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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!

Yep, that stream was a lot of fun. A lot of people didn't seem to like it but I was especially fond of the watch a long bit, I've always loved the idea of doing something like that.

Yeah. It was fun. It's crazy how much Greg (Gettys) looks like Tim. Also, I'm bummed they didn't check out Tee KO in The Jackbox Party Pack 3. The only did Quiplash and Trivia Murder Party. From what I've seen when Giant Bomb has played it, Tee KO is a blast. Basically, you draw something in one round, then write a slogan in the next, and then are able to pair drawings with slogans after that (not sure how this part works). You want to try to come up with the best combination of image/slogan and beat the other knock-out the other T-Shirts from the game. The kicker is all the shirts from the game can be ordered for $18 each at the conclusion of the game (copyrighted imagery may keep your order from being fulfilled).


I saw Tee KO on the GB stream. Was really a fun time. "Back off man, I'm a scientist" really stands out.

I wanna point out how much Greg Miller really cares about this. Even though he wasn't on the whole stream(not sure of the exact shift distribution) it seemed like he was always in the chat helping explain stuff/communicating to who was streaming/promoting it. I have a hard time believing he got much if any sleep in that stretch. Thanks for caring so much Greg, you're one of the best
I saw Tee KO on the GB stream. Was really a fun time. "Back off man, I'm a scientist" really stands out.

I wanna point out how much Greg Miller really cares about this. Even though he wasn't on the whole stream(not sure of the exact shift distribution) it seemed like he was always in the chat helping explain stuff/communicating to who was streaming/promoting it. I have a hard time believing he got much if any sleep in that stretch. Thanks for caring so much Greg, you're one of the best

Yeah. That was my favorite. I also thought the Ramen shirt (that Jeff made, I think) was funny. I thought it could easily be a shirt Kinda Funny would make, simply because of how much they love Ramen.





I do think the tweets were somewhat tasteless (and ill timed, as others have said, with Remembrance Day (Veterans Day in the US) happening next week), but I do see Colin's point in that many people that are up in arms about the tweets seem to have no qualms with the game itself. Having not played the game yet, I can't say whether the game does an adequate job honoring/conveying the horrors/sacrifices of the war (though I've heard it does a fine job). The fact of the matter is many people will simply gloss over that story stuff and play the game as any multiplayer game and only care about their K/D ratio, ranking, etc. Colin sort of had a good point in that people seem to be less offended when someone jokes about 9/11 (something very recent in our history) than some have with Battlefield 1, which covers a war that affected very few people alive today. Though, I would be interested what would happen if someone made a 9/11 video game and what the reception from gamers and the industry in general would be.

Here is the thing you can't control how other people play the game but EA as a company with a very visible national brand CAN control the message of how they portray and present the material in the game. THAT is the issue here. Sure, there will be people who do exactly what you say and hey guess what that's up to the individual's discretion playing the game how they choose to interact with it.

Its quite another thing for the Battlefield twitter account tweeting out flame thrower memes in which they compare going to the club with melting people's faces off.


Legit scared for what C&G Live tomorrow might be. Colin is getting horded at the moment on Twitter and while I can say I don't really agree with some of what he's saying, I have to feel bad for him in how some of his peers are tweeting at him, and still respect his beliefs to some extent. One of the scariest things about this election is how it's getting people to hate each other.
Colin's emoticons and smugness on election night show a real lack of empathy for the people who will have their rights trampled in the months and years to come. (LGBT, muslims, mexicans, refugees, etc).

It's fine to want better taxes and a leaner government and better representation..but Colin doesn't give a FUCK about the collateral damage about to hit. It's pretty cowardly.


I agree. Colin showed an unprecedented lack of self conscious.. Does he really think that LGBT, Mexican, and Muslims lives won't change? Look at Brexit and how racism incidents skyrocketed. I guess because it won't affect him or his contacts he doesn't care?


Is this the tweet people are upset about?

Colin Moriarty ‏@notaxation 3h3 hours ago
The hyperbole on Twitter is through the roof right now.

The sun will come up tomorrow. Relax.

'Cause I don't think that's outrageous.


Is this the tweet people are upset about?

