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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!

A small group of vocal folks need to understand: I don't owe anyone a single explanation, about anything. I say how I feel and what I think, unabashedly and honestly. That's my explanation. If people don't like that, that's there prerogative, and I don't begrudge them that. But I'm not about to argue with random people or justify what I say to folks on a message board because they have a different opinion than me. Just not going to happen. If people want to obsess over what I/we say, or not understand that sometimes we have to give our gut reactions to things, and that sometimes we will be wrong, and other times we will change our minds, then so be it. I promise you if someone followed you around and recorded you for the... what is it, now... 12 hours a week I talk into a microphone, you'd figure out pretty quickly what I mean. But that's pretty much no one's reality, so I accept that it's sometimes hard to think from the other side.

On that note, people need to stop taking everything everyone says so seriously, as if we're discussing life and death, and not VIDEO GAMES. We all love them. We all have a passion for them. Some people have X opinions. Some people have Y opinions. Others even have Z opinions. That's all good to me. Wish others would take note.

I've been doing this far longer than most, with the same co-pilot for many years, with amazing access that I try to share with my audience, and with insight that I think is valuable, as someone who has been playing games daily for nearly three decades. You may not agree with me, you may not agree with how I say things, you may not even like me. That's fine. It doesn't change a fundamental fact: you can count on me telling you the truth, exactly how I feel, with no glossy finish over it. That's all I owe you, and I give THAT my all, each and every day. Everything else is irrelevant to me, including if people like what I'm saying them. If that was the barometer by which I measured myself and my output, I'd frankly be ashamed of myself.

Thankfully, we have a ton of viewers, listeners, and fans, and 99% of them understand that. The most vocal "haters" we get aren't even people that listen to our stuff or support us or care about us, so I'm not going to lose much sleep if some people are mad at me because I don't carry Sony's water. If people want a podcast that oozes over everything Sony does, and loves every video game that comes down the pipe, and thinks gaming is just a ton of fun all of the time, no matter what, I'm sure there are plenty of podcasts out there that do just that. I don't know why you'd want to listen to that, but hey, different strokes for different folks. I happen to take pride in realism and honesty. Many of you have been listening to me for many years, now, and I hope you know that about me. I wear it on my sleeve.

I'm 31 years old. I started writing about games professionally at 18, when I was a freshman in college. I joined a PlayStation podcast in 2009, and have been doing it pretty much weekly since then, helping to build one podcast into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, then the other one into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, and both of them into the top echelon of most-listened to video game podcasts of any kind in the entire world. Needless to say, I'm not going to change my approach now. Not an inch.

I'm proud of what I've helped built, I'm proud of my reputation as a straight-shooter (and curmudgeon), I'm proud of the contacts and sources I've developed over the years, and I'm proud that we have such a hardcore following based on trust and entertainment. They go hand-in-hand.

I hope you are all well. Your continued love and support is appreciated, and doesn't go unnoticed. -Colin

Thanks you for coming here and engaging with Neo-gaf, I personally just looked through the PSILY thread and the hatered is really unreasonable and certainly for some reason aimed at you only really. It was clear the vast majority of the people don't consume a lot of your content if any on a regular basis. While I vehemently disagree with you on a lot of political things, I always respect how you came to the conclusion, how respectfully you express it and your openness to be swayed by facts, this is something I really love about you and think is really rare. Thank you for the 12 hours a week a look forward to it all, keep up the good work.
Last Guardian delayed till December... Gimme dat PSILY XOXO

First up is Colin and Greg Live though. Good thing the news hit today and not tomorrow because Tuesday through Thursday there is no Colin and Greg Live due to them being at that Gamespot Expo thing. I'm surprised Colin hasn't tweeted anything about the delay yet.
First up is Colin and Greg Live though. Good thing the news hit today and not tomorrow because Tuesday through Thursday there is no Colin and Greg Live due to them being at that Gamespot Expo thing. I'm surprised Colin hasn't tweeted anything about the delay yet.

Yep and recore getting some really bad reviews #ColinWasRight should be a good episode of Colin and Nick live tonight, (Greg/Tim are already in LA)
The whole love series on Kinda Funny always strike me as lame. Is it a running joke? I've never clicked on it. Seems like a good way to have them be taken less serious and more click baity.


Why does he wear the mask!?
The whole love series on Kinda Funny always strike me as lame. Is it a running joke? I've never clicked on it. Seems like a good way to have them be taken less serious and more click baity.

That's Tim & Nick's show. It seems to do alright, doesn't interest me though.


The whole love series on Kinda Funny always strike me as lame. Is it a running joke? I've never clicked on it. Seems like a good way to have them be taken less serious and more click baity.
Everytime I open my subscription feed on youtube and see the thumbnail, I almost unsubscribe from their channel. It's annoying. I open youtube from work or in front of people and to see that thumbnail there is jarring and it's not something I want to subscribe for.
Everytime I open my subscription feed on youtube and see the thumbnail, I almost unsubscribe from their channel. It's annoying. I open youtube from work or in front of people and to see that thumbnail there is jarring and it's not something I want to subscribe for.

Exactly the same situation. I go on Youtube often while working in spreadsheets and I hate having to watch my back when I'm on there because of that thumbnail and others like it. I unsubbed from people before for this crap. Can they save the thumbnails for the Friday show or just have text? It's midday Monday.


Well that PS I Love You thread drove Colin off GAF :(

Yeah I just read his post :(. I don't get why people are so emotional about this whole PS4 Pro stuff on both sides of the argument and it's not just in that thread but every thread about Pro.

I hope Colin stick around the community thread at least.


Yeah I just read his post :(. I don't get why people are so emotional about this whole PS4 Pro stuff on both sides of the argument and it's not just in that thread but every thread about Pro.

