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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!


Okay, I just watched the Gawker segment on C&GL.

I think the 25 minutes they spent on it was completely reasonable. Sure, a couple points were repeated a few times, but they were points worth repeating. Something important like that that is pertinent to the KF audience and C&GL itself shouldn't be glossed over just because "let's get to the games". It's a discussion that needed to happen, and like I said before, sometimes discussions retread old ground.


Dirty Dan Ryckert on Friday!

Need more Clements please.


Their Let's Plays are still just too short to offer any real substance. Simply can't get invested in any of them. They need to stream more on Twitch.

N° 2048

As far as I know from the very beginning they said that they are archiving everything to a private YouTube account. They just have not given the links out.


As far as I know from the very beginning they said that they are archiving everything to a private YouTube account. They just have not given the links out.

Yeah I know, that's still incredibly dumb though. Are they saving those videos for some unknown Patreon tier or something?

N° 2048

Yeah I know, that's still incredibly dumb though. Are they saving those videos for some unknown Patreon tier or something?

Maybe haha

I was so upset at the $15 dollar C&G YouTube link tier. It's probably the only thing they've done that felt a little errr greedy.


Neo Member
Yeah, I get that they're a startup, but that's fucking expensive.

Hey all. Just coming in to address this, because I think there might be a misconception about that $15 tier, as well as what you get when you subscribe at that level.

The $15 KFG Patreon tier gets you ~20 episodes of C&GL a month, 4-5 early podcasts a month in audio and video, the monthly exclusive podcast in audio and video, and the monthly Q&A. That's roughly... *does crude math in head* ...40-42 hours of content a month.

Most importantly, all of that content -- with the exception of the monthly exclusive -- is available completely free of charge if you want to use Twitch archives (for C&GL) or wait a week (for the podcasts on YouTube and podcast services). As we always say, we appreciate folks' support on Patreon, and it's essential to the health of our business, but it is never a prerequisite to enjoy our content. That, to me, is the antithesis of "greed."

Hope that clears things up, or at least gives you a little perspective on the pricing.

I hope all is well! Take care, -Colin


Neo Member
I should also address these, since I'm here. =D

Their Let's Plays are still just too short to offer any real substance. Simply can't get invested in any of them. They need to stream more on Twitch.

We're trying to strike a balance with our LPs. We spend a lot of time trying to secure games for these LPs, and we have heard complaints that they're too short, so we've made them longer (I'd say we've increased time maybe 50%, but that's anecdotal). We typically don't revisit games or play them for hours, however, because of a few reasons:

1.) We see our statistics, and know that people don't necessarily hang around past a certain time in numbers necessary to use more production time to lengthen LPs.

2.) Without fail, a second, third, or fourth video of a game we've already played performs poorer than the first, sometimes significantly. A good example of this is the NHL '94 tournament, which I was positive would have done universally great, yet the first video did awesome, the second video did meh, and the third video, I believe, is our lowest-watched LP overall.

3.) Because there are only five of us, and we make so much content, we really only have 4-6 hours a week to set-up and produce our Let's Plays before we have to hand them off to Kevin to be edited. To help facilitate easier production, we invested in a green screen so that we don't have to break down the set and bring everything into the living room, which I think will result in longer LPs ultimately, but we're still figuring everything out.

We'd love to refine our LP product -- and we will as time goes on, because we're in total agreement that they're far from perfect -- but I hope that gives you a little insight into our thinking. The same goes for Twitch streaming. We're on Twitch every day with a very, very popular show, but we're simply not able to stream games in the afternoons or evenings with any regularity simply because there aren't enough hours in the day. We are stretched thin! But at least there's Colin & Greg Live each day that you can count on. =D

They haven't no, Colin did all the mega man games a while back and I'm shocked they haven't put it on YT considering Twitch has deleted it now.

We've saved everything we've done on Twitch, except I think Greg's TWD marathon, to YouTube. We were going to split up the Mega Man stream into LPs, but I figure I'll just play through all of the games in their entirety again as solo LPs around when the Legacy Collection launches.
Viewers dropping off is endemic to the Let's Play community. People who don't make it to the second and third video generally didn't enjoy the first one either, but had just had their curiosity piqued by the YouTube thumbnail or the prestige of the game in question.

