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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I have no idea Bebpo. Zero issues with the last chapter. I disabled upper, the got the gun, then disabled lower, and the final point I was supposed to reach was right there near the lower switch. This is IMO the optimal route, you don't have to kill or alert anyone, and the end point is right close to the bottom switch.

Ch6 stealth was super easy too, I didn't even know you can fail it.

leng jai

I don't either for the life of me. It is actually really crazy. I think it is because GG has tech prowess and it goes all the way back to console wars from the beginning of PS3.

Of course people rightly critique stuff like story they just happen to leave out the fact every other game is either a little better, worse, or the same for the most part.

This game just gets hit hard because it is a big target. Who cares though? The multiplayer in this is second to none and will only get a lot better.

Stop acting like everyone is shitting on the game for the sake of it. Most people agree that the multiplayer is good, great even. It's undeniable that a subset of the player base at least on this forum think the campaign is boring and a mess. Trying something different doesn't necessarily mean it's good or give it a free pass from criticism. Is the first level an example of GG trying something different? If it was it was an epic fail. Any attempt at inducing an emotional response was destroyed by the predictability and poor execution of it all. It doesn't help that the voice actor for the main character is awful.

The campaign is simply boring and lacking cohesion. The pacing is completely screwed too - there's long stretches of the game where you're doing nothing of note. The AI has been given zero improvement and there are no worthwhile set pieces to speak of. Level design is a mess with zero direction - as I said previously without the map marker it would be virtually impossible to find where you're going. I don't even care about the story - it's a given that it was going to be mediocre. The zero gravity sections are tedious and ridiculously dull. Hard to imagine they looked at it and thought that it was acceptable. I haven't even mentioned how asinine the save/checkpoint system is.

Frankly I enjoyed the Vita campaign a lot more and that wasn't your standard run of the mill shooter either.


Ok, on chapter 7 and played a fair amount of multiplayer now. Multiplayer is definitely the better aspect of the game, which sucks for single players like me. Just brings nothing to the table for the next gen which is unlike most games for a new console. Graphics are great but this also works against it, with all the bloom, reflections, volumetric light etc. it makes it bloody hard to spot where everyone is.

Speaking of multiplayer, does ANYONE use the earbud and speak as I have yet to hear anyone? I just want to check whether that is most people's experience or not.

Also, does anyone else have the game get stuck on the picking maps section in multiplayer?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Does every level consist of telling owl to hack alarms I'm gonna get very pissed of with this game if it is
Ok, on chapter 7 and played a fair amount of multiplayer now. Multiplayer is definitely the better aspect of the game, which sucks for single players like me. Just brings nothing to the table for the next gen which is unlike most games for a new console. Graphics are great but this also works against it, with all the bloom, reflections, volumetric light etc. it makes it bloody hard to spot where everyone is.

Speaking of multiplayer, does ANYONE use the earbud and speak as I have yet to hear anyone? I just want to check whether that is most people's experience or not.

Also, does anyone else have the game get stuck on the picking maps section in multiplayer?

You might want to sit down for this.

GG thinks that it is preferable for you to join system wide party chats for multiplayer matches, and thus included NO default in-game chat.


You might want to sit down for this.

GG thinks that it is preferable for you to join system wide party chats for multiplayer matches, and thus included NO default in-game chat.

Ah.... I see... well... damn.

What an odd decision, especially for what I perceive as such a team focused multiplayer game. Which is what I find enjoyable about it, but can't warn others or make strategies or anything.

Thing is the player you met function isn't working so I can't even become friends with killzone players in order to have a party chat. Madness.
Does every level consist of telling owl to hack alarms I'm gonna get very pissed of with this game if it is

No only certain parts have alarm panels, and in some cases you can often just stealth past an area with an alarm station.

Or easiest thing to do is just kill all bad guys before any can get to the alarm to set it off. You dont have to hack then.


Ah.... I see... well... damn.

What an odd decision, especially for what I perceive as such a team focused multiplayer game. Which is what I find enjoyable about it, but can't warn others or make strategies or anything.

Thing is the player you met function isn't working so I can't even become friends with killzone players in order to have a party chat. Madness.

