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Killzone update...

"n the newest OPS2m UK released TODAY they mention, well there's a whole interview on four testers who played the game with a little article on the rag doll physics of the game saying that "the lifeless body will now neatly drape over railings, slump against a wall or be thrown off its feet by a grenade and land with its limbs rolling around like a (wait for it) rag doll"."

source http://boards.ign.com/PS2_General_Board/b5023/64989540/?16

3 old clips (the lader climping looks awesome, all FPS should do it like that)


Mistaken iRobbery!
or be thrown off its feet by a grenade and land with its limbs rolling around like a (wait for it) rag doll
Finally! That was my pet peeve with the game with all the videos I saw of Killzone along with the demo at E3 I played. No longer will the enemy just fall to his knees when a grenade round is shot at him.
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