Some Let's Players (and Twitch broadcasters) can get by on their name alone. The people are mostly there for the host, not the game. That's an incredible thing for those people, but I don't think Kinda Funny could ever be that, in a good way. If you just want to hear Colin, Greg and the gang's commentary, there are a dozen hours of that content produced each week besides the Let's Plays, so it's a more direct source.

That said, there's a strong connotation in this segment that a Let's Play will be an attempt to play the whole game. It might be worth it for Kinda Funny to consider rebranding their LPs into something akin to Total Biscuit's WTF Is? series so that the intentions are clearer.


Thanks for taking the time to reply Colin.
I see all the reasons behind not making longer LP's make sense for you guys then, it's a shame but it is what it is. I guess I'm just used to Let's Players going for longer.
Still, I will continue to enjoy C&G Live and the podcasts :) also very much looking forward to more Mega Man!
I should also address these, since I'm here. =D

We're trying to strike a balance with our LPs. We spend a lot of time trying to secure games for these LPs, and we have heard complaints that they're too short, so we've made them longer (I'd say we've increased time maybe 50%, but that's anecdotal). We typically don't revisit games or play them for hours, however, because of a few reasons:

1.) We see our statistics, and know that people don't necessarily hang around past a certain time in numbers necessary to use more production time to lengthen LPs.

2.) Without fail, a second, third, or fourth video of a game we've already played performs poorer than the first, sometimes significantly. A good example of this is the NHL '94 tournament, which I was positive would have done universally great, yet the first video did awesome, the second video did meh, and the third video, I believe, is our lowest-watched LP overall.

Also, I hope you guys do a Quiplash Let's Play. All four of you can play and if you stream it the audience can also participate by voting as well. I would love to see what Nick's dirty mind can come up with as answers.
3.) Because there are only five of us, and we make so much content, we really only have 4-6 hours a week to set-up and produce our Let's Plays before we have to hand them off to Kevin to be edited. To help facilitate easier production, we invested in a green screen so that we don't have to break down the set and bring everything into the living room, which I think will result in longer LPs ultimately, but we're still figuring everything out.

We'd love to refine our LP product -- and we will as time goes on, because we're in total agreement that they're far from perfect -- but I hope that gives you a little insight into our thinking. The same goes for Twitch streaming. We're on Twitch every day with a very, very popular show, but we're simply not able to stream games in the afternoons or evenings with any regularity simply because there aren't enough hours in the day. We are stretched thin! But at least there's Colin & Greg Live each day that you can count on. =D

We've saved everything we've done on Twitch, except I think Greg's TWD marathon, to YouTube. We were going to split up the Mega Man stream into LPs, but I figure I'll just play through all of the games in their entirety again as solo LPs around when the Legacy Collection launches.

I know you guys have a drop off of viewership with when you do multiple let's play of the same game, but I really, really would love to see Tim's full playthrough of the Uncharted 2 and 3 remasters (is he also doing 1?), especially since he's playing those two games for the first time ever. Having Nick there would make it even sweeter.

I also hope you guys do a Let's Play of Quiplash, maybe as a livestream, because it has an audience mode where viewers can vote for their favorite answers.
Doubt they could afford it even if they wanted to.

It would be interesting to see if having her on board would bring in more female viewers, though. I remember when they did the Patreon survey that Colin said he knew their audience was overwhelmingly male, but he was surprised at how small their female audience was...3% maybe? Hopefully I'm remembering that figure correctly. Also, based on the anecdotes that Greg and Colin have shared, it sounds like Kristine also plays a lot more on PC with a larger focus on RPGs, MOBAs, etc...stuff that the KF Crew doesn't focus too much on. She could be similar to the way Alfredo comes in and talks first-person shooters.

I love the KF content but, even as a 29 year old guy, I always love the episodes where Andrea Rene or Alexa Ray Corriea come on and share their perspective. We read and see so much about how hard the internet can be for women and it's nice to get the female perspective in an environment that's pretty open-minded and welcoming. It would be neat to see what kind of dynamic a full-time female presence would have on their content!