Definitely a weird decision. Its supposedly going to be patched in. I think I might be holding off on playing online until that comes through.


One problem I was having for the first half dozen or so retries was the game wasn't very clear when it said "DISABLE THE CAMERAS" I assumed it meant, "go use spiderbots to disable all the security cameras" :

Same man, took me many attempts. Not very clear.


Stop acting like everyone is shitting on the game for the sake of it. Most people agree that the multiplayer is good, great even. It's undeniable that a subset of the player base at least on this forum think the campaign is boring and a mess. Trying something different doesn't necessarily mean it's good or give it a free pass from criticism. Is the first level an example of GG trying something different? If it was it was an epic fail. Any attempt at inducing an emotional response was destroyed by the predictability and poor execution of it all. It doesn't help that the voice actor for the main character is awful.

The campaign is simply being and lacking cohesion. The pacing is completely screwed too - there's long stretches of the game where you're doing nothing of note. The AI has been given zero improvement and there are no worthwhile set pieces to speak of. Level design is a mess with zero direction - as I said previously without the map marker it would be virtually impossible to find where you're going. I don't even care about the story - it's a given that it was going to be mediocre. The zero gravity sections are tedious and ridiculously dull. Hard to imagine they looked at it and thought that it was acceptable. I haven't even mentioned how asinine the save/checkpoint system is.

Frankly I enjoyed the Vita campaign a lot more and that wasn't your standard run of the mill shooter either.

I actually get a PDZ vibe from the level design of this game. And that game had huge ass markers to fix its completely shitty layout.


So far really enjoying it.

Easier to mention the negatives, so:

I feel the forest has a bit too much fog/ smoke, makes it look too blurry in MP

Lag ( as in I see other players sliding around and dying after 3 seconds of when they should have died, resulting in them killing me...) and the typical inconsistent damage ( sometimes 10 shots kill, other time a whole mag doesn't kill...)

unstable FPS is annoying, makes the game feel too jittery

I just feel the AI in the SP doesn't work well at all with the more open levels they went for, from stealth to how they move around. They seem as tactical as KZ2 and such but the bigger maps seems to confuse them sometimes...

OH yea, and FUCK BOTS, really hate them, worse than KZ2 somehow. At-least in KZ2 you had a chance to get away if they shot at you, they kill you almost instantly here and a few times now I have seen people get high killstreaks from just having them near the spawn points and since they ALSO take a large amount of bullets and grenades to destroy, it gets frustrating.
Thankfully they are less frequent as KZ2.

Still prefer KZ2 approach to classes and such, 3 feels too crammed.
Fuck the turret sequence at the end of chapter 7. All I have to say. Just bad game design. Period. I love the MP and have been playing it mostly but I'm not touching the campaign ever again. I wanted to break my controller for the first time ever while playing a video game
Had my first real go at mutli-player tonight and absolutely love it. Tried to be a medic but people are too happy to just respawn asap not to mention the weapons didn't suit me well.

Still, I'm quite good as assault (who isn't though, eh?) and I'm not a huge fan of online games as a whole really but I love this and will probably sink a lot of time into it.

leng jai

Had my first real go at mutli-player tonight and absolutely love it. Tried to be a medic but people are too happy to just respawn asap not to mention the weapons didn't suit me well.

Still, I'm quite good as assault (who isn't though, eh?) and I'm not a huge fan of online games as a whole really but I love this and will probably sink a lot of time into it.

I find that the game does a poor job of letting you know you're being revived. I've spawned again heaps of times because I didn't actually notice the indictor that someone was trying to res me.
The stealth is BROKEN. I've been on this 3 min section for an hour now, longer than any checkpoint in the entire game. It's incredibly frustrating. I don't shoot, I don't step on any camera areas, I don't bump into people, but randomly people are somehow see through my cloak at some point, usually after I've accomplished all 3 objectives and am heading to the final point area. It's bullshit. There's nothing telling me what I'm doing wrong. I have no idea what guards' scope of vision is while you're cloaked but they keep seeing me no matter which route I take. I've hated every stealth section in the game so far and this is no different. Guerilla can do shooting things but they have no concept of how to make a fun stealth game.

