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Kindle Fire |OT|

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luoapp said:
It's not necessary to convert to mp4 files. You can use one of the numerous third party video player on Android. They basically play everything. (MKV, avi, etc.)
Recommendation? I'm an Android newb.


Burger said:
Considering the market at the time, iPhone OS did everything.

Haha...except mms, 3G, downloadable apps, proper notification...all available on a blackberry phone.

The truth is, apples innovation with iPhone was the touch screen and UI...the first gen iPhone was very limited.

T.M. MacReady

btrboyev said:
Haha...except mms, 3G, downloadable apps, proper notification...all available on a blackberry phone.

The truth is, apples innovation with iPhone was the touch screen and UI...the first gen iPhone was very limited.

dont forget multitasking and copy/paste


jvm said:
Recommendation? I'm an Android newb.

If you check my post history, I am a newbie too. lol.

Here is what I did:
0) allow install unautherized app on Fire, like the tested guy did here: http://www.tested.com/news/how-to-sideload-android-apps-on-the-amazon-kindle-fire-in-3-steps/3179/ follow his steps if you have an android phone (just search moboplayer in market), if not...
1) download File Expert by Xi'an Geek from amazon app store.
2) download moboplayer to your pc
3) transfer the .apk file to Fire ( email or usb)
4) open the File Expert and install. ( find the apk, press and hold)


Clothed, sober, cooperative
kazinova said:
This just in: people are overreacting based on ignorant journos.

I need to find the review that complained that they didn't know how to pin content to the lower shelves. IT'S THE FIRST THING THE DEVICE TELLS YOU ABOUT THE FIRST TIME YOU USE IT!!!

I missd that tip, but it was also the first thing I tried when I attempted to do it myself. Hold the icon for a second.
Really loving my Fire so far. It really dawned on me how much I liked this thing when I climbed into bed, read a couple of comics with Slacker playing, then watched an episode of Glee on Hulu and the video quality seemed fine to me, much better than other streaming content, but not great. Really like it.

I realize this is standard tablet capability, but it does what I expected it do. So I'm a happy camper.


Not unless it goes to the Amazon Marketplace, if I've got this correct?
Oficially, yes, you are correct. There's individual APKs you can download, which are relatively rare for most apps, the Android Market proper, where essentially everything is, and then, and then Amazon's Appstore which takes the Android Market and slowly, and I mean slowly, brings over apps. You can only install stuff from the individual APKs if available or the Amazon Appstore on the Kindle Fire without rooting it.

I'll say this, it's a fucking mess. It's not the biggest issue to me because I'm not a huge app person, I'd rather use the web as opposed to going through tons of apps for web sites and I'm not a huge gamer on a tablet so really I don't care much but it's stupid. The Android Market is already anemic compared to Apple's Appstore and then for Google to allow Amazon, and wireless providers, to take that anemic selection and gut it further, it's just really fucking counter productive. And in Amazon's case specifically they're not even doing a great job of curating their apps. I downloaded KeePassDroid, which supposedly is cleared for my Kindle Fire from the Amazon Appstore only to find out copy and paste doesn't work with the Kindle Fire making the app useless. It runs sure but I can't do anything with it! I downloaded some solitaire game and the thing's orientation is so fucked it's unplayable once a row gets about 6 cards. Who fucking sorts this shit? If you are going to curate apps then fucking do it right, if you're not going to do it right and I'm still going to get shit that doesn't work or works but it still essentially unusable and I will still have to find out what works and what doesn't through trial and error then give me the whole fucking marketplace already. And that's ignoring the obvious issue of Amazon just being slow to clear updates for apps that are on the Amazon Appstore making it behind a version on almost every app it has.

I'm not totally against the idea of Amazon acting as a middleman between Google and the Kindle Fire, unlike iOS there are tons more configurations going on in the Android world and instead of just running across something that might be stretched or whatnot like you would on Apple's store you're going to get shit that just flat out can't run with Android, if someone were to be a middleman and cut that shit out it would be a good thing but Amazon is doing terrible at it.


Darkness no more
Any problems doing that? Is it easy to access the mp4s once they're on there? Do they look okay? You can probably only fit a handful of movies on there at once, right?