It would be interesting to see if having her on board would bring in more female viewers, though. I remember when they did the Patreon survey that Colin said he knew their audience was overwhelmingly male, but he was surprised at how small their female audience was...3% maybe? Hopefully I'm remembering that figure correctly. Also, based on the anecdotes that Greg and Colin have shared, it sounds like Kristine also plays a lot more on PC with a larger focus on RPGs, MOBAs, etc...stuff that the KF Crew doesn't focus too much on. She could be similar to the way Alfredo comes in and talks first-person shooters.

I love the KF content but, even as a 29 year old guy, I always love the episodes where Andrea Rene or Alexa Ray Corriea come on and share their perspective. We read and see so much about how hard the internet can be for women and it's nice to get the female perspective in an environment that's pretty open-minded and welcoming. It would be neat to see what kind of dynamic a full-time female presence would have on their content!

Oh yeah for sure, as a Giant Bomb fan I know the feeling! I'm just saying that even with 50k a month from Patreon, 6 full time eployees sound unrealistic. They probably need to get bigger before they can hire someone else full time, I already think 5 people sound like a lot from what they're getting in Patreon money.


Oh yeah for sure, as a Giant Bomb fan I know the feeling! I'm just saying that even with 50k a month from Patreon, 6 full time eployees sound unrealistic. They probably need to get bigger before they can hire someone else full time, I already think 5 people sound like a lot from what they're getting in Patreon money.
I actually think they are 6 people if you count the CTO. I'm not sure if he is full time or not.
Oh yeah for sure, as a Giant Bomb fan I know the feeling! I'm just saying that even with 50k a month from Patreon, 6 full time eployees sound unrealistic. They probably need to get bigger before they can hire someone else full time, I already think 5 people sound like a lot from what they're getting in Patreon money.

Yeah, and they're bringing on new things like the animated series where - and I'm assuming this - they're paying pandamusk and Colin's brother for their contributions.

Sometimes it's easy to think that 10 videos a week per channel isn't a lot, but when you think about the amount of content that they're producing (as Colin highlighted above), it's pretty amazing that it's only a five person company!
I can't speak for their specific situation, but the fact that Greg and Kristine are partners complicates the whole thing when it comes to the idea of her joining the Kinda Funny crew.

Working with a significant other can be a very risky endeavour, especially in a job like this where you are self employed and money is not guaranteed. No matter how nice people are or how well managed it is, there will always be tension at times and problems that crop up.

That's not to say it can't work - but many people like the separation of personal and professional life.


I know Colin and Greg sometimes pop into this thread so I hope they see this. On the KindaFunnyGames Youtube channel, in your featured channels tab there's no link to the KindaFunny Youtube. I know some people who first come across your content there would be interested in your other channel so it'd probably be a good idea to link that across.
Colin, if you see this, here is a sales chart you wanted to see. Cross-posted from the Q1 thread. Created by NeoGAF user ZhugeEX.


Absolutely crazy to see the PS4 almost keeping pace with the Wii. The Wii's appeal made sense in that ton's of non-gamers had an interest in it. Why is the PS4 nearly as popular two years into it's life-cycle?


Absolutely crazy to see the PS4 almost keeping pace with the Wii. The Wii's appeal made sense in that ton's of non-gamers had an interest in it. Why is the PS4 nearly as popular two years into it's life-cycle?

People were hungry for new consoles after the last console generation lasted so long. The really crazy part of the Wii was for how long it sold like that, so it remains to be seen if the PS4 can keep up there.
People were hungry for new consoles after the last console generation lasted so long. The really crazy part of the Wii was for how long it sold like that, so it remains to be seen if the PS4 can keep up there.

The thing that is crazy to me, even though I knew it at the time, is how the PS3 actually did much better than the 360. Had they launched at the same time, PS3 would probably not have had the negative press it did early on. Sure, it would've still been expensive compared to the 360, but 3rd party devs wouldn't have had a full year of learning the 360 exclusively. Man those early PS3 ports were ROUGH. Put it this way, imagine what PS4 vs. XB1 would've been if PS4 launched a whole year earlier with MS still going full steam ahead with their initial vision of the console (and price point). Poor Wii U, though. Launching a whole year in advance did little for them. PS4 passed it within months. XB1 should have passed it by now.