The checkpoint for this section is also fucking awful. I left the sniper rifle to last, immediately got seen through my cloak somehow, died, and ended up RIGHT BACK AT THE FUCKING BEGINNING when you first pop outside. How the fuck do you screw this up, Guerrilla? Why do you not have checkpoints at every objective I'm supposed to do? Fucking pointless.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Ok, started again on the forest level as I felt my first impressions weren't amazing. Actually enjoying it a lot more now that I understand the objectives and gunplay a bit better, and the use of the scan/OWL etc. Just have to be a lot more cautious moving around and more aware of your surroundings. Loving the sound of the 'long range' mode rifle, very Metroid Prime-ish. In some ways the game is reminding me of Halo.

Played a few more levels now
(just past the zero g bit)
and really enjoying it. Kind of liking the change of pace with the non-shooting areas.


I played the first 3 chapters last night, and am so far very impressed. Loved the forest level - and the gunplay is top notch.
But the soundtrack blew me away - so good, and the visuals, well...

I'm not sure why selecting the UP arrow on the d-pad seems so difficult - never once got lost, and enjoyed exploring.


grabbed this for $55. w amazon's $5 code.

played chapter and a little bit of the start and I'm terrible at wayfinding. still, loving the visuals and the fact that it looks so good.

re: the story, I gotta agree its pretty stupid: We decimated your planet because you're horrible people- but we're going to give you half the planet so you guys can be villianous on our planet
STORY SPOILER very early i... is just f**king stupid and terrible.


Hey guys - turn out the multiplayer is AWESOME.

Loved it in KZ2, but never played much of it in 3. It's so nice to get back into. Definitely alleviated the disappointment of the second half of the campaign.
Man, who designed the controls for the beginning of the 8th chapter? Because I'm gonna find him and ... have a severe but respectful disagreement about what constitutes a working control scheme in a video game.


Finished my 2nd play through today. Got all collectibles. Sad that it got dogged by most reviewers because the game is really good. Easily an 8 or higher.

Mp is awesome as well. Haven't played any other game on my PS4 (I have BF4,COD, and Knack)from being hooked on this.


I'd be in the dick
The checkpoint for this section is also fucking awful. I left the sniper rifle to last, immediately got seen through my cloak somehow, died, and ended up RIGHT BACK AT THE FUCKING BEGINNING when you first pop outside. How the fuck do you screw this up, Guerrilla? Why do you not have checkpoints at every objective I'm supposed to do? Fucking pointless.

It takes like a minute to complete that section. A checkpoint after each objective would be massive overkill.


It takes like a minute to complete that section. A checkpoint after each objective would be massive overkill.

Yeah, no offense guys but if you're having that much trouble with the last mission, it's because you're just doing it wrong. When you go to the sniper rifle, you're probably getting spotted by the guard who frequently turns around and faces the vent opening. If you're close enough to a guard and you move quickly (you should crouch for the most effectiveness of your cloak) he will see you.
Fuck the turret sequence at the end of chapter 7. All I have to say. Just bad game design. Period. I love the MP and have been playing it mostly but I'm not touching the campaign ever again. I wanted to break my controller for the first time ever while playing a video game

It's blowing my mind that I did this without knowing a turret existed.


Just finished the game. Really enjoyed the ending. Also, the opera music credits and the explosive wall engraving, amazing.

Barely played the MP yet, but besides a few issues here and there with the campaign, I thought it was thoroughly enjoyable, and did loads of things right.


I just finished the campaign. It was alright but bloody frustrating at times. I don't know whether it's the level design or not but at some points it's near impossible to understand what you're meant to do and where you're meant to go, even after pressing Up to get the objectives. The lack of more frequent checkpoints was also frustating.

There were some great moments though and varied gameplay to keep things interesting. The story flew right over my head in a lot of places unfortunately. I did not understand what the 'weapon' was at all
It was introduced as a virus to kill Hellgans/Vektans but then later on it was activited on the Hellgan planet and it destroyed a bunch of ships (no idea whose ships they were). So it's very confusing. What is it exactly?

