Well I got mine, I think it's good and I think I will keep it.
The update fixed a lot of the UI issues for me, I have to admit when I first got it I was about to box it right the fuck back up and send it back, it ran like ass, when I shut it down it said it was applying an update so I tried it out again and everything runs much smoother. Absolute shame on Amazon for even shipping it with the shipping firmware though, I get meeting launch dates but fuck, it was bad, every app I downloaded would not execute, internet was slow as shit, the UI was choppy, it was really the worst possible first impression a device could give. I don't think directly comparing it to the iPad is the smartest thing to do but I'm not the smartest person so I'll just say the iPad's first impression was infinitely better. In fact the situation was reversed on the iPad, as far as the first impression went it started out amazing and as I explored the thing more and more that's when the disappointment set in. Bad Amazon.
So for me, after the update everything is pretty much as I expected it, the browser has been fast on both my home cable internet wifi network and over my Palm Pre's wireless hotspot, well as fast as that second one can go. The UI is snappy, in fact in many ways too snappy, books looked good enough, video looked good enough, it's what I expected for 200 dollars.
I see a lot of people comparing these things to other tablets, or saying this will be the first thing to really have a chance to compete with the iPad, that's ridiculous. I want to be clear here, I plan to keep this but sold my iPad but yes I am still saying the iPad is the better tablet, so what gives? My needs. If we're going to compare these two devices as tablets the original iPad on stock firmware already smokes the shit out of this thing. I don't care if you love or hate Apple, heck, I'm not a fan of them, but it's true, the iPad is a better tablet than the Kindle Fire. Now, if we can step back from fan boy allegiances for a moment I'll try and explain why I would keep this and get rid of the iPad.
The iPad was expensive. 500 bucks is a lot of money and it bought a lot of kit and with that comes expectations, I expect something that costs the same as a notebook to be on par with a notebook, something that's cheaper than my cellphone was, when subsidized through a contract mind you, gets rated on a different scale. If both the iPad AND the Kindle Fire were 200 dollars this Kindle Fire would look like a pretty bad deal. There are many things the iPad could not do at launch, like bluetooth printing, transferring files to my PC and back and many others that the Kindle Fire ALSO can not do. Again, at 200 bucks my expectations are different.
We have the actual usage of the two devices. I liked the iPad because I envisioned it replacing a laptop for me, it can't. Now granted, I never had a laptop, I don't need one, but I thought the iPad would make me not miss not having one and do anything a laptop could do. Typing for instance was fine in short spurts but was a total fucking chore over any extended period of time, I was not going to do any real work on the iPad. I also will not do any work on the Kindle Fire. I recognize some among you have transitioned to touchscreen typing and may find the iPad, or even the Kindle Fire acceptable for such things, Godspeed, but that's not for me. Again price changes perception and perception is important, I don't feel that obligated to be able to do heavy work on a 200 dollar device where as I do on a 500 dollar device.
This one I'm going to get out of the way, the iPad is an iPad. This isn't a jab at Apple but just a sad realization of sheeple out in the real world. I pulled this out at work today and people asked what it was and turned away, I was back to playing around in a minute, with the iPad everyone wanted to see it, it was non fucking stop. This is probably different in every area but where I was, with the people I was around, I couldn't even pull it out in public with the expectation of using it. Not a gripe just a funny little tidbit of my past experience.
So lets talk about what I really used the iPad for, browsing websites and checking email. That was it. I had spent 500 dollars for something and had delegated it to browsing the internet, well that felt like wasted cash! Now in all honesty that was fine in a way, the money was already spent and the reason I sold the iPad in the first place was because it held its value well and it was something extra, not necessary I owned, that I could sell to pay an unexpected ticket I had gotten. It wasn't out of pure disdain I sold the iPad, it hadn't lived up to all my expectations but it was good at browsing the web and checking email.
Now I did want to get into ebooks at some point, and I'm still mad that all normal books don't just come with a code to redeem the ebook, and I had tried to read ebooks on the iPad and it was good. The iPad's size was both great and a curse, it was a tad too big for books but it's the best size for browsing(IMO) and a better size for media, magazines and comics. There's not a winner here just something you have to choose based on your priorities. Since I was now in the market again for a tablet I had decided I was finally ready to start an ebook collection and that was my priority, email, well anything about works for email, browsing is good enough and I don't read comics or magazines so that's how my size priority went. Make no mistake, there is no better size full stop just better sizes for different things.
Another thing that factored into this purchase versus going iPad again is tied into price and size. The iPad was expensive the Kindle Fire, not as much, so when I had the iPad I only felt comfortable bringing it out a few times. If I break, lose or have a 200 dollar device stolen I'll be less heartbroken or put out than had I lost a 500 dollar device. The size is also easier for me to fit into my bag so it's a tad more portable.
So that's kinda how I decided on biting on the Fire and so far it's a fine little device but it's not comparable to an iPad. Sure they get compared to each other but only because the iPad does everything the Kindle does and more not because they're actually in the same league. And while I think this has a better chance at staying in my home for the long run than the iPad did that wasn't because the Kindle Fire is better than the iPad but because at the price it is more disposable, since it has less features and less expectations from those features I'm not apt to try things that exceed what it can do nor care that it can't do them. If you want to call those strengths, whatever, but I disagree they're just different products. Honest truth was if there was a 200 dollar iPad at the same size I probably would have got it instead. This fits a particular usage pattern and that is it. It is not a general all purpose tablet, it is not better than the iPad, Galaxy Tab or any other full feature tablet. I don't even really think it should be billed as a tablet, it should be looked at as nothing more than a LCD ereader that's also able to browse the internet in color and play movies or music. If portable movies are more your thing than books, go Ipad, they have a better video store, it's got a better screen for watching those movies AND it has more storage space for storing stuff you buy or load yourself. If you want music, again, go iPad as it's got the better store and again more space to store music or just get some kind of MP3 player. Want a general tablet? I still think the iPad is king.
It should be noted that for me storage was not an issue, I don't listen to music on the go, I don't watch movies on the go and so the only possible thing I might use space with besides text are apps, which even then I only care fort a handful of them, whether we're talking iPad or Kindle Fire. Which is good because the Kindle Fire doesn't have many apps!
3g, cdma is also not a feature I'm interested in because I refuse to use AT&T, couldn't if I wanted to since they fucked me over when my Cingular plan expired and I cancelled and I refuse to ever pay them money for months of service after I cancelled my plan and my current provider has even worse pricing. I'm grandfathered in on Verison to get free wifi tethering with my Palm Pre and I will probably keep that phone and take advantage of it until this phone finally craps out on me, hopefully by then the situation with mobile broadband is acceptable to me, currently it's not.
My verdict is the Kindle Fire is a great choice for a narrow group of people who live in the US, use Amazon a lot, want a small disposable device to view light content on and that's it. It's no iPad killer, they're not even really competing for the same customers.