'Cause I don't think that's outrageous.

what ? ofc everything its gonna be fine for him...

he doesnt think about all the minorities,for a lot of people this is some serious shit heading their way


I guess I shouldn't be totally surprised Colin can't understand how this is gonna negatively impact minorities. But muh taxes or some shit.
Did anyone else get the feeling from the last two election topics on GOG that Colin is a Trump supporter, but didn't want to reveal it because of the obvious backlash from fans + the fact Tim and Greg are staunch Clinton supporters?

Now with the way he's acting on Twitter, it really seems like he was with Trump.


He made a post saying he'd left the GOP because of Trump. He can't stand the guy. So, no, I don't think he was.
Did anyone else get the feeling from the last two election topics on GOG that Colin is a Trump supporter, but didn't want to reveal it because of the obvious backlash from fans + the fact Tim and Greg are staunch Clinton supporters?

Now with the way he's acting on Twitter, it really seems like he was with Trump.

Yeah, just from Twitter alone, he seems to prefer Trump over Clinton, which, sadly, I think speaks a lot for his character.
He really hates Clinton, which is hugely hypocritical considering he's gone to great lengths to bemoan the left for demonizing Bush and Romney, thus crying wolf for Trump. He'd change his tune if the Democrats had a true electable leftist, as unlikely as that is right now.
Yeah, just from Twitter alone, he seems to prefer Trump over Clinton, which, sadly, I think speaks a lot for his character.

Yeah. I've always supported Colin, even his right to his political views. But I think he's ok with this result due to his feelings on Clinton

He also burned a lot of bridges last night. Willingly. Saw several IGN employees indirectly address his attitude and he basically told Max Scoville to fuck off.

Very disappointing, he promotes tolerance but seems to practice the opposite, planting his feet and refusing to move. I hate talking about people like this but when you're in the spotlight and trumpet your opinion I guess it's unavoidable
Yeah, just from Twitter alone, he seems to prefer Trump over Clinton, which, sadly, I think speaks a lot for his character.

Well, taking his words the past few months at face value, he always said Clinton was the best suited to be president when compared to Trump, but hated her for a myriad of reasons (just not as much as Trump, though). He did what he always said he was going to do and voted for Johnson (despite Kevin always joking Colin would vote Trump in the end). I don't think his vote for Johnson was as disruptive as votes for him in other states were, as California was not going to vote in anyone other than Clinton, but in Florida (and elsewhere), however, those third party votes royally messed things up, as those candidates, as usual, had zero chance of coming anywhere close to sniffing victory. Same as 1992 (with Perot, without whom, Bush would've likely beaten Clinton) and in 2000 (with Nader, without whom, Gore would've easily beaten Bush). Now that Trumps won, I do think he is giving Trump an honest shot to prove that he's not a snake oil salesman. I'll be interested what Colin has to say today on Colin and Greg Live, especially with Trump having a court date in the upcoming weeks (seriously) regarding the alleged rape of a 13 year old in the early 90s (again, seriously).

He also burned a lot of bridges last night. Willingly. Saw several IGN employees indirectly address his attitude and he basically told Max Scoville to fuck off.

He did, though as for Max, Max could've simply ended his tweet at "Fair enough" and the entire exchange would've been mostly respectful with Max moving on, but he went a little further and made fun of the things that Colin appreciates. On an emotionally charged night as last night, that probably wasn't the best move on his part. Though, I understand him wanting to vent. I think the awkward part is they know each other personally.


Got blocked by him for calling him a ****. Obviously I shouldn't have stooped to that level but he has been insufferable the last 24 hours.

He just doesn't seem to get that outside of little white straight Colin there are a lot of people hurting.
I was also shocked the way he has been speaking to his colleagues and peers.

Anyway it won't keep me from watching and listening to him and the team. He is a great guy to listen to about games, I just can't respect him as a man.
Got blocked by him for calling him a ****. Obviously I shouldn't have stooped to that level but he has been insufferable the last 24 hours.

He just doesn't seem to get that outside of little white straight Colin there are a lot of people hurting.
I was also shocked the way he has been speaking to his colleagues and peers.

Anyway it won't keep me from watching and listening to him and the team. He is a great guy to listen to about games, I just can't respect him as a man.

They had a GOG topic earlier this week if it's possible to like/respect the art from the artists, but not the artist.