Also, the ending:
What the hell? How did Sinclair get there? And why did he want to kill me when I was about to take out Stahl. Killing me makes no sense, especially since we have a father/son relationship. He could have just arrested me/whatever.

Do yeah. There were parts that were pretty fun but the campaign overall left me very confused most of the time.
Also, the ending:
What the hell? How did Sinclair get there? And why did he want to kill me when I was about to take out Stahl. Killing me makes no sense, especially since we have a father/son relationship. He could have just arrested me/whatever.

Sinclair is a racist bastard who outright states that he sees all Helghan people as complicit with Stahl. He sees no difference between Echo and Stahl, and probably thought you were going to join up with the Helghast. However, I have no idea how he got there, and the story's shit even by most game standards, so whatever.


Neo Member
I've played a bit more of the campaign today, after destroying multiplayer mostly for the last two weeks (I'm around a ranking of 300, mostly playing classic warzones).

I wanted to give some thoughts. I played The Doctor and The Patriot today. Both missions were pretty cool and reinforced some of the things that I really like about the game. The sound track is amazing, the atmosphere both graphically and with the in game audio are great. It really shines for me in these areas and the gameplay is solid. However, these levels also reinforce some of my biggest drawbacks with the game. The narrative is very heavy handed and moralistic. It's simply too much. Not to mention the voice acting is just off. I also feel that while there are some EPIC sequences in this game, there is a connection lacking. Both the story and some of the gameplay, specifically your missions, just feel like vingettes as opposed to a game with a more cohesive, overarching narrative. I found this to be the case early in the set up of the game. It's such a fast intro to events that are important. They start it off right by having you play as a kid, but between that and you're first mission... there is too much missing. This is frustrating because they have created an awesome world with a lot of potential but it does come up a bit short in the execution. I'd still say it's a solid 8 or 8.5/10 at this point though (considering multiplayer as well).
Thinking back there isn't a single memorable soundtrack to this game, except the one RIGHT at the end and that's not even original material for Killzone.

Overall a bang average game which benefits from some stunning visuals which are sadly nullified by one of the strangest stories I've ever played along to. Certainly not a flagship title, however it does get the mind wondering what the PS4 will be able to do several years down the line.


Thinking back there isn't a single memorable soundtrack to this game, except the one RIGHT at the end and that's not even original material for Killzone.

Overall a bang average game which benefits from some stunning visuals which are sadly nullified by one of the strangest stories I've ever played along to. Certainly not a flagship title, however it does get the mind wondering what the PS4 will be able to do several years down the line.

What. The Soundtrack is phenomenal. One of the best I've heard in a shooter or game actually. Moody, electronic, gritty, harmonic, instrumental, dark and punchy all rolled in to one.
Didn't work for me, I'm not saying I wanted generic rock, but I never felt like the music queued up well with the action or scenes within the games.


Didn't work for me, I'm not saying I wanted generic rock, but I never felt like the music queued up well with the action or scenes within the games.

Damn man, I loved it so much I want to buy the soundtrack lol. Like some instrumental, harmonic but heavy blade runner esque music or something. That fusion of bass with the flowery instruments followed by the rough drops, really did it for me.

It was quirky but still fit the theme of the world they created.

On a side note, (END GAME SPOILERS)
Sinclair killing you is not the end level. The end level is you playing as Echo assassinating Sinclair, which I thought was a gorgeous level where the use of Cloaking really paid off. Felt like a daylight ninja.


Neo Member
Didn't work for me, I'm not saying I wanted generic rock, but I never felt like the music queued up well with the action or scenes within the games.

Interesting. I completely disagree with you (but that's fine). I think you are in the minority on this one to be honest. As the other poster mentioned, all of those qualities got me hooked.
Yeah, it's a shame there weren't more levels like
Chapter 10.
Such a small level, but all the mechanics within the level and structure worked well. It's been fun reading different people's experiences... and their emotional reaction haha

Interesting. I completely disagree with you (but that's fine). I think you are in the minority on this one to be honest. As the other poster mentioned, all of those qualities got me hooked.

