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King of Fighters XIV Roster Discussion thread. Leaked roster in first post

Finally got to see the trailer. Christ Almighty, I thought they would keep the alternate world team secret till the end just because they would seem spoilerish but SNK have entered "Don't give a damn" territory.


Finally got to see the trailer. Christ Almighty, I thought they would keep the alternate world team secret till the end just because they would seem spoilerish but SNK have entered "Don't give a damn" territory.

Mai is probably who they're keeping until the end likely or near it.


It'd be a great twist-up. Sie and Miu^2 better have a special intro together!

Better than an intro together, interacting in each other's endings - Kensou focuses too much on Athena, who doesn't see him the way he'd like her too (her seeing him training and failing on occasion "helps").
But MuiMui seeing this hardworking kung fu guy with latent dragon powers could lead to some respect based on values from her setting, where those seem to be major elements, that could develop into something else, so that Kensou could get over Athena and Mui could be alright with staying in the KoF universe.

It's fun that she already seems to "fit" in the KoF world with this re-design. I'd find it funny if she's just written into the world plainly, like the Ikari's and Psycho soldiers. No real explanation needed... this is just someone who's a part of this world.

This can totally build toward an SNK Crisis on Infinite Earths, where the following game treats everyone as if their origin had always been based on the same universe.
Heck, it'd be fun if the final boss hinted that such a thing has happened before while glancing in the general direction of AoF, Ikari and Psycho Soldier characters...

It'd be great to see Naka nearly made a diety, similar to Athena's divine ancestor.

Ascended Nako was more of an Ainu fairy thing, the word "deity" is probably a bit too strong...

And then she can run into Rock and just reveal that he's Awaken Kaede, and then suddenly, more SNK series have relevant connections that exist within KoF! And Kagami really is just the ancestor of the Kusanagi clan...

*/fanfiction end*

Considering the god-level of Orochi, it'd make sense that he could very well have pissed off more clans... or that similar threats of his power level could have others that want to fight / protect it too.

SS's Ambrosia hasn't ever manifested directly, but that about as transcendental that SNK entities get.

I don't think they're quite ready to force together lineages like that though...

It's funny how well comic book terms can apply here, like "comic book time" for KoF, "street-level character" (ex: Daredevil, Punisher) for the likes of Terry and Ryo, "super" (sort of; ex: Hulk, Spiderman) for the likes of Kyo and Athena, and "cosmic level" (ex: Dr Strange, Silver Surfer) for the likes of Orochi, Ambrosia and celestial Athena...

Her name literally is "little sister" in Cantonese...

Fitting, that probably sounds as awkward in that language as "Love Heart" does in English, as character names go...

Wouldn't it be more appropriate for Kagami to be a descendant of the Yagami clan elders than Kusanagi though?

Nah, the Last Blade events are barely 200 years old in the FF/aoF continuity, while the major events in with the Kusanagi and Yagami lineages are supposed to be about 660 years old (well, sort of 680 years old by now, sort of, specifically the Yasakani acquisition of purple flames).

Finally got to see the trailer. Christ Almighty, I thought they would keep the alternate world team secret till the end just because they would seem spoilerish but SNK have entered "Don't give a damn" territory.

MuiMui's looks clash the least with the modern cast, especially considering how much people are comparing her with Xiangfei. The clash is supposed to be bigger when Nako and Love Heart show up with their blades and outfits, I'm sure...


Nah, the Last Blade events are barely 200 years old in the FF/aoF continuity, while the major events in with the Kusanagi and Yagami lineages are supposed to be about 660 years old (well, sort of 680 years old by now, sort of, specifically the Yasakani acquisition of purple flames).

Right, Kagami & crew are Bakamatsu era, so if you wanted to fit them in at all they could be descendants.


Nice observation from SRK user:

TSnooze said:
Kukri's fighting style seems to have an emphasis on evasion.


Kukri dodges an R.E.D. Kick and stamps Kyo right down to the ground.


Kukri slides under Andy and flips him over.


Kukri dodges the DP and rains down sand on Kyo.


Last but not least, the good ol' Sand Clone Jutsu. Kukri "teleports" past Andy's fireball and attacks.

Talk about slipping through fingers like sand.


Better than an intro together, interacting in each other's endings - Kensou focuses too much on Athena, who doesn't see him the way he'd like her too (her seeing him training and failing on occasion "helps").
But MuiMui seeing this hardworking kung fu guy with latent dragon powers could lead to some respect based on values from her setting, where those seem to be major elements, that could develop into something else, so that Kensou could get over athena and Mui could be alright with staying in the KoF universe.

Now, this would be something I wouldn't mind seeing, especially if Mui is a possible candidate to tie in to the dragon SL in her own way. And if they gave Kensou another possible link to develop his character, so much the better.

Of course, it may not be a good look for Athena, if this happened. First, Sylvia comes around as another idol shaking things up, and then her most ardent, loyal fanboy may not have time for her, either, because he's got Dragon Power business to handle with Mui and possibly the new guy!


Sketchbook Picasso
The other thread is draining, but it helps keep this one more serious and focused, which I appreciate.

I also see that I properly feel out of Touch with Samsho's storyline, thanks to you guys in here, so thanks for all the interesting perspectives and thoughts! There's so much meat to work with in the Character lore, and it feels good that some of this might be RELEVANT again in the nearer and nearer future.


KoF is Begin Again. Take a seat, and hope you do not lose to the Plus Member High.

Had to reenter due to my account not having high enough priority, but I'm back in.
On the other hand, there being enough people that kicking some out at some point is necessary might be seen as a good sign of the interest in the game...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
How do i Nico Nico guys? PLS!
Im at work and missing out :(

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
please post up if new footage is shown, I'd rather not struggle with "kicked from stream" shit :/


Sketchbook Picasso
I doubt a new build will be shown, that's probably being saved for the tourney.

It's nice to get to see the EX moves, and get to see people play that can figure out where the systems are in this build.

We've seen that Iori's EX Rekka has a huge pop-up for the final hit.
A good combo using EX's with King, showing off the ground bounce of her EX Tornado Kick.

We're also getting to hear the music and voice work pretty well for the first time.


Sketchbook Picasso
Arashi no Sexyphone 6? Yash, please.

Robert definitely showing off how EX's are quite made for combos. He's just linking everything into everything, ha.


Just got to work, it's not letting me in to watch T_T

EDIT: Apparently Gatoray is recording the stream so we should be able to watch it on YT soon.


It let me in.

Robert's EX tatsu looks sweet, love how it has a new animation. This seems to be applying to a lot of the EX moves in XIV, instead of just being the same attack animation as the regular version but with different properties ala XIII.
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