It is easy. Convert then drag and drop over. Shows up in the gallery and looks just fine. There is only 6gb of space on the thing, so yeah, you can only take a few full length movies at a time. Or you could try the other method mentioned above, that's new to me.


Well this makes me feel stupid, could you let me in on how to paste then, in the browser specifically?

Long click on the word
Drag the bars to cover text to be copied
Double click on the text ... it'll be copied
press in open area ... paste dialog will prompt
VIOLA! Here's what I copied/pasted in my minutes old fire


Also, for the websites seem irresponsive to scroll ( like tested.com ): after the page loads, zoom in a little bit, and you can scroll everywhere freely.


Long click on the word
Drag the bars to cover text to be copied
Double click on the text ... it'll be copied
press in open area ... paste dialog will prompt
VIOLA! Here's what I copied/pasted in my minutes old fire


Also, for the websites seem irresponsive to scroll ( like tested.com ): after the page loads, zoom in a little bit, and you can scroll everywhere freely.

Hmm, I can't get it to work with Keepas, perhaps Keepass's notification saying it has copied the text to the clipboard is what's bugged? I will play with this method though, there's a longer way in Keepassdroid to copy and paste so maybe this method will work that way. Thanks.

But the irresponsive scroll issue I've never had yet.


I'll give that a shot. Quickoffice is decent for the free version that you get preloaded, but its missing a lot of features.


I wasn't able to buy apps until I had an Android device registered with Amazon.

I tried to sideload a bunch of stuff, including Tiny Tower, to no avail. I got Dolphin Browser and I think it's slower than Silk so I'm going to uninstall it soon.

Kind of sad that Tiny Tower needed GPS to work. If it didn't need that it would install fine...


So what's the word so far? Was looking to grab a Kindle relatively soon myself and wondering if it's worth grabbing a Fire or just grabbing a regular Kindle now and waiting for a Fire 2.0 down the road.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So what's the word so far? Was looking to grab a Kindle relatively soon myself and wondering if it's worth grabbing a Fire or just grabbing a regular Kindle now and waiting for a Fire 2.0 down the road.

If the main purpose is reading, avoid the fire.


Well, reading is the bigger reason of the purchase but figured maybe it was worth getting a tablet out of the deal as well; if it's that bad, I guess maybe not?
In a forum like this, where people are sharply divided about the strengths and weaknesses (specifically because people have different expectations and needs), you should read the impressions and find someone whose expectations and needs are most like your own. Then, given however much faith you put in their words (written on the internet, where everything you read is true!), make a choice.

We really can't make it for you.

Edit: And also plus you can see it at Best Buy, Target, etc. Try it.


Agree with jvm. If your main focus is reading, then I would go with the Kindle Touch.

The demo models at Target, etc. are surprisingly good. Each section has a nice walkthrough on the device.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Well, reading is the bigger reason of the purchase but figured maybe it was worth getting a tablet out of the deal as well; if it's that bad, I guess maybe not?

I find it less pleasant to read on than the iPad, which in turn is FAR less pleasant to read on than my regular eInk Kindle. It is however, more comfortable to hold than the iPad, thanks to the book-size and rubberized back. But it's pretty heavy.

Now, having said that, I am going on vacation in a couple of weeks and haven't decided what combination of the three devices to take.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Just curious why you'd say this. My wife has been reading on the Fire non-stop since release day and she loves it. What's so terrible about the Fire?

It has a small screen and none of the avialable font treatments are quite right - this isn't just me, there's a lot of people with the same complaint - but it's mostly a comparison. if she hasn't read on a Kindle with eInk or an iPad, it's probably tolerable or even decent.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Reading on ipad is much worse than on Fire, especially for a long period of time, due to the size and the weight.

I agree on form factor, but not on display. The iPad's extra real estate lets me fit my preferred amount of text on screen. I like a combo of smallish font, lots of text, white out of black. I find the Kindle Fire version of that really swimmy, no matter how I adjust it.


Junior Member
It has a small screen and none of the avialable font treatments are quite right - this isn't just me, there's a lot of people with the same complaint - but it's mostly a comparison. if she hasn't read on a Kindle with eInk or an iPad, it's probably tolerable or even decent.
The screen size is larger than most paperbacks, and the type is also substantially bigger. I don't know what "font treatments" are but my wife's who's an avid reader of real books is really impressed.