The ambience side is nice and different, and I totally understand the nod to Blade Runner. However, when the action picked up nothing seemed to change, so the music seemed out of place.
I don't remember the dialogue or story in any of the killzone games, as they are all pretty bad. What I remember is fun gun fights. I don't remember many fun fights here.

In this killzone it feels like 80% of the time Im sneaking around or doing something else than shooting shit. Other 20% spamming owl turrets and shields. Guns are also a drag. Not that I remember many older killzone guns, but these guns are completely forgettable.

One thing I do like is their attempts to change it up. In chapter 7 now, and every new chapter had something new. Just needed to spend some time making exploration and combat more fun

You do realize that stealth is purely optional for majority of the game? See lot of folks complaining about having so much stealth slowing the pace down, when it could just be skipped.


I am doing another play-through on normal this time ( Completed on hard) to see if my opinion changes. Maybe playing this game on hard exacerbates the flaws and issues.

if the entire game was like chapter 4 and 5 it would be one of my favourite first person shooters.


I am doing another play-through on normal this time ( Completed on hard) to see if my opinion changes. Maybe playing this game on hard exacerbates the flaws and issues.

if the entire game was like chapter 4 and 5 it would be one of my favourite first person shooters.
Do that! Once you get a feel for the game,it becomes a much better game. Use everything including the health packs, have fun with it. Also look around and stop looking for the markers.


I wanted to note that the ai have different stages. In the begining the ai doesnt have the training and are easy to kill, like worker ants. Play around with it.
I'm now on chapter 6 and thus far i liked every chapter gameplaywise. I do think the game tries to do too many things in one game though.
With graphics improving sooo much i also think some other things stand out more. Animations, voice acting, destructibility, awkward long silences between conversations or conversations that ended, physics and ai really need to improve. But i guess they allready did a lot in the time they were given.

I wish the Helghast talked German though (the entire game should be in european languages). In general i think they should embrace their european roots more. Get Rutger hauer as a bad guy! And focus on european cinema instead of american cinema.
The one thing that annoyed me most in Killzone (and Battlefield 4) is that it's next-gen now, and yet tarp, cloth, vinyal covering doorways or crawlspaces still behave like the world's most impassable material.


Up to Chapter 9 now as of last night, much happier with the SP campaign after chapter 3 soured me with its terrible level design (which is a shame as I loved the idea of the level).

The signposting is still off in some of the levels but nowhere near as badly as in the first 3 chapters, so I can forgive it.

Also, no wonder the Helghast are pissed, seems the ISA gave them the side of the planet with the crap weather. I could believe that the weather on Helghan was bad as it was a different planet, but I find the differences in weather systems on Vekta pretty hilarious (though stylistically necessary)
So I am going through the campaign again right now and this is the first time on my new tv(ST60) I have to say that the IQ gives it the graphical crown. It edges past Ryse for me.


I really want another PS4 game that I can't get for my PC (ruling BF4 out), but I really didn't like Killzone 2 as I found it too clunky. I know most of my hangups with modern FPS' are still here (2 weapons, regen health ugh), but this is still calling to me somehow.

Feel this is going to be an expensive mistake if I get it... But I want it so...


Been playing the SP since Friday and it's awesome!

Might be the best shooter campaign I played in years, so much fun.

What. The Soundtrack is phenomenal. One of the best I've heard in a shooter or game actually. Moody, electronic, gritty, harmonic, instrumental, dark and punchy all rolled in to one.

Definitely, love the soundtrack!


Finished the campaign yesterday on hard and yeah it was pretty mediocre. I didn't think the infamous freefalling sections were frustrating at all, passed both of those on my first try even though the controls were kinda crappy. It was the robots in Ch. 8 that were annoying as fuck.

I think the SP campaign would have been way more interesting if it were an espionage game where you would have played the Echo character. I really don't get why GG just doesn't make a Helghast campaing, everybody wants it but they just keep shoving VSA shit down our throats.

Thank god the multiplayer is godly though, if you would have to choose between Ghosts and Shadow Fall, i'd say definitely go for SF, it's just better in every way.

