer.

Some highlights of what really made it awesome:

* Countering someone's melee attack, dashing behind and then interrogating them to reveal all enemies on the radar. It isn't quite as visceral and satisfying as chainsawing someone in half with a lancer in Gears of War, but it's close.

* Grabbing a zip-line and zooming across the map while mowing down unsuspecting victims Rambo-style. I don't even know what to say about this. This feature may be more publicized in Shadow Fall, but you can become a zipping agent of death right now on Vita with Killzone Mercenary.

* Running from a Mantis engine, turning around and blasting it in its robotic face with a grenade launcher. I can definitely say some of the vanguards are more powerful than others, but it's oh so much more satisfying when you take one down before it leave you as a bloody stain on the floor.

Yes, the campaign is a bit short for fps veterans who know which way to point a virtual gun, but when you factor in how smooth and fully featured multiplayer is, Killzone Mercenary can be nothing short of a must own title for every Vita owner, and everyone on the fence about getting a Vita.

Throw in a couple of DLC maps in the next few months and I can see myself playing multiplayer for a long, long time.
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