She says the size of the device is perfect to hold with one hand like you would with a paper back. It's heavier in the hand, but comfortable. She's tried reading on my iPad 2 and didn't like it at all. The wife also was against the idea of ereaders for a long time because she likes the feel and smell of real books. But after playing with the Kindle Fire for a week or so, she's thrilled that she took the plunge.


Just curious why you'd say this. My wife has been reading on the Fire non-stop since release day and she loves it. What's so terrible about the Fire?

because E-Ink pwns everything ever.

its going to be glorious when color e ink kindle is revealed.


In a forum like this, where people are sharply divided about the strengths and weaknesses (specifically because people have different expectations and needs), you should read the impressions and find someone whose expectations and needs are most like your own. Then, given however much faith you put in their words (written on the internet, where everything you read is true!), make a choice.

We really can't make it for you.

Edit: And also plus you can see it at Best Buy, Target, etc. Try it.

Well, the point was to get multiple responses. I'm at work currently so I wanted some information to go over ahead of time so I know what to look into when I get out to check it later. I'm not expecting the decision to be made for me, just hoping for some insight on it. I don't have an e-reader of any kind currently so I have no prior knowledge to compare it to in that regard.

Edit: And thanks for the comments so far. I figured it would definitely be down to the reading quality on the Fire but I wasn't sure how big of a deal the difference really was to users; that and if what the Fire brings to the table makes up for the discomfort a bit.

I've read a bit on an iPad in the past and didn't find the experience THAT unpleasant, but it was never an extended period of time (i.e., actually reading a book!) so I basically don't have a comparison point yet. That's basically what I'm expecting to pore over when I get out to a store to check them out.


Silk browser: less bandwidth, but slower performance






The browser is much quicker today than the first day I got it, like loading cnn.com (full version) in less than 5sec with videos and flash ads. Some say Silk learns and caches the websites you frequent, looks like that's the case.


I've noticed that too, GAF especially. I loaded up the PC screenshots thread, and it loaded quickly, which is impressive since those pages are loaded with images.


Blah, amazon video player caused the Fire to crash and reboot last night when I was streaming a movie. After it came back up it had the stuttering problem briefly, but then it all smoothed out for the remainder of the movie. Meh. This means three of the four times I've tried to watch video I've encountered annoying issues. Hopefully software updates will work it out.

On the plus side, the interface to actually rent a movie from amazon is fairly painless, and the initial load is quick.

I also agree with the above; if your primary focus/use is reading, you are better off with the eink Kindles.


So I've been trying to buy a rather mundane office supply item through the Amazon store app on the Fire. Every time I try, the same thing happens:
  • Search for item
  • Add item to cart
  • Go to cart and select check out
  • Get sent to password screen, enter correct password
  • It then says "Building your order..." and it never comes back.
I've left it running for several minutes and it never completes. Is there something obvious I'm missing? If I select "Buy now" instead of "Add to cart", the same process happens starting with the password screen, and again I get stuck on "Building your order..."

Anyone had problems?


I tried installing Tiny Tower as a sideload. Will not install due to GPS requirements, as best I can tell. Much sadness ensued...


Posting via fire. Frustrating as hell.from device not registering to apps not working, aPPS not updating and still.asking for the update after I already updated it etc. I think the free kindle browser is faster than.silks at times. Although freeones.com loaded up pretty quickly.

Captain N

Junior Member
Thursday morning seems to be the big day for the iTunes App store. Does the amazon store have a day when the big releases hit yet?


I was thinking about buying this for my father's b-day, but I'm torn by the mixed reviews. Any advice? Also, are there any Black Friday deals for this?


So I've been trying to buy a rather mundane office supply item through the Amazon store app on the Fire. Every time I try, the same thing happens:
  • Search for item
  • Add item to cart
  • Go to cart and select check out
  • Get sent to password screen, enter correct password
  • It then says "Building your order..." and it never comes back.
I've left it running for several minutes and it never completes. Is there something obvious I'm missing? If I select "Buy now" instead of "Add to cart", the same process happens starting with the password screen, and again I get stuck on "Building your order..."

Anyone had problems?
I had the same exact problem on Sunday. Haven't tried to buy anything sense.
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