And oh yeah, the OST was lovely too, still waiting for that to be released.. Love me some Lorn.
The story, characterization, script etc. were minimalist and served only as a loose backdrop; it was basically: "here bad guy, go get bad guy". As someone who rarely cares about story in an FPS, it was refreshing. It didn't try to woo me with some half-baked Hollywood wannabe budget tier script with cut-scenes every few seconds (looking at you KZ3). With KZ2, I showed up for the shooting and left satisfied. Enemy AI and encounter design were great and provided a damn good challenge on veteran and elite; kept me on my toes from beginning to end.

KZ2 had a turret sequence among other things that were considered superfluous.

KZ2 had plenty of terrible hollywood-esque action sequences. I am starting to wonder when the last time you guys played KZ2 was.

Also, the guns in this game are second to none in multiplayer if you ask me.

Stop acting like everyone is shitting on the game for the sake of it. Most people agree that the multiplayer is good, great even. It's undeniable that a subset of the player base at least on this forum think the campaign is boring and a mess. Trying something different doesn't necessarily mean it's good or give it a free pass from criticism. Is the first level an example of GG trying something different? If it was it was an epic fail. Any attempt at inducing an emotional response was destroyed by the predictability and poor execution of it all. It doesn't help that the voice actor for the main character is awful.

The campaign is simply boring and lacking cohesion. The pacing is completely screwed too - there's long stretches of the game where you're doing nothing of note. The AI has been given zero improvement and there are no worthwhile set pieces to speak of. Level design is a mess with zero direction - as I said previously without the map marker it would be virtually impossible to find where you're going. I don't even care about the story - it's a given that it was going to be mediocre. The zero gravity sections are tedious and ridiculously dull. Hard to imagine they looked at it and thought that it was acceptable. I haven't even mentioned how asinine the save/checkpoint system is.

Frankly I enjoyed the Vita campaign a lot more and that wasn't your standard run of the mill shooter either.

I'm entitled to my opinion. I don't have to agree with people here. This isn't a hive mind. And the fact is some of these posts are highly questionable and filled with tones of nostalgia about a game they are overrating significantly. If people didn't mention KZ2 so much maybe I wouldn't have quite the problem.

If KZ2 is how people are judging top campaigns then people are wearing some whack rose glasses. KZ2's campaign had terrible acting, terrible script, and it isn't even debateable for one second. It was abysmal in every regard. I just replayed the game. If people think that is an excellent campaign like I said all the power to them but I don't feel much different about any of the KZ campaigns. Do you really want me to go get KZ2 story sequences to show you how bad they are? LOL, some of them are pretty damn bad.

I know this is a launch game that probably had 3 or 4 months chopped of it. Things here don't bother me that bother other people. And I'm not alone. I run into problems with near every game I play at some point. It's nothing new to me so these things don't really stick out for me. To each their own I guess. But I am not going to act like every contribution on this page is a legitimate criticism. There is more than one drive-by trolling in this thread.

And jesus can we stop about zero gravity? They just fixed that. Didn't they? The save stuff and no chat I can fully agree with. If I somehow didn't like multiplayer I would have smartly never paid 60 dollars for this game. For me it was pretty easy to predict multi was going to be decent so I had no problem paying. The campaign so far for me is enjoyable. Haven't played a campaign in years that was worth more than 30 bucks.


It's undeniable that a subset of the player base at least on this forum think the campaign is boring and a mess. Trying something different doesn't necessarily mean it's good or give it a free pass from criticism. Is the first level an example of GG trying something different? If it was it was an epic fail. Any attempt at inducing an emotional response was destroyed by the predictability and poor execution of it all. It doesn't help that the voice actor for the main character is awful.

The campaign is simply boring and lacking cohesion. The pacing is completely screwed too - there's long stretches of the game where you're doing nothing of note. The AI has been given zero improvement and there are no worthwhile set pieces to speak of. Level design is a mess with zero direction - as I said previously without the map marker it would be virtually impossible to find where you're going. I don't even care about the story - it's a given that it was going to be mediocre. The zero gravity sections are tedious and ridiculously dull. Hard to imagine they looked at it and thought that it was acceptable. I haven't even mentioned how asinine the save/checkpoint system is.

that being said...i enjoyed it.
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