I hope Colin stick around the community thread at least.
I'm curious about that as well. It's a hardware revision with some extra juice and there are people willing to die in battle for or against it. It isn't even that big of a deal. Brand loyalty/console war stuff? It gets fuckin nuts.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Shame the PS I Love You thread has been completely ruined and Colin's been driven from GAF

Surprised a mod hasn't stepped in
The thing that sort of frustrates me is Colin is hardly the only media person not on board with PS4 Pro. It seems to be a general thing around video game media. Even Giant Bomb yesterday wasn't really feeling it. And Jeff Gerstmann, the day before that called it an unforced error on Sony's part (the same phrase Colin uses). Sure, perhaps Colin is not responding to the criticism post by post. And yeah many of them are well worded responses (ones that perhaps Colin could have responded to and maybe should have), but many of them are flat out aggressive and insulting. Someone even brought Ayn Rand into the argument. I don't blame Colin for not wanting to deal with that head-on and dig through the muck to find the respectful posts. Some people are accusing him of being someone stubborn that never changes viewpoints. Anyone that's followed Colin since he joined IGN knows that is absolutely false. And if Colin ends up being right about aspects of his argument, I don't think many of those posters will acknowledge it (others will, probably). By that point though, there will be something else happening that people are going to give Colin grief about. It's the life of an internet celebrity, I suppose. I do hope though, when Kinda Funny (if ever) expands, they hire a tech guy (and maybe also an XBOX guy so all three consoles are covered).


That PSILY thread is ridiculous. Some conversations and points to be made, but a lot of stuff that is completely unnecessary.


Giant bomb and Jeff Gerstmann pretty much said what Colin said but in a more calming tone lol. "who is this for?"

But nobody is demanding Jeff come on GAF and defend his opinions.


Yeah, Colin seems really sensitive. I didn't see anyone being too rude or mean, I don't know why he refuses to engage with his viewers/listeners unless they're blindly agreeing with everything he says.

Probably got too overwhelmed with the flood of responses he got when he posted


Today's topic is pretty great. Nick and Tim especially had great points about (art) movies. Colin's part irritated me a bit, especially when he said market capitalism would be a great indicator if art is art. He said it a bit under his breath and he added that mc could be also a good indicator whether art is valuable - which is true in a commercial sense - but that's an awful outlook in my opinion and I'm not even sure what that means to begin with.

As I promised one user I would never visit the PS I love you-thread again lol :D, but just to add - since the discussion was brought up here - I have no problem with Colin not liking the Pro, I'm not feeling it myself. I think a bit of the tension arose, though, because his bit on "Why we care about the tech if games stay the same" was certainly muddled and not coherent, especially in regards to the discussion at hand - hardware, not software. Bummer that neither side (or parts of either side) couldn't handle a more mature discussion about it, but these "discussions" with media people is always lopsided. I get frustrated on a regular basis of not being able to sit at a podcast table and speak some sense (if I would be actually right is another matter :D), but that's just how it is.


The problem with using the market to judge art's quality is that people are stupid and sometimes won't know good art if it stares them in the face. And besides that, some art can not and should not be able to be widely digestable. It's like assuming every math class should be Math 101. There are more advanced and nuanced topics that only work for people who think a certain way that may be just as (or more) profound or beautiful than art with mass appeal.

That's why old-school patronage was cool. We got stuff from Michelangelo and Da Vinci that we never would've seen if they had been forced to make whatever the street artists of their day were making.

With all that being said, there is something to the notion of "if your art is bad, it is going to fail" that seems fair. The answer is probably not in either extreme.


With all that being said, there is something to the notion of "if your art is bad, it is going to fail" that seems fair. The answer is probably not in either extreme.
Ten different answers I had written down, posted and edited, but this is too much for me right now. :D

Art, heh.
Really enjoyed the stream yesterday, but was really really weird seeing them do the old IGN style stuff and ask the stock questions etc. was a flashback lol will catch up on the rest of the stream tonight.


Jeez, people need to get off of Colin's dick about the PS4 Pro. Man has an opinion, I agree with most of what he said about PS4 Pro, IMO with PS4 being the more powerful console doesn't need to have an upgrade so quick, or at least, not before the XB1 Scorpio.


I think it might be better off actually if Colin tried not going into threads like that as often as he might have been doing. Trying to engage in the conversation and better explain yourself to people on a site like this is very commendable, but I think people on here when it comes to popular gaming personalities can be somewhat unreasonable and someone like Colin trying to reason their opinions with them can become overwhelmed and get a really gross negative vibe, and maybe sometime it's just better to not get too invested.

Man, Tim & Nick are my faves. But I'm not clicking on their vid at work :\ and I rather check out gaming videos when I have downtime at home

Love and Sex stuff in a couple of mins usually starting with a good visual gag and then have a few really funny jokes in there, can't recommend trying it out are super quick so not like GOG or Gamescast, a really good pallet cleanser too imo


Just an update, I'm still working on the new OP, a lot of stuff has just got in my way. I've got a lot of projects and stuff for school, plus some family responsibilities and an internship-type thing at a high school for one of my classes. It's still coming, though!
Patreon Exclusive Eps for September are live! Check out your patreon feed (or Amy's kf forum topics that have them all linked)

The GoG is the episode where Colin talks to his Mum (recored just after KFL2), imo is one of the best episodes of GoG ever! Up there with Gregs dad, a super intresting chat well worth the dollar a month if not already pledged to KF prime, plus get access to all the other Exclusive Like Greg with his Mom recorded the same day, and road trip episodes and more!

Gamescast is also up and is "Kevin Coello's Gaming History" not seen it yet but is a one on one with Tim so should be fun!
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