Edit- https://www.twitch.tv/kindafunnygames Colin and Greg Live is live, if you're interested to hear what they all have to say.
Honduras Coup illustrates Clinton's many incompetencies as Secretary of State; Kevin doesn't know her history and is merely invoking the legal and rule of law burden of proof and misunderstanding how elections work.
He did, though as for Max, Max could've simply ended his tweet at "Fair enough" and the entire exchange would've been mostly respectful with Max moving on, but he went a little further and made fun of the things that Colin appreciates. On an emotionally charged night as last night, that probably wasn't the best move on his part. Though, I understand him wanting to vent. I think the awkward part is they know each other personally.

Agreed, they both could have handled it better.


Colin was an ass the whole episode. I'm sorry Greg and co, I have to cancel my subscription. Affluent straight white male who works in video games has trouble empathizing with why last night is deeply troubling to minorities? Shocker.


Collin has maybe come off as a bit callus or lacking in empathy in some of his Twitter reaction, but for the most part he is spot on about why this happened. Around the 40 minute mark in the Twitch archive is where he really drives home what won this election for Trump, and I agree that this demonizing of Trump voters is dangerous and is completely missing the point as to why this happened.

Yes, there are racists, xenophobes, white supremacists, and a whole assortment of deplorables who have taken shelter in and promoted his campaign – that is fucking terrifying, disturbing, and we absolutely should not lose sight of that. But that is not why Donald Trump won this election, and those people do not represent the majority of Trump voters? Do I find it unfathomable then that those "normal" Trump voters have dismissed his clear and unabashed sexist and racist remarks throughout the course of the campaign? Of course I do, and that is why I could never vote for him and struggle knowing that some people I love very dearly did cast their votes for him. But we have to realize that populism has won the day, and those people were so incredibly desperate for a change at the top that they were willing to put all of that crazy shit to the side and pull the trigger. That is something that we will have to reconcile with as a nation, and it is something we will surely be learning about for years to come.

I have always been a big fan of Collin's political outspokenness, agree or disagree, and I have appreciated his thoughts on this election throughout. His piece on why he left the Republican party is something that I go back to on a regular basis.

I also appreciate Kevin's participation and definitely think he has some valid points, particularly on the insane demonization of Clinton that has taken place in this country. There are many valid and legitimate reasons that made her a bad candidate, (you can see very clearly why Collin dislikes her because of her carpetbagging and opportunism) but the sheer criminality that people have painted her with is just not aligned with reality.


Greg was really great. I loved his points that show. It's a weird time so I'm glad they took part of their show to discuss what happened.


Good episode that, thought they all had good points and arguments. Lol at the chat going ham on Max. Never liked him myself, always came across as pompous and unlikeable.
Colin was an ass the whole episode. I'm sorry Greg and co, I have to cancel my subscription. Affluent straight white male who works in video games has trouble empathizing with why last night is deeply troubling to minorities? Shocker.

This is the biggest problem I have. Many of Colin's points are accurate and reasonable but his apparent refusal to recognize the very legitimate and very terrible fears that others are facing still puts him in a pretty bad spot in my eyes.

Again, many of his former friends and colleagues (especially women) are heartbroken by this outcome and he has not to my knowledge offered any sort of sympathetic voice to those groups. Inexcusable to me.

Kevin was great today. Maybe politics just aren't easy to find common ground on but I have to say the last 24 hours have really soured me on someone I respected and enjoyed for years.
I just tweeted to Colin (as I kind of wanted to see it covered by him today) asking his take on D.C. overwhelmingly voting for statehood. Interestingly the D.C. mayor is pushing for the name to be New Columbia, which is a nice name, but can't work. It would greatly confuse the USPS to have two NC's (New Columbia and North Carolina). Exacerbating the issue is the fact the North Carolina has a city named Washington (I made sure to look it up). Why not just call the new state (if approved) Columbia and use all of the imagery associated with it on the state flag?
Yeah. I've always supported Colin, even his right to his political views. But I think he's ok with this result due to his feelings on Clinton

He also burned a lot of bridges last night. Willingly. Saw several IGN employees indirectly address his attitude and he basically told Max Scoville to fuck off.