Also, it looks as if the XB1 is about to fall behind the pace of the PS3 (soon) and possibly 360. I don't think MS wants to do another price cut (not yet, at least). They have to hope their holiday lineup is the enticement for new consumers.

ZhugeEX also did a follow up chart that takes into account Sony's projected shipping numbers (38 million PS4s shipped by March 31st).



I really hope Colin talks about The Vanishing of Ethan Carter when he finishes it. I'd be very interested to hear his thoughts on it.


Trank was never the director of Rogue One. Get your shit together EW.

Could you imagine if their interview/podcast revived the Columbo reboot?? It'd be like Borderlands 2 Vita all over again.
Trank was never the director of Rogue One. Get your shit together EW.

Could you imagine if their interview/podcast revived the Columbo reboot?? It'd be like Borderlands 2 Vita all over again.

Although with a chance to reach a much bigger audience. EW is huge.
Why are we spoil tagging things?


Well, Colin's playing Persona 4 Golden.

I hope he enjoys it (and finishes it!) as it's one of my top gaming experiences of all time.


Well, Colin's playing Persona 4 Golden.

I hope he enjoys it (and finishes it!) as it's one of my top gaming experiences of all time.

Ah, wait, he hasn't played this before? Also one of my favorite games of all time, I thought he'd already played it. Maybe he's just played the original game and I'm mistaken.


Ah, wait, he hasn't played this before? Also one of my favorite games of all time, I thought he'd already played it. Maybe he's just played the original game and I'm mistaken.

He hasn't played any version. Greg has, but Colin's avoided it until now.
Has anyone listened to this idiot Crapgamer and his idiot friends on youtube? My brother directed me towards Crapgamer's post-Gamescom video, specifically to the moment when this guy who calls himself "Mooch" threatens physical violence against Greg. And his buddies laugh. The entire video itself is nonsensical, but as someone who's followed Greg since Podcast Beyond day one, I'm actually legit infuriated by this. Who the hell are these douchebags?
Has anyone listened to this idiot Crapgamer and his idiot friends on youtube? My brother directed me towards Crapgamer's post-Gamescom video, specifically to the moment when this guy who calls himself "Mooch" threatens physical violence against Greg. And his buddies laugh. The entire video itself is nonsensical, but as someone who's followed Greg since Podcast Beyond day one, I'm actually legit infuriated by this. Who the hell are these douchebags?

Never heard of them until just now. Started listening to one of their podcasts. Talking out of their asses. They lost me when they started talking about Sony posting an $800 Million loss a couple years back and ridiculing them for missing their forecast by that much..."You can miss by like...20 DOLLARS. You can't be missing by EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION!"

If you don't understand how businesses work, how financial forecasting works, or how currency exchange rates affect an international company's bottom line, don't talk business.

Real favorite part...dude says Sony lies about release dates and that Horizon isn't coming out until "Spring 2018...at the EARLIEST." Okay.


Neo Member
Has anyone listened to this idiot Crapgamer and his idiot friends on youtube? My brother directed me towards Crapgamer's post-Gamescom video, specifically to the moment when this guy who calls himself "Mooch" threatens physical violence against Greg. And his buddies laugh. The entire video itself is nonsensical, but as someone who's followed Greg since Podcast Beyond day one, I'm actually legit infuriated by this. Who the hell are these douchebags?

Like you, all I have to say to this is "who?"

We do our best not to dwell in the negative, or give it much attention, when we have so much positivity surrounding us, and such a positive community. Let's focus on that. People are allowed to hate us for reasons of their choosing; that's fine. We'll continue doing what we're doing anyway. =D

(But thank you for caring.)


Neo Member
Oh man, he's gonna love it.

So far, so good. I'm only two hours in, a little more, so I've done very little. That said, I'm feeling everything about it so far. The cast, the writing, the voice acting, the setting, the story... and what shades of gameplay I've experienced so far I've enjoyed, as well.

After my experience with Final Fantasy X, I'm desperate for a palate cleanser, and I hope this is it.
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