Very disappointing, he promotes tolerance but seems to practice the opposite, planting his feet and refusing to move. I hate talking about people like this but when you're in the spotlight and trumpet your opinion I guess it's unavoidable

It's kinda like how Greg goes on huge, lengthy spiels about trying to spread positivity and not being so negative on the internet all the time, yet follows it up with a tweet that says: "Wow, @UberEats sucks". Makes the guys seem disingenuous.
It's kinda like how Greg goes on huge, lengthy spiels about trying to spread positivity and not being so negative on the internet all the time, yet follows it up with a tweet that says: "Wow, @UberEats sucks". Makes the guys seem disingenuous.


I understand everyone is hypocritical from time to time. I occasionally do or say things that are at odds with what I preach. It's part of being human. But when it's a pattern and when it comes to something as important as these issues, it's very hard to ignore.

Anyways I feel like I've said my piece. I'm not gonna claim to be pulling my Patreon pledges just yet but this has kind of opened my eyes a little, I'll be curious to see how everyone moves on from this and how the attitudes progress.
Colin stated several times he doesn't support Trump. He's also said Clinton is closer to his threshold of being an adequate president.

Colin rose a number of good points on the nuance behind the election, but yes, he did fail to recognize the more social problems of the election. At the end of the day though, Colin is still a Conservative who loves to debate. To be fair, Max was also acting rather immature over Colin trying to play the 'Contrarian' opinion he always has. Colin doesn't put up with that, which does, to an extent, make him appear as an asshole to some.

Kevin and Greg also provided some solid points. Kevin was definitely winning until he brought up the "Third party votes are simply supporting the other side" argument.

I still respect Colin even if I think he's at the very least not being open enough about the social repercussions of the presidency. Though, I can see why people would be turned off by this, and I try to be open to all debates, and Colin has brought up a lot of points that push more quiet discussion that was largely unseen.
It's kinda like how Greg goes on huge, lengthy spiels about trying to spread positivity and not being so negative on the internet all the time, yet follows it up with a tweet that says: "Wow, @UberEats sucks". Makes the guys seem disingenuous.

This criticism comes off as disingenuous tbh.

That's not even against what he says, because he is largely very positive on Twitter and goes out of his way to give compliments to people who are behind the things that he likes. That doesn't mean he's never ever going to say anything negative on the internet.
This criticism comes off as disingenuous tbh.

That's not even against what he says, because he is largely very positive on Twitter and goes out of his way to give compliments to people who are behind the things that he likes. That doesn't mean he's never ever going to say anything negative on the internet.

But doesn't he complain about completely negative comments that don't achieve anything? Greg would get loads of tweets and comments saying "Wow, Kinda Funny/Greg/PS I Love You sucks." If you're going to dedicate entire topics on your podcast to denouncing this kind of behaviour it's a little bit in poor taste to then do it yourself.

Also, I think much of the hate towards Colin is because of him telling people to relax. He framed that tweet in the wrong way and it makes him seem like he thinks nobody at all has to worry about Trump being elected. I've seen plenty of tweets asking people to be calm, but made in a much less brash way and they've been met with positive reactions.


It's kinda like how Greg goes on huge, lengthy spiels about trying to spread positivity and not being so negative on the internet all the time, yet follows it up with a tweet that says: "Wow, @UberEats sucks". Makes the guys seem disingenuous.

That seems strange, he said ages ago about how he had an epiphany about saying things like this online because he felt bad and also experienced what it's like on the other side.
Kevin ripping into Colin during C&GL today was great. His lack of response was incredible. "Uh she wouldn't have won if Giuliani didn't get sick". Uhh, ok Colin. Maybe politics isn't your thing.
Kevin ripping into Colin during C&GL today was great. His lack of response was incredible. "Uh she wouldn't have won if Giuliani didn't get sick". Uhh, ok Colin. Maybe politics isn't your thing.

He probably would've won, just from seeing from the outside how immensely popular he was with New Yorkers in the 90's through the early 2000's. There's a reason he was hailed as "America's Mayor". But he's shown since then that he's nuts, so maybe they caught a break. Some people say something similar would've happen in Illinois in the early 2000s. At one point Mike Ditka (former Hall of Fame head coach of the Chicago Bears of the NFL) was planning to run for senate in Illinois, but (I don't recall why) didn't. Some speculate he would've gone against Obama for the seat and would've won. Ditka is that beloved in that state. Would that have actually happened. Who knows?
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